Americans, Jews, and Muslims BTFO
Americans, Jews, and Muslims BTFO
There's nothing in Islam that says you have to circumcise, it's just a cultural thing. In fact, the Quran actually says not to mutilate the body. Only Jews should be squirming.
>male mutilation is still legal almost everywhere
Cred Forums on suicide watch
why would decent people act like Muslim and Jews
grats to Iceland
If you get rid of the Jew God I would be honored to move to your country
>t fedora faggot
Also New Testament says there is no reason to be circumcised
>jews commit the worlds worst atrocities, start all the wars, lead the masses down the wrong path
Somehow these are comparable to circumcision
>icelanders murder babies on mass
>tfw got circumcised even tho im not american, a muslim, or a jew
Good. Wish my parents weren't barbaric idiots.
are you korean?
>first european country to propose ban
Nigga what? Its been illegal in Finland forever.
There is an old 50s video of an old man interviewed as to why this was originally done. Wish I could find it. The highlight of it was if done early enough (((8th))) day, then it disrupts normal endocrine development. You then get extremities like geniuses and nymphomania et al. The vid would go well in this thread.
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
huh weird
kill every dick cutter on earth
nope, had phimosis when I was 5
also wtf Serbia
Circumcision in Islam is a hadith along with things like shaving body hair so it's second tier doctrine based on something someone said Muhammad did. You are correct that the Quran does establish the human body as made in God's image and perfect which would be first tier doctrine and overrule the hadith but in practice only the hardcore Quranists follow this correct interpretation because Arabs/Pakis/assorted other shitskins are 90 IQ subhumans.
>religious freedom
Like 10 muslims or jews live on Iceland.
What a fucking non-issue
Could be that jews need circumcision to make their sons less sexual araoused and to invest more sexual energy in doing profitable activities?
The same jews that fuck their own men sexual pleasure are the ones that sell us masturbation as something great that you should do constantly.
Also had phimosis. Just regularly brutally wanked for years while I was a teenager and it got fixed.
Do you know how many governments historically have tried to stop us from performing brit milah? If it didn't stop us when it was the Greeks, Romans, Nazis or Communists, it's not gonna stop because Iceland said so either.
i have no clue, i think they fell for the "circumcision reduces STDs" meme
>The same jews that fuck their own men sexual pleasure are the ones that sell us masturbation as something great that you should do constantly.
It's actually by far one of the worst sins you can do in Judaism
Lucky one, apparently my parents would rather listen to their jewish doctor
As it should be, shouldn't have to play with yourself to take a piss
>muslim population 14%
>hurr durr iceland don't ban stuff that us middle easterners do, which is btw. quite barbaric and causes a lot of problems.
Maybe jews and muslims should fuck off back to the middle east and mind their own business. They are semites afterall aren't they. In case they can't find out that europe is not in the middle east, there should be maps available to quickly determine this! I for one am getting really tired hearing about what it is jews and muslims want for themselves, and especially what they want SOMEONE ELSE TO DO. I'm tired of them thinking the world is just one big nation where they can then tell other nations to do stuff for their dune religion.
I have never been happier that actual nation states exists. So you can tell someone you don't like to fuck off and do your own way in your own nation. Imagine losing this, fucking horrorshow with bunch of assholes thousands of kilometers away saying which religious bullshit that you should do or not do.
That pic is funny because Jews from the modern times arent even middle-eastern anymore, but from Kazakhstan and surroundings
>Lucky one
For years I thought the head of my dick was light because I was a kid and it would turn reddish/purpleish/pink like they guys have in porn as I would grow older into an adult. I must have been like 15 when I stumbled upon a porno with a guy with foreskin and put two and two together. I kind of miss the weird dick I had back then though.
You could always bleach it.
If it's still not special enough I could give you even more creative ideas.
I still have a foreskin, dumb yank
i thought i was normal, since i could still stretch what little skin i had, but porn told me otherwise
all that remains for me is some restoration methods
lmao what kind of map is that
it's mainly to show the countries where it typically doesn't happen, and the countries where it typically does happen. the countries in between are considered less relevant
Again, can someone fucking explain to me how Iceland is the first to ban this shit? Its been banned in multiple european nations.
They are the first white nation to do so
Didn't Denmark or Sweden ban it a few years back? Or was the idea just floated?
>white nation
You can't tell me Denmark and Sweden aren't whit
Oh wait a minute. lol how did I fall for that
>the city of Slovenia
>outlawing genital mutilation
>Reykjavik finally gets a rabbi
>first thing he does is call for refugees to come to iceland
Pay attention to iceland in the coming years. Many believe they'd be more cucked than sweden if they weren't a tiny island surrounded by ocean. Just watch what happens as more gain access to a godless liberal state.