Would you do it?
You will get paid 5000 rubles a day.
Putin invites you to spy on your own government and shill against it online
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explain to me how you think anyone here can "spy on their own government"
jk filtering thread
I'll do it for fucking free.
I'll kill my god damn government for 5000 rubles total.
Tell me more...
I have...information.
what is that in real money, like 50 bucks?
our government is already a shitshow, so sure why not.
No, only if my government was a corrupt piece of shit that lies constantly to control its population.
In which case, I'd do it for free. But not for him.
88 Ameribucks a day, what a cheap bastard
>... Is this Osborne Cox?
>Would you do it?
>You will get paid 5000 rubles a day.
Good, good.
>what is that in real money, like 50 bucks?
close $88.64
they actually pay 12,500 rubles
>12,500 rubles
Sounds like a deal. We shill for a native rightwing politician, right?
beer money
I would tell him to go fuck himself. I'm a real American, a Democrat patriot that will always fight for our country.
Still less than what I earn everyday. make me a better offer.
OP sauce me on where I can sign up you data mining faggot
I wouldn't spy for my government but I do the other thing for free right now so why not?
I would also report.
There's a layer of the intelligence community that's actually more retarded and patsy-like than the general public, so the dumbasses frequently forget the difference between their persona, their real experiences, and those of the people they're trolling. It's kind of like if you ask a 3-year-old what his mom's favorite color is, he'll say his own favorite color.
Fuck Russia.
Double it
Absolutely. The United States is dead.
Sup CIAniggers
Would you fuck my ai gf for 5000 rubles?
>88 dollars a day
make it 150 and sure
Democratic patriot?
Think you need to quit being an ass.
I wouldn't betray my country for Slavs. A pure powerful ethnostate would be tempting but I'd work to change my country. Loyalty is the whitest virtue you can have.
Sign me up,our government is shit to begin with.
Uh w-why w-would i commit treason asio sama...
Instead could I shill for trump for 100 dollars a day?
Nice try, FBI.
trumptards do it for free
You shill for whatever will make your country destabilize and look weak on the international stage. Sometimes it is a right-wing politician, sometimes Muslims, whatever makes it look bad.
The "Intelligence Community" was a mistake. Their shilling is so obvious.
Cheap fuck. I've pissed away more than that on frivolous nothings and laughed
Heres my phone number +46 10-568 70 00
>5000 rubles
> 5,000 RUB =88.4064USD
No, I'm not a faggot fanboy. This Russia thing is a witch hunt, but I'm not naive enough to think that Russia is a friend and not looking out for its own interests first and foremost.
Their subversion of the West outlived the Soviet Union, I have no illusions about the goals and capabilities of the Russians.
Democrats are the only patriots left in this country. Republicans have no problem selling out our country as long as it suits their agenda.
Given recent events, this is the quick way for any burger to get put on the short list. Probably bongs and western euros, too.
>The mailman stopped by at 12:31 today. 22 minutes later than yesterday. Something is up, but he pretended like he was operating on his normal schedule. I will need to keep an eye on him.
>I saw the garbage man kick the neighbors can after he got out of his truck and moved it further into the street. Clear threats of violence and intimidation, but I will not be moved. They know I'm watching them now and they're trying to scare me, this has turned into a battle of wills.
Oh please, both parties have been selling us out to the chinese.
Shh, don't tell them. I'm collecting IPs as we speak.
China being capitalist is still better than them being a bunch of insane NK tier commies though. Nixon opening China up to the west was the most important thing he did of his presidency.
>getting put on a list for making smartass comments
I would never spy on my country. Let's not even joke about the 20k/year for such an offence.
I would shitpost for 20k/year though, in my spare time, sure. I could be a Hilldog online for $87/day, why not? Easy fucking money.
> 2200 euro a month
I make 6700 euro with my current job
that's slightly more than what someone gets in NEET bux per month here, I'd rather do it for free and save daddy putin the money, just send mail order waifu my way
Russian who try it at home are shot and killed by Putin Mafia.