Post images that destroy Cred Forums.
Post images that destroy Cred Forums
left cant meme
>Status Quo Warrior
but the status quo is neo-liberal globalism and we are clearly against that.
are you a fucking retard?
>promotes individualism
>he's against the neo-liberal globalism that promotes individualism
>neoliberal globalism that promotes individualism
A least use something that affects somebody.
>modern institutional status quo is a mistake
>blow up every institution because its oppressive
>modernity is oppressive
>when we go back to tom hanks living on an island without modern institutions we will be free from oppression
this is what the sjw actually wants
He's made a "destroy Cred Forums" thread on Cred Forums. Of course he's fucking retarded
Yes. There is no better subject for the neoliberal global order than a individual consumer, with no identity beyond the market place.
>I knew marxism before I knew fascism
>destroying Cred Forums
that's great and I like most of those things
Unfortunately, the mass 3rd world immigration you want as well doesn't work out
Mass immigration benefits the rich, not the workers.
>no identity
m8 just listen to yourself
It's painful to watch.
>under private property
the problem is that the vast majority of people on "your side" want mass immigration
don't lie
Leftists can't meme
You really are all Marxist filth and deserve the rope.
>"your side"
Just because they constantly attempt to co-opt and derail "my side" doesn't mean they are actually on my side, or that they aren't getting shot.
The good old days of productive social democrats, led by the working class, working for the working class.
sadly there's nobody left who stands for those values in what is best described as (((new labour))). It's all feminist dance therapy and alternate african history degree holders that never worked a single day in their life outside of their protected class.
>comes here every day
>thinks he's destroying pol
Holy shit you really are fucking retarded
SuccDems thought they could achieve change peacefully. Just like abolition of slavery, this is a lie based on misplaced hope.
lmao, the left has been the bastion of sage spaces and faggot rhetoric, but now they are trying to steal "snowflake" all of the sudden?
The guy in the meme picture isn't. He is a liberal conservative shill.
Because the left is busy doing things like making good arguments and make the world a better place while right wing white men reactionaries do childish things like make stupid internet memes
it really doesn't matter if they are co-opting when they are the majority in your ideology
>the left is busy making good arguments and the world a better place
in a scale of 1 to 10, how butthurt are you
Wait a minute then who we would do with the private property after abolish it?
Yeah i wasn't the left that elected a clown and overall national embarrassment of a president like Trump
>it doesn't matter that they are perverting and subverting, because there's more of them
>we must respect people's chosen pronouns
All SJWs are to be shot, both right-of-center and the far-right kind.
You hold it collectively, in common.
So the way to make the individual resurge is becoming itself a collective of workers?
Only a clinical idiot can ever be a leftist.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about us, you little red? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cred Forumsack’s finest brigade, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Antifa, and I have over 300 confirmed redpills. I am trained in autistic warfare and I’m the top shitposter in the entire Cred Forums board. You are nothing to me but just another shill. I will wipe you the fuck out with redpilling the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, commie. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of autists across Cred Forums and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, you shill. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, pinko. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can troll you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in slide thread exposing, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Cred Forums and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” post was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn sheep. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Goldstein.
Oh look it's the same shill who made the earlier anti-peterson thread
fuck {{{peterson}}}
And racism and being right wing is linked with low iq
Yes. Being the one to scramble to the top of the pile and to distance yourself from others is not being individual, it's being alone.
The left is completely destroyed. We are shitting on you everywhere we find you.
Really because Trump and brexit is making people hate the right
Man it's been years and the left still can't make funny memes.
That's only media spin. The same media that gave Trump a 1% chance to win the election. So yeah.
KYS nigger
What part of ireland are you from?
>tories about to have the british PM since Thatcher
>italy going prefascist in next election
>poland hungry holding strong against EU aggression
>isreal BTFO african migrants
Only hard lefty marxists like yourself hate the right. Everyone else is jumping on board
> people
> my imaginary consensus as portrayed by CNN
Look lol the little shills came equipped with a collection of shitty memes for their latest shill campaign.
Oi, beggorah, are ya tryin to take me potatoes?
Never ever fucking post that again
I'm mocking him. The OP is a faggot.
>destroy Cred Forums
>implying governments would ever let harm come to their hurtbox
You have made a massive mistake. Doing this to me would have made you a symbol in the world of memes and copypasta. It is so typical for someone like you to forget this. It is so typical for someone like you to use indifference. I was prepared to open your world to my meme collection and share my rare pepes and redpills, with you. You will forever regret the choice you just made, so I will offer to let you react to this copypasta again. If you do not, you will have to face the consequences.
OP is a faggot
>implying we are right wing
Is this the new goreposting?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little red? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cred Forumsack’s finest brigade, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Antifa, and I have over 300 confirmed redpills. I am trained in autistic warfare and I’m the top shitposter in the entire Cred Forums board. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, commie. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of autists across Cred Forums and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, you shill. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, pinko. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can troll you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in slide thread exposing, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Cred Forums and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” post was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn sheep. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Goldstein.
Actually your views are pretty interesting can you recommend me some books?
Yes. Potato famine 2.0 when?
>All SJWs are to be shot, both right-of-center and the far-right kind.
that's great, but 90% of the people who consider themselves communist also consider themselves a humanist located on planet earth and are too fucking stupid to realize that importing millions of double digit iq sub-Saharan Africans will destroy their country
>The left is still pushing the status quo warrior thing
In all fairness, Peterson is very close to that strand of Liberal. What's funny about the picture is the use of "Status Quo Warrior" and "Rejected" in the same picture since they are contradicting.
I honestly can't tell the difference between actual leftists and people making fun of leftists
I guess they missed the memo about the future ethno-state.
Dude, you’re on Cred Forums. Almost no one here has any command of political theory. Some notion such as the dialectical relationship between individual and collective is not going to be understood here, nor are they going to try. Most posters here fetishize their own victimhood and have a narcissistic relationship with the world. If they don’t understand something, the only possible explanation is that their misunderstanding is a result of your irrationality or pretention. The only thing you can do is misattribute a Foucault or Adorno quote to Evola or some other meme intellectual. It’s always funny because they always fall for it.
>heh heh look at my intellectual rebuttal to those evil nazi facts, i will prove them wrong once and for all!
>here is a picture of a naz-ombie, are you convinced yet?!
>Trump and brexit
Imagine being clinically retarded like this guy...
The Brainlet starter pack.
its fuccboi
god damn i am TRIGGERED fucking normies cant do anything right
It's a term they use for traditional liberals, who also aren't arguing for the status quo, because the status quo is that a decent chunk of our society is dominated by SJWs.
>such as these
Let me tell you something about gays user, they are people who live eternally in the present, because if you think about it, why they should worry about the future if they have no families to work for, and left them something of value, anf you cab see that they sure as hell will not get to and old age so why they fucking worry about it.
Theres a reason why the constant homosexualitation of people in the society, because gays are the perfect consumerist.
Hey commie, riddle me this
Is there a single genuinely classless collective that has exceeded Dunbar's Number?
Just look at your country, you fetishize individualism into a God. You have no culture or identity, beyond economic activity. That's why your larp about your "muh 1/8th Scandinavian, muh 2/8th Anglo heritage", and so on. You are empty vessels.
>British flag
>is unironically a commie
Also, the status quo in most of the West has its axis more on the left than on the right, especially from a socio-cultural perspective.
Classless does not mean unorganized or leaderless.
There you go again.
Always thinking we are destined to revolve around countries and that minorities are somehow bad for the well being of a country.
Never thinking of the greater human picture, or our need to act as a species to survive in a world that is becoming less environmentally stable by the day. You can't ignore it anymore, it stares now.
The internet as is makes the nation state a questionable institution.
You're still a soyboy.
commanon, would you mind explaining to me what exactly 'classless' does mean?
If you have leaders, doesn't that automatically divide society into a minimum of two classes- the leaders and everyone else?
Howww can you be so fat and still have no t and a i think she maybe a first gen tranny. Like her family was on it before it got popular.
A classless society is a society where one isn't born into a social class directly. You can achieve wealth on your own merits, but you can't be born into it.
Of course some radical anarchists, like primitivists, would actually argue to going back to hunter-gatherer classless societies. Or would oppose any sort of organization entirely.
Either we're bros, or basement dwelling virgins. Can't have it both ways.
tis true... tis true...
>You can achieve wealth on your own merits
But if you keep it you'll be killed.
material weatlh -> he is a burgoise! kill him!
intelectual wealth -> yo so smart whitey? yo privileged cis-scum.
can you have classless capitalism then, so long as all children are born into the same category- ie. they can't receive their parents' capital?
>communidsum :DD
>classless sociedy
Your lot need to be sterilized
>100% inheritance tax rate
Sure. In theory. Not for long, though. The capitalists do not appreciate being impeded in their dynasty building. :^)
So given these statements, your views seem directly at odds with the reality of the Soviets and the PRC. Power was acculminated for selfish purposes, just like the societies they overthrew. Herditary nature doesn't impact that, otherwise the Chinese eunuchs would not have caused half the problems they did.
nobody really appreciates that. Are you saying though that if somebody makes 1000 times more wealth than someone else, that's fine so long as the two started at the same amount of wealth?
It's a shame the commie got quads, but i congratulate you for them.
What's worse, being a slave in capitalism or starving in communism?
>with no identity beyond the market place.
it seems to me that you're describing the nihilistic, consumerist herd, rather than a bunch of rational individuals making well-informed financial decisions.
Herd related:
I never said I approve of Destalinization, which led to rise of corruption. Or Maoism, which is class collaborationist, and, therefore, doomed to being subverted.
If it was physically possible for someone to work 1000 times harder than someone else, sure?
Starvation under communism is a meme, as commies actually bring food stability to historically famine ridden regions.
>work 1000 times harder
That's not how people accumulate wealth though. In my hypothetical I asked if capitalism was ok so long as capital couldn't be inherited.
In this situation all we need is Cash me Outside girl to achieve phenomenal wealth
Good shit right there
If you're still talking about capitalism, then no. Classless capitalism won't last for any meaningful length of time.
How are they so tone deaf at memes?
what about usury? is that allowed? or is this a totally centralized planned economy, which brings us back to the original point- aren't the people doing the planning by definition a different class?
>Postmodernism is bad
>Marxism/Communism/Cultural Marxism is bad
>Pushes Solzhenitsyn
>Finally gets hit with the JQ
"Uh, no."
Who said that the planning must be done by people?
Cuckolding (also known as troilism) is a sexual interest
in whichone obtains sexual arousal from the experience of a
withcuckolding inalargeanddiverse sample ofpredominately
focusing on heterosexual men’s c
uckolding fantasies, our results
mon elements; however, they differ in some important ways.
Most notably, interracial and BDSM themes do not appear to
be as common in gay men’s cuc
kolding fantasies as they are
among heterosexual men. Our findings also indicate that fre-
quentfantasiesabout cuckoldingare linkedtoseveral overlap-
content of these fantasies is associated with a number of individ-
ual differences (e.g.,agreeablen
their cuckolding fantasies tend to report positive experiences;
however, the likelihoodof reportingpositive outcomesappears
to depend upon one’s personality and attachment style.
Troilism is a little studied paraphilia described as the‘‘sharing of a
1976 ,
p. 586).‘‘Cuckolding’’is the colloquial term for one contem-
porary form of troilism in which a man obtains sexual arousal
in sexualactivity with another man. Whereas the term
historically referred to a man unknowingly married to an adul-
terous woman, the modern cuckold is aware that his wife is
agement. This behavior is not a form of cheating; rather, it is a
variant of consensual non-monogamy (Rubin, Moors, Matsick,
ofcuckoldingare distinctfromother forms ofconsensualnon-
monogamy (e.g., swinging, open relationships), as well as the
disempowered, and largely voyeuristic role in both the experi-
ence and fantasy. Those other practices tend to involve more
by all parties, even if one partner is the center of attention.
as opposed to?
Funny you say that considering how many neo-liberal ideologues infest Cred Forums.
explores cuckoldingfantasies. Ley (
2009 ) interviewed dozens
of different-sex married couples that were practicing cuckold-
Ley’s work revealed several dis
tinct characteristics and themes
Ley interviewed commonly described the desired third party
in these scenarios—colloquially referred to as the‘‘bull’’—as
be emphasized, too: the cuckold may be aroused by having
elementsofBDSM (bondage,discipline,dominance,submis-
sion, sadism, and masochism) are commonin these scenarios,
oldedman(e.g., beingridiculed
receive from sex with her husband alone—is a critical element.
Peterson is probably in the 1% of idiots that push "Cultural Marxism" meme without realizing who they are dogwhistling.
olding are reflected in the vast world of cuckolding pornog-
raphy. According to some estimates,‘‘cuckold’’has become one
of the most searchedtermsonthe world’smost popular porn
sites (Ogas & Gaddam,
). Author Dan Savage, a sexual
advice columnist since 1991, has witnessed the rise of interest
in cuckolding through correspondence with his readers. Over
thelastquarter century,hehasreceivedletters from‘‘growing
his column more than a decade ago (Savage,
Savage suggested that cuckoldi
ng fantasies are popular because
they allow heterosexual men to transform fear of their wives’
infidelity into a sexually arousing fantasy. In light of this rea-
olding arousing (Savage,
). Because same-sex activity
lacks reproductive potential, he argued, gay men are not nec-
essarily threatened by their partners having sex with other men.
numerous gay men began writing to Savage to express their
interest in cuckolding, which s
uggests that if eroticized fear
isattheroot ofthisfantasy,itisnotspecifictofear ofapartner
becoming pregnant by another man.
is not a uniquely heterosexual phenomenon. Seeking corrob-
oration, we requested data from Pornhub regarding the fre-
quency of cuckolding searches on pages featuring gay male
material. They reported that, from August 2014 to August 2016,
monthly searches for cuckold porn increased linearly (B. Hall,
of searches per month was indexed against the 2-year search
to 46% above average by August 2016, suggesting that cuck-
olding is an increasingly popular porn genre
posed to explain why heterosexual men find the prospect of a
). The idea is that men evolved to experi-
ence biological and behavioral changes that give them a com-
petitive reproductive edge whenever multiple men compete
over the same mate, such as by releasing more motile sperm
(Baker & Bellis,
) and engaging in more vigorous thrust-
ing during intercourse to displace rival males’ semen (Gallup
et al.,
). Though sperm competition principles have not
been tested among sexual minority men, this theory provides
a plausible mechanism that cou
ld explain why men, regardless
of sexual orientation, might find cuckolding scenarios arousing.
little is known about the qualitative nature of their cuckolding
olding fantasies, or do their fantasies emphasize other elements?
fantasy vary according to individual differences or personality
traits? Furthermore,whiletheactual practiceof cuckoldingis
linked to relationship enhancement in different-sex couples
true for sexual minorities.
It is bad, but who would he be dogwhistling?
The goal of the present study was to explore the nature of
cuckolding fantasies among sexual minority men. We sought
toexaminenot just whether the predominantthemesin hetero-
sexual cuckolding fantasies emerge among gay men, but also
(e.g., How are they linked to o
ther sexual desires? To what
degree do individual differences, demographic factors, and
relationship variables predict
who has cuckolding fantasies
and the elements of those fantasies that are most arousing?).
Inaddition,we considerhowgaymensaythe practiceofcuck-
olding has affected their romantic relationships and whether
certain personality traits predict better or worse cuckolding
Research Questions and Hypotheses
RQ 1: What are the major elements of gay men’s cuckolding
Weasked participantstodescribetheircuckolding
fantasies in their own words, which we content-coded for the
men’s cuckolding fantasies (including interracial, large penis,
creampie, BDSM, and partner satisfaction). In addition to this
qualitative data, participants quantitatively rated the impor-
tance of several elements of their own cuckolding fantasies
in order to provide further insight into what gay men find most
arousing about these scenarios.
RQ 2: How many gay men with cuckolding fantasies have
shared and/or acted on their fantasies, and what were their
experiences like?
have ever shared their cuckolding fantasies with a partner and
how their partner reacted. In addition, we asked whether they
had acted on their cuckolding fantasies and, if so, whether the
experience met expectations and how it affected their rela-
tionship. We sought to examine whether, like different-sex cou-
ples, the practice of cuckolding
is also linked to relationship
enhancement for men in same-sex relationships
H1: Frequent cuckolding fantasies will be associated with
having more frequent fantasies about voyeurism, group sex
(threesomes, gangbangs, and orgies), and several aspects of
BDSM (particularly bondage, masochism, humiliation, and
According to the DSM-5, a paraphilia is ‘‘any
intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest
in genital stimulation or preparatory fondling with phenotyp-
ically normal, physically mature, consenting human partners’’
(American Psychiatric Association,
, p. 685). Though not
to meet criteria for a paraphilia. Paraphilias tend to co-occur, a
phenomenon sometimes referred to as
paraphilic diathesis
). Persons who have one paraphilia therefore
to align in related‘‘clusters’’(Krueger & Kaplan,
). We
involve obtaining arousal from watching others have sex, or
positive correlation with group sex fantasies, given that cuck-
olding has elements in common with threesomes (both acts
often involve three partners) and gangbangs
H2: Frequent cuckolding fantasies will be associated with
higher levels of sexual sensation seeking, openness to experi-
ence, self
esteem, relationship investments, relationship sat-
isfaction, and relationship commitment, as well as an unre-
stricted sociosexual orienta
tion. Cuckolding fantasies will
also be associated with higher l
evels of attachment avoid-
ance, but lower levels of attachment anxiety.
Though eroti-
cization of fear was initially proposed as an explanation for
cuckolding fantasies, there is reason to suspect it may not be
true. Research by Birnbaum, Simpson, Weisberg, Barnea, and
) suggeststhatwetendtoconstructsex-
ual fantasies so as to avoid content that could potentially be
threatening to the self: when primed with attachment anxiety,
for example, people are more likely to fantasize about being
irresistibly desired, which may serve as a coping mechanism
by buffering against feelings of rejection. In light of this, we
believe that cuckolding is likely more appealing to those who
are confidentinthemselves andtheirpartners’ love,as wellas
those who are comfortable with casual sex. Such individuals
are probablylessthreatenedb
ytheir partner havingsexwith
others. Thus, we predicted tha
t cuckolding fantasies would
separating sex from emotion (i.e., they have an unrestricted
Fascists, obviously. Who do you think came up with it?
Censorship is the only way leftist ideology can survive.
No independent thought or discussion that goes against the narrative is allowed in their cult.
Because if they cared about reality then they could not continue being leftists.
>Um all men are sexist sweetie
>Not muslims or black men tho ;)
>Patriarchy! Rape Culture
>Um migrants in Europe aren't raping women lalalalalala bigot
>You dont want violent rapey 3rd worlders flooding into your country? Too bad racist colonialist
>We need to take away your freedom of speech so you can't offend the violent rapey 3rd worlders
>72 thousand genders!
>Children should be allowed to have sex change operations and we should make everything gender neutral
>Lets rewrite history, England was always full of africans
>Vibrant Diversity must be prioritised over competence, everywhere
>Um college professors should all be comunis- I mean, """socialists"""
>People need to stop having kids. And by people, I mean white people
>Video games are sexist, so is everything actually. And racist!
>Islam is the religion of peace sweetie
>Haha fuck Christians tho rite
>You know what why don't you just let us tell you what to think because we know whats best for you. Just ask Google and Facebook!
>racists have low IQs
>IQ is racist and scientifically provable difference between groups are fake
>IQ is a racist, imperialist tool of aggression invented to keep people of color down
>schools lower standards so minorities can pass classes
>affirmative action allows more minorities in
>niggers and spics are smarter then whites
>there's 0 evidence IQ is genetic, but jews have higher IQ than you goyim.
>asians are so smart! ^_^
>accidentally opening the pandora's box of race-based intelligence gradients
>africans are the BEST athletes! ^_^
>continuing the trend
ociosexual orientation and an avoidant attachment style), (2)
do not have abandonment issues (i.e., they have lower attach-
more invested, satis
fied, and committed), and (4) feel more self-
confident (i.e., they have higher self-esteem). We also expected
things in general and have a preference for thrilling and risky
of openness to experience and sexual sensation seeking).
H3: Gay men’s personalities will predict which elements
of cuckolding fantasies are most arousing to them such that (1)
higher agreeableness will be associated with placing more
importance on partner pleasure, (2) greater sensation seeking
tendencies will be associated with placing less importance on
safe sex and more importance on the bull having a large penis,
and (3) lower attachment anxiety, greater attachment avoid-
ance, and a more unrestricted sociosexual orientation will be
associated with placing less importance on whether the bull is
known to them.
ness should be more concerned with whether their partners
are enjoying themselves in a cuckolding scenario, given that
being (Graziano & Tobin,
). In addition, those who prefer
more thrilling sexual activities (i.e., sexual sensation seekers)
excitement and risk, such as those that feature supranormal sex-
ualstimuli(e.g.,very largepenises) and condomlesssex.Lastly,
those who have an easier time separating sex from emotion (i.e.,
an unrestricted sociosexual orientation and more attachment
avoidance) and who have fewer abandonment issues (i.e., lower
attachment anxiety) should place less importance on who the
bull is in their fantasies, while
those who are more anxious are
>Not letting Muslims into our country is like the Holocaust
>Muslims: "death to the Jews."
>Point out blacks do most of the shootings in America
>I get called a racist for posting government sources
>Anytime there's a terrorist attack you say "don't judge all Muslims."
>Anytime there's police brutality you say "fuck all cops."
Pick a side
>Call for Trump to be impeached over Russian ties that possibly might exist
>Unironically wave a Soviet flag at your protest
>Immediately ban all research into race/IQ
>A-all people are equal
>spam faceberg and shitter with your faggy I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE shit
>CCCP is not real communism you guys, we are against mass murder
>Wears che shirt and waves CCCP flag
Minorities aren't dumb
>we need Affirmative Action because minorities cant pass 4th grade level skills tests to get into college
Minorities aren't violent and lawless
>we need to end Broken Window Policing because minorities cant be expected to not loiter petty shoplift or urinate in public
Minorities are just as capable of holding fulltime jobs
>we need a massive welfare state because minorities cant seem to clock in on time or not just randomly quit thier jobs
Illegal immigrants contribute to society
>How dare you want to cut gibs for illegals! they will all starve to death without welfare
Liberal logic folks..
One Illegal Immigrant happens to be an upstanding "citizen" and pays her taxes, therefore we should allow 10s of Millions of Illiterate 3rd world People into the West. Hahahahah Drumpt BTFO what now racists?
>Anarchist: "Fuck the police!"
moments later
>Anarchist: "Help, call the police guys!"
H4: Gay men’s personality traits will be linked to whether
acting on a cuckolding fantasy was a positive or negative expe-
rience: (1) higher agreeableness and conscientiousness will be
associated with more positive outcomes, while (2) higher neu-
roticism, attachment anxiety, and attachment avoidance will
be associated with worse outcomes.
traits of agreeableness and conscientiousness will be more
inclined to say that acting on a cuckolding fantasy was better
than expected and improved their relationships, given that
these traits signify care and concern for others’ well-being and
a tendency to put more thought into one’s actions. This would
be consistent with research finding that those who have agree-
able and conscientious partners are more satisfied with their
relationships (Botwin, Buss, & Shackelford,
). By con-
trast, people higher in the Big Five trait of neuroticism (i.e.,
emotional instability) and those higher in attachment anxiety
(i.e.,fearofabandonment)and avoidance (i.e.,difficultiesget-
ting close to others) will find cuckolding worse than expected
neurotic and anxious persons might ruminate about the future of
theirrelationshipafter cuckolding, whereas avoidant persons
hand. Among those who have practiced cuckolding and other
forms of consensual non-monogamy, strong communication
>"You can't call islam a violent religion because some muslims commit terrorist acts!"
>"Some muslims helped some people, see? islam is a peacefull religion!"
>Call all honest news they don't like Fake
>Call news that fits their objectives real CNN, MSNBC
it's funny how that works
>"liberals' tendency to want to see the good in people"
>scream RACIST NAZI FASCIST KKK at the first sign of someone saying anything positive whatsoever about white people
>leftists in 1970: "Question authority, duuude!"
>leftists in 2018: "If you question authority, you get banned/fired/sent to jail, white male scum."
>Group A commits 100x the crime as Group B
>Cops arrest 100x as many from Group A as from Group B
What exactly do you think should happen here?
>white people objectively don't want to diversity as white flight is a phenomenon EVERYWHERE it's implemented
>diversity is still our strength
>Fuck white cis males!!
>There's no such thing as race and gender it isn't real.
>Want diversity
>Replace ethnic populations of small countries with ethnically different and culturally opposite people thus destroying diversity
>Lives in a white gated community
>Whites in South Africa and Mississippi are racist because they're ignorant
>Race does not exist but we need more racial diversity in our work places and schools.
>Race does not exist but racial diversity is our strength.
>Race does not exist but the white race needs to be destroyed.
>Diversity is what makes the middle east so peaceful.
>Leftists are more intelligent
>Measures of intelligence are meaningless
Please pick one bullshit idea at a time, not two which contradict each other
Don't you get it? Having herpes and not covering it up makes you a strong woman who's a REAL leader, get with the times Hans
Demographic Characteristics
In addition to standard demographics (gender identity, racial
identity, sexual identity, nationa
lity, and age), participants were
also asked about the highest level of education they have com-
and whether their relationship (if they have one) is sexually
exclusive or open.
Cuckold Fantasy Characteristics
Participantswereasked arange ofquestionsabout theircuck-
olding fantasies (all of which were developed specifically for
purposeofthisstudy,giventhedearthofprevious researchon
percentageofalloftheir sexualfantasiesthatinvolvecuckold-
ing, the number of years they have had cuckolding fantasies,
whether they have ever shared these fantasies with a partner
and—ifso—howtheir partner reacted, as well aswhether they
have ever acted on these fantasies and—if so—what the expe-
rience was like and how it affected their relationship. In addi-
tion, participants were asked to rate the importance of various
including familiarity with the bull, the bull’s race, the bull’s
penis size,their partner giving/receivinganalsex,their partner
scenario, as well as own/partner sexual satisfaction during the
event. The specific fantasy elements we surveyed participants
about were selected on the basis of Ley’s (
) analysis of
describe in your own words what your cuckolding fantasies are
>hurr durr, let's vote for the party that's flooding the country with millions of unskilled nonwhite subhumans to push down wages, boost the crime rate, and consume all your social services
*votes against own interest*
>lol your grand kids are gonna be brown
>But race dosen't matter :> whites are a menace
these are the same "people" that will say that white genocide isn't a thing
>height is associated with race
>skin color is associated with race
>eye color too
>muh dick
>hair color
>predisposition to diseases
>bone structure
>ability to digest certain foods
>but not muh magical IQ because i-its environmental
isnt it strange that the only factor that could hurt your feelings has NOTHING to do with race or genetics
wow really makes you think
>refugees will boost the economy
>wants automation for most low skill jobs, wants to also import people to do low skill jobs how is this going to work out?
>we won't release rape statistics because it will cause Islamaphobia
>white countries have low crime rates
>introduce undesirable elements like niggers, mestizos, muslims
>crime rates begin to spike upwards quickly
really makes me think
>They want immigration but don't understand why there is shortage of housing
>They want immigration but don't understand why wages have been stagnating
>They want immigration but don't understand why education is declining and schools are overstretched.
>They want immigration but don't understand why the healthcare services are under pressure
>Non-whites in America account for another complete US military in government spending
Leftists are fucking retarded, they pretend to represent the working class while importing mountains of foreigners that drive down the cost of labor of primarily the working class and benefit the employers. Then they pretend natives don't want to work those jobs, which is true, but they forgot to add for shit pay. Give 5k € to a garbage man and you'll have a line of people applying for it
Frequency of Sexual Fantasies
In addition to collecting detailed information onparticipants’
cuckolding fantasies, we aske
d how frequently participants
fantasize about thefollowing: voyeurism (defined aswatching
others undressing or having sex without their knowledge),
masochism (defined as deriving sexual pleasure from receiving
tering pain to others), bondage (defined as being physically
restrained, such as with ropes or handcuffs), being the dominant
sexual encounter, being se
xually humiliated, leather, threesomes,
orgies, gangbangs, and creampie (w
hich, ina male–male context,
followed by removal via a partner
’s mouth). These were all sin-
esponse scalerangingfrom1(
a few times per day
Personality, Individual Differences, and Relationship
Participants completed the shor
t form versionofthe Experiences
in Close Relationships Scale i
n order to measure attachment
Big Five Personality Inventory, which captures the personality
ableness, extraversion, and neuroticism (Rammstedt & John,
). In addition, we administered abbreviated versions of
the following scales (these scales were shortened in order to
reduce participant burden and to enhance the rate of survey
completion): five items from the Sexual Sensation Seeking
Scale (
.67; Kalichman,
), four items from the Socio-
sexual Orientation Inventory (
.75; Penke & Asendorpf,
.84; Rosenberg,
tionship commitment (
.81), relationship investments (
Analytic Strategy
Qualitative Analyses
cuckolding fantasies (Research Question 1), we began by ana-
lyzing the open-ended responses to the question in which par-
ticipants were asked to describe the nature of their cuckolding
fantasies. In total, 434 participants (74.8%) responded to this
indeed reflect male same-sex cuckolding (i.e., a scenario in
which one watches, listens, or hears about a male partner having
dimensions inspired by the previous literature on heterosexual
cuckolding (Ley,
). For each dimension, coders simply
stantial agreement between raters on 16 of the 18 dimensions
(mean Cohen’s
.74); however, two dimensions (‘‘rough
sex’’and‘‘sadomasochism’’) yielded poor agreement and, as
such,weredroppedfromconsideration.For the 16dimensions
we retained (shown in Table
), discrepancies between coders
were resolved by a third rater.
Quantitative Analyses
on their fantasies (Research Question2), we report descriptive
statistics, followed by a MANOVA that compares actors/non-
Yes, goyim, race mixing, promiscuity, and degeneracy is hip. Don't you want to be hip?
> Import Muslims
> Neighborhood goes to shit
> White leave out of fear for their lives
> Cry "white flight"
> If only liberal minds could connect the two
>Jews are poor innocent victims and whites have all the power and privilege!
>Jews are superior and deserve it!
Pick one and only one.
>Want muslims
>Want lgbt rights
how can you advocate for both
Rewriting history to achieve the complete destruction of nations, cultures, etc. Just look what they are doing to western countries.
>Canada has no history diversity is your strength you don't have a culture just dude weed and hockey and syrup lmao
>America is a nation of immigrants give us your tired and racist slavery you stole this country from Mexico and Injuns
>Britain was always filled with nonwhites there is no English culture remember colonialism you don't want to be a nazi right
Then when you fill their countries with nonwhite hordes they have less reason to fight back because they don't understand what they're losing
Nobody is pure enough. There is always an excuse to attack and tear down people you don't like in a leftist utopia.
She's at the top and that is problematic.
>hurr durr letting in thousands of immigrants for the sake of accepting them and costing the country a shit ton of money
>hurr durr lets not deport illegal immigrants, keep them here
>hurr durr islamic terror isn't a thing and islam is a religion of peace
>hurr durr lets make welfare and free healthcare since it's nice but who cares about the fact that it doesn't work and just gives the government more control over your lives
When will the commie cucks finally become redpilled?
Below, we present demographic information for the sample,
followed by a few preliminary analyses. Afterward, we pro-
vide basic descriptive information about the frequency with
which our participants reported having cuckolding fantasies,
followed by a few exploratory analyses that focus on the link
between cuckolding fantasies and demographic characteris-
tics. Lastly, we address each of the research questions and
hypothesesinturnthrougha seriesquantitativeandqualitative
Sample Demographics
36.37, SD
11.24), were predominately from the USA (68%),
and most identified as White (85.3%), with the remainder iden-
tifying as Latino (6.9%), Asian (3.1%), Biracial/Multiracial
(2.2%), Black (1.0%), or Other (1.4%). With respect to sexual
gay (16.0%), or bisexual (5.3%), with the remainder reporting
other sexual identities (e.g., queer, pansexual, mostly hetero-
sexual). Consistent with the sexual identity data, participants’
that the vast majority of them were either a Kinsey 6 (exclusively
homosexual; 55%) or a Kinsey 5 (predominately homosexual;
30%). Most participants (86.9%) r
eported current involvement in
aromantic relationship,ofwhoma majority(68.6%)indicated
to some degree
Came up with what? Are you out of your mind?
He is a dishonest liberal conservative who is ill-informed. A confirmation of academia's public descending.
Table 1
Results: Qualitative analysis of same-sex cuckolding fantasies
in fantasy
Did not
appear in
fantasy (%)
Exemplar of code
Clearly described a cuckolding scenario in which one
sex with another man
.72 83.0
I am turned on thinking about my husband being completely
later about it
Described watching partner having sex
.71 74.4
I fantasize about my partner bringing home someone I don’t
know. Someone very new to both of us. I may not even be
attracted to them myself. I like to watch them on our bed.
Sometimes I’ll join in. Most of the time I’ll just watch and
Described listening to partner having sex
.65 5.9
My long-term (13-year) partner and I have been occasionally
non-monogamous since about2 years intoour relationship,
and I have been aroused by picturing the times he has had
sex with other men without me present. I’ve fantasized
about him calling me and leaving the phone on during his
details of the encounters so I can imagine them better
Described hearing about partner’s sexual activities
after they took place
.71 10.9
Having my husband flirt with other guys and have sex with
then tells me about it. I like for him to tell me how much
better the other partner is and how much more attractive
they are
Described a cuckolding scenario that turned into a
.72 9.8
The idea of watching my partner pleasing another man and
then I join in—that is my ideal fantasy
Described feelings of humiliation
.78 7.8
How can we make the world a better place? I know, take all the people from shit countries and bring them here. That way, become... oh!, for diversity sake.
>Bring in millions of muslims
>Muslims destroy all the nice shit that could exist in a safe homogenous country
And yet Leftists will still call you a racist if you point it out, while they are selling their home to move out of the city away from the Muslims.
Because the socialists are clinically retarded, or traitorous ideologues and the muslims know that and use them as useful idiots to expand Islam in Europe.
Feminism, and indeed all liberal ideologies - are just a trojan horse for Islam.
They only have one purpose, to bring Sharia's law. Once this happens, the liberalism disappears!
It will be written in history books once the entire west is Islamic conquered, that these concepts were only created by Islam to destroy western values once and for all. This is what liberalism is about, cuckoldry to Islam.
>~10 blacks questionably killed the past four years.
>All cops must be racist.
>If you question this, you are a racist.
>Cultural Marxism isn't real
>Critical Theory and Intersectionality exist
>Race is an artificial concept. There is no such thing as race.
>Check your white privilege.
>Would you consider a sub saharan African albino a white person with "white privilege"
>Evolution only exists below the neck.
>Evolution is real.
>Evolution doesn't exclude the brain.
That blonde mullet is absolutely mint though.
I have a cuckold fantasy that my husband brings home a stud/
bull who is hotter than me, and hung, and the bull forces me
to move into the guest room. The bull fucks my husband
but do not get to join in. The only way I get to interact is
after [the] bull has ejaculated in him. They have romantic
dates in our home and I watch as I’m getting aroused. I’m
fucking but do not get to watch. They call me fat pig or fat
fuck, I drink beer and eat a half dozen cream filled or jelly
Described themes of dominance and/or submission .67 10.9
My cuckolding fantasies (and relationship) revolve around
orgasm denial while my boyfriend enjoys multiple sex
partners and frequent ejaculation. This establishes his
dominance over me. I’m not permitted to sleep with other
men. I find in most arousing for him to top other guys, but
he’ll occasionally bottom. I love to lick the cum from a
guy’s ass after my boyfriend has ejaculated there
Described bondage
.72 5.6
My preferred scenes involve me in bondage/chastity, more-
or-less forced to watch my partner and a mutual friend
going at it, as they have a good time and taunt me for it
Be a leftist
>Say that race doesn't exist
>Have no problem determining the race of someone when dolling out affirmative action
>Have no problem determining the race of someone when absolving responsibility from non-whites
>Applaud mandatory diversity
Imagine being this much of a disingenuous, manipulative, weasel. These people have no problem lying to your face.
The idea that differing sub-groups of human evolved for tens of thousands of years in vastly different environments and developed zero biological differences aside from physical appearance is patently absurd to anyone who understands how evolution works.
Be leftist
>Think voter I.D. laws are racist
>They're racist because it's too hard for blacks to fill out form at DMV or even begin to understand how to accomplish such a thing
Literally think it's too hard for blacks to READ, WRITE, ASK QUESTIONS, or THINK CRIICALLY
If a white person:
>moves out = white flight = racism
>moves in = gentrification = racism
>sees color = racism
>doesn't see color = ignoring racism = racism
>doesn't partake in culture = non-inclusive = racism
>partakes in culture = cultural appropriation = racism
It doesn't matter what you do it will never be enough..
>Don’t blame Muslims for radical Islam it will only further radicalize them!
>Whites need to do something about the mass shooter problem they keep perpetrating. Stupid fucking whites and their guns
>oy vey the world is overpopulated stop having kids
>oy vey let in peaceful rapefugees because you aren't reproducing
>Blacks are too stupid to get ID cards
>Blacks are too stupid to learn Grammer
So what are (((Liberals))) implying anyway
>Dylan Roof shoots 9 people
>Remove all confederate statues and flags!
>Hundreds of muslims kill thousands of people
>Stop islamophobia! Bring in more muslims!
Non-whites protest violently
>It's fine, they are fighting the government to improve their way of life
Whites protest peacefully
>Disgusting white supremacist, islamophobic racist bigoted old-timers
>be Leftist
>be part of the party that is supposed to stand up for the little man
>mock people for being poor and uneducated
>Diversity is more important than actually having the best people for the job
>Liberals actually believe this and wonder why they are failing politically
Feminists/leftists in Stockholm are leaving areas like the notorious migrant-heavy no-go zones of Husby and Tensta because they say religious fundamentalists now rule those suburbs.
>Starting to see the poisonous fruits of their labor.
>Destroy the future for your nations children by importing subhuman rapist savages because they are brainwashed morons.
>Run away like a little bitch learning nothing only to spread your poison to other areas.
They will never admit they were wrong. Remember, just like uncle Yuri says, a leftist will never see the error of their ways until a boot is smashing them in the face.
>We need Universal Basic Income to allow people to survive when robots fill all the unskilled and semi-skilled jobs
>We need mass immigration to fill all the unskilled and semi-skilled jobs
Pick one
Leftist logic. "Free speech matters, unless it's the kind we don't agree with. Then It's ban, BAN, *BAN"
Oral sex takes place
.89 15.3
typically in a sex club or public place
Anal sex takes place
.70 59.9
Almost all [of my fantasies] involve watching my partner as
the bottom with another top, and me getting left out
Emphasized semen (e.g., bukkake, creampie,
.71 6.7
I love the idea of my husband coming home with a man’s load
in him and telling me all about the guy
Emphasized bareback/condomless sex
.69 11.3
Having an Alpha breed my bf with his huge dick. BB
Involved a bull who was known (e.g., a friend,
acquaintance, or former partner)
.71 7.8
I like to fantasize about my boyfriend having sex with his
previous sexual partners in front of me while I masturbate
and then, eventually, join in with th
Table 1
in fantasy
Did not
appear in
fantasy (%)
Exemplar of code
Involved a bull with a very large penis
.89 10.6
Fantasy is to come home to see my husband bottoming for a
hung muscular guy, being submissive. Or to get picture
texts of their action
It used to be called Cultural Bolshevism by Nazis.
>saying white people are the rich 1% is not racism
>saying jewish people are the rich 1% is racism
really makes you think
>Ban all guns because of a few mass shooting
>You can't ban all muslims just because a few of them are terrorists, or because most of them just leech welfare
Socialism in a nutshell:
>Race is a social construct
>Value and socio-economic class are real and objective
Reality is a lie, utopian idealism is the truth, and somehow it's a strictly materialist ideology. It's some fucking inconsistent garbage that only plebes with a sub-120 IQ ever fall for.
White leftists telling white people to "go back to Europe" while at the same time holding belief that Europe doesn't belong to white people.
Leftism truly is a mental disorder.
>Multiple cultures owned slaves for thousands of years.
>Liberals: White people need to apologize
>A muslim extremist ran over people and stabbed someone
>How do we fix it?
Rise of Islamophobia is better than rise of Islam, i think. Anyone else agrees??
>Don't become the hate
>"wealth needs to be distributed!"
>"wait, what you mean you want my money?"
>black people are totally like white people
>but white people are inherently racist and should undergo a correction
>The West fucked up Africa by putting people from different tribes/ ethnic groups in the one country, a recipe for chaos
>Bring people from other ethnic groups / tribes into the West would be a great idea because diversity is strength
>A muslim man can blow up a concert full of kids
>its islamophobia which we have to remain vigiliant for
>Let me shut down this thread to shelter my precious father from criticism.
Described an interracial theme
1.00 1.1
I want to watch my white boyfriend get fucked by large raw
black dicks. I’m black and he’s very attracted to black men,
and I’m happy to watch him live out all his sexual fantasies
with other black men. It has to be bareback. I want no
condoms involved at all. I want to watch my boyfriend take
loads from them. Their identities are unimportant
Emphasized partner’s pleasure
.66 12.6
I enjoy imagining, hearing about, and witnessing my partner
having sex with other men. I am turned on by my partner
receiving physical and emotional pleasure with other men
because each human being has different qualities and each
can form unique and interesting relationships; I feel that a
life fully lived incorporates diverse relationships with
others, be they passing, distant, intimate, emotional, or
physical. I want my partner to experience pleasure and
life he can
all dimensions listed in this table. Also, most of the exemplar fantasies reflect additional themes other than the category under which they are listed
Because each fantasy was independently coded for each theme, a given fantasy could therefore be categorized as reflective of multiple thematic
>China trying to wipe out tibetans via racial dilution Genocide
>Jews/marxists/liberals trying to wipe out ethnic Europeans via racial dilution
Not Genocide
terrorist attack happens - > dont let fear divide us!
another terrorist attack happens - > dont let fear divide us!
and another terrorist attack happens - > dont let fear divide us!
then again another terrorist attack happens - > dont let fear divide us!
your love strategy really seems to work.
>I want to preserve my people.
>I don't hate anyone, I just want my people represented and preserved fairly in the land they fought and died for the last 5000 years.
>I want secure borders and I want to maintain the people, culture and ideals of my nation.
>The white man has benefited from American spoils for too long and should be sent back to his native homeland of Europe
>The black man has benefited from American spoils for too long and should be sent back to his native homeland of Africa
Because both of them are equally fucking awful to say, but only one of them is politically correct to say.
>Stop labeling people !
>Racist, bigot, xenophobic, misognystic sexual predator
>Every viewpoint and culture should be accepted. #love
>Claims to be pro science
>Completely denies sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary morality, high heritability of IQ
>Global temperature going up
>This is our fault somehow, or man made
I guess the ice age was caused by global warming too!
>Muslim commits yet another terror attack
>Spic in Florida commits terror attack
"A normal Fla. white guy"
>Police are evil racist oppressors.
>Only Police should have guns.
>We are all human beings
>But we are all different, you can never understand my oppression and don't even bother trying
>when Jews are successful it's because they work hard and it is in their culture
>when whites are successful it is because we put other races down and disadvantage them
>Race is a superficial trait
>I thought you liked science?
If you believe in evolution then race realism is a logical reason. You moron
>In South Africa they still bitch about white privilege.
>Even though black people in South Africa make up like 88% of the population.
How to respond to terrorist attacks in Europe:
>Light up a few building in the colors of [insert country here]
>Set Faceberg profile overlay to [insert country here]
>Virtue signal with the hashtag #PrayFor[insert city here]
>Virtue signal with the hashtag #NotAllMuslims
>Repeat with next terror attack
How Einstein defined imbeciles:
Person that does exactly the same thing in exactly the same circumstances and expects different results.
>White people move into non white countries
>Non white people move into white countries
>Diversity and multiculturism
Funny how that works.
Descriptive and Exploratory Analyses
For the most part, those who partic
ipated in this study reported
at least monthly (49%). The rem
ainder reported having them a
olding for just over 7 years (
7.25, SD
7.81) and that most
(52.59%) of their sexual fantasies involve cuckolding in some
was relatedtoany demographic featuresof thesample viaa mul-
tiple regression analysis. The overall model featured six demo-
graphic predictor variables. Though statistically significant,
itexplained onlya small portion ofthe variance,
.006. Just one demographic variable was sig-
nificantly related to cuckolding:
involvement in a sexually non-
exclusive relationship,
.003. Specif-
ically, those in open relationshi
ps reported fantasizing about
cuckolding with greater frequ
ency than those who were monog-
amous. The nonsignificant demographic variables in this model
were age, education level, income level, racial majority/minor
e),andrelationshipstatus (part-
nered vs. single
Created by the same people. Cultural Marxism wasn't a construct until after the war.
RQ1: What Are the Major Elements of Gay Men’s
Cuckolding Fantasies?
emerged from our qualitative analysis of participants’ fantasy
fantasies that could be categorized as cuckolding; those that did not
were excluded from the rest of the analyses that follow. Exclu-
did not involve same-sex cuckolding (e.g., a generic threesome,
described same-sex cuckoldin
g fantasies, the vast majority
indicated wanting to physically observe their partner have sex
indicated a preference for hearing about the act after it had
cially common theme in these fan
tasies. Overall, 67.6% of par-
those who did, 62% mentioned their partner in a receptive/
‘‘bottom’’role, 21% mentioned their partner in an insertive/
‘‘top’’role, 9% mentioned their partner being versatile (bot
>If white people are responsible for the actions of white people in the past why aren't black people responsible for the actions of black people today??
>Because that's obviously racist and blacks can't be racist
>Rural and suburban retards
>Forgetting that rural areas and suburbs are where all the doctors and professors and educators and engineers and scientists live
>Forgetting that the only people who live in cities are nogs, spics, and the occasional billionaire
The "muh rural and suburban retard" meme is really half-baked, whoever came up with it must have been an actual retard
>IQ isn't affected by genetics, and anyone who disagrees is a dumb inbred redneck
Fucking liberal logic I swear.
>you see, you nazis are just evil white supremacists while we Jews are Gods chosen people and all the goyim should serve us and even the best of them can be killed and we are the divine rulers of this world and all gentiles are animals
>down with white supremacy
>Only white people can be racist
>End whiteness
>Whites get genocided
Guess which race becomes slaves again, no one listens to your racism narrative anymore due to the best society builders being wiped out
>Gays are born that way
>Gender identity is a social construct, there is no such thing as sexual biology.
Ideologues always ignore inconvenient contradictions.
>You anti-semites are so dumb and paranoid! There is no such thing as a jewish lobby!
>Oh by the way we made it illegal to boycott the great state of Israel
>Europeans colonised and replaced national cultures with their own! Fuck whites!
>This would never apply to anyone else though, just whites
>We can't stereotype Muslims! That's wrong!
>Now lets get back to blaming white men for everything.
>Those rural republicans are so fucking stupid, better import some more niggers and Muslim Arabs!
>Muslims alone kill thousands in the name of Allah past couple of years.
>Just a few bad apples soil Islam's name.
>If you question this, you are a 'racist.'
>Humans for all of history seperate by heredity because that is nature
>This is unrealistic because muh talmudvusion programming
If a white man grew up in China, does that make him Chinese?
As much as a cat being raised in a fishbowl makes it a goldfish.
>H-hey, stop trying to make America white again, that's racist!
>Muslims say Allah created Earth
>Thunderous applause by Muslims, liberals not seen anyway
>Christian says God created Earth
>Thunderous applause by Christians, Booed by degenerate liberals
>he's an leftist
>he thinks there are no biological differences between people that evolved for thousand of years in vastly different places with different resources and climates
>Disable threat center
>Refugees welcome
Really makes you think
>The world is overpopulated, stop having children
>Our population is in decline, import 3rd world savages
(As you can see. Leftists only have double standards. It is only wrong when white people want to preserve their culture.)
>Says immigration made America
>Immigration also destroyed the Native Americans and their entire existence
Make up your mind, lefties. Is immigration good or bad?
receptive and insertive role), and 8% did not mention their
partner taking a specific anal sex role. Oral sex was explicitly
mentioned with relatively low frequency; however, this may
clearly define what‘‘sex’’meant to them in their fantasies.
pervasive themes emerged fromthisanalysis. Indeed, the next
however, these three themes were present in just 13.1% of
included one BDSM element ofte
n included multiple others.
submission, and humiliation:‘‘I fantasize about being locked in
a chastitycage.Myhusbandstillfucksme butI amonlycapable
of achieving orgasm through anal stimulation. When he has an
urge to bottom he brings in a bull to fuck him while I watch and
am unable to pleasure myself. The bull in my fantasies is almost
always someone I know: an ex-boyfriend usually, with a much
larger cock than my own and much larger muscles. I am permit-
tionship transform into an emotional one where he becomes the
primary partner and I am left out entirely.’
Correct, a certain American conservative speaker resurrected it into today's modern context.
>DNC institues Shareblue and other censoring tools
>Leftists institute snopes and other thought police
>Leftists prevent police from protecting right wing free speech protestors
>Leftsists support a candidate who takes millions from foreign donors and is too big too jail
>Leftists have been in power for eight years
>Election rigged for leftists candidate
>Trump is a fascist
Cognitive dissonance alive and well
Do you know about the Westboro Baptist Church?
>An inbred family that make up about 100 people or so (if even that) stand around shouting offensive shit with picket signs
>Millions of inbred muslims who want to take over the world and are not afraid to die in the process as long as they take you with them
Talk about a false equivalence. Libs have been grasping for straws for years but this is probably the weakest one they have.
>Non white people = good
>White people = bad
Islam is brown (traditionally) therefore it is good.
Libs think they are using Islam to further their agenda but in reality Islam is using them to further their agenda.
>By default any white person is an oppressor (regardless of wealth or social class)
>Non-white person is oppressed regardless of creed, class or wealth (and should therefore be helped)
Spread the news among your leftist fucktard buddies that race is a "spook" and therefore white privilege is a lie.
>White person says mean things on the internet
>White extremism!
Gun control in US
>Comparing to an ethnocentric state like japan
>Comparing to a country with 20 million people on a similarly sized continent
>The funny thing is, the more ethnically homogeneous the US state, the lower the homicide statistics
>not realizing that if you remove nigger and spicy gun violence, as well as suicides (like other country stats) we have similar gun death stats
Gun control won't fix shit. look at mexico. stop being a simple cunt.
>dozens of civilians die everyday from bombings and guns everyday in the Middle East
>no one cares
>30 or so niggers kill each other in Chimpcago every weekend
>no one cares
>17 mutts die
>Whites have no right to be proud of the collective achievements of white people of the past
>Whites need to be sorry about, slavery, colonialism, everything else we come with to collectively blame white people for
>Muslim person kills dozens
>Its not Islamic extremism!
>Terrorism has no religion!
>hire women to disprove stereotypes about women
>all the women do is bitch and moan about stereotypes
>Liberals fight for equality.
>Shit on Christians.
>Anti-White = diversity
>Anti-Jew = hate bigotry anti Semitism, second Shoah
>turn the word "racist" into a meaningless buzzword by calling everybody and their shit a racist
>start doing the same thing with nazi
whats next?
>Always talks about evolution
>Believes that groups isolated for hundreds of thousands of years have developed no difference at all
Yeah, USA didn't actually get rid of Nazis. In fact, a lot of them got their positions within government back. Also the reason why Yakuza is so embedded in Japanese society.
they did not emerge in our qualitative analysis because par-
ticipants did not elaborate enough on their fantasies in their
RQ2: How Many Gay Men Have Shared and Acted
Upon Their Cuckolding Fantasies?
A sizeable majority of participants (76.7%) had shared their
those whohad never shared them, the never sharers expecteda
partner response that was significantly worse than the actual
response received by the sharers,
(1, 496)
In fact, among those who had not
previously disclosed their
not think their partner would be open to the idea.
Just under half of all participants (45.8%) reported having
der saying they either hope to act on them in the future (42.2%)
very few (4.9%) reported that it was worse than anticipated. In
addition, most (73.9%) said that acting on this fantasy improved
their relationship;bycontrast,1
7.8% saidithadnoeffectontheir
their relationship. To compare the actual outcomes of those who
had acted on their fantasies to the expected outcomes of those
pendent variablewas whether one had acted onone’scuckold-
>your autistic larping fantasies that you will achieve anything with your shitty AR-15 rifle in a SHTF situation is just retarded
20+ trillion in debt and half the country is a shitskin living off of gibs. What could possibly go wrong?
>Censorship is free speech
>Truth is illegal
>Compelled speech is voluntary
>be militant leftist
>constantly yammering on about "the workers"
>find out that "the workers" are farmers and laborers
>but... those people are rural and suburban retards... they vote republican...
>Fighting for the working class
>Giving free citizenship to people who came here illegally to take jobs from working class people
>Importing Somalis and Syrians who hate the American working class.
Yeah. Sure you are
>Immigrant enclaves is assimilation
>Division is unity
>Islam has nothing to do with violence.
>But if you insult them they will turn violent.
>No other religion has this problem and it's fine to insult them.
>But Islam must stay off-limits because it's got nothing to do with violence.
>be mentally unstable man
>rent truck
>plow into kindergarden at full speed
Someone who wants to kill will always find ways.
>Terrorist attacks?
No problem.
Omg call the police
>if black people look after their group interest it is multiculturalism
>if Hispanic people look after their group interests it is multiculturalism
>if Arab people look after their group interests it is multiculturalism
>if Jewish people look after their interests it is multiculturalism
>if white Gentiles look after their group interests it is white supremacism and “hate”
>there is no such thing as the white race
>the white race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on earth
>Homosexuality is natural in the animal kingdom! we're just like them!
>You eat meat? we're not animals! we're better than that!
>Everybody has the right to a chance at a good life
>Supports abortion
If illegals voted 70% republican, leftists would've had pitchforks and a gigantic wall built 50 years ago.
>Not all muslims
>Yes all white people
>we need more money going to the middle class and the poor!
>rape occurs in every culture
>problem is a toxic masculinity
Nothing to do with Muhammadan immigration.
Yes goyim Russia tried to undermine you and render you a minority it's not (((us))) Hahaha go kill some slavs now
>Say Cred Forums is an echo chamber
>implying Cred Forums with basically no moderation or censorship is a bigger echo chamber than /r/politics that censors, blocks and downvotes any facts or opinions that go against the consensus
>When the ADL recently referred to Cred Forums as being unmoderated, of course that was kikespeak for uncensored.
But again, on a large scale, every example produces power acculmination even if non-hereditary. Isn't that what you claim to be against? And don't "not real gommunism" it please, otherwise I can legitimately argue that Benito didn't hit "real fascism"
>Frankfurt University
>Implying it hasn't been a thing since the 50s in the states
He did calm and civilized interview with Russel Brand. He isn't mindlessly insulting his opponents.
>Sweden has more rape per capita than any Western country
>This was not a thing until you let in millions of migrants with no skills, no shared culture, and no swedish language ability
>>Yeah but other countries have rape too and it's committed by men, CHECKMATE
>2003: Cuba isn't real socialism, just look at Venezuela where it works.
>2017: Venezuela isn't real socialism, just look at Sweden, it works.
>Want to fight for progressivism, tolerance, multiculturalism, women cause, sexual liberation, LGBTQRIPTA rights
>Defend Islam
You can't make this shit up.
>Race is a social construct
>Racism and white privilege is real
>europeans becoming a minority in every european country
>omg why do you care about this are you a nazi or something?
>Whites assemble
>Muslims assemble
They are religious and need to be respected also look at how nice they are
>Christianity slowly being eliminated by the left because RELIGION IS BAD
>these same leftists spend everyone else's money to provide for and promote Islam
And they see no hypocricy in this.
>Christians should own their past because Islam is currently fucked.
>Islam doesn't need to own the present because Christian's did shit too.
>cheers demographic decline of Whites
>constantly bashes Whites
>encourage communism
I wonder.
>white oppressors must pay retributions
>jews are just hard working and smart, leave them alone
oy vey
>There is only one race: the human race
>You racist
>IQ can measure intelligence differences between ideologies but not races
ng fantasies, and the two dependent variables were the degree
to which cuckolding met/was expected to meet expectations
and the degree to which cuckolding harmed/was expected to
fantasy enactment emerged, Wilks’
(2, 446)
.001, partial
.143. Inspection of the univariate main
effects indicated that—compared to those who had acted on
their cuckolding fantasies—those who had not anticipated a
.001, partial
.096, and a greater likeli-
hood of relationship harm,
(1, 447)
.001, partial
H1: Cuckolding Fantasies and Paraphilic Diathesis
Next, we analyzed how frequency of cuckolding fantasies was
related to thefrequencywithwhi
ch participants reported having
other kinds of sexual fantasies. Bivariate correlations between
the individual fantasy vari
ables are presented in Table
. In light
of the moderate to strong correlations seen in this table between
regression analysis in which t
he three higher-order fantasy
groupings that emerged from our factor analysis were entered
Table 3
Most and least important aspects of same-sex cuckolding fantasies
Mean (SD) Not at all important
Slightly important
Moderately important
Very important
Extremely important
You know the bull
1.95 (1.21) 52.9
Thebullisofacertainrace 1.64 (1.03) 64.9
The bull has a very large
2.55 (1.31) 22.7
Partner gives anal sex
2.51 (1.50) 39.7
Partner receives anal sex 3.17 (1.47) 22.7
Partner gives oral sex
3.26 (1.36) 16.6
Partner receives oral sex 2.66 (1.40) 30.8
Condoms are used
2.33 (1.57) 50.8
Partner is sexually
4.42 (.98) 3.3
You are sexually satisfied 3.34 (1.44) 17.0
>criticize 'Black Lives Matter'
>"omg are you saying that black lives DON'T matter?!"
>criticize 'It's OK to be White'
>"hahaha can you believe those fucking white trash fuckers think they matter?!"
>Gender is a social construct
>Men are inherently more violent
>Being violent makes you inferior, but that rule doesn't apply to blacks
Gotta love left-wing retards lol
>we shouldn't teach kids about the crimes of communism because real communism has never been tried
>yay globalization, multiculturalism is our strength
That's what you get libtards! That's what you get.
>It is only cultural appropriation when whites do it goyim
>everybody is equal, one race the human race
>white people conqured the world and forced everybody to trade, and enforced human rights and the abolishment of slavery
>white people are evil, and stole everything
>Calls people anti-science for critiquing man-made global warming.
>Says man who dresses on womans clothing is a woman
>Dog breeds don't exist
>Subspecies of tigers, chimps, and mice don't exist
>Because if it did it would make me feel uncomfortable
>Bring in enormous numbers of savages
>Label anyone who criticizes the suicidal immigrant/refugee policies as racists/bigots/xenophobes
>Get run over and smeared under truck tires driven by savages
You cucks deserve to die
>Why do black people, who have the lowest average IQ among all races, overwhelmingly vote to the left?
The left has actually made shit fucking worse.
>Fuck you white people
>Fuck racism
choose one
>yes goyim be individualistic
>individuals can defeat a collective
Good luck with that
>white people (millenials) have that white privilege and are totally racist since their fore-fathers enslaved the blacks
>you cannot punish the "children" because its their parents fault for bringing them across the border
>We must stop White extremism! They attacked two police officers in Vegas!
>8 cops were murdered in one month by BLM activists but remember, THEY DON'T REPRESENT BLM!
>Dylann Roof is an example of rising white terrorism in the US!
>Oh but Omar Thornton isn't representative of black on white terror
>Oh but I'm going to completely ignore the fact that 85% of interracial violent crime in the US is black on white rather than the opposite
>White people called in bomb threats to Jewish community centers! The horror!
>Oh but San Bernadino, Orlando, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, etc. were all just statistical anomalies and have nothing to do with Muslims
>we are all one race, there are no differences between us
>We want to replace white people
>We want cheap, dumb labor to treat like cattle
>We need to overthrow the evil fascist drumph dictatorship before he sends all the non-whites, gays, jews, and muslims into death camps!
>Lmao why do you need your gun for? It's literally impossible to overthrow the US government. We might as well abolish the second amendment and ban guns lol.
>Free Tibet
>Diversity for Europe
>White privilege is a huge problem!
>Then, they turn around and say that whites are the only ones to be racist and that all whites are racist.
>Claims that people calling muslims terrorists will make them terrorists.
>But then go around calling people nazis as if its not going to turn them into nazis.
>Call out Hollywood for being too white and you're a progressive.
>Call out Hollywood for being too Jewish and you're a racist Nazi
okay then point us uneducated peon plebs to somewhere we can get "command of political theory"
Help us user, let's see with what resources you think we can get better at understanding political theory.
>Liberals hate America and Western values.
>Islam hates America and Western values.
If the right started loving islam, liberals would shriek like rabid weasels that islam is a backwards fascistic ideology.
>Dawkins spends his whole life shitting on Christians
>Liberals love him
>Dawkins shits once on Islam
>Liberals turn on him
Really tells you everything you need to know about (((Leftism)))
This is Marxist totalitarianism in action.
You know what the clue is? You're always guilty. No matter what you do, they will find some reason to shit on you for not doing enough. Just notice that "stolen land" thing in there. That means the United States. All of it. These people will not be happy until all white people leave the US... but they think "niggers need to go back to Africa" is a racist statement. And will they be happy then? Nooooo... because we're ALSO racist for not letting enough niggers and muslims into Europe, despite having had peak leftism levels of immigration since the 70's. To a Marxist, you're always guilty. That's how they enforce their insane ideology.
All forms of Marxism need to be banned completely. It's a totalitarian ideology that will create hell on Earth if left unchecked. As we can tell from the dozens of examples readily at our disposal.
>Implying it hasn't been a thing since the 50s in the states
The best figure of the school was Benjamin, in my opinion. A great theologian.
Jeremy Corbyn was a communist spy
Why can't I sell street food in the US? I can cook it, but I can't sell it. People don't have the freedom to buy it.
In every country that heavily regulates industry safety (to workers and consumers) the minimum wage is eternally rising. That's because everything is becoming safer and more expensive. This sets a lower limit to the cost of living. There are literally no jobs in between being homeless and McDonalds/Walmart.
So anyways, small business is going extinct.
Condense your posts a little, faggot?
I don't need an image.
>What would it take for white nationalists to even change a national anthem?
A leader cannot accumulate power if he rules by the consent of the people. He can rule all his life, or less than a year. All responsibilities he gained may be stripped at a moments notice.
The absolute state of the leftie shills and raiders. You have to go back.
Why is every Mexican flag I talk to so dense?
Good. Small businesses are a meme.
fucking ew. i'd rather be gay
> faggot police
I understand you. i just completely disagree, so I'd rather just go on a tangent.
You're a legit mongoloid
not an argument
not funny, not clever
I'm talking about the thickest roots of the ideology is all. Not occurrences.
The US government post-war was infiltrated by communists, not Nazis, read about the Venona Papers.
Its worse. Goreposting doesn’t cause any disgust in me. Lena does.
Petite-bourgeoisie (upper middle class) are the source of fascism. And I am glad they are gone.
>I am such an anti-establishment radical that I want everything to be controlled by big corporations and governments that make up the establishment
But that's wrong you fucking faggot.
So between Operation Paperclip, CIA employing thousands of Nazis, and being a hotbed of Nazi sympathizing, US government also had some people with an actual conscience?
Still can't meme, faggot lefty bong
Please fuck off. You're the most fake, simplistic and stereotypical "communist" I've seen on an imageboard. I even genuinely suspect you of false-flagging.
If you think I am joking, you don't know history of who actually supported Mussolini, how authoritarian "small business owners" are, or how repugnant the "almost haves" are.
The library
Isnt Africa marxist, yeah great countries.
>So between Operation Paperclip, CIA employing thousands of Nazis, and being a hotbed of Nazi sympathizing,
The Soviet Union also used Nazis to help them develop their space program and atomic bombs, and began persecuting the Jews under Joseph Stalin. It's even rumored that Joseph Stalin was planning another purge that would target all Jews in the USSR before he died of a stroke.
If a few idiots in the United States started wearing swastikas while the government used the great minds of German scientists to help with it's own progress, that's absolutely fine. As long as it never made government policy to become nazis.
No, genuine Marxists tend to get killed.
Leftist being massive faggots as per usual. Maybe you should get that diversity hire of your dick. Then maybe the Leftist will get some dignity back.
.So between Operation Paperclip, CIA employing thousands of Nazis, and being a hotbed of Nazi sympathizing, US government also had some people with an actual conscience?
All gay nobody cares shit.
I'm aware of that. In face of the supposedly looming "threat of Marxism", many conservatives as well began to de-dismiss the Fascists. It's the way you express yourself and speak without nuance that irritates me.
>t. freshmen political science major
Yeah it's always hard to tell whats real or whats not real communism.
It's funny how you idiots are so against Idpol, despite being of but one branch of the same fucking tree. You try and distance yourselves, but it's just Marxian Social and Economic dynamics fostered onto the cultural sphere.
And like Marxian Social and Economic thought, it is all blatantly false.
>Operation Paperclip
Recruiting former Germans to work for you doesn't make you "Nazi", if that was the case then even the Soviets would be "Nazis"
>CIA employing thousands of Nazis
So if you worked for the German government you're a Nazi? Also, nice to see you completely ignore the Soviets do the same thing again, almost like you're pushing an agenda or something...
>being a hotbed of Nazi sympathizing
Wow, a few random neonazi groups pop up once in a while, truly an epidemic!!!
>US government also had some people with an actual conscience?
not even going to bother responding seriously to this utter drivel
Sankara was a genuine Marxist, Mandela went full lib, Mugabe turned into a black nationalist.
>not reeeeeaaaaaal communism
You beat me to it haha
Communism is the abolition of the present state of things and the Law of Value and nothing else.
Usually War rape, Mass Killings Boiling white kids totally great thing in Africa.
What's so bad about the current state of things? We're doing better than ever aside from some foreigners misbehaving.
The world needed Eco-Stalinism ten years ago. I am done with nuance. Even if 100 million figure wasn't exaggerated, it would still be too low.
>Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.
There, Marx himself wrote that.
What if most things I don't like actually are Marxism?
Most people on "my side" want respect for existing immigrants, not more immigrants.
Immigration is a way for the elites to get cheap labor. The only reason people think lefties want more immigrants is because the best representation we have is through the democratic party, which is blatantly pro-establishment and will never stop getting on its knees for big business.
Not the guy you were replying to btw
Oh, yes, ranting on the internet will change the world. Hello, liberal e-activist
I know you didn't claim to like Mao, but just like him you deny reality. No, a bunch of dirt-farmers can not turn their household iron into steel in their backyards through will alone. Similarly, no, a governance sans nuance will not be sustainable.
Absolute brainlet
For us if more foreigners would work and stay of the streets little to none of us would have problems with them.
Due to low IQ most Africans cant work here, like of Somalians 80% of them are unemployed.
>status quo warrior
left can't meme
Have you read Marx? Kek, here, read this:
Small family owned-businesses and farms are the engine of civilization you fucking nigger.
Seriously, pointing out the fact that people were getting rejected is going to piss them off even more, which will increase the tension climaxing in a bloodshed.
You want more immigrants to destroy 'false consciousness' in the working class. To magically destroy those tribal barriers you see as false, to use globalization as a means to softly manage a world revolution.
More heads to dupe, more soldiers in your fight against the ebil porkies.
kek tell that to the Aral Sea, Siberian environment, Belarus,etc... or what's left of them
how the fuck is natsoc the status quo?
leftists can't meme
all communists deserve the rope
this is where the thread should have ended
>Jordan is a Nazi
Are you retarded?
then why did all the people under communism suffer so badly? I can't find any source that claims that the dead under Stalin or Mao where memed.
Also all examples of communism in our modern world seem to be shit too.
>be commie
>retain flight full fantasies of killing untold millions
>Ib4 muh not real communism
Trump is Israel's bitch
>Everything I don't like is religion and cleaning my room
Kek, these stupid lefties.
this doesn't destroy anything. it's stupid.
>left says right can't meme
>right says left can't meme
wow its almost like when the meme doesn't agree with your politics, you instantly find it cringeworthy & shitty
>In common
...under the express control of party leaders who live opulent lives off the "communal wealth" and cannot be opposed or replaced...
Damn, you destroyed me bro.
>When you steal the opposition views memes to present your political opinions but you're in your late 30s and don't understand memes
Not really. There are plenty of right wing memes I disagree with that still manage to be funny or infectious.
For whatever reason, people on the left just don't get it.
Currently getting an terminal masters in philosophy with a focus on American pragmatism (Richard Rorty, principally).
I dunno, find out what books are on 100 level course syllabi? Panpsycast, Partially Examined Life, The History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps - and those are just political podcasts.
Kill yourself you pathetic fucking kike nigger.
The one thing that is silly, is being against Jordan Peterson. Why would young men who want to empower men, be against men sorting themselves out?
this kills the don.. I mean "pol"
Liberals like to pretend the social mores of 1860 are the mainstream so that they can roleplay as revolutionaries while simultaneously being one of the most restrictive establishment in western history.
You couldn't destroy Cred Forums in the last two years, what makes you'll think you'll ever do it when you keep pulling the same stupid hi-jinks like some cartoon villain? The sooner you people on the Left realize how stupid you all are, the less time it'll take to get your heads out of your asses so you people can finally think straight.
Joe McCarthy has been vindicated 10x over.
/pol can’t be destroyed because it’s always right!
Underrated post
literally google political theory and start reading books and articles considered important in the field u dumb motherfucker
Youre upset that another poster is acting smarter than you and your response is "OK, teach me all of existing modern political theory, otherwise your view is wrong."
Just by asking that you already prove you don't know any of it and he's right
don't forget ecelebs and most the spergs on here that're too stupid to procreate. nothing to live for but todays banter and podcast update to the ideology that fills their life, to compensate for the relationships, senpai and future they don't have.
>Post images that destroy Cred Forums.