What do you do? Whats Plan B?
New Technology Arrives Making it impossible to hide your identity on the internet
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buy a gun
carry on as usual, im not a nazi larper i just have right wing opinions
CB radio.
Go all in. Fuck it. There's nothing I say on here that I wouldn't scream in someone's face if pushed.
Quitting the internet this week, doesn't bring anything good.
I've already embraced that, about 2 years ago.
Going to become a gardener
Eat a taco.
>his phoneline is being disconnected because he hasn't been paying his bills
take shitposting to the next level...for the white race 1488 I don't need this job I'll get a new one after the race war 1488 1488 1488 1488
People are such liars
That happened ages ago, I steal my wifi from cafes. i can barely afford to eat on a weekly basis
but the CIA are happy to use me
Yup, sometimes they aren't though. Sometimes people lie to themselves more than others.
would change absolutely nothing. deepweb would just become the new internet and the old internet would become sort of like what is now TV. jew-owned, corporate-controlled, brainwashistan normieville.
Yeah whatever.
Go find another telepath
I’m a monster on these hoes I’m a monster.
>Wat do
My positions on liberty and individualism are fully defensible. I would be embarrassed at how often I say nigger though. But I figure millions of other white males would also be outed so I couldn't be punished because there wouldn't be enough white males to do all the work that needs to be done if everyone was fired.
The internet isn't run by humans.
They have always been able to see everything you do.
It’s already available so who gives a shit. They’ll see all my memes and probably question there entire belief system. If they don’t commit suicide, then they will grow into a constructive citizen.
Imagine you are part of an alien lab when you are on the internet and you are the test subject.
Provide a source you colossal faggot don't just tell me.
They are looking for the hybrids, human aliens.
Burner phones to shitpost pepe memes in random locations in my neighbor city
It's like goldfish being worried their bowl is tapped by humans
They can see everything in this dimension, it's not difficult.
Do you understand this?
it wont happen like that.
Are you pretending not to have read my comment goldfish?
you are already on a list who gives a fuck, we have lists too niggers
What would be Cred Forums in real life ? Conventions ? Secret conventions? Would Cred Forums users became like those XIX century free masons?
Anonymitity now is quickly becoming impossible. The thing to do now is obscure your identity and become white noise. See: browser addons like blender or trackmenot.
>im not nazi larper
according to you you're not.
t. I have no opinions but have been attacked because that means I'm "complicit," i.e. if you're not rioting and facebook ranting about how you want to punch nazis, it means you condone it, which means you are one.
I think in its going to become like an arms race(if its not already)
Between the anonymity breakers and anonymity hiders.
>smash mirror
>laugh maniacally
Aren't you listening? Humans aren't at the top of evolution
David Icke pls go. And take your meds while you're at it.
Take a look around you obnoxious prick.
Who is this?
He founded NASA.
Name him if you are so smart
I wouldn't change. I will not suppress myself.
Go balls deep.
Name him.
Stop using the internet.
It would reveal the majority of Whites are race realists and hence no reason to hide it anymore. Then the hammer could come down on jews and their shitskin pets because everyone knows where everyone stands now.
What's your bloodtype?
Let's see just how real you have been.
It already is possible and they have the information. the left just needs to get the court to allow them to access the information.
Is that even possible in an modern age?
I live in a city, I use internet for shopping, work schedule, communicating with friends and family.
Go back to my native country and farm olives and figs like my ancestors
Have multiple identities.
Figs are delicious
Are you going to Israel?
oh boy here we go
You can't even name the Jew prickosaurus.
What's the matter?
Too scared to say the name?
wakanda if true
That's another Pole you fucking retard, you're so far gone you can't even read the IDs correctly. Jack Parson, he was into Thelema. Be sure to burn this post after reading. He wasn't the founder of NASA though, so you're full of shit. Have you checked your Thetan levels yet?
I would carry on as normal. I have nothing to lose at this point.
That's his Nick-Name.
What's his real name
Not anymore it's not.
His name is integral to politics.
I'd tell you, but I'm not into comic books or any of that capeshit.
Plan B?
Cyanide and cake.
Birth name, say it.
Say his name.
He's here right now.
Can I say .. I want an app that will virtually travel through your imagination
You can say it, it's funny.
Say his name though, it's looking like you are trying to hide something.
you want me to say Jew prickosaurus ? Why is it like a spell? Do i have to say it 5 times looking at the mirror or something ? dongetit
I'm talking to myself now. Hope that fP8XpsJN won't realise I'm trying to rustle him by using multiple IDs.
Scared of him or something?
brubeck live at carnegie hall is best version of take 5
the studio recording is rather soggy
>never names him either
very clever, user. beat them with their own stick.
That's a good tip. Thanks.
I want to see how famous I am.
Make a new internet service.
I'll stick with plan A. It's such a delightful plan you know
the whole album is very tight.
cheers friend
>it's another veiled eceleb thread
I'm going to sort things out.
Can't stand violence.
Move to MESH.
Internet is boomer tier tech.
Get a blue box and only connect through payphones.
I shall name him Tim.
Start thinking local and go off the grid.
Born as?
This, get a 100€ chink phone, pre-paid sim card, enable GPS spoofing
>this is the price you pay for naming your child "nala"
Wicca is for idiots
Except you are in this day of age
Anything even close to right wing is a nazi ideal
Not sure.
I read "Sex and Rockets" though,
and the works that got him there.
Mainly Crowley etc...also his weird links to Scientology founder, Hubbard.
According to that Story, his wife left him for Hubbarb and Crowley bad mouthed him
We all know how they like to tell stories don't we?
shitpost using my real name, fuck it
Build a new internet
I don't really have an identity. Sure I'm a person with a name and a place of birth but I'm really no one. I have no friends, I have no companion, I have no family now. I don't do much but live on welfare and give me dats from the government because I'm all mixed up in emotions and suicidal, apparently. Even if there was some way of identifying me online, what difference does it make? Not to quote hillary clinton, but what would change? What would happen to me? I'm still a no body doing nothing and I don't see how things can get any worse. I'll go to jail for saying things online? Great, I'm already locked up most of the day and have a curfew if I want to sleep in the bed I have and its not like I can go drinking or party at a bar. My roof and food I eat already comes for the tax payers. So why should I care?
I don't.
Nothing can get me lower than I already am.
It can't be that bad. Think about people who have to live in Somalia.
You can always make friends.
And there's definitely some broad out there for you. If the ugliest man in Uganda can be married twice and have 6 kids that anyone can.
I have nothing to lose. I manage to have gainful employment because I can articulate my views intelligently.
I'm the funny Nazi guy at the office, and I have managed to redpill about 90% of my office and have ghettoized the Jews I work with by convincing them to lobby for a Jewish only space.
All three of them now share an office.
But all the women here are shallow and only look at what you can provide for them. I have nothing.
Well, I have this phone. But it was given to me for emergencies and so they can keep track of me. GPS and all that stuff.
what about immigrant women.Women from more traditional cultures where men are still valued. Canada gets ton of immigrants .Browse through
Also on average women get more friends than men.So if you find a girlfriend you will also meet new friends . Maybe befriend her friends boyfriend.
But then we are loosing we will be pushed back
>implying I use the internet
My chamber was written off as autistic
Get behind an 8th proxy.
You can't use Proxies on Cred Forums unless you work for the NSA
Say my opinions in public. Don't get me wrong, I already do; I'm pretty good with communications tech and I guarantee you any tracking you are under was at one point consented to or you are complicit in it.
It's simply a categorical imperative to learn Information Technology. From the low level shit with CIDR, DNS, OSI model and how ISP's work you can become *that* much more secure.
Or you can take the faggotpansy approach and hide in a hole. Miserable life.
ayyyyyyyyyy i miss those pidermans
Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with this. Plan B is 2nd American Revolution mate
daily reminder the protocols used to implement the Internet as you know it were written by grad students over a few summer months, they are hopelessly broken and even a simple thing like an ip address cannot be trusted or tied to a physical machine since BGP is a fucking joke
Ie ip to machine translation and vice versa cannot be trusted and the relationship between them cannot be trusted
>Making it impossible to hide your identity on the internet.
it's already pretty much impossible to hide your identity on the internet.
your ISP knows.
Here we test arguments. If we have to move into the open we will perfect them and destroy our opponents. The longer we are here the longer (((they))) stay alive.
Any new technology that does that will subsequently also holds the means to do the exact opposite of that. This site will also likely be the first ones to know about it too. So, there is no Plan B. It's not necessary.
It also depends on the browser.
Chrome calls home so no matter how many proxies/VPNs you use if you used your real IP once you're fucked since google turns data over at any type of warrant from any country.
They were also on the Wikileaks as major NSA data dumpers.
They also sell the user data etc.