I just noticed Netflix has taken it upon themselves to sensationalize the summary text for movies and TV shows that apparently don't go with the proper narrative. Are there any other examples of this? Why did the company immediately start a downward decline once Soros bought those 300k shares? Why does the left ruin everything good?
What the fuck is Netflix doing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just use popcorn time. Its free
Dont give jews your money
I'm seriously about to cancel anyway. Netflix is turning into that giant basket of movies at Walmart. 10,000 things to choose from, but they're all shit. They're spending all their money on evangelistic "originals" packed with SJW messages, and meanwhile I can't find a single real or good movie to watch. But hey, at least I can watch last year's seasons of TV shows!
Join me on the high seas.
The entire point of netflix is to deliver propaganda.
Cheaper than dinner
Use Kodi. Don't give the rich more money.
Zeitgeist is kosher you fucking bluepill
Just pirate your shit.
cancel netflix it's shit, like 99 percent of the movies are worse than syfy channel garbage
but its included with my Comcast triple play bundle
Why even watch netflix when you can get every movie/tv show free online? No sorting through shit movies either.Hell,you can even see screeners before the movies even out.
The easiest way to do this is simply type in the name of the movie you want followed by openload : " Batman 1989 openload " etc .Also checkout putlockers.fm and icefilms.info. You can also use different addons on Kodi.
Get plex and stream your movies to your tv/Roku. Easy shit. I wont get into torrents right now because I'm lazy .
I've never even seen it, I just think it's fucked up that they're making up their own "summaries" on things the staff doesn't like. just give us the content.
It's about power not money but you already know this
No. The easiest thing is to install TerrariumTv on your firestick or pc. It's like kodi/exodus but still very active
>STILL paying for talmudflix in 2012+6
Never heard of it before. It's like Kodi and the rest?
and yet NFLX is rocketing to $300 a share
It's some commie bullshit with a few decent hooks in the beginning.
cat ladies
No one gives a fuck about stocks anymore
It's all made up noise
Crypto is the future.
>no one
>only every single person that actually matters in the global economy
crypto is great, crypto may be the future, but stocks are the equity REAL COMPANIES have. they're not going anywhere.
Pretty much.
>here's some stuff that makes you question popular religion
>here's some stuff that makes you question the official narrative on 911
and now that you're malleable
>here's some stuff on why you should donate to our postmodern take on communal dystopian utopia, the Venus Society™
the thread isn't really about Zeitgeist itself. I'm wondering how many other movies and shows they're tinkering with the summaries of when they go against the narrative.