Fucking hell I want to stab him in the face so bad
Austin Davis
Why not lad?
Logan King
Landon Sanchez
Jacob Nelson
Memeflags out
Owen Martinez
Jaxson Wood
My little brother just came out as gay to me. Asked me not to tell the parents. Not even sure what to do. Fuck.
Parker Harris
Is he honk?
Thomas Bailey
Who cares?
Leo Ward
Chase Long
Just don’t tell desu.
Brandon Fisher
How old is he?
Leo Kelly
not a big deal lad. just be normal.
Jordan Smith
Jaxon Brooks
Prove you are a Brit or get out of britpol
Blake Bell
It really is sad to see insecure teenagers unable to get women in the degenerate society we live in pretend to be gay as an excuse for their failures
Isaiah Bennett
The excuses I used to come up with were incredible
Angel Lopez
I'm just lying for the (you)s, I don't even have a little brother.
Aiden Sanchez
Remember your rights come from the New Labour government and nowhere else.
Nicholas Moore
bit sad
Jose Rodriguez
do you think gay people don’t exist?
Blake Smith
Elaborate please
Oliver Garcia
I know right? They should all be visiting kraut whorehouses, and knocking up random dominican birds. Fucking faggots.
Christopher Young
Of course the exist, mental illness takes many forms
Jaxon White
How come I haven't turned gay yet?
Elijah Thomas
what does peter hitchens think of israel?
Jace Cooper
How do you explain bisexuals?
Carson Carter
I want you to choke on my cock.
Caleb Myers
Blake Scott
based post it
Jason Bennett
I don't know, you're willing to admit your failures? Faggots disgust you more than your virginity? Humans are complex, not black and white, I don't know your specific circumstances
John Diaz
>Implying you could get arse even then
Ryder Harris
He's pro-Israel, which is unsurprising seeing as he's an ethnic Ashkenazi Jew on his mother's side.
Luke Cruz
>Humans are complex, not black and white
Like your kid then?
Cameron King
what an evil conniving bastard
Oliver Cooper
It's a bit on the smaller side unfortunately.
Camden Wilson
Source? I never heard him speak of it and most Anglican services I've been to have anti-Jewish undertones
Daniel Rogers
Jordan Campbell
He's ethnically Jewish. This is common knowledge. You seriously didn't know?
Eli King
post I wonder why you make these assumptions about people. Maybe you had a gay phase that you don’t mention :^)
David Jones
No he's asking about a source for his stance on israel
Anthony Johnson
Degenerate attention seekers or virgins not willing to fully commit
Juan Hughes
Pro it's existence but thinks they are being to harsh on the Arabs , here's what he posted on Faceberg
m.faceberg.com/story.php?story_fbid=313978108762431&id=120187544808156 'Israel exists only because quite a lot of people hate Jews for being Jews, and sometimes that hate turns into murder. It is a place where Jews can go when other people want to kill them for being what they are, not for what they do, and when nobody else will take them in...
I made up my mind some years back, after many visits to the region, very much including the West Bank and Gaza, that the only honest position a British person could take was absolute defence of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. It must be that, or it cannot serve its grim ultimate purpose as a refuge against hate... And it is from that position that I say Israel’s attack on Gaza is idiotic, wrong and probably fatal to the future of the state its leaders claim to be defending...
The fate of Israel will be decided in people’s minds, in countries like ours, and on TV screens, not by bullets and high explosives. Each episode of this kind makes that future more doubtful... Having lived all my life in a world that was largely sensible and reasonable, I sense that the bad times are on the way back.'
Oliver Ramirez
One day they won't
Aaron Sullivan
The only rights you have are the ones the government decides to give you; and those rights are entire discretionary and will increasingly be so as the 21st Century progresses.
We have replaced the idea of rights bestowed by God that the government is infringing upon, to come to the current settlement that it is the government that empowers us.
>that the only honest position a British person could take was absolute defence of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state
I find this absolutely fascinating
Christopher Ramirez
Dominic Thompson
How do you explain obese men who live in their car?
Colton Morgan
guarantee eddie has sensible views on homosexuality and he only chats shit to wind people up
Jaxson Cook
I think Isreal should exist, even Hitler had the initial idea of sending them to Palastine, however if it does exist evrery jew should be sent their or they will us their diaspora to squeeze aid for Isreal out of their hosts
Benjamin Phillips
Doubt it. Most of Cred Forums unironically want to kill them all.
Thomas Roberts
Poorthern homosexuals will be enslaved by their Southern masters. You will be made to kiss Southern feet
Benjamin Barnes
That's a very conflicted opening segment. He seems to disagree with its formation but agrees with its continuation. But I suppose thats no different than my views on the Norks, fuck sake everything is so complicated. May need to put more thought into my own views on the matter.
Daniel Ramirez
>I made up my mind some years back, after many visits to the region, very much including the West Bank and Gaza, that the only honest position a British person could take was absolute defence of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.
Well, in regards of Rights, specifically "inalienable", the government has lost its sovereignty almost entirely. But your point still stands
Jordan Johnson
Camden Reed
I agree with the existence of the state of Israel but Peter Hitchens shouldn't if he says what he means See how violently and dismissively he attacks Enoch Powell
Carson Fisher
Kinky True
Ian Ross
What did she die for again?
Jordan Davis
He supports Israel and believes all British people should.
Lincoln Cox
Samuel Martinez
Not an arse bandit, but ive found most of Cred Forums takes the stand of "be homo, dont be a faggot".
Andrew Cox
degeneracy is like spice if it dominates the meal then it's ruined
Mason Williams
Not clear whether this is just meant to be a work thing or a whole life philosophy. Some of it is just weird and wrong.
>Not even sure what to do You're wondering if you should tell them? I wouldn't. Just be cool. See how it plays out. Have you even ask if he is 100% homo or fancies girls occasionally?
Luke Brown
Ethan Cox
That’s the stance I take too. It’s the only sensible one.
Justin Murphy
And? What's bad about a Jew containment country?
Thomas Martinez
Yeah, I saw him dismiss Powell in almost knee jerk fashion in that Owen Jones interview. But in AoB he mentions him in a vaguely positive light a couple of times. I'm not fully convinced he hasn't just taken up the same tactic he has with gay marriage, his opponents often use such traps as "do you agree with Enoch Powell" as a tool for instant dismissal of all other points or explanation due to retarded normie perception similar to the "are NHS" arguments. But I'm not sure on that,
Matthew Brooks
So her old fella could touch up a load of useless lefty office admin bitches with reckless abandon
Jaxson Stewart
Being a Labour MP in a community that had ethnic minorities.
Jace Brown
his views on race are clear and Israel should be a big NO from Hitchens
Luis Wilson
I need to stop hating faggot tbqh, it's not my place to judge, it's God's. But I really dislike them
>Powell was far too intelligent to be a racial bigot himself. In a way that makes his action worse. He consciously chose to appeal to people who, privately, he must have despised.
EPIC bait XDDDD I’m TRIGGERED right now literally shaking xpppp
Ian Fisher
If those kids in rochdale hadn’t been raped by brown men they would have been raped by white men
Jordan Foster
Yeah, but what relevance does that have to Peters views on race?
It is an interesting side point that Powell chose to appeal to a largley socialist group despite his personal hatred of socialism. But I'd rather think it was the principled parliamentarian in him rather than a malicious and calculated move.
Eli Jackson
Poorthern white trash know what they are. That's why they get super defensive irl
Ethan Mitchell
>far too intelligent to be a racial bigot for wanting to minimise immigration
But Israel is fine...
Nicholas Gomez
Eddie frequently gargles on southern cum hence he knows what cum gargling sounds like
Justin Anderson
Anthony Garcia
Doubt it. Not many people get murdered.
That might be well be true. Life for care home kids is not like Tracy Beaker.
Levi Gomez
Jonathan Kelly
11 people have been stabbed to death in London this year alone
Camden Lee
You call yourself a "southern" but can you even do your local accent.
Sebastian Roberts
Population of London?
Hunter Perez
Bentley Martinez
just found some rando girls number i met 4 months ago on my phone
should i ring it
Colton Miller
That's stabbings alone, in a month and a half. Are you honestly trying to argue that London is a safe place?
William Harris
Honk and Eddie OTP
Josiah Perry
Send her a Goalpost
Grayson Jackson
It's mostly yardies/turks/Romanians /Albanians stabbing eachother over weed Jo Cox wouldn't be cuaght in one
Andrew Anderson
Yes. This.
Liam Kelly
Fuck off you nonce
Jeremiah Long
what does peter hitchens think about mass immigration?
Thomas Bell
pussied out and deleted it
Matthew Myers
Not really a fair comparison. Your chance of getting stabbed is much higher as a London youth than as an MP. How many other MPs have been murdered?
Christian Gutierrez
Unless she was at her black drug dealers house being fucked up the arse when it all kicks off
Blake Ramirez
I was more disagreeing with your side point of not many people get murdered rather than specifically MPs
Ian Garcia
It'll probably come out soon that her old man had her killed to get her out of the way
Ayden Hill
>disagreeing with your side point Yes, playing the man and not the ball. And not even your ball either.
Jack Wilson
You forgot one: All Rules are meant to be broken.
Michael Baker
What the fuck are you talking about? You made a point I disagreed with.
Watch the video at the top of the page. We've now got migrants wielding handguns, machetes and axes riding mopeds and assaulting the tourists, luvvies and bankers in places like Oxford Street and Regent street. People sitting inside a cafe on a laptop had had the cafe window smashed down and their electronics snatched in front of them. This was simply unheard of just 10 years ago. In 10 more years London will be Cape Town tier.
Cameron Torres
I just responded like that because it matters. You offered 0.2244 deaths per day and wonder if we could calculate a probability per person. Not that it matters to old Cox. It was Pikey's ball.
I wouldn't have responded if it wren't for the convenient pairing. Seriously, she had a lower than average change of being killed by the local minorities with all the good work she was doing with them.
Connor Watson
pandoras box is already open and can never be shut again
Landon Brown
If we funded the NHS more and paid the migrant workers (who all work for the NHS) a living wage they wouldn't need to use foodbanks and steal phones/laptops to support themselves.
Jason Bailey
>never be shut again The box was shut with hope inside? Being fixed open is probably for the best
Isaiah Brown
>deceptive expectations
Carson Sanders
I understood the reference at least.
Levi Thompson
he's said he's against it in several articles, but in a civic way so you probally wont like him, i think there is a possiblitly he is ethno but hiding it so he remains in the media
Aiden Sullivan
I put it to you that he doesn't give one single fuck about Britain or the British people
Christian Walker
He's said in one video he has a mono-cultural view of Britain, which could be taken as a mono-ethnic view- IF you believe the 'culture=ethnicity' argument. Doubt Hitchens meant that though.
Xavier Foster
>tfw no Jo Cocks sex slave why even live desu, she was the hottest mp before brendan framed are mair and killed her
John Hill
It didn't matter because that wasn't the point I was making.
Austin Foster
I would rather face the demons with hope to carry me on.
Jaxson Peterson
Peter Hitchens is a pathetic weasel who subverts conservatism It's unsurprising he was a communist
Jaxson Clark
I liked him an hour ago
Lincoln Anderson
Having that extra number gives perspective to the other. Without it the first is almost meaningless. Numbers matter.
Andrew Nguyen
>>I put it to you that he doesn't give one single fuck about Britain or the British people probally becuase the british people have been absoulutly retarded for the past 70 years and dont seem to be getting any better
Charles Wood
It's not in his interests to give a fuck about the British people
Camden Campbell
jo cocks was fucking peng lads
Gavin Walker
Who's going to take one for Brit/pol/ and watch the Baftas?
Jacob Diaz
Easton Peterson
You live and learn mate. Glad you took the redpill, unfortunately alot of cunts here worship the cunt.
Aiden Bailey
Evan Rodriguez
Thanks for reminding me. Only missed ten minutes of Dragons'.
Luis Harris
Jaxson Gonzalez
Ayden Gomez
>i think there is a possiblitly he is ethno
He said interracial breeding is a good thing in a talk with Owen Jones lmao.
Jonathan Rogers
Leo King
Her smile(scowl) still fucking scares me
Jose Collins
Cooper Brown
Blake Parker
We get propaganda beamed in to us 24/7 so it's not unreasonable to take large pleasure from political news
Carson Edwards
What an ugly fucking bint. Hopefully the Americans don't see this.
Imagine hating Andrea Leadsom so much that you'd threaten to murder her
bizarre world
Juan Sanders
Brody Johnson
no wonder she got maired
Jonathan Wood
Picadilly circus and Oxford Street are literally >50 % non white. Even I stay away
Joshua Cook
its that autist who posts louise
Julian Kelly
What is that expressions trying to convey?
Gavin Hall
Oxford street has a massive problem with muslim women stealing peoples wallets and bags
Sebastian Morris
>wake up at 9 am >had planned to either read or learn maths a bit >browsed internet on my phone and went down the blackpill and forever alone rabbit hole, leading to emotional distress >immediately bought and binged on junk food while browsing internet on computer >somehow forced myself to go through the maths textbook by 2 pm >go running but my increased fatness made me noticeably worse (have binged almost every day for the past 3 weeks) >have gone in to central London to drink coffee, browse Cred Forums on my phone and feel sad about life >no idea what I'll do when I get home
Isaiah Cox
I enjoy the Spectator from time to time but skip Hitchens usually. I don’t see worship of him here, thankfully
Mason Ortiz
its not so much immigrants in them areas ,its the hordes of tourist chinks totallty oblivious to evreyone around them, and all the the gypo romanian pick pockets
Dominic Rogers
So UKIP elected a leader in September. Then new evidence came to light so they had another vote and changed their mind.
Really makes you think. Shouldn't Bolton mean Bolton?
Angel Jackson
Are you retarded? I wasn't taking about Jo Cox or any other MP. Fucking fashtards, seriously
Adam Bennett
choose your character
Samuel Clark
it's just one day mate, sounds like a comfy day aswell
Oliver Ward
oxford street it's gypo women
Lucas Evans
>REDPILL THEM! what exactly? you know those haplogroup charts you see around here? if you had studied them and read up what mean, cheddar man should not really have surprised
Andrew Anderson
lawful neutral or lawful evil please
Christopher Perez
should walk around with turds in your pockets so they get shit on their hands when they try and rob you
Matthew Reyes
Yeah that actually sounds relatively comfy
Nathaniel Morgan
life absolutely sucks desu lads
Carter Harris
Jose Taylor
whats up?
Personally I'm cracking under immense pressure and don't know how long I can last
Jeremiah Lewis
None of them will resserect ukip , but kurten exposes all the leftie shit of the tories in an actually useful way so id prefer him, JRE looks promising but i havent really seen enough him , dresses like mosley lol
Wyatt Watson
take everything on a moment by moment basis now is all there is
Levi Williams
i hate my job and where i live. i think the main thing is loneliness. i'm a 25 year old virgin ffs
i try to. although discontent/depression catches up with me
Jacob Ortiz
Can't help but feel it's an autistic Leaver that keeps doing this.
Aiden Barnes
the annoying shit the gypos do is when they go on the tube badly playing accordins and shoving their hats in your face, used to happen alot on metropolitan line round wembely
Nathan Edwards
>Brendan "my wifes dead, so you better give me head Cox
Ian Mitchell
What job do you do? What are you doing to find girls?
Robert Rivera
Evan Peterson
Brenden "Killed my wife, becuase fucking underage boys is my life" Cox
Dylan Taylor
If you went to uni, how are you planning your career?
Is living with your parents as you work full time acknowledged as a god tier financial strategy? Or are those people renting in London all making more than £90k?
I'm 27 and only have my first impressive looking job on my CV now. But I'm an ugly autist who will never succeed among posh normies in the corporate world. Every career path looks a bit hellish. 9-5 is a soul sucker so public sector seems the least worst option. I apply to investment banks but I'm too autistic to do well on interviews when I rarely get them
Charles Gutierrez
Don't worry. At least you're not at Steerkike levels.
Colton Mitchell
my work is stressing me the fuck out and affecting everything else, think I'm legit getting PTSD from it lol
I actually started applying for jobs in factories and warehouses without telling any of my family so I can escape.
Charles Evans
>But I'm an ugly autist who will never succeed among posh normies in the corporate world fuck me that's a pathetic attitude
Jaxon Wood
>have gone in to central London That's where you went wrong. Become a country squire.
Ryder Lopez
>go to uni >get job >get promoted >get made redundant >collect autismbux my career path in a nutshell
Aiden Barnes
Poor old Steerpike. I hope he finds someone if that's what he's looking for.
Wyatt Green
I am incapable of working 9-5 without feeling life is over as well. And I haven't don't anything with women with it paying for it. I've never even had a date
Kevin Walker
Nolan Howard
what do you work as
David Wood
you have to make it happen
Connor Watson
gardener. i'm in the last year of my 4 year apprenticeship. i would've quit a long time ago but i need to get fully qualified first. not a lot desu, i message a girl from time to time on plebbook. i was contemplating joining pof/tinder, however i don't have any photos of myself. i refuse to take selfies.
do it man. you can't spend the majority of your waking life doing something you don't like
>I haven't don't anything with women with it paying for it GREENTEXT TIME
Lincoln Green
Jose Hill
sorry I'm not going to say, will get doxxed.
I think I will have to, my hands start shaking when I try to work/study lol
Adam Thomas
get some proper pro looking photos done and hop on tinder it's up to you to get up and pursue girls and it is a little bit like trench warfare
Evan Reyes
I have no social circle at all. The UK is an island filled with homogenous as fuck clones
Only two ways to succeed socially and professionally as a male: Being a cheeky chappy bantzmachine lad or posh private schooler. That's it.
It's not worth greentexts. Just phoning escorts and going to their apartments and paying them etc.
Brody Mitchell
>The UK is an island filled with homogenous as fuck clones
You're delusional.
Luis Gomez
>It's not worth greentexts >Just phoning escorts and going to their apartments and paying them etc This is what greentexts were made for. Did you find them on Adultwork? How comely were they? Anything odd happen? How much did they cost?
Lincoln Brown
not me m8
that's not a good sign
i'm going to get a haircut and beard trim and take a non-plebby selfie (somehow). i know, i'm lazy and apathetic when it comes to meeting girls. why is it like trench warfare?
Parker Nelson
do an eddie
Ian Clark
You get the job and adapt. Barely anyone has social circles anymore.
Daniel Scott
Chaotic Good obviously.
Owen Butler
selfies are a big no on dating websites. get some actual photos of you doing various things like sitting on a wall looking contemplative. It's like trench warfare because you have to keep going and going despite all the nonsense and bullshit you have to put up with.
Jackson Hernandez
I think the qualifier that this is among "successful" people. We are a service economy so you need to be a posh normie or cheeky chappie bantzlad or a woman to succeed
Connor Jenkins
Why are you lot all obsessed with rutting like beasts of the field? If you're not careful you'll end up living in your car.
Oliver Ortiz
>why is it like trench warfare? the relentless shelling, bad weather, night attacks, sniping and gas.
Jaxson Walker
Be the bantzmaster then
Lincoln Flores
Truly though, you all come on here and moan about degeneracy and the hedonism prevalent, yet you always go about shagging slags you met on Tinder. Someone please explain.
Logan Edwards
Or an ethnic minority member of high society, in which case you will be revered as if you were John Franklin himself returned to Earth.
Jonathan Clark
this place is a bunch of hypocritical deanos pretending not to be deanos
Elijah Ward
You're not off shagging slatterns from the internet like these lot, are you?
Easton Smith
it's completely and utterly over and any attempts to be moral are folly empty paths
Juan Jackson
>thinking that 99% of jobs above minimum wage don't require innate social grace.
Angel Smith
>being moral
Jeremiah Adams
they do but you either adapt or die init
Justin Stewart
Xavier Bennett
Of course not, but I can't wholly condemn them those men (important to stress) who do. They are the product of a dying society, one for which there is no cure. You either pontificate and whinge about it or embrace it. I've chosen for the former.
Gavin Ward
It's silly enough. But I'm not sure the writing style or target is right.
Hudson Cooper
Disappointed in you lot desu. The image is me.
Eli Long
Andrew Watson
>that's not a good sign
I suppose it isn't. fuck it I will get out as soon as I can.
Easton Roberts
I was born at the wrong time. I'm too prudish to cope with this hedonistic era of girls noshing off random blokes round the back of the local halal chicken shop and using shagging apps on their portable devices to home in on the nearest big black cock.
Sebastian Murphy
You can complain about and recognise the ever increasing problem of degeneracy whilst still being a degenerate yourself as long as you're honest about it, Lynchlad.
Jayden Butler
You have to accept your own powerlessness and embrace hedonism. Otherwise you’ll just live your life in constant anger.
Thomas Russell
I don't understand the choice of target.
Xavier Stewart
>as long as you're honest about it True, but I have a feeling that others here aren't honest about it.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
I used to be moral until I realised it was hot air, sound and fury signifying nothing
Landon Allen
Because God abandons you when you engage in it
Adam Rivera
God is dead.
Carter Harris
interesting, thanks for the advice/info
best of luck man
Logan Kelly
BAFTA _A __F ___T ____A
Bentley Cox
make a female account and see what you're up against
Bentley Evans
what the fuck is going on here?
David Turner
You're a good lad, mate. Not all women are like that, though. There are still decent ones around, but they're getting harder and harder to find.
>We returned to our places, these Kingdoms, >But no longer at ease here, in the old dispensation, >With an alien people clutching their gods. >I should be glad of another death.
Jaxon Jackson
You don't believe that.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Its just like the building next to it, except they put up a giant facade that over the entire front.
Evan Diaz
Everywhere you go there are people who pretend to be better or have a higher moral standing than they actually are, or do.
Chase Anderson
I've found myself being slightly envious of Eddie's freedom because of how stressed I am, which is obviously a sign that I'm not thinking straight
Julian Anderson
O my people, what have I done unto the?
Ryan Robinson
chinese, japanese, north korean or jewish these are our breeding options
Daniel Wood
what you gonna do about it
Blake Garcia
makes sense...
Samuel Cox
Loft flat or room with the window attachment concealed by the angle the picture was taken from.
William Powell
south chinese girls are the best
Oliver Nelson
>there are people who pretend to be better or have a higher moral standing than they actually are, or do. Not me. Literally pure. If we were in a horror film, I'd be the last to die, if you get my meaning. Hope, faith and chastity etc etc.
Camden Walker
She looks mixed with french/german
Isaiah Gonzalez
That was comfy
Zachary Nelson
>freedom Like the song says, its just another way of saying nothing left to lose. Never more true than in eddies case. You keep at it mate.
Elijah Price
Fuck sake. THEE.
Gabriel Turner
It's a quite common architectural feature on the continent, especially in town houses in Flanders. The facade of the building continues up, past the 'natural' conclusion at the base of the roof, to provide additional window space and ornate detailing at the top of building.
In what sense? To (hurriedly) quote Wikipedia:
>The 'Death of God' is a way of saying that humans - and Western Civilization as a whole - could no longer believe in a divinely ordained moral order. The death of God will lead, Nietzsche says, not only to the rejection of a belief of cosmic or physical order but also to a rejection of absolute values themselves — to the rejection of belief in an objective and universal moral law, binding upon all individuals. In this manner, the loss of an absolute basis for morality leads to nihilism.
It is hard to disagree with much of this, it reads more as a historical description than a subjective viewpoint.
Xavier Rogers
WASP, European, or Jewish. Not having anything less.
I assumed you meant he was physically dead rather than abandoned.
Jordan Taylor
Josiah Myers
>houselets compensating
got it
Ian Mitchell
Why not? They're the next best thing after white.
Hudson Sullivan
What if that just made me “asexual”?
Jack Moore
Good for you, lad. Genuinely. I'm a bit of a degenerate piece of shit to be honest, but at least I recognise that and try to do something about it, and I'm not generally harmful. I'm working on improving myself and eliminating my vices.
Austin Martinez
She is a skellington
Brody Clark
fuck off tripnonce
Isaiah Garcia
she was born on hainan island, basically as south as china gets
most women blow up as they get older, i'll happily deal with a spooky skeleton for a handful of years
Dylan Gray
>And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel, and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them, and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about, so that they could not any longer stand before their enemies.
Benjamin Butler
Brody Sanders
How old are you roughly?
Aiden Mitchell
Juan Stewart
Wang FeiFei
James Brown
Till you come home one day and shes cooked fido for tea, and your house is filled with insectile relatives.
Jonathan Thompson
>most women blow up as they get older
some more than others
Zachary Reed
Who else here has resigned themselves to the fact that England is coming to the end of her history, and the English will cease to exist in any meaningful sense during this century?
Just had a look at some jobs cos I might need one in the future, holy fuck why is every description so fucking deano tier I don't think I could even hack going for an interview with those marketing buzzwords desu "Deputy assistant as sales targetting" its an embarassment, how do cunts even get a job
also >tfw still no gf
Tyler Morales
Matthew Jones
more important than any qualification is a come what may attitude which can only be developed through social success early on in life
Leo Garcia
kill them all
Anthony Howard
fuck me that just killed me
Sebastian Sullivan
Nolan Lee
I want Joanna Lumley to be my mummy
Brayden Diaz
Could you be a bit more specific than an entire demographic range whilst still protecting your identity?