So Cred Forums, guess my son's race
>please kill me
School Shooter.
Last place
Czech or Portuguese
South Italian
Subhuman beasts are subhuman beasts no matter how you spin it.
Some kind of Balkan.
Just admit it you kidnapped that child.
something eastern euro. Or maybe like half turk, half armenian, georgian etc.
arab jew
Why are you putting a picture of your son on here you lefty asshole? You should be drawn and quartered for this.
We have a winner
The race to put him in a Polish Death Camp
Is that the interior of an old airplane?
Looks like it from some Miyazaki movie.
South Italian is not a race faggot.
KYS and your ugly baby.
South italians, have a mixture of races, so you could say we are neither white or arab
so 56%
I knew it because he looks a bit like me when i was a kid lmao
Half white half goatfucker
fucking this
We like to say hupeople
Saudi Arabian?
Who the fuck posts their kid here? The fuck is wrong with you
It doesnt matter, what matters if your a good faithful man and a good father
Brown eyes. Pale complexion, but still dusky. Holding a pistol at four years old. I am going with Brazilian.
I'll just go with not white. Oh and thanks for the mafia.
That looks like me wtf delete this!! What are you doing posting family pictures on here?
South italians are disgusting
1st, not yor son
2 obvious slav is obvious.
Post with your real flag asshole
>OP kidnapped a mexican and sailed away
aren't slavs blondie with light colored eyes?
Anyone who posts his child's face on the internet is an unfit parent and moral criminal.
By the pink jacket I would say faglord.
>oh and thanks for the mafia
Thanks for your SJWs and white guilt ridden cucks.