How redpilled are you? Level 10 here.
How redpilled are you? Level 10 here
Other urls found in this thread:
6 that wishes he were a 9
somewhere between 1 and 2
Between 6 and 7.
Are you me? We can do it user bro. Keep trudging the road to happy destiny.
Solid 7
around 7-8
9, working on becoming 10
8, redpilling the shit out of whats left of my family
10- Jesus is lord
Satan is real
prozac makes people susceptible to demon possession.
psychology is mind control
don't take psyche meds
The book of Enoch is required reading
Capitalism, communism, Socialism, Fascism, Anarchism, et al. are all meaningless terms that, at best, describes different parts of the anatomy of the same system, not entirely different and competing systems.
The sermons of Charles Finney are required reading
The apostle Paul was a fraud
Jews aren't Jews
This is the apocalypse
Educational system is behavioral programming
entertainment casts a spell
the spell entertainment casts can be broken
the world is ruled by satan
satan is Azazeel
the "cave dwellers" are disembodied spirits of fallen angels
the rulers of this world take their orders and receive technology from cave dwellers
God is Nothing
Being is Nothing
Nothing you've been told about Hegel is true
There aren't different races, there are different species
The churches are corrupt
the bible is not the complete and infallible word of God
The pope is the whore of babylon
Catholicism is satanism
Adam and Eve are the first of the species God considers human, not the first humanoids species on the planet
Healing the sick and raising the dead is possible if the accurate word of God is spoken
shills are faggots
You can't be truly red-pilled without the Holy Spirit
Own an assault rifle and plenty of ammo
loving thy neighbor means loving thy species
organize offline.
Between 7-8 desu
>Thinks he is level 10, but is nowhere close since he is still an autistic shut in shitposting on Cred Forums
In reality you're somewhere between 3 and 6, faggot.
Mother and sister are 5
probably in between 4 and 5
Back to step 1 degenerate
a 5.5.
still can't decide whats worse 1, 2 or 9, 10. I guess everything too radical just sucks.
probably somewhere between 7 and 8 but i'd like to think somewhere between 8 and 9
Level 5
tldr: we live in a prison planet.
I started from 3, and grew to 7. I'm trying to get to 8 but I'm just too conflicted.
between 7 and 8
i doubt many are genuinely above a 9
also, i was already a 7 when i started coming here around 4 or 5 years ago
Cred Forums hasn't changed my views much, but i have seen a lot here which has emboldened them
8 here
Level 5 and I want to go deeper
>radical centrist
Just for the tip of it
8 & 9, depending on the day.
>t. oldfag
If you've ever posted on Cred Forums you have a computer and an internet connection, therefore you have a bank account therefore you have a stable home and you'll never be a 10.
10s live outside of civilization and have no identities. They'll survive whatever collapse is coming.
Mormons are 8-9.
You silly manchildren are 6s or below.
Dead and come back to life.
>No level where you realise that Nazism was a Jewish conspiracy
Get the fuck off my board, greenie.
>If you've ever posted on Cred Forums you have a computer and an internet connection, therefore you have a bank account
Mom, this guy said I have a bank account, is this true?
going on pol means you must have internet and a computer, which means you must have a bank account having a bank account means you must have a stable home. Lol i mean you're right about me but still this is assumptions the post. I could be a homeless guy posting from a public library with no bank account or shelter.
8, delving into 9.
Hope to go full 10 soon.
the picture is fucking retarded
degenerate sluts are extremely redpilled
0 or 11 depending on how you see it
>t. transhumanist
8, I cannot fully realize 8, 9 ,10. My stacy mother had sex with a spic chad, I look good but am hopelessly autistic and I refuse to create more el goblinos and la creaturas. This shit is not fair , it is torturous. The only tthing I can do is warn others against the degeneracy that is race mixing. My grandmother also had kids with a nigger after a white man and my grandfather had kids with a jew.
Probably 7 and wont go beyond cause im not really white
Was at a 9, then got bored and tired and injured and now I'm back at a 1.
I'll probably level up again when I'm needed.
This to be honest.
They know they're doing what they shouldn't, that's what makes their blood rush.
And they know they can get away with it.
Is this a joke? Loads of these descriptions don't logically follow on from each other.
im about a 9.5
This is retarded as shit, I have never had a bank account and came from a shit broken family, I live outside of society and always have, people don't like me because I am not a retarded cuck like the average person I speak the truth.
>French thought processes .
It ends with us user.
Does it though, how many people actually take put words as wisdom and warning? 99% will just go ion right ahead and pave the way for La luz extinguida.
Level 10 is Scienctology
Honestly, solid 10. Especially compared to other "men" in this shithole. 191cm, 85kg, 151 IQ, redpilled since the age of 15. Converting everyday. But this shithole is dead.
between 7 and 8
I don't fully meet all the requirements. Just have a cell phone with weak service ad I won land in the countryside. I built my own off grid home. Have a wife and 5 white kids. I'm an old fag. I visit Cred Forums because it's a gauge of what's going on. I have firearms, speak 3 languages fluently. Im Extremely redpilled and my main objective is to redpill others and insist they redpill 10 or more people each. And to continue this. I am fighting for the west. I don't know how to level up from here.
Millionaire crypto/forex investor. I don't worry about money. Money is nothing but a means to redpill more people in my free time
I am close to to you in height and I.Q. and have been redpilled since I was 15. Your ego will be your downfall, you have to harness it not let it run your brain like a nigger would.
8 and wishing I could go back to 4.
Gotta say I can see myself in all the levels from 6-10, but I'll say im a 9-10.
>The story of Adam and Eve is the story of the first white people
>The snake was satan, the forbidden fruit was race mixing, and Eve had Children with satan and birthed the brood of vipers and the synagogue fo satan.
>The old testament is the story of levantine white people throughout their antiquity
>The old testament is fulfilled by Christ
>The levantine Christ is not the only time a savior has been sent to white people. Non-leventine whites have been sent for, ie Baldur and maybe Zoroaster.
>The story of white people is one of a child falling away from the father and coming back, over and over, until the end of time, all the while fighting the (((adversary))) and his (((children))). This is the spiritual cycle.
>There are lesser gods like Zeus, Odin, Atlas, Prometheus and these lesser Gods appear in the various levels of the psychic subconscious and unconscious. Think Jungian archetypes.
>But the Most High God can appear on all levels including the material, ie the body of Christ.
>Our ancestors once ruled the world in a way that embarrasses the Roman, Greek, and British empire. One could call this the Atlantean empire and period.
>The atlantean empire was very advanced but technology took on a different form that did not distract people from community, God, and righteousness.
>This atlantean empire was destroyed by a Deluge about 12,000 years ago and the evidence of this empire was largely destroyed but evidence of its existence are available, ie gobekli tepe and the Antikythera mechanism.
>Due to our emphasis on sense instead of intellect or spirit, God has effectively hidden himself from the folk. This is why miracles do not occur: we have a hyper scientific view of the world. God is only revealed to the few who access the spiritual part of themselves.
tldr: God is real, our problems have been solved by our ancient ancestors, leaders are needed to fight evil
9 now, was 5 pre-Trump
manlet confirmed
Between 7 and 8
level 1 is the true redpill. instinct is a better guiding light than sparse bits of pieces of knowledge which the individual builds a false tapestry from.
basing worth on attractiveness or ability is what subconsciously builds civilizations and improves the human condition, and specialization is a much better intellectual functionality than a bunch of wikipedia-citing scatterbrained infograph autists
This isn't about want or comfort it's about struggle and truth, this path is not for everyone user, not everyone will recognize this. You have already started, keep going or your no better than people who are trying to destroy you. You have the knowledge now you have a duty and responsibility to follow through.
Is this OC?
I want to cap this.
It's fine, it's an anonymous imageboard. I never bragged about it, but I of course have a strong self-confidence. It's needed when you're surrounded by leftists and shitskins. I guess many people here might be introverts, but it's something you can change by yourself.
8, I've been lifting for a while now, stronger than average but still have a ways to go. Haven't made it to 9 or 10 because I'm not well read as I would like to be and have not become fluent in a foreign language yet.
Kill yourself in a way that doesn't require any resources made by useful people
I grew up in Chicago. I am aware of this, I am extremely introverted but have forced myself to be more extroverted and it's torture everyday but I have gotten to the point that I can converse and interact with people better than the average super extrovert normalfag can. Adapt and survive.
All me muh man. Include me in the screen shot
this train doesnt stop
Remember the feeling when you realized it is 90% about maintaining eye contact and speaking clearly?
It was like when I realized the importance of trigger control. Seems obvious, but I had no idea how important it really was.
I never had a problem with the eye contact, it would actually freak some people out but the speaking was spergtastic, I really had to work on that.
Somewhere between 7 and 8
6 or 7 mah dude. think i am stuck there.
Good to hear man. Never been through this process, naturally changed in middle school when I realized that I had no reason to be shy not stressed. Chicago seems like an awful place to live. I also developed my eloquence with the time as well as my writing skills thanks to reading. Used to waste time on vg and shitposting too when I was a teen, sadly.
use it well my man.
7 or 8 with a hint of 9.
Though I'm a Jew.
>I refuse to create more el goblinos and la creaturas
You do realize the future of humanity is el goblinos and la creaturas, right? It's inevitable at this point. More and more white boys are racemixing with Asians and Latinas and white women with Blacks and Latinos. If you won't create goblinos and creaturas other people will. The future of USA and other white countries are that of brazil and the rest of Latin America. Filled with mixed mutts with no race to call their own.
Keep your autism under control
I touch on 7-10
It was all for the better and Chimpcongo was terrible, highly recommend avoiding it. I have been coming to this site off and on since 2007. The people that spend a considerable amount of time on this website (to the point of it being a detriment to their lives or others.) are hopeless.
>The world is totally going to be brazil 2.0! just blandaa upp like everyone user!
Fuck you, never.
The 6. The man who is discusted of this world.
You can't be on multiple levels at the same time. You may related to some of the ideas, but each stage represents a very discrete part of the journey towards becoming self-actualized. It's impossible to be more than one at a time.
How do you manage to maintain eye contact? I often find myself glancing away while speaking out of habit.
Level 8 right now. Hoping to be at 9 in a few years
I'm not totally convinced that a jpeg I read on Cred Forums has any value whatsoever.
It's reassuring to see men of value in the US. Jews, niggers, latinos, 56%s, WWII... all of this is really hard to stand. But at least you can deny the Holohoax without going in jail.
>level 1 is the true redpill
That's ecology, not culture and certainly not humanity.
>But at least you can deny the Holohoax without going in jail.
The best you can do is question why it's taught in schools. For most of us anything else will cost us our livelihood.
Level 9000: National Bolshevism
a solid 8
yeah level 5 here.
I'm an 8. Give me a good reason why learning about foreign languages and the roman empire is seen as redpilled? I might level up.
Level 7 here
Somewhat 7...
-light skinn mixed race... (lucky about it)
Hate my black father for what he is...
Working to become 10
Die childless and alone then. It won't stop the course of the country in any case.
>we will all become one race in the future!
>implying evolution stops
Even modern day whites, what we consider to be homogeneous, are a mixture of various tribes. If we did mix together, all equally, then new races what just develope
It makes you more of an intellectual, also learning about foreign cultures so you can hold on to old conservative ideas.
Hard 7, maybe a soft 8, hue.
basically no
I swing from 5 to 8 according to my social environment.
It's always been natural for me.
The freedom of speech is great but watching your nation turn in babylon is disgusting and sad.
Greece needs more 10s
I will, I have something called self control and conviction, I will not be a part of the problem, breaking the chain right here and now.
Some what of a 6 or 7 not really sure. Im in a conflicted mindset with myself over past actions and mistakes ive done. What do?
Started as a 7 and went up to 10. Now back down to 1 because chicks are hotter and sluttier here.
America has been lost since your civil war. I read a really great book published in 1942, "The Jewish America", but it does not exist in English.
need to get /fit/
Looking good user.
This, Hitler was the real shill
America had it's final death blows on December 23, 1913.
I'm black. Level 2 redpilled and man am i tired!
No one here is a level 10, leaf. They wouldn't be shitposting on a board of NEETs and outcasts if so, they'd be too busy making a difference.
If you truly have the knowledge you claim you're a lazy lout who has wasted what you have learned.
Thanks dutch bro. I'm more busy reading books on corruption and philosophy but I suppose I could pick up a book on ancient Rome. Learning another language seems like a waste of time though, unless I plan to live elsewhere.
Nice copypasta
>I'm level 10
No you're not. Anyone close to achieving such enlightenment wouldn't make this shitty, pointless thread.
Somewhere between 7-8
Don't live up to the stereotypes user, break through and show everyone else there are negroes that can succeed. It's up to you!
I copied it from muh soul, user-kun
Oh and to answer the question I'm a self-appraised 8.
Magapedes need to go. You are growing conservatives at best, you don't know shit.
Thanks mate... have a glorious day
>Hurr durr ameriburgers are mutts
Das Rite!
Between 7 and 8 my guy
Im a mix between 1 and 8.
Godspeed brother. I think if you can speak german and english (most of us can) you'll be fine. Have you read the 48 laws of power? It's worth checking out.
go home, shill, youre gay
I'm a solid 5, job and shit going way too good now to be stirring any pots.
Honestly blown away even by how much better my life has gotten in the past year, maybe I really am being blessed by Kek.
Federal reserve?
Tragedy in several Acts.
The Yankees considered with extreme mistrust if not with a frank hostility everything that came from Europe; men and things, ideas and customs. They regarded as frivolous and despicable everything that embellished life, everything that made it pleasant or simply bearable: the most innocent pleasurable as well as libertine entertainment, art in all its forms forms, theater and literature as well as the joys of the table or the alcove. And above all, they did not tolerate the slightest hierarchy - except that of money - the slightest superiority of talent or spirit. Their grandfathers had emigrate out of resentment against "Babylonian" customs of the old world, their fathers had fought with weapons in their hands against the "despot" from London. They considered themselves on their virgin soil as an elect people receiving directly from the Almighty the revelation of wisdom and the material reward of their virtue. In these circumstances, why bother of traditions? The traditions were hateful. They could only be one unnecessary or harmful burden, the legacy of Satan. Only personal merit counted and this merit could inevitably be evaluated only in dollars. It's in the New England that originated this habit which was thereby prevalent in the forty-eight States to judge an individual only according to his material success and to give success a moral significance. If a man wins money it is because God is with him, and if God is with him, it's because he's a fair one.
By their recruitment, by their philosophical formation, the Nordists were both predisposed to carefully maintain democratic prejudices and to have only the worship of the dollar.
They were also dominated by the Jews without even being conscious of that. Only a few men tried to warn the people (notably Henry Ford, the 2nd KKK, father Coughlin or George van Horn Moseley).
A healthy mix of 1 and 8
7 started to go in 8
Sad indeed.
7 I guess. I'm mad about Jews and whatnot, but I', also too lazy to exercise/get married. I realize white birth rates are declining and in the near future the majority of humans are going to be brown/yellow, but I think it would be easier to just start killing off all non-whites than produce more white children. Children suck.
Level 8
I went from a 4 to a 9 in the last year alone
Started as a 4 when I was a teen, turned into a 5 a few years back. Now today I see myself at an 8
Jesus, I bet that was a hell of a ride. Are you working out and lifting?
What you wrote is like you've read National Geographic and goes to church every Sunday. You are certainly on right track, but deluded like the typical american about the world.
You cannot beat these cockroaches by breeding or war, you need extinction level genocide, viruses in the water, nukes, RWDS if you want to be emotional and stupid about about it.
kek theyre tryin to hijack the term redpill
True, but who is going to be the rock that starts that avalanche?
Thanks for your advice. I haven't heard of that book yet. I'll check it out. I used to be a lurker, and have only started reading books like a couple of months ago, when I started looking for more of an intellectual approach to the truth. I've read "Avondland en identiteit" by Sid Lukkassen and I'm currently reading "oorlog is misleiding en bedrog" by Fré Morel. I also bought soumission and elementary particles by Houellebecq. I plan on reading them too.
I do not know but hopefully some pissed off super genius is working on it.
>tfw you can never reach 9 and 10 because of past degeneracy
Yep… meanwhile, the South was very different. Life was kind and easy, adorned with all 18th century aristocratic graces.century. Of course, they did not despise money, but it was not the only title of nobility below the Dixie line. Southerners were proud to have "avowable" emigrant ancestors, who were not unwanted missionaries, or adventurers hunted by European courts.
Socially, a poor planter whose family had made a strain and whose people knew he behaved like a gentleman had a much more enviable position than a happy speculator.
The people of the South, on the other hand, maintained close contact with their original homelands. They kept their customs and traditions. The girls were copying their dresses on those of the ladies of the court of France and the boys were going to Oxford or Paris complete their studies and especially acquire this politeness which is the prerogative of refined civilizations.
In the South, one did not blush to own a library. Hobbies were not held for a mortal sin. From plantation to plantation, they multiplied opportunities to meet each other, invite friends or relatives, then held them back, whole days, sometimes weeks, while imagine for them kind amusements in the taste of the Trianon of Marie Antoinette.
Moreover, the people of the South accepted democracy only half-heartedly, because it was fashionable, because at the time, especially in America, it would have been inconceivable to attack head-on "immortal principles". But basically from themselves they were acquired with the ideas of authority. We saw it well during the war. While Lincoln lost himself in Washington in parliamentary intrigues, while he was chatting in subcommittees and changed his general very often to satisfy influential voters, Southerners immediately accepted, without discussion, the principle of dictatorship and left the President Davis absolutely free to carry out as he pleases the affairs of the Confederation. That's why they fought so bravely.
>suck based black cock much
Quite pandering to niggers it's pathetic, they aren't people forget the individual bullshit
7, making my way towards 8. I accept inequality and i think it is often times, perhaps most times, just. But i think we have an imperative to help one another (im a Christian), and i think we are not allowed to just proceed in a purely darwinian fashion and leave people who suffer to die.
9, especially after becoming a parent.
I often find the smart one is, the meeker they become. At least that's how this country's education system goes.
I wouldn't be holding your breath for it, mate. The smarter they are, the most they have going on in their life, and the more afraid they are to lose it. This is doubly so when standards of living keep dropping, but theirs remains good.
ok, faggot, the idea of a ancient advanced and unknown civilization goes against pretty much everything that National Geographic and other mainstream archeological and anthropological journal will openly admit.
>Going to church regularly and participating in community is bad
Neck yourself Scand-fag
>10s live outside of civilization and have no identities
and who the fuck are you to decide how it works?
>checks flag
oh, nvm.
Slowly but sirely 7. Really jope to get to 10 at later point in life. Young person here.
between 6 and 7
it doesn't work too well to create a stable society, if it were the way to go then everyone in Cred Forums would be a criminal already.
Yeah, almost every day if I can. The next step for me is moving to a less urban place, buy land, and rear my children
I know this but you want to encourage them to be niggers or tell them to try?
Finally, there were elements of a racist doctrine in the southern states.
Officially, the most distressing stupidities of the eighteenth century have become, thanks to the victory of the Nordists, the spirit of the American laws: all men are equal, all men have the same worth. We see all the way that Jews can draw from such a state of spirit to infiltrate among people whose instinctive racism was limited to the color of the skin and which nevertheless remain, on the theoretical level, anti-racist doctrinarians.
It was only in the southern states that before the debacle of 1864, people took position with an absence of hypocrisy of which there is no trace left today. The South, racist indeed, did not blush to assume it openly, frankly. As soon as the Confederation was constituted, the vice-president of the new State hastened to proclaim:
"The dominant idea of Jefferson and most prominent statesmen in the moment of elaboration of the old constitution was that slavery of Africans is a violation of the law of nature. Our new government is built on a completely opposite idea; his foundations are made, his stone angular rests on the great truth that the negro is not equal to the White man ; that slavery, subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. Our new government is the first in history of the world that is based on this great physical, philosophical and moral truth. The architecture of our society is made of the material deemed necessary by nature; and by experience we know it's better not only for the superior race, but also for the inferior race so be it.'
There is no doubt that if they had won the war, people who professed so boldly the great modern theory of race inequality would have known how to defend themselves against a danger more perfidous than the Negro threat: the Jewish invasion.
Nein, er ist nicht recht.
Good job user, remember to do cardio.
I feel like a solid 7
Watched this movie last night, it was really good yet really depressing. I really wish the Allies could've seen what future awaited them for defeating Hitler.
Level 10 would not browse Cred Forums at all.
>encourage them to be niggers
They don't need any encouragement, just stand aside and let nature run it's course. It's the only way a solution will even be found, if blacks drop the act and just be the animals they are.
Mulatto uncle Tom's are infinitely more harmful to whites than a box nood dindu nuffin, pic related.
I started at a 4 before the 2016 election and I would say I'm a solid 8 at this point.
Not sure if I'm happier now, but I'm glad my eyes are open.
It must haunt them so much, sacrifice everything to win only to wind up too old to fix the problem they help create.
start lifting and get ready
10 but low self esteem so 1.
You don't have to convince me that niggers are apes on PCP, I grew up in Chicago.
Thanks user, I’ve been neglecting my cardio lately. Gotta get back to it
7-8 I would think. When you knows the only end to this horror is a bloodbath and you truly prepare towards it I'll say you're pretty redpilled.
I went from 2 to 3 to 7 and now permanently at 1. Fuck all you faggots, 1 for life
Then help to light the fire of accelerationism user, don't help blacks pretend to act white. It's degrading for both sides playing along with the basic bitch platitudes. Let niggers run wild and burn down the cities then we can take back our nation with righteous fury.
The jews are more of a problem than the niggers, kikes use the nigger as a tool.
user, go to a sporting goods store. Buy a weighted vest with the inserts. Go to the gym. Find a tread mill. Put about 20 pounds in the west or more if youre a big guy. Put the tread mill incline all the way up. Set the speed so youre running a mile in 9 minutes and do a tabata workout, which is 20 seconds of running 10 seconds of rest and do that for about 7 minutes.
you'll be running 5:45 miles in no time.
Of course, but only intellectuals will understand that. Our movement must exploit nature racism against blacks to rally the troops.
Everyone here is a 7. If you were any higher you would be lifting and making babies with your wife, any lower and you'd be on reddit.
a hero is you goyim
7-8 probably
>Our movement.
I think for myself, I am a leader not a follower.
I LARP as a 5 for normies. Actually an 8, aspiring to a 10.
8, one day a 9
I'm a nine working out and eating healthy and leading a pure degenerate free lifestyle to attempt to become a 10.
I'm somewhere between a 6 and a 7. I don't think races are superior or inferior in and of themselves, and I don't agree with racist ideologies. However, I do think that Western values and culture are superior.
I think a lot of our nation's problems would be solved if every child were raised with a strong father figure and loving mother figure.
You need psychiatric help.
I'm basically between 6 and 10. I would be 9 or 10 if I spent time improving myself
came here to post the same
Like a 7.8 or something, idfk. Only reason I'm not an 8 is because I'm working on fixing my workout regime, which is ironically holding me back from being a 9.
Not a perfectionist though, so a 10 is out of my reach purely because I can't be arsed to go to that extreme.
level 7, but I have been transforming my anger into self improvement recently.
Evolution would be history. Neo-marxists seek to end history... see what I'm implying
>One race that can't develop caracteristics. If one appear, it will be bred out through dysgenics forever and ever.
>The Jews shoad themselves to blame it on White people
>Just because others do it everyone should
Get a fucking latino gf and make latino kids goddammit.