>President Trump: Year One
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>VP Pence @America 1st Policies event in TX 2/17/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in-flight presser 2/17/18
>NSA McMaster @Munich Security Conf 2/17/18
>DNI Coates on russian election meddling 2/17/18
>This Week @State 2/16/18
>Tiffany/Barron arrive in WPalmBeach 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Sheriff's Office 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Hospital 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in WPalmBeach Fl 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/Rato after visiting border 2/16/18
>VP Pence @RNC in San Antonio TX 2/16/18
>VP Pence in Hidalgo TX on immigratin 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in TX 2/16/18
>DepAG Rosenstein indicts 13 russians 2/16/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/RoachFM Cavusoglu 2/16/18
>CommSec Ross @Small Biz Summit 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Addresses Nation on FL Shooting 2/15/18
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Fatal Miscalculation Edition
She has Moonman tier genocidal tendencies against KlaxxKoons
Of course we love her.
The whole show is about
>Reject the Kike pro-longed adolescence system that destroys love and healthy relationships
>Both men and women need to be in sync to truly be powerful
>Walls work, we must defend our borders from shitskin unevolved savages that want our resources
>We are the ones that put in the work to extract the magma, and as soon as we do here comes all the KlaxxKoons wanting a hand out
>When they show up we should kill them, not give them the fucking magma
Slow news day aside from some Ruskies popping up a degenerate that killed 4 people at Church.
Upcoming Elections:
February 20
>KY State House 49
>MS State House 60
February 27
>AZ CD-8 Primary
>CT State House 120
>KY State House 89
>NH State House Belknap 3
March 6
>(OK) State House 51
March 13
>PA-18 Special Election
>TN State Senate 14
TW said it best. Be a positive asset to the President, not a negative one.
>>Protagonist male acts like a bitch
I see that you haven't watched past ep. 3
With all the attention drawn to the recent shooting in Florida, will anything really come out of it? Nothing really happened under Obama, Dubya, Bush, Clinton, or really anyone else regarding guns.
High capacity and assault weapons are already heavily regulated and each state has their own individual laws regarding them.
This kid's going to escape the needle. There's enough to say he was crazy on some level. He was telling people his intentions before almost as a call for help.
>02 asks Hiro why he fights
>"To protect Papa and the plantation"
a promise is a promise
Did they execute Dylan Roof already or is he still on deffroh?
The fuck are you doing
>Dems will be going into the midterms on an anti-gun platform that is based on a school shooting that could've easily been stopped by law enforcement
Anyone here visits /x/? Why does their kit has rainbow socks?
Nothing will change, this is just another DRUMPF moment
This is great.
>March 6
>>(OK) State House 51
>Did they execute Dylan Roof already or is he still on deffroh?
Not for awhile of appeals.
Hey /ptg/:
Reminder that if the fat FUCK donald DRUMPF was even 1 pound FATTER — he’d be officially OBESE!!
But don’t take my word for it.... take his doctor’s!!!!!!
Bumping threads
Jeb! Rally!!!
*thunderous applause*
The platform will be
Truly a winning strategy
>Darling is Karling
dog bless /his/
no in-fact it's pretty jap-teen-boy-protag thing to be
How is the media taking it?
He's not on the green mile anymore
What trickery is this?
>msnbc is saying that Russian agents pose as Americans and act to destroy our democracy
why do they literally project everything the jews are doing onto the russians?
>400 pound hacker
Who did he mean by this?
I went there a few times to check some shit out and it's filled with libtards and some act like literal antifa.
>Why does their kit has rainbow socks?
It's their mascot, newfag.
You know when the "It's the Jews" theory first came out, I was like "oh that's way too Cred Forums. That's ridiculous"
But each episode it seems to be giving more credibility to that theory than any of the others.
Is this going to be another example of "Cred Forums is always right"?
wow the fat single mother is upset.
also it was just a lousy Cred Forums spin-off so who cares?
Be careful, autists.
Yeb! truly is the Tutankhamun of US politics.
Some CNN talking head literally said on air that "Russians are genetically driven to subvert"
The whole world is laughing at the stupidity of the Americans
How is CNN taking it?
Pretty good cure.
Xth for bleeding the economies of Europe out. Only then can Europe be fixed.
>American Education
>"Jews are genetically driven to subvert"
>400lb hacker
he's calling out Cred Forums again
>our America
Good, your America is Barry's America which fucking sucked.
>Is this going to be another example of "Cred Forums is always right"?
We're laughing at yours, fluffy
>doubting us
The irony is honestly amazing
>Our America
>being this new
Pic related?
>400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer
He means us!
This might be THE anime that proves the existence of objective quality. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Darling in the Franxx is good as a matter of FACT rather than OPINION, and that all criticism leveled against it is reducible to simple misunderstanding. Go ahead and post why you dislike the series. I guarantee that failure to understand some aspect on your part is responsible for the distorted perception you have. Just as 2 + 2 = 4, Darling in the Franxx = good. And in the same way that anyone can be made to see why 2 + 2 = 4 through proper understanding of math, so too can anyone be made to see why Darling in the Franxx is good through proper understanding of the series. This is the first example I've encountered of an anime that seems to possess intrinsic quality, completely independent of any one person's subjective evaluation.
>Get smart America!!
did Russia get snackbar'd?
>He's getting desperate
>You know when the "It's the Jews" theory first came out,
You mean since the creation of time?
Who cares about what Germany thinks?
4chn cup is live, we've got /toy/ vs Cred Forums now, and we're playing against /sp next, join us on smashcast, if you want
He does
I really hate children who watch shitty generic trash anime for children.
I'd like to get a time machine and give Barbara Feldon a good rogering.
So C.H.A.O.S. hacked our election?
well Trigger does go out of it way to pander to western audience, guess they decided to go with us instead of the sjws.
>Is on a anime imageboard
>hates anime
>We no longer recognize our America
Hey euros you really thought america was going to be fascist left forever? Thats not how it works here we arent you.
>he didn't thought it was the Jews from the start
Well in a way you were right. That user in the screencap literally wandered over from /ptg/ when a thread got crosslinked here.
He’s objectively right about poland, though
Thank you nips for not buying Triggershit.
Wrong, polackball. I don't hate anime. I hate shitty seasonal nu-anime and the children who rant and rave about it.
Quick the Muellerman knows. Announce the PURGE.
Support the PURGE.
>He is finally right about something.
>Thank you Adam!
Correction: Trigger has nothing to do with writing and neither does A1. Creative team is bunch of ex-Gainax people.
This is how your average german will look like in 2050. And it's beautiful
nothing he said sugest that he hates all anime just the shitty trash anime, unless you yourself think all anime is trash
>seasonal nu-anime
All anime is seasonal.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Darling in the FranXX. The innuendo is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of anime tropes the motiffs will go over the typical viewers head. There's also 02's psychotic personality which is deftly woven in to her characterisation- her abnormal behavior draws heavily from Anno's OC donut steel character Mari Makinami from the Eva rebuilds, for instance. The weebs understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to understand these tropes, to see that they're not just waifubait- they say something deep about ANIME. As a consequence, people who dislike Darling in the FranXX truly ARE normies- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the references in 02's existential catchphrase "Darling", which is itself a cryptic reference to the possessive yandere interaction of Future Diarie's leads. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Youtube's "get in the franxx, hiro" comments unfold themselves on their macbook screens. What fools... how I pity them.
Is shit taste curable?
Stop shilling this stupid crap in every thread. No one cares.
is this some Cred Forums pasta or something
All anime sucks. Japs are unimaginative husks without soul.
How so? We're much better off now than pretty much any other european nation with sane migration laws
Shouldn't drinking beer be haram?
>Trigger has nothing to do with writing
>Creative team is bunch of ex-Gainax people
>fascist left
i care they can be fun
please tell me there are more to this pasta.
thread related, trump is one of the players
if you don't like it, you're free to fuck off and go post somewhere else
Am I supposed to imagine she's getting fucked here?
Trigger itself is made out of ex-Gainax people.
I agree, pre-ww2 history doesn’t exist — you autistic fucking retard
Post Trump Action Figures
>Shouldn't drinking beer be haram?
Not for neuw moderate muslim Germans.
Holy shit that picture is hilarious
It’s not thread related, also
>13 posts by this id
No one cares but you and someone else who feels bad for you. Go play with Legos somewhere else and give baking to someone who doesn't ruin threads with their bullshit.
I like this series. Do you have the rest?
Cred Forums always being right isn't a meme, newfriend.
Vindication yet again.
is Cred Forums still in game?
well she is a slut that "pilots" with other men before, just be glad it isn't old men or blacks.
>hating on the 4CC
You have to go back
>everyone's mad. this is great!
Different method, same autism and intellectual deficiency.
I think it is the reverse of that "naruto is the worst anime" pasta.
You are literally Chris Chan 2.0.
No, it doesn't, what matters is what's going on now. And today, Poland is one of the last pure european countries, and we're slowly getting our economy back on track. We've got problems, but at least being 56% mutts like the rest of europeans won't be one of them. Fluffy is a wehraboo retard who probably etches swastikas in his middle school desk and thought he was edgy, hardly an inspiration if you want to be taken seriously
The lies.
Poland is the best country in Europe now.
I do, but I don't like spamming
Have another
Sadly that's the only one I've seen so far outside of theory shit
>the state of /ptg/ today
Yes. That kind of blush is usually a giveaway in hentai.
I have a Trump bobblehead but no action figures.
I don't care about it. I'm just sick of eva shilling it in every thread like an autist.
Yeah, leading the group with 3 points
Post it
They had a Commonwealth and saved Europe once.
> you like something so much that it takes on an intrinsic quality
Is this some sort of modified pasta?
and fascism is just communism for the right wing.
You're a newfag, duly noted
Alright, I'll go take a photo of it.
>actually falling for the drinking bleach meme
It's Sunday. Everyone's at church.
Mussolini said it wasn't left or right last I checked.
Culturally marxist without a command economy isnt communist. Its nu-communist,fascist left. i really dont know what to call it exactly.
How do you think?
>He's tweeting again, this proves how unhinged he is.
Not the brightest people we're dealing with.
>Fascism is right-wing
That's some next level public education.
Fascism is a fringe movement within the left-wing.
i kinda feel bad for Mark..
what were you the one posting the pics of trump having tea and pizza with mami in that Cred Forums thread?
I don't think we really need the help. You kind of derail more than you help.
Did it die? If he did, I guess it did cure his autism
Nu-Maoism I heard.
I wish, but it's a different autist.
Imagine being such an elder god of trolling that you can get 200,000 angry (You)s on a Sunday morning.
Lenin sending him letters of congratulationt for his victory tells a different history.
You're all stupid.
>didn't even know board mascot
>calls others newfags
Lmao'ing at ur lyfe.
I don't hangout with weebs, so no
Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism
he's the chosen one.
Are you an idiot?
I'm just saying. At least Kill la Kill was fun to watch and discuss in threads. Franxx is kind of Guilty Crown Tier.
Who' is /ptg/'s NASCAR driver?
though i think he based it off of communism as he liked the idea of revolution but he didn't like the idea of overthrowing the upper class so he created his own version.
>Fascism rejects marxist socialism AND international capitalism
>literally killed and helped others kill shitloads of communists including in the Spanish Civil War
>Everyone ignores fluffy
>He disappears
I thought he was going to take down /ptg/ this weekend?
This might be THE [category] that proves the existence of objective quality. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that [X=thing to be mocked] is good as a matter of FACT rather than OPINION, and that all criticism leveled against it is reducible to simple misunderstanding. Go ahead and post why you dislike the [series]. I guarantee that failure to understand some aspect on your part is responsible for the distorted perception you have. Just as 2 + 2 = 4, [X] = good. And in the same way that anyone can be made to see why 2 + 2 = 4 through proper understanding of math, so too can anyone be made to see why [X] is good through proper understanding of the [series]. This is the first example I've encountered of a [category] that seems to possess intrinsic quality, completely independent of any one person's subjective evaluation.
>this much self denial
>Kill la Kill
Absolute trash. Tried watching it last week and it's pure garbage.
James May?
Are you?
>Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce.
Any political leaning can be fascist.
Let's hope they never try to do anything similar with him as the Joker.
Trigger shows are all terrible to be honest.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand [X]. The innuendo is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of [anime tropes] the motiffs will go over the typical viewers head. There's also [specific X psychotic personality] which is deftly woven in to [her] characterisation- [her abnormal behavior] draws heavily from [Anno's OC donut steel character Mari Makinami] from the [Eva rebuilds], for instance. The [weebs] understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to understand these tropes, to see that they're not just [waifubait]- they say something deep about [ANIME]. As a consequence, people who dislike [X] truly ARE normies- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the references in [specific]'s existential catchphrase "[Specific X catchphrase]", which is itself a cryptic reference to the possessive [yandere] interaction of Future Diarie's leads. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Youtube's "[normie meme]" comments unfold themselves on their macbook screens. What fools... how I pity them.
We won Louisiana HD-86's special election!
Democrat only got 12.2% of the vote. Clinton got 23%
I think they're waiting for AI shit to develop more to go for a command economy, because they think that can make it work.
nice prez podium user
Go be a lesbo somewhere else
but you have a homura figure or did that pic belong to someone else.
It's only good when you watch it with Cred Forums.
>I'm controlling markets
>Picking winners and losers
>Disarming the populace
>But this is right-wing, goys
Seriously, consider killing yourself for falling into a left-wing strawman of saying that they are any different than fascists.
Ideology = cancer, any ideology WILL, invariably, be subverted by the left-wing.
>No one is covering it
Seething libshit media.
incase anyone wanted to make an exploitable copypasta
Thank you, user, but it's not mine
Is Trump making anime great again?
>Who' is /ptg/'s NASCAR driver?
Killed them out of divergence because one revolutionary mentality preach a universal model whereas the other wants another, not because they are opposites on right/left.
Yeah, but you're literally describing Donald "Let's have a military parade" Trump's wet dream. No one on the left has that mindset.
*blocks your second amendment*
This is all I got
He sounds like a dorky career bureaucrat.
Def not some cool or scary detective type the dems think he is.
>fascism is left wing
Baking, Worry Not
>>I'm controlling markets
This is solely a leftist trait now?
>>Disarming the populace
Nope. Nice job falling for Jewish propaganda. You're too dumb to even tie your shoelaces.
How can you people still support him after all of the Russia stuff? You are traitors to this country.
((( )))
>fascism is left wing
Why do people say Mussolini was a left facist?
*wrap-it-up-box starts playing*
He apparently has a history of fucking things up
>Trump encourages his Press Secretary
I miss Spicer. When's his gundam podcast?
It already has been infringed, retard!
Thats what china is looking like they are doing.
how new are you?
>24 posts by this id
Because they're fucking stupid and have no idea what they're talking about.
And we don't even think about you at all.
I wanna bully that faggot
From Enron to anthrax, he doesn't have a good track record.
>russian stuff
you mean there were some russian trolls that obummer didnt stop
i guess i am with her now
>Leddit spacing TRSodomite doesn't mind reading books, yet still wants people to follow his lead on retarded ideologies
Good goy.
There's also some nuts drinking hydrogen peroxide for health benefits. Look it up it's hilarious. Health nuts are fucking retarded.
*eliminates Judeo-Bolshevik scum*
>You will start losing Republicans if you don't get rid of the 2nd amendment!
>Republican turn outs are increasing
Thanks le 56% cretura for the school shooting, that seemed to wake them up.
>This is solely a leftist trait now?
So much to the point that it 's literally stealing Ano's thunder, invading that weeb spot left vacant by Eva's absence.
The whole show is Studio Trigger screaming "Make the last movie or we'll steal your customer base, Sempai"
If you find out that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Will you still support him?
pic saved, fell for it
You think he's one of fluffy's butt buddies?
Fucking TRS babies are like the kekistanis of the neo nazi movement, the cringiest shit
>Because they're fucking stupid and have no idea what they're talking about.
Thanks for your succinct and thoughtful answer to my question. (It wasn't)
Unless you're at war, then obviously you have to centralize the economy, but this is a temporary solution and not a universal model of which people have to follow forever.
They're a bunch of assmad morons that will forever be assmad because we summoned a god of chaos into being before they could summon a succubus
That video pretty much cements in my mind that Trump has nothing to worry about. Also, the fact the Bush and Obama both hired him increases the odds he's a fuckup
>molymeme drone
More boomer shit
>sales are shit
>EVA movies still doing incredibly well
Donald blumpf is being im peached on Monda.
also i heard that Gainax doesn't even own TTGL anymore.
>eceleb shit
Go back to wherever you came from, I read books, I don't watch jewtube videos to eat the opinions other people are shitting.
>getting mad over a can of beans
reminder you're posting for the good of the russian people. god speed, comrades. your own god damn image has trump as the bad guy! Stupid fucks
Are they /lgbt/ friendly? I figured as much, it's a containment board full of fail, just like /vp/
TRS is a CIA psyop. Go play with Legos.
What more do you want? They're ignorant of history and philosophy. It doesn't get much simpler than that. But also because they're probably lolberdarians.
The creepiest thing with China is the "social score" system they're trying to implement, where basically anything you do that's socially/politically non-conformist lowers your social score and makes it harder to get jobs, etc.
The left would really like to do that here, I'm sure, and I'm sure Google and Amazon and all the other Big Brother Inc. companies would be happy to help implement it.
No cigar, they come and go trying to sell their shit.
>brazilian intellectuals
He brought the Trump Curse upon himself.
This cunt will be forgotten in a few days.
99% of Japanese cartoons are shit desu
>he doesn't listen to the daily shoahTM
Lel, kike
>even tho israelTM is a BasedTM EthnostateTM
I fucking hate Hispanics.
They'll accept anyone as long as they think chewing on the pitch from a burnt matchstick will make you see into the 5th dimension
Perfect representation for spoiled, stupid, me generation, tranny dyke freaks
Who bought it?
Someone called kim dot com
nice shaved head
This is like anti-persuasion
No instead the left forced universal healthcare on the country, transgender bathrooms, political correctness, government control of the EPA, shadow government control of the pentagon/congress, gay marriage acceptance. religious freedom cut off and probably more im forgetting.
>Trump is for small government, low taxes and big military.
>Obama was for big intelligence agencies and high taxes with small military.
Whos the fascist one again? Remember the military is the people who serve the constitution while the intelligence agencies work above the law.
I respect your country more than anything in the world when I see that Polska flag with the giant hammer and sickle and swaztika marked inside a "forbidden" road symbol.
rimndr urthpothn rustshin peplg osped camraed yurspelgelebbe de
It's filled with SJWs and mentally ill people.
>Revolutionary teenager
>Wants to sell me his ideology
You can keep it, good goy.
This might be THE Presidency of the United States that proves the existence of objective quality. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that The Trump Presidency is good as a matter of FACT rather than OPINION, and that all criticism leveled against it is reducible to simple misunderstanding. Go ahead and post why you dislike the man. I guarantee that failure to understand some aspect on your part is responsible for the distorted perception you have. Just as 2 + 2 = 4, Donald Trump = good. And in the same way that anyone can be made to see why 2 + 2 = 4 through proper understanding of math, so too can anyone be made to see why President Trump is good through proper understanding of the facts. This is the first example I've encountered of a Presidency that seems to possess intrinsic quality, completely independent of any one person's subjective evaluation.
Be honest, are you white, friendo? Depending on your answer, I would say I would replace you with fluffy, if I could, he clearly wants to live somewhere else
>kim dot com
That was a larp. It was Seth Rich.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Donald J. Trump. The innuendo is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of American Nationalism tropes the motiffs will go over the typical viewers head. There's also Donald Trump's psychotic personality which is deftly woven in to his characterisation- Trump draws heavily from Anno's OC donut steel character Mari Makinami from the Eva rebuilds, for instance. The /ptg/ers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to understand these tropes, to see that they're not just waifubait- they say something deep about Politics. As a consequence, people who dislike Trump truly ARE normies- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the references in President Trump's existential catchphrase "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN", which is itself a cryptic reference to the possessive yandere interaction of Future Adolf's leads. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Youtube's "BUILD THE WALL" comments unfold themselves on their macbook screens. What fools... how I pity them.
Figured. Even SCP is going to shit, making articles about trannies and whatnot
should mass shootings be considered terrorism? i keep seeing people say that
>28 posts by this id
You people suffered both, you know what's up with this cancer.
Every communist leader in history has killed shitloads of other communists. Not necessarily jumping on the fascism=left bandwagon but communism is first and foremost about killing people and commies themselves usually suffer the worst
>hello, im a well read free market individualist
Trannies would be a SCP.
Can't believe this creature actually showed up on our state television.
That's because they're retards
Most mass shootings aren't political
Yes I am white, but I'm not moving, I have family and elderly people here.
That's why it pains me when fluffy acts like nazis are so BASED. Uneducated kid clearly doesn't know history, just listens to his podcasts and forum friends and says what they say because it's edgy
isn't he a Bernie bro? I think he's probably a nice guy but that's just inexcusable, especially at his age.
They aren't trying to influence domestic or foreign policy, so no.
The show isn't even through its first season, and relies on a very Gainax-esque visual stylings (although to be expected from ex-employees, Imaishi himself being a core piece of post-2000 Gainax style).
But it calls out to so many Gainax properties that it can be nothing else but warning shots.
damn I love this pic
got any more Trump combo memes?
Terrorism is usually a tactic to advance or advertise a political objective.
Most mass shooters I bet are not doing it for those reasons.
actually no one did it, the american company that was responsible for it in the USA is the only one with copyright on it right now. don't know how it happened
I mean there are some Cred Forumsacks there. This was their last big get.
yes because their goal is to inspire terror, and fame(or infamy) for the perpetrator
it's just that they are almost never religiously motivated when its not a sand nigger
I wish we had universal healthcare.
Nothing wrong with anything you described except the shadow government thing which is ridiculous bullshit anyway, as the right were the ones in charge of congress.
Trump has literally done nothing right since he got elected. Nothing. He's objectively made this country a worse place. He needs to go. Pence may be bad, but I'd take a dozen of him over one orange blowhard. And Trump literally called not applauding for him treason. He's the fascist. He's absolutely the fascist.
>Hey goy, pick one side or the other, we can't tolerate subversives
I pick the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, fuck off with your meme propaganda.
we apologize
>I respect your rights, but-
Then you fucking don't. How is this so hard to understand?
going to salt mine, will be back in an hour or so
Oh yea and it caused MASSIVE butthurt with the SJWs there. They threw a fit and mods deleted the thread (lol).
>the american company that was responsible for it in the USA is the only one with copyright on it right now
Get ready for that Hollywood adaptation. Fuck me.
I hope they at least make a fighting game with the gunmen.
>new bread at 291
Beautiful. This is the "I have a dream" speech of this generation. Love it.
Pre-ww2 history doesn't matter, ww2 doesn't matter, even the 1980's doesn't matter. All that matters is whether sane people are doing sane things today. And Poland is one of the few scraps of land filled with people that don't want to be overrun by brown filth.
Assholes like you will be begging for a polish visa a few decades from now after the US imports another 20-40 million 3rd worlders.
>What are mirrors?
>No one on the left has that mindset.
Are you actually trying to argue that every significant communist regime in history was right-wing?
When his Gundam is delivered.
that explains why the went to shit, i use to like that site, now they included a group of interest that sounds like the typical sjw stuff.
thankfully you can still find a few good new ones, like that scp that eats fiction and metafiction (including the scp foundation itself).
i always find it odd that hitler and nazism appeared just as people were turning on the commies. it as if someone needed to make the commies look good.