Do it. Now.
Do it. Now
Trump should award her a participation trophy on President's day.
She looks like the last shit I took
this will be the end of trump for sure
Guys this time 4reals
>twitter the company establishes an influencer network graph of accounts who do this
>your tweets are lumped in with established bigots
>your voice is marginalized by a company
But but the russians I gave the uranum for cheap damt
It's fantastic. Keep Hillary relevant, keep associating her firmly with the left and the Democrats. People voted Trump/Johnson/Stein becuase they weren't Hillary
Leftism is delusional.
>Murica is a democracy!!!!
No sweetie this is 3rd grade civics, we are a constitutional republic. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep, we have checks and balances on everything, including voters
Everyone should do this and use pictures from this speech
>Everyone should do this and use pictures from this speech
got my shill4hill pic ready brahz bazinga
and to think we have at least seven more years of these tears to look forward to
Hilloli maybe
Why didn't they do this for the last one?
It is unhealthy to be buttmad so long.
>copying our Nehlen idea
The left cannot meme, and anything remotely successful the left makes it a ripoff of our memes
Why is that?
>It is unhealthy to be buttmad so long.
All leftys will be bald by the time this is all over
use this
If Hillary Clinton was President - George Soros would be your real boss.
This. Do it, Trump.
Hillary and her fans want to keep acting like it was her turn and she won? Give her a fucking runner-up/participation trophy
liberals are in love with LARPING
>Claim: She was a falling half dead corpse
>Snopes: FALSE
>She was still alive and wobbling.
The way her Storm Troopers tried to hid her condition from the American people. Fucking despicable cunts.
how do we counter meme this? its gotta be better than just changing profile pics to trump
Does being a lefty make you constantly buttmad, or does constantly being buttmad cause you to be a lefty? The two go hand in hand.
Hillary in an Orange jumpsuit
anyone ever notice this is the same political actress?
Twitter is gay.
Starts out with being constantly buttmad.
So buttmad you look for the people who promise to help with the gibs and restrictions.
Their shit never works so now you're buttmad+ and you have all these new buttmad friends from the group you joined to help that didn't.
Vicious cycle of buttmadness and uselessness.
different hair color, different musculature/structure around the chin. Earlobes and canals are different. Different glasses.
The extreme butthurt is the only similarity.
YES. The salt will FLOW.
Where's the Hillary version of this?