Is there really a legitimate reason for white men to be so angry?
Is there really a legitimate reason for white men to be so angry?
Not really. They are the most privileged class of human being in the world. They can get jobs simply by having a white name like John Roberts. They can move up in socioeconomic class just because their dad owns the restaurant. And they'll never experience real racism in their lives, just more PoC representation on screen which they think is so bad for them they call it a genocide. Imagine never having to suffer an actual genocide so you think your low birth rate counts as one.
You can disagree with me and call me a liberal, but at the end of the day, you would never want to be born as anything but a white man because you know it gives you an extra edge in life.
Yes. /thread
Hello, JIDF. Ya'll are getting good at your jobs.
>Is there really a legitimate reason for white men to be so angry?
Keep asking that, while you constantly question our existence. Literal mongoloids.
I'm not even angry, we just have a lot of work to do to restore civilization, I'm just ready to see shit hit the fan, especially in Europe.
Before Fox News, the media just reported on made up stories from Hollywood
The most privileged group of human beings is legally discriminated in favour of women and non-whites.
Eat shit and die
we are not angry enough. after whole europe kill or deport all niggers and muslims, we will be angry enough.
We can only lose. Over generations, we've carved out a life & culture that every other vermin race envies, and they will do anything to take it from us. We gain nothing from letting them into our countries, we can only lose.
So, unless you think 'equality' is a good idea, and being equal to canibal rapists & streetshitters doesn't bother you, I suggest you get fucking angry.
>Inb4 jews ain't white.
>attack white man
>use pic of the movie where the white honest working man got screwed by everyone.
They only say they are white when it fits the narrative
Then they say they aren't white but jews when all is said and done
They hide within the white race, but even they don't consider themselves white. They just know they look white enough for darker races to just to accept them as white , yet white people can always spot the jew
i think you've just described the jews.
You're confusing classes with races.
Black rich people have more rights than poor white.
I can think of at least one
pic related
Yes, we get really angry when we don't get what is ours, hence we'll take it.
you really think one caveman shared with another when there wasn't enough to go around,.. NO,.. we club your fucking skull in, enslave your family and take your shit.
we're the most bloodthirsty savages to have walked this planet and you will obey us until you're all assimilated.
>being born white instead of a jew
>jews most privileged
>ignores jewish privilege
ADL on a rampage around here
I wish.
Yes, its called reverse racism you fucking dunce. It's easy for blacks to bitch about their history and ancestry, and enduce white guilt, but they think there were no other races that were enslaved throught history. Now all whites must be made to feel less superior than all other races. Rhis is the only way to achieve some sort of victory in the long run. Its the jews ultimate long term plan. But once white man goes, the world is fucked. Good luck faggots.
Extreme white survival people. Look around its happening.
Salty ass bitch, this is why your such a useful idiot
Hello, jew. You should probably start packing up for Israel before it's too late.
holodomor, armenian genocide, 1000 years of indentured servitude, potato famine, etc etc
there were more irish slaves in the american colonies than all other races combined
Yeah ok. You deny them scholarships, Jobs, etc because of their skin color, but you’re right you disgusting scum bag, they’re privileged
Yes, their civilizations are being eroded by inclusivity.
Angry white men? On what planet do you live, go in a neighborhood with many white people you'll see how peaceful it is, go in a black neighborhood you'll see how violent and criminally insane niggers are.
sick bait bud.
>whytpepo never experience racism
>whytpepo will never experience genocide
>what is rhodesia
>what is south africa
if you actually do believe this, gas yourself.
Rich whites outrank rich blacks though.
Retards got absolutely BTFO. Fpbp.
In America one of the most popular news channels is literally an endless charade of angry white people getting angry about stuff that upsets them.
You mean the jew right?
You don't even know what white is. You can't even agree on a definition for it. All I gotta do to destroy the idea of white nationalism is to ask you guys what ethnicities are white and watch you destroy yourselves. It's rather pathetic.
people can be angry whenever the hell they want
the resting position of the world is not a fair one where everyone plays nice and shares
the resting position will be one in which some get more because they give more
when change the resting position to one directly NOT in those peoples favors, the 'fairness' of it will be of no concern to them
user is correct though, Jews have better outcomes then whites so must be more privileged by your definition
Dont confuse Jewish for white.
Picture 100% related.
Just because they're angry doesn't mean they resort to violence.
Yes. Their entire race is being systematically destroyed while their daughters are too busy to care to raise a family because they're getting dicked down by Tyrone's BBC.
I thought this rag went belly up
I'd rather have an angry white man near me than a murderous brown man.
Yeah-- it's basically open season to be extremely racist toward white people.
Even worse these same people are working hard on redefining racism to make this legally permissible as well.
It's an easy thing to get angry about.
If they keep on pushing and they'll create the very fascism they claim to be afraid of.
diversity quotas and affirmative action
Just accept a world where being white isn't an advantage.
>Is there really a legitimate reason for white men to be so angry?
The media people may be angry but I rarely encounter an angry person and as being white and meeting a lot of people I cant say white people are angry.
Got that far.
That's a code word. Privileged means 'capable'.
The rest of you benefit.
Then the above the law crime rings (politics/money/ usual suspects) and their media use you - ultimately to your own disadvantage - but initially as a way to disadvantage us in order to be able to get away with crime, crime that we have stopped them doing in every phase of history up until now.
I love the way the media image is used by OP as of course to dweebs and sub white male intellects a colourful media publication is the ultimate judge and arbiter of reality (not an invested player).
Yeah-- you can't say "privileged" without explaining that it means hard work, intelligence, or in previous centuries-- the victories of my ancestors.
Life isn't fair, but you can make it less unfair by improving your own life through hard work and intelligence. If it's victory you're looking for, wave the american flag proudly above your head and you'll be victorious every time America wins--- and your descendants will be "privileged" from these victories. Hopefully some cowardly and resentful marxist doesnt killl them for this though.
Ofcourse when niggers have subhuman IQ, sucks to be nigger.
Per Unz (a Jewish conservative) in his article “The Myth of American Meritocracy”, 65-70% of elite high school performers (based on test scores) are non Jewish whites, but only 15-22% of elite schools are made up of non Jewish whites. Whites are objectively the most discrimated against when it comes to institutional decided economic opportunities vs objective merit.
>In fact, Harvard reported that 45.0 percent of its undergraduates in 2011 were white Americans, but since Jews were 25 percent of the student body, the enrollment of non-Jewish whites might have been as low as 20 percent, though the true figure was probably somewhat higher.51 The Jewish levels for Yale and Columbia were also around 25 percent, while white Gentiles were 22 percent at the former and just 15 percent at the latter. The remainder of the Ivy League followed this same general pattern
>Why should white men be paranoid
>Lets just publically demonize them on our jewish run magazine.
Why are shitskins so obsessed with living with us? Seems everyone would be happier if they permanently left white countries. Most of the world is non-white. Go somewhere else.
American mutt here.
No, there really is no reason. Just like there's no reason for Antigua to be acting the ass in the streets, the Tea Party to have whined about Obama in the streets, BLM for disrupting traffic... And so on and so forth.
Not saying there's not legitimate socioeconomic and political disagreements we have with each other, or issues we can improve on and tackle... But most of the rabble on all sides is from proles with little to no self awareness.
That's why it was so easy for the Ruskies to use fake accounts and memes to divide us. Appeal to people's insecurities and voilà.
>They can get jobs simply by having a white name like John Roberts.
Do you mean in white countries built by people like them?
Antifa*... Fuckin autocorrect
That's white WOMEN you retard
There are several
>demographic replacement in their home countries.
>mainstream (((media))) is full of anti-white propaganda
>racist "diversity" policies mean qualified whites are being denied employment in favour of unqualified niggers.
Need I go on?
the teapartiers actually got candidates elected and didnt disrupt their communities to victimize people. It's not "both sides"
How many scholarships are white-only? How many are male-only? I was a liberal so I voted for equality, but only white men wanted equality.
How dare you be so angry when there is an effort to wipe your race off the face of the Earth!
Loose flesh is gross
Real fascinating stuff. You think black people wouldn't be able to move up if their dad owned a restaurant and they were named John Roberts? Troll or a fucking idiot. Most white people have zero connections due to nepotism.
BLM has resulted in settlements and discussion of policy change. Antifa has put pressure on the alt-right.
Yes, it is both sides. Both sides tactics have gained political ground for better or for worse.
A lot of white guys struggle to get good jobs you fucking retard.
Obvious slide thread is obvious.
Up your standards, guys.
Are you retarded EU fag?
White male are fags.
take that back paco
Well then man the fuck up.
Uber fucking fags.
Different strokes different folks. You see loose flesh, I see dinner.
In an attempt to equalize the outcome for all people, society has stomped on those deemed the "oppressors." The problem is that they weren't oppressors, they were just the majority of the West and by far the most productive and therefore successful. This, by liberal definition, made them the enemy.
If the acquired something it must have been through stealing from others. If they built something it must have been on the backs of others. Because they are incredibly tolerant people, they accepted this notion for a long time and went about their lives, continuing to be the most productive and successful people on the planet. The discussions continued to label them worse and worse but the work continues and society was kept afloat.
They paid for and built the schools where this nonsense is taught. They pay for the welfare and food stamps the protestors need to survive. The serve in the armed forces and governments that protect those seeking to destroy them. And now they no longer wish to accept blame for the misfortunes of others while simultaneously underwriting their lives from cradle to the grave.
Enough is enough.
Emo faggots.
Yes, kike, there is.
will you faggots stop replying to this bait?
America taking shitposting to yet another level...
Nobody has pointed out that Michael Douglas is Jewish, hence kikes larping as white yet again. You're slipping, Cred Forums.
Nah I wanna talk about how white men are emo faggots.
>They can get jobs simply by having a white name like John Roberts.
Everyone should change their names to John Roberts. 100% employment.
Leftists will fuck up the world. White males will put it back together again. The cycle begins again.
I know a guy who did. And he instantly got job offers. It was sad and funny.
There's more whites than there are blacks dumbass
>They can get jobs simply by having a white name like John Roberts
No. White males are the lowest hiring priority in any job that can't be considered utter shit; more of them will have been rejected from a position than the number of women and non-whites that have even applied.
False. Literally happened to a friend. Changed his last name from Spanish to white. Instant job.
How is this kike thread still here?
>make a cover that makes white men angry
>"but y u mad tho"
White's were always more compassionate, you sound like you're describing niggers. Even neanderthals shared and helped their weak and injured.
And I wonder how many more STEM interviews I'd be invited to if I put a female name on the application.
we getting angry controlled and systematically, atleast the above 100 iq ones. just keep pushing us. good luck.
Whites are the only people in the west that you can slander all day and still keep your job.
Most of these whites are not anywhere near the Slave Master class of society. But these poor whites are often mocked as being White Supremacist.
Other ethnicities may be legally discriminated in favor of. Whites may be legally discriminated against. These are the people that everyone calls Supreme.
Whites can't say that blue, white and yellow are more beautiful that brown and black and still keep their jobs.
When is the last time that anybody you know said something nice about whites in general?
Whites had better get militant and organized while they still have enough members to be relevant.
White man, your masters are Jewish people who come from Eastern Europe. Expose your masters if you want to have so much as the right to decide who is white and who will live among you.
You're probably a white person that listens to punk rock
The only person he kills in the movie is the nazi
>"Is white male paranoia real?"
*points finger at them and paints them as oppressors*
I don't know, you tell me.
If I say there is, there is. If I say there isn't, there isn't.
>t. white male
it's this
They've been paranoid for more than 20 years since that piece of shit movie came out.
Literally don't be a goblin and you're white, only on Cred Forums do people disagree because calling each other niggers or mutts is funnier, and so is crashing threads.
Do you think your white interviewers can’t tell you hate them for being white? Whites are very good at reading people and analysing their behavior.
>A lot of white guys struggle to get good jobs you fucking retard.
Because alot of white guys struggle to work hard, unlike kikes and chinks
>That's why it was so easy for the Ruskies to use fake accounts and memes to divide us
Jesus Christ.
>Is there really a legitimate reason for white men to be so angry?
Yes. The Talmudian parasites are destroying our countries and have even falsified history.
Jews are not white
>inb4 I said inb4
Indians from South America and african men collect coffee beans for white men so he can buy them from his next door shop.
Asians make white man's computer's components and sew his clothes.
White women appear in porn flicks and take ten black dicks so so white man can jack off to that in front of his computer made by asians.
Mexican man/woman cleans the room in where white man has made a mess.
And so on...
Listen to me you filthy goyim. Those evil whites don't want to smile when being told to die and accept being replaced.
>You don't even know what white is.
Because white changes based on statistics
I'd say that tabloid cover is a good reason
>and watch you destroy yourselves.
Found the jew.
Your only playing yourself, because when it comes down to it, survival wont be a race thing, but an alpha thing. Strong minds. Real men will prevail, weak men will perish.sorry, your jewery doesnt effect my mind.
>real life jedi knight.
>Your only playing yourself, because when it comes down to it, survival wont be a race thing, but an alpha thing. Strong minds. Real men will prevail, weak men will perish.sorry, your jewery doesnt effect my mind.
If you're one of those/pols brainwashed to be obsessed with jews, you're already playing without a full deck and don't have much chance of success.
Fuck yourself. They exploited racial tension.
The /pol mentality is a losing one... Just so you know.
Nince merch!!
No. Absolutely not. There isn't a single reason to be mad you fucking faggot. KYS
What ... being angry has been the recipe to our success for ages! What do you think drove those Indoeuropean horse niggers to conquer most of Eurasia by the end of the Bronze Age?! Sure wasn't love and flowers (although they did sometimes bury their esteemed dead with lots of weed inside their kurgan style burial mounds).
So why doubt a behaviour proven by the ages?
God I fucking hate nu/pol/.