Why do boomers worship this gun-grabbing, amnesty-granting, interventionist fuck?
Why do boomers worship this gun-grabbing, amnesty-granting, interventionist fuck?
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Whoa, pal. Reagan sucked hard. No one I knew supported him. That "Morning in America" bullshit. Running huge deficits, insane military spending, deep cuts to health and human services. Hideous administration.
Hes was sucking too much of those Paki cocks.
What an insufferable faggot.
Maybe if Democrats didn't nominate Carter, Mondale, & Dukakis in the 80s, then maybe they wouldn't have gotten btfo.
because white america was doing great. We will never live in that time period again. Think about how great it must have been to live in the 80s with a majority white nation. It is nice to reminisce.
His soviet Russia jokes were great.
Cater would have won if it was not for the neolibs. especially Ted Kennedy.
he was there when russia collapsed so he gets a big ole pass.
Boomer serfs were conditioned in K-12 to see actors as high class people. Of course Reagan was a two faced snake. The Romans knew to not let actors near the political system. The rulers push actor worship in schools and media, so they can eventually get a Reagan or Justin DUDE WEED into office.
Part one of our exclusive interview with Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans. Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner, turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control.
Kennedy was out of his mind if he seriously thought he had a chance of being president after '69.
Reagan was responsible for that decline, turned California into a blue hellhole. But don't worry boomers, at least you got your actor president who had speech writers who could make good jokes!!!!!!!!
he did work with the Russians as I recall to achieve this.
The bommers dont feel this way because they reminisce. Also that cheap labor Reagan created helped white america lot. The problem is white america started to take the welfare and abandoned the nuclear family like black america did decades ago.
Ronald Reagan classified the most important astronomical discovery of all time!
After a long search on Dec 30th 1983, Dr. Robert S. Harrington, lead Astronomer for the US Naval Observatory, discovered and confirmed the long sought after Planet X. This amazing discovery was in the news for a day or two until Reagan was asked to classify it so the media could no longer discuss it. This is the sole reason for Global Warming / Climate Change today. It's a space event.
Read the history.
The guy was an amnesiac puppet. GHWB waas running a CIA op the whole time.
Iran Contra
Crack epidemic
subversive interventionism
David Coppa-feel
Presidential pardons
He was the last genuine leader of America in recent history besides Trump.
After him was a line of hand-picked officials to keep the system running
>Bush Sr., former leader of the FBI
>Clinton, Democrat which has his wife involved in all the money and connections in the party and beyond
>Bush Jr., son of Bush Sr.
>Obama, charismatic and young to push the diversity movement
Expected outcome:
>Clinton, the wife of the former president
Trump broke that line of expected officials who clearly have their hands in the pot
Very semetic shill Ivan. You will receive may rubles in the breadline tomorrow.
because the media has told them too and rinos cant think for themselves. dont forget reagan wasnt shy bombing on command.
Because Reagan
>defeated the USSR
>was a non-interventionist
>fixed the economy
>made america GREAT AGAIN
Those are all good. Deficits are good for the economy, military is good for the economy, and cuts to heathcare are good since Federal healthcare is unconstitutional
Don't forget no-fault divorce, which has led to men being ass raped by the courts and contributed to the destruction of the family.
That had nothing to do with it. No fault divorce just means you can legally divorce without a reason
because he won 49 states (basically 50), it gives hope that a republican can win, ever. As opposed to the usual electoral map in pic related
He's also somebody democrats love to shill now for their anti-gun ideology. Reagan got shot, then went full retard on gun control (he had already been in favor of gun control when armed niggers were marching the streets in california, but shilled it harder at the federal level after he got shot). So when scalise got shot last year, the democrat party media figured he'd go full retard on gun control like reagan, but that didn't happen. The media was noticeably butthurt he didn't do a 180.
Because his mental health reforms, they had no choice.
Didn't he close down insane asylums?
Reagan was a fucking puppet. How the hell do you think a 70 yo man with Alzheimer's not only got elected, but then re-elected in a fucking landslide? James Gardner, vice president under Reagan in the Screen Actor's Guild is on record saying he never had an original idea in his life and wasn't qualified to run the Guild much less the state of California.
Not without deinstitutionalizing everyone inside them first.
Actually, no fault means that it doesn't matter why. Thus, no FAULT. So if your wife is the town pump, and you prove it, she still gets half of your shit.
Well what else should he have done?
Can you be stupid after 5pm
>Destroy marriage with no-fault divorce
>Destroy gene pool by importing nonwhites
>Destroy Florida by importing millions of Cubans and Guatemalans
>Destroy California with amnesty
>Destroy gun rights by grabbing automatics
>Destroy work force with cheap labor
Amerimutts exist because of Ronald Reagan infecting the white gene pool with Mexican mutt genes.
Can you stop being stupid?
Not been a Hollywood shill in the first place.
>because he won 49 states (basically 50), it gives hope that a republican can win, ever. As opposed to the usual electoral map in pic related
"The usual map" exists because of the illegal beaners he gave amnesty to.
Are you retarded?
>Last genuine leader besides Trump
Boomer, please.
Nixon was the last real leader. Everyone since has been a byproduct of (((their))) successful coup against him and instilling puppets instead.
Carter was too. That's why Washington destroyed him. He wasn't doing what he was told.
Because my dearest user Boomers are the most consumerist fucks ever to exist. Reagan was the (brand) Conservative and deluded people into thinking that's the way he governed. Boomers don't think criticly, reject logic in most forms and will to this day cling to the delusion that he sank the Soviet Union through the power of his spending(even as his policies ensure that the overall communist long game would succeeded here at home). Reagan was a bone tossed to discontent Republicans to ensure that they would accept a total loss of every position they claim to stand for within eight years.
california, nevada, new mexico, colorado, yeah. reagan amnesty doesn't explain midwest/northeast being perma-blue after him.
his policy toward limiting drug use was fucking idiotic mind you nixon started it, shit not even the Qing dynasty what many would consider a totalitarian regiem today didnt even imprison shit load of its people during the opium crises it threw them into rehab clinics.
Because the spics didn't just stay in the southwest.
He was a major salt miner of that time. Trump took it to a new level.
Oh yeah -
OP is a gigantic faggot
It's a literal meme. The right accept Reagan as some sort of shining virtue, even though he was a leftist idiot. Try arguing with your average right-winger about how shit Reagan was. They'll be incensed with you. He's basically a religious figure to most of the right.
>Nixon last real leader.
Good fucking god, go learn history.
His retarded ass still has us in the drug war almost 50 years later.
Nixon is a faggot and I hope people spit on his grave
>Federal healthcare is unconstitutional
hmmm... under which article? I'm reading through the constitution right now and not one single sentence is made that would verify your opinion.
I thought Regan advocated gun ownership even after getting shot in an assassination attempt
>reagan amnesty doesn't explain midwest/northeast being perma-blue after him
what if I told you the only reason reagan let the spics stay was to bust up unions and cuck the White man out of a job so his meat packing plant owning buddies could hire cheap brown labor?
would that make sense? Because that bullshit behavior is the exact same reason the white working class voted democrat and not republican in the past.
>His retarded ass still has us in the drug war almost 50 years later.
niggers being in jail instead of voting for the left is bad, why?
This is the redpill about the cold war. America lost. The soviet union collapsed, but the American way of life was destroyed. It was an ideological watt and the US only built weapons.
muh tax cuts
>lolbertarians mad that it isn't legal to fry their brains with dope
Sorry Nixon was a man of the people fighting against the degenerate drugs that rotted the minds of the public and turned them into docile complacent good goys.
Drug abuse is directly correlated with social justice and globalist faggotry in western society.