A nuclear bomb had been detonated in London and black chemtrails covered the sky. Know that we face our darkest hour yet.
I believe I had a prophetic dream
Other urls found in this thread:
and nothing of value was lost
Of considerable physical stature if it proves to be in-keeping with the facts.
I had a dream that a ton of nukes were fallling from the sky on re-entry.
Maybe you're on to something, OP.
>london glassed
>darkest hour
hmm? pick one?
the only thing that would worry me would be the vaporized shit particles in atmosphere
that last time I hada dream about nuclear holocaust, it was a false allert. Funny enough only days later there was that false alarm in Hawaii
I believe I had one...Aliens...
if singles, nothing happens
I dreamt I had a cute shota catboi
Do you even know how many people have nuke dreams? I've had so many I've lost count. I've had hurricane dreams, alien invasion dreams, sea creature dreams, tsunami dreams.
So if only London was destroyed then England is majority white again.
Can we crowdfund this?
Was it a wet prophetic dream?
I've always said there's nowt wrong with this country that wouldn't be solved by a few megatons on central London.
thats what you niggers get. bunch of faggy gib me dat anglos expecting every one to just bend to your will. well shit happens. im sure the world will be a better place when england stops being considered a country and is officially recognized as a toxic waste dump
Wakanda if true.
week ago I had a dream about nukes exploding everywhere in the horizon, that was beautiful
Isn’t the attack on London supposed to happen on 3/18, or is it 3/8? There was a video on predictive-programming that showed those numbers comming up in a number of films, along with a possible attack on Big Ben, that might include an airplane.
you misspelled pathetic
This is the video thmention predictive programming and the number 38.
Delusions of grandeur
>dead people
>laugh out loud
>jizzed and shat my pants
I had a dream the beast was growling close by me..turns out I snore
Q predicted this
(also I am actually suprised a leaf did this.)