Um guys....
Other urls found in this thread:
Move any Pizza-related investigations over here where mods won't shut it down
Pretty sure that’s his daughter
Is that his kid?
Though with the track record of Jews this statement isn't actually as disqualifying as you'd hoped.
[perambulating intensifies]
his wife's
that's his daughter retard
That's a sandwich.
you dont think he's messing with his daughter?
And that makes it better how?
i recognize that machine...
Went to a Tim Hortons just now to get a coffee and a crispy chicken sandwich.
This little tiny white girl about the age of 4 was standing on her own in the line in front of me playing with a toy, and the person at the cashier tells me to come over to say my order. As I look around for the little girl's parents, confused that she's still in front of me in the line, I see this big 6'5 fatass Native hobo looking guy with dirt and scabs on his face and long greasy hair say to the little girl: "Come on let's go back to the apartment now" and the little girl doesn't really say anything but just follows him out slowly.
I kinda just stand there not sure if I should keep following them or go on and order my food. Well anyone long story short the crispy chicken was good but they put too much chipotle in it. Still sippin on my coffee it's good so far.
his wife isn't that brown and her sure as hell isn't. Pretty sure he didn't marry the brown variant of bugs most commonly found in the jungles of se asia but one of the more pale subspecies of insects found in korea, china, and japan.
Cheap date.
Tim Hortons? I'd heard of Dunkin Donuts being used for child trafficking, but I thought the leafs were better than that.
people give zuckerberg too much shit. He's just a rich sperg, i don't think he's evil, or am I missing something?
>Head of kikebook
>Not evil
It's like they can't resist a good dog whistle.
He’s doing his daughter??!?
I don't think it had anything to do with the Tim Hortons.
Just a strange pairing that I saw and I was really weirded out by it. I know others were too because there was an awkward silent pause after they left before I started saying my order.
This is the world the jews want us to live in.
No, I just used that picture to demonstrate that they use donuts as code alongside hotdogs and pizza.
My mom has given me valentines gifts every year since my childhood. I'm 35. And no I don't live at home. I'm married and have a kid.
I hate zuckerberg and facebook as much as everybody else on Cred Forums. But there is nothing wrong with having some pizza with your kid and calling them your valentine.
He is evil.
But there is nothing wrong with what he said in OP's post. People are grasping at straw and trying to attack every little thing he does which is retarded. There is plenty of evil shit he does to focus on, why waste time on shit he does that is perfectly acceptable?
That's his kid you fukwit, let me guess you have no kids, that's a good thing for all of us.
This weekend, Priscilla and I sojourned to the lakes of Alaska. It felt great to unplug, and I was looking forward to watching Priscilla breathe in the fresh Fall air.
Tom and Dave, our hands, met us by the lake with their boat and dog, Skip. In no time we were on the lake. Hooks baited, we sat with our lines in the lake and made conversation.
After coming ashore, it was now time for dinner. Tom handed me the carving knife and I ordered the dog Skip brought before me, for the ritual. But I was stopped and directed towards a fish. This was smart. I have learned of the human fondness for dogs, and with cameras near, who knows what people would say.
Tom's daughter was standing near. I felt it only proper that she as the youngest female should receive the organs. "Here girl", I said, "the flesh is fresh". She was shy, and required more direct commands for compliance.
I turned to Tom, "You have a disobedient progeny. If you like, I will break her." He refused. I made a note of this.
All in all, we had great fun. I can't wait to go back.
Daily reminder if your parents ever bought you pizza as a kid they also sexually assaulted you.
Tim Hortons isn't really known for its donuts but its Timbits more. Also, the donuts at Tim's are rarely covered in colourful frosting. Most of their selections are glazed and that's it.
Timbits are awful.
quality pasta
Is that Pizza?
They’re pretty good I think. Then again I’m not really a donut eater anyway. I tend to stay way from pastries in general.
!zuckerberg love $marriage$ pizza trending_current bitch lasagna
>tfw im not a robot
uuummmmm....ooooh.. gee... uhhh I dunno.. I bet you kiss your kid on the lips too? Just like mother did to you when you were a dapper little man in your big boy pants? Protip: when she massaged your crotch while kissing you, that was abuse.
Yeah like Woody Allen's daughter/wife.
Zucc thread?
Zucc thread.
He's not fooling anyone.
It's just a cybernetic human enjoying an organic energy source with his code similar replication.
You guys are being faggots today
Zukkie must not B rabbi certified!
>siding with the robot overlords
Why would you betray your own species?
what is zuckerborg up to?
>calling ur kid ur valentine
he probably kisses it on the lips too
fucking pedos
Meh I went with the institute in FO4 it's the only way to ensure the soulless mudpeople of the Commonwealth get replaced.
thats his wife's daughter
>literally the only team without access to Vertibirds
I take it you didn't play on Survival mode? Casual.
Also, I never really see the Zuck with nogs or spics. Almost always with white families or Asians. Also going through the public school system as of recent compared to boomers he's had a taste of niggerdom.
juuz only molest white girls
>Implying that I would happily take orders from the mutt blimp or the tranny railroad, or the minute kangz
>Also betraying my own son and race to help shitskins
I hope they make power armor that fits your wife's son.
>mutt blimp
Not bad, kid. Not bad.
you should probably get your sammich from other places, timmyhoes overcharges and underdelivers
robot overlords are simply human evolution taking another step, where we procreate via tools rather than biological organs
our AI's are human even if nobody will accept them as such, simply for the fact that humans made them
WTF is up with Zuck's face? There is something reptilian and alien about his eyes. The glassy, thousand-yard stare, the awkwardness, the whole "I am not a robot" meme. It's like he's trying too hard to hide this hint of autism that's about him.
Seriously no one in that motherfucker is white. Also they keep saying over the intercom not to have any intercourse with the natives.
Guess that 25 percent must be precious to then.
ZUCC 2020
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Seriously though, get in here
One more bump for creepy Zucc