So anyone read this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know, but I was aware of the fact that girls victims from incest know a pleasure they will never experience again in their lives during sex with their dad.
I also know that girls with good and present fathers develop their body later to prevent incest.
Of course fathers used to marry their daughters at 14 or 15, so they would leave the house, and they wouldn't have to suffer the temptation, but now, fathers live with their daughters even when they are fully grown, so, kinda messed up.
Women are degenerates this is why I only kiss boys.
>fathers used to marry their daughters at 14 or 15, so they wouldn't have to suffer the temptation
your ass?
your ass.
Basically, when your daughter had her periods and was ready to bear a child, you would start searching for a good husband for her, and it was absolutely fine.
I don't know, basic knowledge, and also, logical.
Fuck off creep French faggot
Its still that way in rural bolivia and peru afaik
Reddit is actually down or something ?
Nah, but incest is best. Little girls are made for getting dicked down by daddy. there is nothing better than the pure sweet love between a man and his young daughter.
>know a pleasure they will never experience again in their lives during sex with their dad.
They ain't victims
>girls with good and present fathers develop their body later to prevent incest.
That's bullshit.
the ultimate state of muttland
No archive link to article?
Weren't you using the Gadsden flag yesterday pedo?
>They ain't victims
Of course they are. Messed up their whole lives for a temporary pain they will sometimes spend their lives searching for while not finding it.
>That's bullshit.
There are studies that say that, I guess you can find a study saying the opposite, but basically, you're just an incest-enabling American faggot.
Not a big surprise when we all know America is the country which went from barbarism to decadence without experiencing civilization.
For a temporary pleasure*
Kys sicko
Is this line of thinking normal in France?
rednecks aren't a new thing
so now they are officially pushing Incest?
What is only left then....hmmm Cannibalism?
Oh sorry for got that is covered already, McDonalds are made from human babies.
>Actually typing a counter-argument
>Throwing faggy insults
Great choice, guys, internet elite Cred Forums right there.
I see no problems here.
Oooh and look now I'm a pirate.
>Messed up their whole lives for a temporary pain
What? You acknowledge that a girl having sex with her father is good for both of them but it's bad because it's too good?
>I've never opened a fucking history book
In medieval times it was normal to marry at 13 and have children at 14, at least for women.
Because you only lived until you were 30
>What? You acknowledge that a girl having sex with her father is good for both of them but it's bad because it's too good?
What is corporal pleasure anyway ?
Eating a good meal, having sex, taking a hot bath.
It's not that important. Elevate yourself. If you place corporal pleasure before honor, dignity, spirituality and all of that, you're part of the problem.
>Bruh, I fucked my 8 years old daughter but it's alright becuz she felt good, ya know whut I mean lol ?
Wtf is up with cosmopolitan? Are they all sniffing glue?
Post the fucking link you lazy bitch.
this is the article, for those who are on No-Fap, I recommend that you do not read it.
"This interview with the girl who is engaged to her own FATHER is uncomfortable to say the least
"I lost my virginity to him — because I'd never felt comfortable with any other man.""
"This Woman Lost Her Virginity ... to Her Dad
And now they're getting married."
whiteflag means they'd marry them off to another family, you sack of shit.
glad i could help
I wonder what dysgenic effects we suffer nowadays merely from being born from eggs that were 5-10 years more stale than those fertilized throughout most of human history
Stop pushing this retard bullshit. Fucking dumbass.
So sex is bad because it's good? What the fuck kind of retard logic is this?
>Bruh, I fucked my 8 years old daughter but it's alright becuz she felt good,
No, it's alright because he is her father and he loves her. It is not bad for a man and his daughter to love each other and express this love.
Day of the rope when
You retard, they may have been married as young as 13 but it was usually consummated around 16-17.
He's probably a Muzzie.
>but it was usually consummated around 16-17.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's not a real marriage if it isn't consummated. And why put up with having a wife around if you aren't putting babbies in her? It's just a waste.
You're just arguing for the sake of it.
They would marry their daughters off because women were negative networth. It was just an extra mouth to feed that couldn't do as much work as a son could. You would also have to pay a dowry as well. It made sense to give them up asap
downies and autismo
also like 4 out of 10 women have hard drugs. Like on them. In most urban and suburban areas.
>usually consummated around 16-17
There's no way medieval men waited years to impregnate their already menstruating wives
as if to make some retarded burger less uncomfortable with the idea of impregnating teenagers centuries later.
You're splitting hairs here. The actual marriage ceremony was done until the betrothed were at least 15-16 for the girl and 16-17 for the guy.
Do you have children? Where do you pick up this abomination of perversion?
Meanwhile, men's magazines, articles about power tools & cars.
Read the primary sources. You're hebephilic fantasy wasn't real, it never existed.
Jews pushed age of consent laws so they'd have an extra few years to mindfuck our women and prevent legitimate pair-bonding from being possible
I wonder how many here will appreciate your choice of image.
>Natasha didn't grow up with her father, explaining that he actually left while her mum was pregnant. But she says her mother's following relationship with a woman didn't leave an unfilled hole for a male authority figure.
"My mom's long-term partner was a patriarchal butch lesbian, so I already had a 'father figure' in my immediate family," she said.
But because her mum's partner, whom she split with when Natasha was 19, had been emotionally abusive, she set about tracking down her father.
It allllllllllll makes sense
It was a kike-roastie collaboration.
You have to realise the 'average' age took into account children and babies dying very young. If you made it to adulthood you'd live a reasonably long life
>which went from barbarism to decadence without experiencing civilization
the greeks said the same thing about the romans
In the modern Frenchistan, yes.
Damn it murica, just die damn you...
Link please!
you dirty motherfucker, here you go, bring out your penis and start stroking it already:
>Natasha didn't grow up with her father
>Meeting her father aged 19, she ended up engaging in a sexual relationship with him
but the rest of the article is literally erotica
brb gonna fap
You know how I know you're retarded?
gross I don’t touch that anymore Im a girl now
>raised by single mother
>mother goes lesbian
>emotionally abusive lesbo """father figure"""
what an absolute train wreck of a childhood
fucking french degeneracy. french are obsessed with promiscuity and incest. don't assume we all think like french faggots
Checks out!
wow what a story, she wanted to see her father so much she ended up fucking him. do women have any control over themselves at all?
Honestly this is just a really sad story she just wanted the love of her father and because she grew up without him she thought that was an ok substitute for love at the time, but even with that she knew it was wrong and broke it off eventually. Fathers who abandon their children should be shot.
yes french are known degenerates
>Baby macribs
This is the next step, together with pedophilia. We are fucked.
Incest is the opposite of promiscuity. Getting fucked by her dad is how to remain a girl a pure maiden. She's not going to be going out getting fucked by guys if she's getting it at home from her daddy.
Seems legit, good to know
>Natasha didn't grow up with her father, explaining that he actually left while her mum was pregnant.
>"My mom's long-term partner was a patriarchal butch lesbian, so I already had a 'father figure' in my immediate family,"
Who would have thought that growing up in a homosexual household with no actual father figure could cause some problems.
kys Mohammad
To boys not much older, not to creepy middle aged men
So the plan is to get someone pregnant, leave, then come back around 18 yrs later knowing the girl is fked up?
>Yfw the child is a boi
This is just a fucked up version of stockholm syndrome.
>I also know that girls with good and present fathers develop their body later to prevent incest
t. anatomy pro
Shut the fuck up, you fucktard.
I didn't know ivanka did op-eds
women's behavior in general is a lot like stockholm syndrome
No the little boys and girls are
These kikes are still going to have the audacity to ask why
Disgusting degenerate.
Pretty sure he meant marry them off, not marry their own daughters.
To be fair, many women do have Stockholm syndrome because of the conditions which women are treated to.
>Of course fathers used to marry their daughters at 14 or 15
Incest is illegal and will get you thrown into prison. This is probably some fictitious story/smut for women with a daddy fetish.
I read the image... at the end I thought that it doesn't really matter as long as you are a normal himan being about a relationship. That is, if you are educated and smart enough... trusting and uncorrupted. Imo women are perfectly fine between 20 to 29. Not all women are degenerate and whorrish the way Cred Forums likes to think.
Hell no, you can't un-see things and I don't want to know about that shit.
>no arguments, just blind rage
Wow, who could have expected this?
All french films are full of disgusting themes such as incest and pedophillia (often done in a sympathetic light).
same dude
Nuke the Cosmo Mag building and the execs’ houses right down to the fucking dirt NOW!
Cosmo is pure degeneracy
>T.muslim woman
Lmfao the father is black that figures
>Implying you deserve anything else
Completely untrue.
Boys were usually not yet established and thus not suitable partners because they wouldn't provide security.
>france when mixed with Nigger blood.
The fuck is wrong with you ?
no wonder they have the muslim problem they have no honorable culture to defend from the barbarians
Nah they're just finally admitting that all of women's neuroses are caused by severe "I want daddy's approval" issues. Being fucked by daddy is a sign of the ultimate approval.
You a special kind of faggot. Not the run of the mill type of degenerate. You're a celestial faggot, unknown to this plane of reality, here to plague the world with your AIDs ridden asshole
He should have said "fathers used to marry their daughters off to other men" (which is true) instead of the way he phrased it. That's where most people are confused ITT. Implying that most fathers were tempted to fuck their own daughter sounds like bullshit, though.
Theres nothing wrong with incest if all parties consent. Ive been fucking my sister for years. Granted shes infertile so no risk of pregnancy but we have a healthy relationship. We're the only two left of our clan so naturally we stick together. Obviously we dont broadcast it to the world but there really is nothing better than doing sex with someone so close and known to you. Other whores cant even compete.
Wow, I'm shocked the article ends with a disastrous state between the two. Really surprised there.
>Theres nothing wrong with incest if all parties consent. Ive been fucking my sister for years. Granted shes infertile so no risk of pregnancy but we have a healthy relationship. We're the only two left of our clan so naturally we stick together. Obviously we dont broadcast it to the world but there really is nothing better than doing sex with someone so close and known to you. Other whores cant even compete.
>Look ma I posted it again
Show us that flag, Mustafa.
Cletus is a good man please do not slander his reputatun.
I've never seen this pasta before and I've been shitposting on and off since 2005. Or if I have seen it, I don't remember at this point/it wasn't that popular.
>the parent you never had
So, it's about black women?
I think we all can relate to a story about having sex with our father.
Because it's not pasta. Cred Forumsfags cant handle people living their lives the way they want.
Thats a cute story in the pic.
What about mothers who abandon their children should be shot?
I start believing you are a women because of such a stupid comment.
Also, most of these (((controversial))) media stories are lies who are to support an agenda.
(((They))) started with promiscuity of the female behavior, then homosexuality, pedophilia, cannibalism McDonalds food made out of human baby flesh, now Incest, and last step is full blown out necrophilia.
>I've never seen this pasta before and I've been shitposting on and off since 2005
Yeah. No you're not newfag, gtfo
oh wait, i thought you were talking about the image. nvm.
>After Googling her father's name, she managed to track him down as living in Jamaica, and says he was "thrilled" at her getting in touch. When Natasha first met her father, she describes being "taken with him, but in a nonsexual way," until a year later when she recalls feeling sexually attracted to him, and during the following year she and her father had oral sex "four or five times over the course of a few days."
Lmao, so she is the daughter of a coalburner, her nigger dad left her,she went out to find him in Jamaica of all places and later returned to fuck him. WTF?
how dare you include baba with those subhuman turks!
>based on an interview from Jezebel
>eventually paints daughter as victim and dad as predator
>ur a newfag
Yeah, ok. Why in the fuck would I remember a small shitpost about incest? Incest stories were posted over and over on Cred Forums for as long as I can remember. Why would I remember one small post out of thousands upon thousands of them?
Have you tried killing yourself?
>tfw no bbc bf to stretch my boi pucci and fill me with his warm yogurt
Die Sweden. Just die. Such cucks.
You are the only flag I would unironically ban from this board. An utter embarrassment to the white race. Fucking snownigger faggots.
>She wanted dad to rawdog her
>He said no. Used a condom.
>He's controlling!
Seriously. Women need help.
First of all, when girls married early, it was mostly because it was beneficial to all parties. Poorer families would have found the mere cost of having to provide for her a burden. Also, since most women didn't work, waiting for suitors was a gamble, hence a reasonable fit would be good enough to marry her off. It had nothing to do with the temptations your feverishly perverted mind imagines. Secondly, if you look at marriage ages in the past, they weren't as low as the pedos claim anyway.
>messed up
Yeah, you are. Probably an Arab though.
>After Googling her father's name, she managed to track him down as living in Jamaica, and says he was "thrilled" at her getting in touch. When Natasha first met her father, she describes being "taken with him, but in a nonsexual way," until a year later when she recalls feeling sexually attracted to him, and during the following year she and her father had oral sex "four or five times over the course of a few days."
So the nigger fucks a white chick makes her pregnant and leaves her, after 19 years the sexy young mullato girl shows up and he fucks her too, his own daughter
this. i've been fucking my daughter for years now. we both enjoy it and we are two consenting adults, why is it anybody else's business if we do so? Now I don't agree with pedophillia but there is literally nothing wrong with incest, i fuck like a rockstar and my daughter is shivering with excitement when i am done.
Princess Sibylle of Cleves married a month after her 15th birthday. They specifically mention that the marriage was consummated.
why you so mean to me? my boi pucci was designed to take warm yogurt
I can fap to this
This is what her husband looked like.
the perspective is what keeps me coming back
She was raised by a butch lesbian, too. It's no wonder that her mind was so fucked up and that she was sexually attracted to her nigger father. Children raised by a gay couple tend to become broken adults more often that not.
All of my whut?
shoo, shoo evil jew
This level of degeneracy deserves death
She was also probably sexually abused as a child from the Marxist lesbians friends
The crusades are almost upon us again.
>Implying that most fathers were tempted to fuck their own daughter sounds like bullshit
It's not. Every man wants to fuck his daughters. How could you not? Having a sexy young girl around, how could you not want to dick her?
>fucking your daughter
>but not when she was a small child(the best time to do daughterfucking)
Why even do it then? If you're not going to have her suck your dick when she's a toddler what's even the pont of having sex with your daughter?
There is nothing more pure than the love between family members, especially between siblings. There is no love out there that can possibly top it, there just isnt.
>as if you couldn't just walk outside, throw a rock randomly and hit 20 rape ready rag heads
so find some other place, just fuck off faggot
Incest is for subhumen
>especially between siblings. There is no love out there that can possibly top it
You mean a father/daughter couple. Siblings is disgusting. Love between a man and his daughter is the truest love, as like a creator and the thing he made.
Well, I fucked up that linking somehow.
What if they get a child?
Incest is the hottest thing ever. I support this.
yes but black dick is a meme and it's pretty rare, as my boi pucci can stretch pretty wide i need a real girthy black monster to worship and to stretch me open
a good boi should always leave a session with a gaping boi pucci full of warm creamy yogurt
Lib shit arguments
1. There's no slippery slope
2. Pedos dinndu nuffin
So basically the lefts just a bunch of pedos
and pedo apologists now, got it.
>Calling the left pedo apologists
>When pedophilia - sorry """hebephilia""" - is notoriously pushed by the libertarian crowd
*big black dick i mean
Mothers who abandon their children are just as bad.
The jews push whatever gets the highest ratings. I don’t think it’s part of some plot I just think that people are stupid and want to be fed trash.
I’ve never met any gay/trans people that would want pedophilia/incest/cannibalism/necrophilia is a thing. i’m sure those people exist just like straight/cis people who want that exist, but the vast majority of trans and gay people are just as repulsed by that as everyone else.
>Thots and sluts confirmed daddy issues.
Well, ideally a girl should not be having sex with her father when she is breedable. She should be married by then. Though if he accidentally puts her first babby in her it's not a big deal.
I kinda knew it but couldnt articulate it so precisely.
That's not an argument you intellectual reject.
Why the fuck is this being presented as normal!?
She's a fucked up child raised by a single mother (huge red flag, if not the biggest) and he's just following his dick.
Wtf...why do I have a boner?
Next the USA will have animal brothels like Europe and Cosmo will be urging its readers to try it out, the animals dont complain
but like, most gays want pedophilia
No, most don’t. Some do and those that do usually congregate and are more previlent on the internet where there are many kids.
>t.muslim degenerate pedophile
but 30 % of gays get arrested for pedophilia here in spain, and men prefer younger mates
Tracked her father down in Jamaica... this is niggers being niggers
Those gays I know and went in majority supported pedophilia, its sick behavior.
You dont have to think its part of a plot, Im telling you it is part of a plot because I know, as really know.
The endgame is total prison planet where every human has a RFID chip in their neck and all liberties have been taken away.
One main obstacle to this are Americans second amendment.
A peoples militia can never ever be beaten, thats why you have all these false flag shootings and then all this shilling for TAKE AWAY GUN RIGHTS.
The funny thing is gun rights are the only thing from stopping (((them))) from creating their Prison Planet.
If you are deep enough in the rabbit hole, your mind can not process the undescribable depth and size of the evil that exists in this world.
But there are also so much love.
Disgusting, dad-daughter incest is DISGUSTING. Atleast be a proper faggot and jerk it to mom son incest
Those gays I know and *met in majority supported pedophilia, its sick behavior.
Being truly open and homosexual is a satanic behavior. lets not get too religious but it really is.
Homosexuality, transgender, pedophilia all come from the same shitty cluster, it all comes from satan.
>America is the country which went from barbarism to decadence without experiencing civilization
That's a pretty interesting thought froganon.
A small correction
it all ends when the "locusts" of Revelation come. those will be self-replicating nanobots that can fly. they will look like tiny black specks to us, almost like dust. in reality they will be microscopic machines containing a camera, microphone, mesh networking capabilities, and a lethal injection payload. the controllers will be able to spy on any target in any location on the planet at any time and have them killed instantly.
there's a lot in Revelation that makes perfect sense when you realize he had no words to describe the technology he was seeing, so he picked the closest match he knew
If that was also at the time of the marriage then he was pretty damn swole for age 23.
Baguette was a Miss-Steak
>mom son incest
Disgusting. Father/daughter is the only good incest. Little girl is made for riding her daddy's dick.
There's nothing wrong with pedophilia. Little girls are objectively much more attractive than grown women. Sex with little girls is good in a proper relationship.
White people should all just kill themselves en masse at this point
They're a disgrace. Their men are too pathetic and their women are out of control.
I’ve met quite a few gay people and none of them were attracted to kids.
And yeah the elite are always looking for new ways to control people but I don’t think anyone has any sort of grand plot, no one can plan that far ahead, it’s just how humans are. We’re disgusting creatures enslaved by our flesh and it’s desires.
As soon as I saw that line, closed that shit immediately. This is just another story of subhuman apes doing what they do best, fuck up every culture and person they come into contact with.
Do you ever sleep
>not to creepy middle aged men
Take your ageism outta here you bigot.
>There's nothing wrong with pedophilia
You are sick in your head. Being attracted to a 5 year old is mental sickness, end of story.
>I don’t think anyone has any sort of grand plot, no one can plan that far ahead,
There is detailed plans already for the next 100 years, but it has been way delayed.
Nothing happens by mistake.
This whole thread
Yeah, I thought that was clever too.
Lord forgive us for our sins
Lol the miniature looks just like chimps holding hands
>You are sick in your head.
> t. ageist bigot
>When I first met him in person I noticed that we even had the same posture
>Being attracted to a 5 year old is mental sickness
No, it isn't. 5yo girls are small and cute and nice. Recognizing that attractive females are sexually attractive isn't illness, it's honesty.
CIA not all over this?
Careful user they don't like child molesters in prison.
Jesus Christ please help us from this evil
Ahmed El-Massry, ever heard about 'daddy issues'. Its a well known phenomena in women's sexual fantasies.
>pure love is evil
Yeah, the socialists say so so it must be true.
>That's a pretty interesting thought froganon.
No it's not. We were part of the British Empire. Our history does not start in 1776, no matter how many times the kikes seem to screech it in your face.
The amount of time between the founding of Jamestown and the Revolution is equal to the amount of time from the Revolution to the end of the 2nd world war. Yet here we are. Le nation of immigrants that knows jacks shit about its own history.
he meant to say ''married off'' you absolute autistics. You can't even understand a fucking simple statement. what the fuck happened to your higher white IQ?
I pray to Jesus Christ that you get healed from your sick satanic behavior.
What do you think your mother would say?
Ask Jesus for forgiveness, what can you lose?
Dare do it. Try it.
No the socialists want it legal just like you, you sick fuck
It's interesting in that it applies to all of our immigrants though. They totally did go from barbarism to decadence without experiencing civilization.
you know whats cute too? small kittens. Do you want to fuck kittens too?
Its one thing to notice that children are cute. Because they are. Because small things tend to be cute because we have evolved to percieve them like that to be more protective of them.
and dont get me wrong, its not like i morally judge you. Its just, you re a fucking retard that cant think logically or just a troll.
>But the progression of their sexual experience only stopped because her father took control. "I had tried to have unprotected intercourse with him, which I had never done before in my life," she said, "and he stopped me and said, 'We can't, I'm your father'.
no matter how men hit the lowest of low, they still have some shred of dignity and responsibility left in them. Meanwhile, women's degeneracy knows no boundries.
you sick fuck
God, the French are fucking creepy
Bague miss-steak friend
There is nothing wrong with loving little girls. Only a fat retarded feminist would think love between a man and his daughter is somehow harmful. Are you sure you aren't one of those conservative feminist? lol
>implying incest doesn't take place in the darkest of nigger africa and other 3rd world shitholes.
its Cred Forums. I can assume most have casual knowledge of the most fucked up shit and anime / hentai.
Based daughter
hey there little homo
can you stop with threads like these in Cred Forums?
this is the new "blacked" and in real life ( where you soyboys dont go) blacked is nothing more but a perverted fantasy made by sexualised men who dont have actual wives, This however, Pedophilia, is heavily condoned in my country and i want nothing more then to STOP the normalisation of it!
This shit belongs in Cred Forums YLYL not in here.
>barbarism to decadence without experiencing civilization.
That's actually interesting.
Read this She's being a real drama queen about it all, she wants to ride his dick and feel bad about it and it even creeped out her useless nigger dad to the point where he broke up with her.
>She's being a real drama queen about it all, she wants to ride his dick and feel bad about it and it even creeped out her useless nigger dad to the point where he broke up with her.
What a fucking cunt. Bad daughter.
But daughters do belong on their daddies dick.
Trump approves.
My great-grandparents in the US were married at 14/16 years old. It was pretty common even up til the 1940s.
I dont want to force my daughter to do something she doesn't want to do, but I also dont want to deprive her of possibly the best thing she will ever experience. Any tips on how to approach this? Im thinking of leaving father-daughter loli incest on my PC when she can find it, that way she sees im interested but its never out in the open. when her mother is away we have to do something that will allow her to feel in control and take the chance to grind on my leg if she wants to but im still not sure how to set it up.
The first person a person has sexual contact with should be a close family member after all.
El ogro de las americas
Don't let your daughter watch porn u fucking degenerate, especially not your gay weeaboo shit.
why? my hentai collection is just pure porn (vanilla ending in marriage, girl + consenticles). Id rather she watched this than something she finds on blacked.
probably not even her dad.
mom has one night stand with guy.he tells her his name is Rex,Rex Butts at your service.
years later her daughter goes to jamaica looking for this rex fellow and asks at the local cantina.
Some local drunken asshole sees a cute young white girl and says yes,i'm him.what do you want?
feels good man.
I need you to kill your self.
unironically too young, and I'm not even a moral fag
>Princess Sibylle of Cleves married a month after her 15th birthday.
Woodcarving or it didn't happen.
I'm not religious but it is like looking at the face of pure evil
t. Shlomo Nosenblatt
Islam will bring morality back.
After I read the quran I realized it is actually good.
Most Muslims don't know their religion
Pretty much. Jews make the laws, and women vote for them.
Why does this exist?
Islam is objectively backward and degenerate