What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Likely just bantz
One can’t enjoy the taste of candy...One can’t enjoy the feel of sex...
He's 100% correct.
He just likes going bareback
goddamn I love Duterte's bantz
>Cred Forums's hero is a dicksucker
Straight guys don't eat dick.
I knew a girl who could stick a hard candy in her mouth, unwrap it, and tie the wrapper in a knot with her tongue. Sucked dick like a champ.
He wants flip women to get HIV from black US soldiers.
Duterte is always right.
he wants his people to have kids
nips are cuckposting now???
kek this
he is dare is /our/ guy. I can already hear libatarf head popping off
>not posting the gif
shit had me cracking up for a good 5 mins
Wanna know the cure for aids? its called marriage and fidelity
Nips are the biggest cucks.
You only needs to visit China to understand this.
this. wtf
Condom sex isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
Sure thing, Shlomo.
the truth.
If you have a real sized penis condoms allow you to feel around the vaginal canal, without one it's all just a wet mess, with one you can feel cervix and shape
Americans can't with mutilated Jew dicks anyway.
Stay safe Swedanon.
t. Jimmy Savile
This, when was the last time a world leader talked about how condoms make sex worse on the international stage?
philipino kids
ok David-san
good luck with your uncut dick that no girl will ever want to put in her mouth
>t. 99% man
With condoms, intercourse isn't even sex. You're just masturbating against each other from opposite sides of a latex sheath.
having safeguards and safety nets to prevent failure makes life feel cheap and crusty, just like using a condom when youre having a one night stand feels hollow and unrewarding. a man needs to be confident in his own ability, in this case the confidence to have and support a family by his own hard work and dedication.
>he tells himself this at night to feel more secure about his weird penis
Sorry that the Jews got so deep into your head after moving the cover for your other head bro.
It really is man, I can't cum with a condom on, I have to keep adding lube every 15 min or so, and after a while gf is all sore for the latex, and I have try a lot of brands, the M "natural" it's the most bearable so far.
that feel when you pull out just in time and nut all over her and she doesn't get pregnant is like tasting your favorite candy that you only have on special occasions
Ive probably put my uncut dick in more girls mouths than you have even touched in your life lmaoing @ you IRL stay butthurt
Lemme guess, the full statement gives the context and meaning, but fuck that, again.
>uncut fag calls circumcised penis weird
>lie after lie
why must you be so dishonest?
Aye well at least I actually have the choice if I want my foreskin or not
And I bet if you guys had a tradition of cutting off eye-lids instead you'd call people weird if they still had them.
The Jews are deeper in your mind that I thought :/
>cutting off part of your genitals, something traditionally practiced by the biggest subhumans on earth and kikes
>not weird
>implying foreskin is as necessary as eyelids
we need eyelids to protect our eyes from dust, debris, and bacteria.
foreskin literally makes it easier for bacteria to grow.
holy shit now THAT'S #BASED
why is cutfag's only argument "lmao dickcheese"
don't you niggers have water?
>hey just remove the last digit of your ring finger
>as a covenant with my war go-for your health
>yeah you wont have to clean under your fingernail
>foreskin literally makes it easier for bacteria to grow.
Aye bud, that's the ONLY reason we have foreskin, to regress, good one, keep telling yourself that you good little goy.
lol i find it funny how all of you uncut fags resort to "muh kikes!"
it is still practiced because it is more cleanly
>b-buh t-the bucteerios o-on the dik!
I'm uncut and pretty happy about it but seriously, both sides of this argument, take a good look at yourselves and how emotionally invested you are in this argument about a SMALL PIECE OF SKIN ON THE END OF YOUR DICK
I was wondering what happened to him, I don't hear anything anymore from the Philipmemes. I guess all the druggies and degenerates are dead.
nah, america is patient zero for kike bullshit, and it really is no surprise you got kiked like that
He failed to feed the leftist outrage machine because people don't care about zips and because he doesn't give a fuck.
You have no idea how much this small piece of skin means for you, as it fucks up your brain when you cut it off.
He likes to suck dicks raw
No it's just funny trying to hear out the justifications that people who are cut give.
You've came into a thread where people are talking about a specific topic and you're trying to scald people for doing so.
A couple of talks on a subject isn't emotional commitment to it, jeez.
i really hope that comment was a non-sequitur. like, the media asking him if he'll stop killing drug dealers and he goes off on condoms.
Beef curtains are also a result of having sex with men wearing condoms.
>I got a free coke at the game by telling one of the black girls working the counter that she looked “like a Hallee Berry posta.” Some guy at the game almost tried to kick my ass when he was looking for his girlfriend, and I told him, “Your girlfriend left with a bunch of black guys.”
>This one girl, after drinking deeply from my CamelBak, informs that she is not in a sorority. Why? Because she was kicked out for leaving dirty condoms outside her room. She got mad when I asked her why she didn’t just save everyone the trouble and tattoo ‘I’m a whore’ on her forehead.
>My idiot cousin had spent the entire pre-game, and game itself, trying to get laid by offering pulls from my CamelBak to every girl at the game. I thought this was no big deal since alcohol kills bacteria and germs, right? Yeah, well, apparently not these germs. Before halftime, I was carrying the entire plethora of viruses, germs and bacteria that every cocksmoking whore at UT has to offer. By the time I left the game, either from a virus or from the gallon of pure grain I had inhaled, I was sick. My lymph nodes were so swollen I looked like I had goiter.
>created by god
>"hmm that lil skin there,ye das rite ,cut it off
>america practices it like its something normal
>whereas in shitholes it's literally normal
>it fucks up your brain when you cut it off
you have a source for that faggot?
The thread was about Duterte preferring it raw
I'm not scalding anyone or at least that wasn't my intended tone, it's more just like
it's fucking bizarre
this many different arguments on this board about that bit of skin again dont get me wrong i wouldnt want to be cut but like it just strikes me as incredibly odd, it doesn't really make me angry or anything but like it's fucking really surreal, know what I mean?
in america the kikes use baby dicks to make beauty cream for amerilards, so it's pure profit as well
>Condom sex isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
t. "I've gotten sex by paying for it" Johnson
>the kikes use baby dicks to make beauty cream
notice how these farfetched claims never have any sources to back them up?
t. israeli benis
>'ONLY' gotten sex
t. Phonefagging troglodyte
I don't really know about that, gf had this perfectly thin labia mayora and I haven't seen any changes from using condoms in the last 5 years, very skeptical about that mate.
We switched for EVRA patches last years and was all good with the world but she had this wierd rashes in her skin so we stopped, oh well still fuck raw 1 day or 2 before her period though
you are BRANDED like cattle by your Jewish overlords.
Kill yourself
There are many other websites, you can google them if you like.
>I would encourage anyone with access to fMRI and /or PET scanning machines to repeat our research as described above, confirm our results, and then publish the results in the open literature.
one non-scientific study does not prove your point.
the author admits to needing independent confirmation of the results.
>muh kikes
try using another argument snownigger
thats bullshit
and those "real feel" thin condoms break after 1 min of fucking
ain't nothing compared to going raw
Also I don't think Duterte was describing oral sex, he used simile to compare intercourse with a wrapper vs candy with a wrapper.
Well I don't know about the donkey skin condoms they use in Mexico. But the latex ones used in the first world cause beef curtains.
Imagine the shit storm when Jews and humans find out their brains got fucked up as a baby. You will never know what it is like to be normal.
''Although experts in venereal disease such as Abraham Wolbarst had called for universal circumcision as early as 1914 [1], it was the obstetricians and gynecologists who were responsible for realising his dream. It may seem strange that the most important advocates of routine male circumcision within the medical profession were experts in women's health, who knew little and cared less about male anatomy, but from the 1930s onwards it was the obstetricians and gynecologists who most vigorously touted the advantages of the procedure and performed most of the operations. Symptomatic of their power was the introduction of the Gomco clamp by the obstetrician Hiram Yellen, who wanted a device that was so simple to use that his colleagues would be able to claim the circumcision procedure from fussy and expensive surgeons who still insisted on anaesthetics and strict control of bleeding.''
>It is virtually universal in the Jewish and Muslim religions, having started with Abraham (Genesis 17: 11) who lived around 2000 BC.
>Abraham Wolbarst
>Hiram Yellen
they OWN your ass,you subhuman mongrel.
Don't breed goy just have useless promiscuous sex with multiple partners until you die.
theres more of it but I dont wanna get banned
Or maybe they shouldn't have recreational sex with strangers, referred to simply as recreational sex from this point
Unwanted pregnancies come from recreational sex
Fatherless children and orphans come from recreational sex
STDs come from recreational sex
False rape accusations come from recreational sex
"I swear she was 18, she told me" followed by 20 years in jail and a lifetime on the sex offenders list comes from recreational sex
Limiting sex marital reproductive sex would solve lots of social problems
And to do that, you just make sure all sex has consequences, and add a few of your own for the ones who do it when they shouldn't
>actual alpha male, aka your boss: has a wife and three kids, wife never cheated on him, he was her highschool sweetheart and he got the exact woman he wanted early on because that's what alphas do
Is he saying not to wear a condom?