Hello Cred Forums, I am apart of the Hollywood elite. For the next hour, I will be willing to expose some of the secrets of our trade.
Feel free to ask me any related questions.
Hello Cred Forums, I am apart of the Hollywood elite. For the next hour, I will be willing to expose some of the secrets of our trade.
Feel free to ask me any related questions.
Like how elite ? There is different circle. Feel free to share anything you know.
Im apart from the hollywood elite too ask ME questions
Make me.
I'm the leader of the freemasons AMA
Is Kevin Spacey gay?
Pooper in the sharpie
Most fucked up thing you saw?
How many guys use the "You gotta suck a couple dicks to get to the top" line, with no intention of ever seeing the slut again?
I'm tending to believe this faggot much more than this single post nigger
Q predicted this
also saged
What secrets are there to expose? We know Hollywood is all Jews making anti-white shit.
Are the Jewish women really in control?
>1 post
>t -45 min.
How many actresses's nudes were leaked intentionally to drum up publicity?
2nd question:
Do actresses have to send blackmailable nudes to movie producers?
are all celebs brainwashed? Or just a couple?
Set me up with a fucking job plz
Been out here 3 years and I'm stuck in a call center, eternally on the outside looking in
I've hidden my power level like a champ
Do they have special 'esoteric knowledge' consultants who help cram in all the occult messages and images?
wakanda if true
why don'y you fucking answer a question
r a r e
Name some Hollywood perverts that haven't been outed yet. Doesn't have to be misconduct, could be any consensual perverse shit too. Any concrete stories?
Nah, we already know about you lot. You're a bunch of entitled sex freaks with giant egos, the absolute most boring people on the planet. All we want from you ignoramuses is entertainment and to not fuck kids, okay? We don't want to hear about your dumb "secrets" or beliefs or opinions. FYI, none of you are elites. You are nothing more than tools for the elites.
truth. look at those beauts. we're done here.