Look at his review of black panther. He is red-pilling normies with stupid show.
Look at his review of black panther. He is red-pilling normies with stupid show.
Other urls found in this thread:
good man.
He's had enough.
damn wish he would have used mine
pewdiepie saying libtard is my ringtone from now on
also bump
kek 60 million subscribers red pilled every time he uploads a video.
Pretty sure he tried to be cautious after the nigger drama. I wonder what he’s planning next since he did feminism last year.
If he would be able to speak out freely..
Time stamp, you fuckhead?
timestamp faggot, i dont wanna hear an extra second of this manchild babbling on about stupid shit
Hallo user. Welcome to the wonderful world of Cred Forums. Since you are new here you have to be silently lurking for at least 12 more month. After that time you are welcome to try and post again.
he kinda looks dead inside
All redpilled people do
If you watch some of the Marzia videos where he’s in, he seems a lot more quiet and serious when he doesn’t know he’s being filmed. In one of the recent ones she even refers to his real self as ’grumpy’.
His country gets overrun by a wild horde of brown people. Of course he‘s dead inside.
He knows in time he has to drop the red pill else Europe/America is fucked. He loves his Race deeply like we all do and the thought is daunting.
>no u
Now there's an old one.
He's becoming a real role model for me. He used to be that gullible autistic boy but the life hit his country hard.
lol the whole video was hilarious but the black panther part was amazing, showing the hypocrisy
He literally just shat on black people in the second half of the vid lmaoooooooooooooooooooo
Pewdiepie really is the leading neo-nazi white supremacist!
doesn't he use libtards in a wrong way tho
What did Pewdiepie mean by this?
Gets a tattoo of a frog tooting a horn.
>> says it's for his pet toad that died named slippy
>> "It's not just slippy, I also like the folklore of it so when he died I knew I should get something"
Go to 18:15 in the video
I get the e-celeb hate on pol honestly, I don't recognize 90% of the people who shill their channels here. Nobody from the internet eceleb domain would be able to have survived what he went through. He went through a mainstream media hit-pieces that crippled his life. Leaving him permanently red pilled.
Sargon of Cuckold, Stefan molyjew, Lauren southern etc. etc. would get absolutely obliterated if (((they))) wanted them to be.
Really what I am getting at is, why in the fuck are they so scared of him?
Also, how the fuck did he come out the other side and get to 60 mil?
7 minutes of gay before getting to it
His editors are redpilled too
Is he our gyu
i think it was confirmed enough times already
You guys remember when this happened? I think it's proof he's redpilled enough.
what is the folklore of it anyway?
I was expecting this
I literally had no idea who he was prior to the (((WSJ))) hit piece on him, but I subscribed to his channel as a fuck you to ((them))), and started watching a video here and there when they'd pop up in my recommended section. He's subtle, and his autistic persona provides him plenty of cover, but he really does find ways to slip stealth redpills to his 60 million followers. Nothing crazy, mind you, but he finds clever ways to lampoon sacred cows like feminism and PC culture, which is pretty damn awesome considering the insane size and, perhaps more importantly, average age of his audience.
No wonder (((they))) tried to stamp him out. The subverters hate being subverted.
big if true
>eastern kingdom
Genuinely have no idea.
Precise take on him overall. Same reason I lurk his videos.
He may be annoying as fuck but at least he's honest.
breh, felix has always been /ourguy/ secretly. he's been known to lurk Cred Forums and /wsg/
he needs to come to Christ, be baptized and become the leader our generation needs . Felix will lead a 1000 year Pan-European empire
if this guy does actually know what's going on, he needs to grow a pair of balls and come out and speak the truth.
otherwise, fuck off with this shit. cryptic "maybe he meant this by this" is bullshit and means nothing.
come right out and speak the truth or stop pretending.
Watched him since first year in highschool, hes defently hiding what he knows. i wonder when hell adress (((the chosen people)))
Shut up kike
yeah, i'm the kike, yet here you are supporting a pussy who gets all choked up and issues cucked video apologies for anything that even remotely offends anyone
get your head out of your asshole, nigel. i know it's been so long since you had a morsel of real truth in the uk that anything now fills the gap but honestly you're like someone who hasn't had iced cream in so long that you think a handful of snow is a milkshake.
Reminder to sage all e-celeb worship threads created by pathetic 14 year olds
your mom gay
What did he mean by this?
dude talks like a faggot and his friend is definitely a faggot
weaboos are disgusting
He already had friends like h3h3 and jacksepticeye turn against him after the scandals he had last year. I'm pretty sure he's PJW tier redpilled (he follows him and others), but I highly doubt he'll fully come out of the closet. His girlfriend, while she also seems redpilled, would also become a target for staying with him. Pewdiepie and Felix are not the same, unfortunately.
Pewds owns pewtube.
>Redpilling people
HA just some nerd who reviews memes and leeches off more popular youtubers for views and also to repair his own damaged reputation. This whole side of Pewdie is just him being bitter about getting BTFO by the media and now tries his hardest to be counter culture.
>textbook controlled opposition zyonist gatekeeper
sounds about right
He owns Pewtube and need mo money for them programmers.
>pewdiepie saying libtard is my ringtone from now on
Doesn't matter if you take it out of context and use it as a ringtone
>he seems a lot more quiet and serious when he doesn’t know he’s being filmed
Can you link an example vid?
he has gone full circle. Early pewds was edgy because he wasn't popular then he got popular and turned ultra normie, sterile content and PC. Then he ascended popular status and now redpills normies. he just dont care anymore
Because people like him. I do to. Hes doing more work than whole pol combined with vids like this.
I really thought now he has to stop the redpilling, there is no way he says something redpilled in context of that movie.
I thought all the stuff in the past was just random, or at least that he was redpilled but he will hide it.
But he is fucking redpilled, and he doesn't even makes a secret out of it. He is fucking based.
sauce me please, i cant bear sifting through somuch normie shit
sage e-celeb slide threads
Exactly what I've been thinking seeing the last videos.
He did. He made indians kids wear a banner that said "kill all the jews"
Ur mom gay
Don't take meme flag posters seriously.
no u
I checked that out. Didn't look like he moved the doll until many videos after the time of those comments, but maybe some video has been removed. BUT: The dolls get moved around all the time, so it's literally nothing.
The reason we know he's redpilled is that you see enormous frustration underneath the surface and he's been putting his videos full of subtle redpills lately.
felix will always be a swedecuck
Checket that out too
this is from what 3 years ago?
I have no idea. I remember seeing some bits of it last year, but she's got a lot of vlogs. This is the video where she refers to his "real self":
The momment he got redpilled.
>In one of the recent ones she even refers to his real self as ’grumpy’.
Because he's blackpilled.
gundam robots in the background?
can anyone ID them for me?
A Dutchman who can't spell.
When you watch his recent videos, you understand the dude might be deeply depressed and doing videos is probably what makes him happy. If he needs that, there's absolutely no reasons for him to fuck his career more than it already is.
Maybe at some point he'll drop a massive redpill, but he's probably got to sort shit out in his life first.
Pewds is /ourguy/
>Really what I am getting at is, why in the fuck are they so scared of him?
Pewdiepie has more viewers than most TV shows. People act like "eceleb" means they don't matter, when really a lot of them are more well known than "real celebs" today.
>Making mistakes when writing a foreign language.
Jeez such a big deal isnt it, Willem?
fuck off and make your own 60mil sub channel then, leaf.
Ur mom ghey
>he can't do this
pic related is you
In my opinion he now relies on minor redpills because of the nigger incident, where he showed his true colors for a moment. Now he has to be careful, because one wrong move for him means game over.
Before that he was guns blazing, with the 'Kill all Jews' incident, paying Jesus to tell Hitler did nothing wrong, showing Hitler in every other clip, telling people Joeseph Goebbels is his grandfather...
>The best shit
i fucking love pewdiepie unironically
>Stare into the abyss and it lodges itself in your eye sockets
Based Paulie poster
I have a feeling he truly believes in meme magic and the trumpet symbolizes Trump.
Or there's actually a folklore behind this frog.
Love dat chicken from Popeyes!!
Indeed. His early content at 2012 had alot of un-PC things and then it became clean when he got famous.
Then the Wall Street Journal happened and it has changed him back albiet more cynical and angry.
There's a reason why you barely see him interact with other youtubers now compared to the old days.
noot noot motherfucker
>your mom gay
is this some stupid normie shit? never heard of it before.
This isn't recent.
Somebody give this soyboy his safe space so he wont be offended by what pewds says!
>alleged "cultural force" Pewdiepie attacks Black Panther
>BP has 5th highest opening in history anyway
So the lesson here is that Pewdiepie is no longer relevant to anyone outside his circlejerk fandom. Gotcha.
>shill thinks we don't understand the difference between a shill's hitpiece slider and an actual thread
You guys are fucken lame.
Unironically though. Popeyes is fucking delicious.
You forgot to turn on your VPN Ivan.
>telling people Joeseph Goebbels is his grandfather
Pewdiepie is fucking normie trash made for 8 year olds. This Meme Review shit is terrible.
As for the Black Panther bit, how did any of this “red pill” anyone? Most of the posts he shows are trolls or meant to be taken ironically. Can he not see that?
Punished pewds
nice, pewds hasn't let us down. i don't expect him to go all in, just at the level he is at now is good. he's setting the tone for an entire generation.
>either say you're gonna gas every single Jew alive or you're a cuck
That's some strat right there, fellow white nationalist whom is also a leaf.
my bad, devil
Popeyes chicken tenders are really good tbqh
When did this chat happen?
Pjw tier redpilled yet posts Hitler did nothing wrong. He's all the way red pilled he is just taking things as far as he can. Which is Wlwhy he will promote Jordan Peterson's book & not culture of critique. Nothing is good enough for you purity spiraling sperg faggots. He is having a very positive effect on the direction we want. You people are addicted to black pills.
>listening to JewDiePie in current year
>full name is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg
>Felix = root for "happy" in most languages
>Arvid Ulf = A.U.
>Au is chemical symbol for gold
>merchants exchange gold
>"happy merchant"
>"Kjellberg" is pronounced "shkel-berg"
>obviously very close to Shekelberg
Refute this, Cred Forums
Im happy the king of youtube is redpilling faggots but doesnt JewTube* have ammends on him
jesus his gf is into embroidery. why was my last gf into radical feminism but pewdiepie gets one that is into fucking embroidery
Appreciate what he does. He might be the libtard's redpill...
Pewds is a literal nazi in disguise, totally ourguy
>Refute this, Cred Forums.
your mom gay
Pewdiepie made the Iron Pill meme too.
the state of Cred Forums, shilling for a swede cucc
>speak out freely
>stop getting millions
>get demonized
It ain't worth it tbqh.
this is like 2014
nobody believes your lies swedcuck
>until the (((WSJ)))
Same. Heard of him but didn't really care. Once they tried to assassinate him I had to find out what the deal was. Still can't watch most of his stuff, but if there is redpills in between the autism....
>"Kjellberg" is pronounced "shkel-berg"
it's pronounced tjellbärg
How the fuck are millions watching this dumb shit?
This is depressing as fuck.
What would normies do when he reviews a meme they haven't seen?
That's right, look up more of that very meme.
2 seconds later BAM.
Laughing at racist shit.
That was a very thought out analysis Mr. Brainlet Von Cocksucker III.
>it's pronounced tjellbärg
Oh well that clears things up.
He's good for normies and kids compared to sargon of acuck and all those other faggots hes actually popular and knows what he's doing
Black Panthwr uses Purple drank too get powers. I shit you not.
>evangelion poster in the background
Nah Iron pill guy killed himself last fall
he lives in the same city as me, and judging from his videos, which i only found out about after the whole fiver-gate thing, he is anti-political correctness. most comedians are though. he has read and cited as his favoutie novels 1984 and brave new world. so he is obviously not and never going to be into the whole libtard/sjw stuff. however, he is no more redpilled, than say, someone like joe rogan. he certainly hasn't talked about any issue that is controversial, yet. someone said he is subbed to PJW, however, that could easily just be him waiting to do a funny video or parody of him or something. he probably subs and checks out a lot of stuff, as he is into internet culture and memes etc.
Kjell is pronounced like the English word Shell.
at least sargon talks about stuff like mass immigration. pewdiepie is just a silly ever so slightly politically incorrect comedian.
pdp needs to know, we got your back as best we can, and we love you. thank you
"what a fucking nigger" virgin vs. "you're acting like a bunch of fucking niggers" chad
ur mom gay
Why the fuck would he go full Nazi knowing full well he'll lose millions of dollars and never be famous again? Are you fucking stupid? He knows the jews will ban him if he does and he'll lose millions because of it
I think this happened in both Fiverr videos, he sent a picture of Goebbels to someone that draws portraits and said this is my grandfather, can you draw him, sorry I don't have a link rn.
Doing the lords work user thanks.
he is already a multi-millionaire and therefore has fuck you money. perhaps you're right, but i doubt it. maybe he is worried that he could get chucked out of the UK or something (as is not a UK citizen), and/or ostracised from his friends and lose his youtube channel.
but its highly unlikely he is natsoc or fascist imo. all of this is speculation of course, but its more speculative to assume that he is hiding nazi-power levels when giving virtually no indication of that. he just mocks mainstream culture like comedians do.
>someone said he is subbed to PJW
did you just imply PJW is red-pilled and subbing to him makes you redpilled? sorry, but you have to go back to the_donald.
you from brighton then ye
wow, it's almost like sargon is a political commentator while pewds is just some dude who is an entertainer who was sucked into politics by force.
>Sargon of Cuckold, Stefan molyjew, Lauren southern etc. etc. would get absolutely obliterated if (((they))) wanted them to be.
Absolute truth
One might even be pushed to say they are fucking awesome.
well one of the vids (((wsj))) got mad at he mentioned "I find it funny the Jews found another way to fuck over jesus" after pointing out (((they))) control fiverr
Well if he gets banned it's not like he's set for life plus there aren't many jobs that pay that well and are that easy really he's the luckiest man alive, he's got a great way to earn money with little effort if he goes all out then he'll have to get a real job and nobody will know about it because jewtube will just have every video with pewdiepie in the title removed, plus the best way to red pill is to use stealth red pills and take control of them overtime it's what the jews did and now look at them they can do whatever they want
no, he's a millionaire and will never need to get a job ever again, assuming he doesn't completely flush his money down the toilet.
>plus the best way to red pill is to use stealth red pills
thats the slow game. honestly though, red pills are best swallowed whole BUT its takes someone willing to be exposed to truth. i remember it took me a year just to finally confront the holocaust denial videos I had bookmarked to watch, because it was just so ingrained in me that the holocaust actually happened.
I don't even think his viewers can be considered normies at this point. He's diverged from the mainstream narrative completely.
PewDiePie Reacts To Marzia’s Nude Sex Tape
celebjihad com/marzia-bisognin/pewdiepie-reacts-marzias-nude-sex-tape
id say PJW is somewhat red-pilled, pink-pilled to be specific.
What the fuck is a pink pill?
He can't do anything too politically risque, because he's in the UK where free speech is an illusion
faggots against islam and muslim immigration
Well he's an eceleb so it will in fact go down the drain and even though people who use jewtube are basically mindless sheep when it comes down to pewdiepies red pill or degeneracy the fan base will be split but if he stealth red pills he'll be able to close that gap while getting paid, it takes longer but we have to be in it for the long game it took years for everybody to be so blue pilled by the jews yet it took us just a couple of years to open their eyes we've red pilled faster than they've blue pilled so it's not like pewdiepie is doing a bad job it's more like he's playing it smart
it's basically where you blame everyone and everything but the Jews so you won't get de-platformed.
theres plenty of people exercising their right to free speech (e.g.
LMFAO austria ill give you that one
Well that but he could just move to Poland and redpilll from there if he was gonna but I think it's because he doesn't want to get a real job, plus let's face it if the normies see a massive redpill they'll never watch again and we'll have to find other ways to get them he's making it easier for everybody
Go pewdie pie
he was supposed to roll over and die at 48 million. he blew through 60 million like it was nothing.
I think pewds has enough money. he doesn't ever have to worry about working a real job again. he doesn't want to be blacklisted and fade into obscurity though.
dude, he has millions in the bank. he's channel could get shoahed tomoz and it wouldn't mean he would be needing to get a job. you can live off the interest of a million$ easily, let alone 5m or 10m.
>he says this as if he isnt himself
this place changes you bud.
go crucify yourself you socialist theists
I did the exact same
post the timestamp cunt i'm sitting here listening to 'your mom gay' for five minutes now
Okay, this was funny. Spam, but funny. OP you’er mom gay.
Maybe you can but not everybody is so good with money you've gotta take housing bills and food into consideration plus clothes and technology would play a massive part in it considering he'd wanna play on the newest PlayStation on his 4k tv using $300 headphones on his $300 couch drinking his monster energy drinks rather than water in his beautiful house that he owns
7:50 twit
I put in pewdiepie in Google images and this came up I assume it's his and not some niggers clickbait
looks like he rents or owns an apartment, either costs about £1200 a month or cost him 300-350k to buy. trust me interest on a couple of million in the bank pays for everything as long as you're not buying expensive shit like flash cars etc.
Holy fuck... Read about frogs in mythological folklore, almost all ancient cultures while remaining independent of each other use the frog in very similar ways... Think about what Kermit is. Holy fuck.. Do some research.
You can do that in Poland easy if you live on the outskirts of a city like Poznań - lots of old actors and retired celebrities, rich people and generally calm people, nature in form of forests and fields all around, all while being 30 minutes from the city centre by car where you can get anything you want. From what I see personally the selection of high-end goods in big polish cities is better than in most German ones I've been to. The only minus I can think of if you are rich and come here is that you don't understand anyone for shit.
What did he mean by this post-ironic meme machining?
Pewdiepie could buy 10 ps4s a day for the rest of his life and not go broke
he HAS to browse Cred Forums
>he HAS to browse Cred Forums
plenty of people do that, look at ADL, except pewdiepie understands that not everything here is 100% serious all the time
Genuinely made me chuckle
>t.crypto jew
nazbol gang who up
I'm pretty sure everyone knows not everything is serious here, it's just the ones who want to push their narrative that twist it to make their echo chamber (((echo))).
he probably goes here along with other sources, also people probably tweet him a ton of stuff
this, his beard is kinda badass
>frog playing a trumpet
>I literally had no idea who he was prior to the (((WSJ))) hit piece on him, but I subscribed to his channel as a fuck you to ((them))), and started watching a video here and there when they'd pop up in my recommended section. He's subtle, and his autistic persona provides him plenty of cover, but he really does find ways to slip stealth redpills to his 60 million followers. Nothing crazy, mind you, but he finds clever ways to lampoon sacred cows like feminism and PC culture, which is pretty damn awesome considering the insane size and, perhaps more importantly, average age of his audience
Basically the same. I hear of him but never watched a video until I subscribed as a fuck you to the jews (I did the same to JonTron).
Just an example.Not too long ago he did a meme review on pic related. He was explaining it and he was like
>basically the guy and the girl are about to have sex but then he sees that she has a picture of herself with a corrupt politician in their country on her desk, so he leaves. It would be like if you saw a picture of Hillary Clinton on a girl's desk
Very subtle.
Only an idiot would listen to this buffoon blabber on for five minutes.
how'd I do?
my 12 yr/old cousin watches pewdiepie and is more redpilled than i was at that age. sees through all the SJW shit and i don't even push my views on her, just like to know what she thinks about it
after watching this vid i see why lol. i think it's working
Just watched that episode. Hows it going pewds? Still lurking wsg?
when the third post is the best post
He's definitely /ourpewds/
He blurs out the commie flag
>ur mom gey
>burger meme
no u
>evangelion poster
How did this guy seriously go from embodying everything cancerous about Youtube to this? Is it just for publicity or does he really believe most of what he says and just not give a fuck because he's already rich and guaranteed millions of followers everywhere he goes?
i hav secret hej hej monica best song of the cosmos and pewd is best! Also all ur moms r gay!
pinochet reference
no u
I must be pro then since I started posting on day one and nobody ever found out. Born with severe authism tho
Also how does it feel to have had your empire destroyed by a single authist?
Nice! starts at 7:45.
Calls out the libtards