>Historically welcoming and cosmopolitan
>Had one of the greatest Empires in human history
>On the whole lovely people
>Great food
>Proud of their culture
>Hard workers
>Traditional values
>Secular, or at least tolerating of other cultures
Why the hate? I feel shitholes like Romania or Poland are more befitting of the slur Roaches than Turks
Why do you hate Turkey ("Roaches")?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because we Turks are not white and whites are subhumans
>Poland are more befitting of the slur Roaches than Turks
Just kys.
>Their culture
You mean the culture they stole from Greeks, Albanians, Armenians, Assyrians and other natives?
Oh you mean the kind of tolerance Sultan Hamid II showed?
begone, roach.
shoo before i kick your mongrel skull in
I actually like the Polish but I feel if you're going by the idea that a roach is infesting nations and not providing benefit Poles fit it better.
They didn't steal their culture from Greeks. That's like saying the British stole theirs from the Romans, the Greeks are one of many cultures that make the distinctive Turk culture that dominated large parts of the known world for centuries. They developed their own distinctive culture in the process.
In fact my ex girlfriend was Polish and I teased her about this all the time
m8 you either don't know history or simply retarded. How mony european nations suffered centuries under thier infestation? Your polish diaspora problem is nothing compared to turks and thier spawn festering in europe to this day. Ask any non kebab german about it.
Genetically they are rape babies from Greece and Armenia.
>"Durr hrr hes posting from burgerland, so he must be a burgertard urrh nngnggnngngg durr"
kys, im not a tard.
also what fuckin' country is "Pan African" country lmao?
Nein, you stole our fuckin' land. I dont hate turks but i dont like them either, so youre a roach
>Subhuman Amerimutt
>In charge of genetics
When will we exterminate Amerimutts already?
Address the point or gtfo
Nice ad-hom nigger shithead
We wuz Suleiman n shiiiet
They are the original amerimutts. Literally a spermcocktail of various thnic groups
I don't hate Turkey. The only thing I don't like is them undermining the legitimacy of Assad. I'm of Palestinian descent and I'm cool with Everyone except Israel and Gulf Arab states.
God bless Palestine, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Iran and Hezbollah.
This, turks are arab rape babies kek even now their women crave for the BAC (Big Arab Cock)
Show me your flag Amerimutt/white subhuman
I would love to butcher the children in front of their parents.
shoo shoo mutt.
didn't see your flag
are you
a) white subhuman
b) amerimutt
c) rapebaby
pick 1
This is my flag turkmutt. I know such an idea is alien to you because you are too busy guzzling amerimutt sperm
The only reason why you are brown is that your ancestors were raped by us kek, stop larping as a nigger
see or show flag
He already told you he's arab. I am Nord African.
Both are vastly superior to turk mutts
>wtf I love roach women now!
As is every race if you go back far enough. But the Turk race now is the more or less the same as that under the Ottoman Empire
I don't. Although i'm in literally every fucking thread roasting you, in reality i don't hate you, this is just my Cred Forums autism. Too bad we're gonna have a war soon tho. Anyway i felt like spreading some love today.
Speak for yourself dishwashing turkmutt in London. I am pure berber with a touch of arab ancestry, you are a literal sperm cocktail
Turkey had a large empire, but they were still dumb. They had to import their scientists, engineers, and skilled tradespeople. Little advancement actually came out of Turkey. They were just obedient Muslim hordes great in number.
Who the fuck keeps telling Turks that they are civilized or even human? Wtf Cred Forums?
They are compared to arabs and niggers.
Romanians are gyppos
Being resourceful and great with trade was the strength of their empire
They ARE sandniggers
Lol. These are Turks. All they do is shit in their own mouths.
Erdogan, is that you????
>Maybe if I call them sub human enough times, reality might warp and my race might have ended up contributing something to society.
Sub human calls another race sub human lol.
they are central asiatic mixed with greeks and slavs.
also show your fucking flag.
becayse they're donmeh kikes aka roaches, why do you care, pakistan?
There are Sub-Saharan African empires that were successful at trade, like the Mutapa Empire. It doesn't take much.
Turkey confuses the fuck out of me.
Everything I read describes Turkey as the "Muslim success story" due to being secular and modern thanks to Ataturk, but Ataturk would be spinning in his fucking grave if he knew what Turkey was doing today.
They scream about being secular and modern and Western yet they work so hard to obliterate every notion of being secular, modern, and Western and bring back this Islamic value system bullshit.
Are you that subhuman balkanrapebaby from Yugoslavia in Sweden?
No they are not you stupid nigger. They are sub human vermin. Just look at the streets in their cities. It is pure shit. The whole nation is run by a shit eating mongaloid and the fucking retards support him like a bunch of inbred fucks.
They are shit colored people with a shit culture.
Shit colored people = shit people = shit race = shit culture.
I don't really hate them but they aren't European or white, they are basically mutts and the roach memes are mostly just banter
A step above commie Kurds though
thats islam for you bud, ataturk didn't obliterate islam from turkey and thus only postponed the ottomans going full durka durka in modern times.
Most turks are pale skinned you moron, the brown ones are usually kurds.
Again show your fucking flag.
we're not crackers almancı
As a Turkish man myself i love to take big black cocks up my ass several times a day to help clean out the remnants of kebab
because western propaganda. btw, good job with sticking it to the mutts in syria
>thinks white means anything outside of muttland
my sides
Lol yeah light skinned. Maybe to you nigger
I wonder what it likes being a turk. Hated by the west, hated to the east, hated in the south and hated in the north. Takes some mental gymnastics to think people actually like your people.
Rape. murdering. trying to conquer us the instant they get some power. Tolererating of other cultures my fucking ass, turkroach. Fuck off.
>Most turks are pale skinned
he actually believes this kek
if I was straight I'd probably marry a pale skinned slightly Eurasian Turkish girl
Do you actually believe that african guy is what a average turk looks like ?
If yes, i end our conversation, its like talking to a dog.
projection: the post
i imagine it would feel like being an american
It takes gold medal gymnastics for them to think they are people at all.
Turkey just attacked their NATO ally.
They keep attacking Greece. Maybe that's why?
If you went back to Turkey we wouldn't hate you, Mustapha.
Kill yourself
That is a turk you dumb nigger
the U.S. doesn't have neighbors. We have tacos to the south and I'm not even sure if Canada actually exists.
I dont, but I pretend to because its funny
t. armenian
I don't hate them, BUT they don't assimilate, have more criminal energy than natives here, are arrogant and all around annoying.
Kill yourselves faggots.
I like Turks when they are in Turkey
almost all turks here are retarded mongoloids
Erdogan is chimping out against us at the moment because we claimed the Armenian genocide is real
Fucking subhuman Turks get everything they want here and they still muck it up, we aren't allowed to deport or kill them but we can sure as hell bully and segregate them, fucking untermensch.
What's the Coptic Genocide, faggot?
Lol. You can try and be a tricky nigger but you don't fool me.
I do realize there are whites who join Islam but I see them as sub human as well. They're too fucking retarded to be allowed on Earth.
>Because we Turks are not white and whites are subhumans
I bet you dont even know how the device you're using to connect to the internet works. I bet you don't know how the internet works either.
In the late 80's back when I was wiring ISDN groups and T1s into educational institutions, there were no Turks on the internet. It was too hard for them to figure out how to connect to, and Turkey barely had phones. Nothing innovative ever comes out of Turkey because they are the world center of retardation and imbreeding, not technology.
You don't have to be a muslim to be a turk you moron, there are plenty secular turks and turks are not african looking.
>lovely people
>hard working
It's like you're trying to describe roaches by things they arent.
Turks are the dumbest, laziest, most exclusionist, most provocative, mudslime fundamentalist pack animals I've had the displeasure to meet.
i hate them because i have met a lot of them
All Turks are muslims you fucking retarded nigger. Go suck off a kike.
Those shitty empires pale in comparison to the size and might of the Ottoman Empire though.
says the one who will never marry any girl
Because they get everywhere, spread disease, and royally fuck up electronics. Not to mention the fact that they are just plain disgusting.
>Great food
True. Your food is so good we kept most of it after kicking your roach asses out. Only we made it even better by adding pork.
>>Historically welcoming and cosmopolitan
They rape and murder. Their foundations are on the bloodied corpses of the Byzantined
>>Had one of the greatest Empires in human history
Define greatness. Their empire was Islamic, literally subhuman.
>>On the whole lovely people
Lol wot?
>>Great food
It's ok at best and only tolerable as being the only thing open at 3am on a pub crawl
>>Proud of their culture
Given their homosexual and Islamic culture. That's a degenerate thing
>>Hard workers
Maybe. I can concede a little here.
>>Traditional values
Of faggot type Islam.
>>Secular, or at least tolerating of other cultures
They love those Kurds (also Muslim) :DDDDD. They toppled the eastern Roman Empire with tolerance right?
>Erdogan is chimping out against us at the moment because we claimed the Armenian genocide is real
A surprisingly good move from our awful government, I have to admit
Pork is shit tier, its the lowest quality meat. I still eat it on occasion but Beef and Lamb are far more rich and tasty in most meals
of course the roach doesn't like pork, I bet he hasn't even tried bacon.
Consider yourself luckily that your Gastarbeiter were mainly Turks. We have Turks and Moroccans, the latter even worse
While we're on the subject, here's a documentary about sex in Turkey
The entire thing is fucking cringeworthy, but go to around 26 minutes to hear normal, young Turkish guys as they try to talk the British woman into fucking them and describing how they fuck tranny prostitutes.
with out a doubt the worst kind of "minority" in the netherlands.
>too (turkish) nationalistic (i dont mind when foreigners are proud of where they come from, but these roaches are overnationalistic)
>dont assimilate
>inbred products
>their dutch is so broken it is honestly sad
>they dont work yet they have one of the most beautiful cars ( i wonder why)
>they dont pay taxes
they're nothing more than a tool for the jews to destroy the western civilisation.
you dont need to understand what they're saying to see why they're known as "turkroaches"
>They rape and murder. Their foundations are on the bloodied corpses of the Byzantined
I didn't claim the Empire didn't become powerful through conquest but, unlike most, it embraced trade and interaction with other powers to its benefit
>Define greatness. Their empire was Islamic, literally subhuman.
Size, longevity and status
>It's ok at best and only tolerable as being the only thing open at 3am on a pub crawl
As I thought, you've only had the fast food shitty kebab shops (which are still infinetly better than the shitty chip shops that used to fill the streets of the UK) Try some real home cooked Turkish food and you'll see its amazingly flavourful
>Given their homosexual and Islamic culture. That's a degenerate thing
The other points are fairly tame and I cba to reply to all of it
LMAO that retarded rapebaby thinks it kicked us out :DDD
Did your subhuman grandpa died on Gallipoli shore?
Actually I like all pork I've had except bacon. The uncooked fat on it is so off putting. I don't mind it when the bacon is trimmed or the fat is crispy but its too risky ordering bacon and getting a half cooked half strip of meat, half strip of raw fat
Say what? I mean beef and (especially) lamb fucking rock, but pork is shit tier? Negro is you serious rn?
I just mean given the option I'd always choose the equivalent cut of Beef or Lamb to a cut of Pork. I'll concede that Pepperoni and other italian cuts are quite tasty in a sandwich
You're too late, I already spent all my suppressed rage today. No bite.
Cenk ungur whatever young Turks shit show is. The color of his skin and his mannerisms are comparable to a roach.
go back
Fuck off Muhammad
turks are Arab rape babies and slavs are turkish rape babies kek stop bragging about it rapebaby
>why do you hate turkey
Cause their massive genocide of christains turkfag
Lol at all the niggers in this thread saying all turks are brown or black. I went to college in the USA and literally not a single person thought I was anything other than white (I’m christian not rapefugee) lol. Everyone thought I’m some sort of European due to my accent but not once was I considered “brown”. I have pale skin, green eyes, dark brown hair 185 cm tall. My own sister has dirty blonde hair and light green eyes. If I’m not genetically european then all of you americans are literally niggers
also explain to me how dark haired olive skinned pasta faggots are white but we are not? lol
lmao turks don't look like that, they have arab blood because we raped them so they are brown now
If you're white/European then you're not Turkish.
fuck off, geri zekalı.
amına koduğumun hıyarı siktir git ev zenciliğini başka yerde yap
Imagine being a subhuman amerimutt LARPing as Arap
Almost none of this is true, how delusional are you?
>One of the greatest empires
>Invented literally nothing
>Gave the world literally nothing
My country of 5 million have brought more global contributions than the entire Ottoman empire
They did ONE right thing in all of history but even then they fucked up very badly
I'm 100% Arab faggot, so you are saying that you have no Arab blood? You know better than me that you are our rapebabies.
Correction... 2 things
Fuck the balkan monkeys
That's cause you have Serbian genes.
The printing press didn't get really used by Muslim Turks (unlike for instance Christians in the Ottoman Empire) until the fucking 19th century
>Cuckold fanfiction invented by a T*rk
At least the inbred could rub enough briancells together to realize it was fiction
The T*rks on here are all fucking retards, but IRL I've never met a Turk.
you're an amerimutt mutt mongrel subhuman sperm cocktail of 60 peoples
now fuck off before i trace your IP address and stick your keyboard up your mongrel ass
The TÜRK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of central asia, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The TÜRK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dogs)
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The TÜRK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the TÜRK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent turkish seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the TÜRK man impregnates.
In total, the TÜRK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the TÜRK man is the epitome of masculinity.
Honestly it's not very different.
Do you want some. We've got too many
>also explain to me how dark haired olive skinned pasta faggots are white but we are not? lol
Turkic aren't a race, there were many populations of "turks" that contained completely different haplogroups, somehow tall blond haired blue eyes Cumans and Pechenegs turks are the same as slant eyed good ugyurs and shitskin seljuk roaches?
They only shared a common language group, Tengrism, and were horse archer nomads
A Turkgar would know.
based paki
Fuck off roach.
you are retarded habibi, I can piss in your mouth and you would thank me little bitch. I am an Arab and you are an Arab rapebaby larping as a nigger, imagine how sad is your life kek
It's true tho. Have you ever seen yourselves from a third person perspective?
Nice ylyl thread
>Have you seen yourselves
What do you mean? Are you saying I'm a Turk? Who's Turking right now? I'm confused
People hate the diaspora of every country and judge the whole people coming from that country by its diaspora, by being closer to them. No one is sending their best.
Thanks for proving me right.
>Historically welcoming
Tell that to the Greeks, Armenians, Arabs, and everybody in the Balkans.
God damn you and your psyops.
Stay mad turk.
Turkey is literally a poor 3rd world shithole.
You forgot mass murderers, slavists and assaulted european nations many times. Each time was almost a full genocide.
Turks are inhuman monsters, since the beginning of times. They would kill you while spilling blood from your babies' skull. Beware of those monsters.
Turkroaches should be asking themselves this question since it seems like they all want to escape vile Turkroachistan and live around pleasant white northern europeans.
I visited both greece and turkey and can say most of turkey looks exactly like greece.
Just compare Ankara with Athenes, you even have the same narrow alleys all over the town.
Remember when the Turks played this as they raped your people and occupied you for centuries?
>Subhuman Amerimutt
idk. I grew up in a town with 40% turkish pop and didn't have issues.
i swear to God everytime there's a Roach thread they come talk about nothing but muh biggu empiru was cool and whites are subhumans. You're boring af, get creative with your banter you steppe rats
3 is not "plenty".
Why do Bulgaria set itself up for insults? Masochism after several centuries of being Ottoman rapebabies?
I've fucked a Norwegian girl. Continue.
I agree with you. It’s irritating anytime I say I am Turkish to my IRL friends they act shocked and say “but turks are brown” and on Cred Forums get called a subhuman roach
>Shitskins on pol fucking anything
And check the flag again, inbred. By Christ, that low IQ thing is not even a meme
>Blonde blue eyed Cumans
I would call you a dumb amerimutt, but you're clearly an even dumber roach
Turks on suicide watch. Cannot refute the fact that they are Arab rapebabies.
lol my bad, still its true though
what is that?
You see OP, Anatolia is intresting. The ethnicities abhor the idea of merging but can tolerate each other for some reason. Then there are sand people , they spread out like parasite(remember the buddhists on rohginga , its the same thing today. Cred Forums hates turkey as any sane man would do, because if u dont hate this shitshow then it would mean that u ar okay with it. Cred Forums gives extreme answers , that is always been the case, however they should loo deeper into history of anatolia if they wish to speak. Otherwise you only see bullshit claims spat out without even considering what it means ie.turkey/greece war(its an impossible situation that would throw us to civil war instant. I don’t see the reason behind meaningless agression, not asking anyone not to hate anything but it should have substanfe and meaning.
A point to make is that while I think Poland is a bit of a shithole now, like Turkey I have respect for their people. Same goes for Russia, a proud and powerful nation. The conservatives of the US seem to be proud to call themselves American and I can appreciate that, it doesn't matter that you're a mix of many cultures as long as you take pride in your culture today and don't shun it and cuck yourself.
shush now rapebaby
This kills the shitskin
Hey look he used the nigger argument!
Just because your dad has a mansion in kusadasi and whenever you and your family go there you get treated like royalty doesn't mean all turks are "welcoming"
fucking retard lol
Have you ever met a Turk? Most of the time they're so friendly its almost overbearing. They're generally very talkative and upbeat. It comes from a culture of a community, where everyone knows everyone, you don't really get that here in the UK. For example I have no clue who half my neighbours are
Ask a Tengrist anything.
When are you gonna fuck off?
Your diaspora in cancer no matter where. Hysteric sandniggers who still practice bloodfeuds
why are bulgarians sooooo salty about everything?
Your moms going hysterical on my cock.
You are sniveling shitskins, all of you. The fact that you can lie while smiling is not a quality, feces infested roach.
Says the needlessly hateful piece of shit. The reason the Ottoman's were as big as they were was because of their ability to use the strengths of others to their advantage. Your shithole is just content being isolationist and powerless
Turks are Asian.
Am I really gonna read the ramblings of an inbred who couldn't tell the difference between a flag with a blue cross in it and one without a massive blue cross?
The answer is surprisingly enough: No
>Muh dik
You must be one of the many fabled Afroturks you hear so much about
How old is this? I doubt BASED TURKS would be even 10% now
You know Turkish demographics, what the picture won't show, stop being annoying.
Nice argument, you really got me there! Sorry I confused you for an, at least once, mildly powerful nation
What do burning t*rkroaches smell like?
Turks can crush your powerless nation.
Soon Pakistan will give the TURKS NUKES Inshallah.
I bet they smell like shit
I'm not reading this but I can sense the massive butthurt
Give your sister/wife my regards, Mehmet
We can even find in Turkish tradition a breeding custom forbidding relationships inside up to the 7th degree consanguineouty.
What are akp gfs like
Dead t*rkr*aches after terrorist attack in night club
Press S to spit on the t*rkroach grave
Faggot t*rkroach soldiers getting rekt by islamists
You're not reading a single line of text?
>Stop drop n roll
>Die on your hands and knees
Sandniggers can't even die with dignity.
More dead t*rkr*aches
I dunno, I've never treated any of them as humans, why should I do it now?
IIRC, the reason we call Turks 'roaches' is one very butthurt Greek (not Ikibey, this was earlier) who kept calling Turks roaches and then other people started impersonating him for fun and then it caught on. So this really is just a meme. But don't act like the Turks are saints either. Turkish diaspora is currently trying to subvert Dutch society with funds from the Turkish government. And let's not forget Armenian genocide denial and the growing power islamism in Turkish politics.
Haven't properly browsed Cred Forums in weeks but it's nice to see that you still can't have a decent conversation on here despite the board pretending to be some kind of intellectually superior group discussing politics
Faggot t*rkr*ach soldiers getting ambushed and slaughtered by based Kurdish freedom fighters
Oh please roach, this insult goes several centuries back. I know you can't help yourself, but don't peddle fake history like a mong
T*rkr*aches are literally the worst posters in the history of this board. No sympathies you "people" should unironically be wiped off the face of the earth
>Kurdish PKK shoot down a roach AH-1 Cobra Helicopter in fighting for Cukurca Border Crossing
True, Turks recently have been politially iffy. A shame as they were gaining credibility before then but now seem to want to go down the combative approach. The Netherlands is a beautiful place so you can see why it'd be popular with immigrants but there needs to be a limit
Same, I'm gonna leave again m8
Fancy a brew?
looks like slav mutts too, fucking turkey lol
Next day at the funeral of the pilot fat t*rkroach roasties crying like bitches
Says the faggot spamming irrelevant bullshit and not contributing a meaningful thing to the discussion
That'd be excellent thanks
Faggot r*ach
What a based lad.
lmao that guy is actually funny with his shitposts, unlike you
Eat shit really. I can taste your butthurt through my monitor.
Whatever faggot sissy sandniggers nobody can outshitpost me
>They look like slavs
Oh for FUCKS SAKES, mutt. You fucking managed to sound even stupider than the roach who confused Norway and Denmark.
There's a reason why your mutt colony considers Sudanese and Ethiopians white: Because you're the worst educated western country on planet Earth and that's not even hyperbole
> german flag
>On 13 May 2014, an explosion at a coal mine in Soma, Manisa, Turkey, caused an underground mine fire, which burned until 15 May.[3][4] In total, 1150 people were killed in what was the worst mine disaster in Turkey's history
Press S to spit on their grave. More dead t*rkroaches pls
Oh so this is all meant to be comedic? Yikes..
Rare flag
>show up at my gate twice with a huge army
I wonder why...
some closeted monkey spazzing at me isnt going to make it untrue, maybe read some history and see why it may be more likely than you think lol
Mehmet should accept that sexual intercourse for T*rkish women is exclusively reserved for Kurdish Men.
Kurdish Men are superior in "ALL" ways to T*rk male subhumans.
T*rkish women are turned off by the smell of kebab.
T*rkish women are drawn to and easily excited by the look of a Kurdish Man's body they are always more desirable to look at with their dark chiseled bodies that display a sign of power and dominance.
T*rkish women know that no matter how physically fit a T*rk male subhuman is, he will lack stamina sexually and almost always ejaculate way to soon to satisfy her.
T*rk women know that Kurdish Men have the stamina to last hours beyond what it takes to please her.
T*rk women know that T*rk male subhumans have small, weak, limp, unattractive penises.
T*rk women know that Kurdish Men have long, thick, hard, amazing big cocks.
At this point feminine T*rkish men might as well just become traps
I still cannot fucking believe that you thought the two dead cockroaches look like slavs.
I'm not reading your shit either, you utter brainlet. Flour water drinking parasite.
They look like regular sandn*ggers
>That is considered white in muttistan
One of them are even sporting a fucking monobrow. Roaches are living memes
>Historically welcoming and cosmopolitan
>Had one of the greatest Empires in human history
perhaps biggest, but not greatest. and all it did was spread turkish misery elsewhere
>On the whole lovely people
>Great food
the only good shit is the stuff balkanites made more european. the original turkish food is crap, middle-east tier.
>Proud of their culture
shouldn't be, since it's shit.
>Hard workers
>Traditional values
perhaps, but little value when your traditions are backwards sandniggery.
>Secular, or at least tolerating of other cultures
you aren't very secular, and when a nation brags about being secular and tolerating of other cultures, that's just a sign their culture is backwards shit. at least you're subconciously aware of that.
the whole idea of colonising a place is so that you can improve it culturally and technologically, but turks seem to have taken the opposite approach with anatolia.
You subhuman baboon. You literal dog.
How dare you speak, you sickly pale monkey. How dare you open your thin lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, wh*Toid. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your species and skin tone offers no hope to the world that Europe can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the frozen tundra you came out of, you literal chimp.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Bosphorus and rape some sheep, as is in the whTes nature. It would still be the only pussy you ever had. Give Mehmet and Mustafa a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. whTes obsession with Istanbul is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution whTes have made to the medical field. The MUH CONSTANTINOPLE sentiment in the average whTe dog is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your wh*Te hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of semen slabbed on your face every morning will make you BLACK. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of AFRICAN heritage.
You wh*Toid.
You make a dumpster look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the blight of the world.
Go rot beneath the Earth's surface you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, whToid, you have a job making an object vastly superior to yourself. A dildo. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a whTe "man" satisfied a woman.
Die, wh*Toid. No one would miss you. Except for eunuchs, who now would have no one to make them look good.
When I worked for a tech support company my boss was turkish and his wife looked like this. She kept trying to fuck me. Didn't do it cause she was a fucking roach.
>I feel shitholes like Romania or Poland
Good you should.
Sorry Turk Man, I just had to
slav mutts you retarded shut-in. Who the fuck talks like you desu
slav's arent white, their mongoloids, its why a place like "Belarus" exists, you have to make a distinction you worthless nord lol
do you know that those people who burn them down are inside greece now?
I hate Turkey but still you should show some empathy
>Replaying to his own thread after a long time so he gets another (you) and to bump
I would like to burn your women's and girl's headscarfs while they wear them and shoot your boys/men's head open with a shotgun. Disgusting people, disgusting language, overnationalistic for shitty and pathetic reasons, hang around like lazy monkeys on the streat.
-10/10; would genocide in most torterous ways imaginable
wh*Tes are subhumans
Top Kek
>more perfidious backstabbers than the Brits, who they learned it from
>no manners
>backwards morals and customs
>no integrity
>no discipline or respect for themselves or others
>incredibly stupid
and worst of all
>think other races nationalities share these shitty traits with them, so they stage stupid geopolitical events and hope everyone takes the bait; meanwhile it's obvious to everyone but Turks that their government is an out of control autocratic, islamic fundamentalist regime bent on world conquest
Because they are cockroaches.
Do you like cockroaches? No, you don't!
FPBP. White people are the most cucked race of all.
this guy gets it
Turks are cool, but Erdogan makes me uncomfortable with his islamic rhetoric. I think Turks should return to a kemalist path.
Turks are just filthy low grade sub human scum, they are literally that turd that blocks all the other turds from pouring out of the middle east, like a shit flavoured cork.
wh*Tes aren't people
>this comes from wh*Te subhuman
how cute.
>not posting the original
show your flag LARP shit
not happening ever
Yes. He was a trip known as Corfu. He spammed roach everywhere like crazy and eventually it caught on because most people on this board are newfags.
lmao that was amazing
>>more perfidious backstabbers
This is how I know you are a mutt. WE, TURKS HAVE NEVER BACKSTABBED. NEVER WILL.
>>no integrity
>>think other races nationalities share these shitty traits with them, so they stage stupid geopolitical events and hope everyone takes the bait; meanwhile it's obvious to everyone but Turks that their government is an out of control autocratic, islamic fundamentalist regime bent on world conquest
World conquest is our goal. Never denied... Now shut your wide mouth.
I can't because mods banned %90 of turkey.
onun dışında başka bir şekilde kanıt istiyorsan gösteririm.
Empathy is for human beings or useful animals.
Roaches are neither
that was on Cred Forums wasn't it?
Turkroach is an Cred Forums meme
Every Cred Forums meme started on Cred Forums
Even this new 56% meme started as a 62% (or something) on Cred Forums
Your country is a borat tier shitstain because of them. Rapebaby cuck
fuck off shitskin
you're speaking english on an american website, you fucking cuck
if Turkey is so great, why THE FUCK are you in Romania?
I don't remember 100% but I think you may be right.
Oh you stupid motherfucker. Romania is Turkey.
Only niggers bitch and whine about conquest that ended a century ago. Everyone has been conquered, boo hoo, it's time to get over it.
Turkey is a disgusting blight. Took the second greatest Western city and introduced not only a Semitic religion and oriental culture but a disgusting gook language. Turkish is not Western, not Indo-European, not even a Caucasoid language, it is an alien blight. The Turks themselves are abominations, being mostly Caucasoid yet speaking a Mongoloid language. It's not even a top tier Mongoloid language.
Kazakhstan was not shitty enough for Borat, so they resorted to the Balkans for filming.
And the differences between many conqured nations in Europe is that we never embraced them or became their rapebabies.
Lowest IQ in Europe and most inbred, fucking lowlife.
You're only considered mildy European by pure default. If the continent could reject you to the middle-east we would
Surprisingly enough, Islam + Inbreeding does not make for a smart populace
Come back here and defend your rapebaby cuck nation, muzzie
Its a meme. You have superiority complex that just it.
Turkey is ruled by Sabbatean donmeh.
I got plenty of more links, roach
You got a lot of Memes. Meanwhile we Turks will keep proving white supremacy wrong.
Look up this page atajew.com
>I was the one getting memed on all along
Alas, such is life on pol. Roaches are still inbred Arabs though
Yet we're the savages, choke on a Bratwurst you total faggot
I'd like to see you try memflag
You worship a false god and stole the future of the eastern Mediterranean and southern Mediterranean peoples. If it where not for you heathens the whole region would be like the rest of the west. Begone roach
* Bans you from the silk road *
These low level memes don't work on us. Remember Cyprus? That is how true nations meme. You are just an oil rig. No history book will talk about you.
The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let’s start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BLACK man’s demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dogs)
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.
In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity.
>Historically welcoming and cosmopolitan
No problem with them as long as they stay in their containment peninsula. Same we should stay the f out of middle east
Even turkroaches despise niggers you deluded pygmy
They're Muslims. They invaded the Western Roman Empire. They invaded Europe and were repulsed at Vienna. They're our enemy.
Don't believe me?
I can convince you .
>övön törkröçös döspösö nögers
Who the fuck are you, rapebaby subhuman ? I'm Turk and everyone around me,including me, is fine with Black People.
You can only do that if you didn't belong to such an oppressive and restrictive religious cult. I fucking love Islam. Muslims will breed until there's so many there'll be no choice but genocide.
No they don't you lying proto-roach
"Who are you rapebaby subhuman? I'm a rapebaby subhuman too and every-thing around me, including my half-gorilla self, is fine with monkeys"
>Roaches are white
>Mutt flag
Hmm...guess you're right. Turks are now white
>tfw my gf is turkish
she has some bulgarian and shit in her so is she allowed in the ethnostate?
Not even you """""white""""" Americans are allowed in it
Clean your shit crusted anus first. Amerimutts are subhumans.
You would sing the praises of Turkey after Gallipoli wouldn't you Churchill?
Why does /pol pretend to care or like Armenians? Thought we hates then.
Someone posted this a while ago. How can Turkey send their special forces and still get btfo
Why? Because you're muslims, because you never stop babbling about Turkish pride on the Internet, and because your country is named after a fucking bird.
Bo your overlords Erdogans and Turk deep state are White version of Turks. Bilal has even ginger beard.
Ive talked to a lot of your businessmen and doctors.
You are subhuman bl*ck pygmies even in Turkey.
The only Americans who are sub-humans are the non white Americans, which we will take care of as well. Whites have always been on top, that's not going to change because of some dumb ideas. Do you really think you'll be anything more than you are? You're cancer, and we are the cure. Fucking Muslims can't even take out Israel, some little shit country.
>o one is sending their best.
East Europe would disagree, including your own country works in France, Luxemburg, Germany and Sweden.
>28 posts by this id
why dont you just grow a dick fight the turk who fucked your sister
Also your PM is president or whatever you call them is an annoying cunt who is doing a lot to piss off the West.
Also because you're occupying Constantinople.
Why don't you fuck off to your inbred sandpit like the nigger you are?
If Roachistan is so good, why did you move to Britain, roach?
>Historically welcoming and cosmopolitan
Pic related. Plus, Christians were never welcome, and still aren't.
>Had one of the greatest Empires in human history
Established on the ruins of arguably the greatest one. Roaches conquered the Eastern Roman Empire like a barbaric horde they are. Fast forward, get raped in the ass by Hungarians. Fast forward a bit more, boom, there goes the Acropolis. Thanks, roach. Fast forward to today, now they are sucking EU dick for abolishing of visa.
>On the whole lovely people
Smelly, loud, violent, and will backstab you at the first opportunity. Chief Roach himself encourages roaches in Europe to outbreed natives: telegraph.co.uk
>Great food
Salmonella is officially extinct in Denmark, yet I managed to get it from roach kebab. Twice.
>Proud of their culture
I'll give them that, although I don't see what they are so proud of.
>Hard workers
>Traditional values
Tribal rites.
>Secular, or at least tolerating of other cultures
Until they become majority, that is.
If it was up to me, all roaches in Europe would be used as pigfeed while Roachistan would be a radioactive wasteland. Kill yourself.
Based Kurds doing to t*rks what t*rks did to christians and Balkans for 1000 years.
Why dont you take it back you low test faggot?
Why is the Ottoman Empire not white according to you koshercuck ?
Because they were Muslims ?
Religion=/= Race
Give me your arguement faggot instead of shitposting
>inb4 roach
I'm not a Turk
But i can prove that they were a white empire .
You're occupying native american lands
Tigane, cat e shaorma?
I just agreed with you, you dumb inbred mutt.
Being so fucking illiterate, you couldn't be anything but a roach. Also pic related are Sudanese people, a nation that would be classified as white in America
Just go extinct already you low test faggot
Working on it.
Yeah, but nobody cares about the feather indians. People are mad about Turkey having Constantinople because Rome is revered in Western society. Add to the fact that it's being occupied by muslims. You asked why people don't like Turkey and I told you.
That's quite something coming from the most quantifiably gayest people to have ever lived
I hear that Turkish TV dramas are popular in Europe
It is the second highest export amounts ,after next to Hollywood
Ruling faggots like greeks doesnt make us gay retard
You're fucking lucky I no longer have my folder. Your entire history surrounding boy fucking and staying the hell away from women was documented even by the goddamn Holy Roman Empire CENTURIES ago
oh, and... you're gay
Seriously, this guy is so butthurt that his shitty people have never been anything more than a meme
No you did not you nigger
you were being sarcastic in your gay reply
now tell me why you think the Ottoman Empire was not a white empire faggot .
If you have nothing to add but insults and ad hominin attacks then stfu
Oh shit, this inbred is back again. Want a geography lesson, my 80 IQ friend?
>Being this irrationally butthurt
Roaches gonna roach
>popular in Europe
Balkans and Southeastern Europe - Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo, some in Serbia and Bulgaria.
Jeez, I wonder why, What relationship and some ethnic groups and ethnoreligious groups living there it coul possibly exist?
in en.wikipedia.org
I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOĞA (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
Illustrated Turkish Erotic Manuscript
Date 1773
>No mention of Ottoman slapping
Your LARPing needs some work, my man