Catholicism is cancer. Catholicism has caused the death of millions of white people. Catholicism's main character "Jesus the Christ" is a mythical figure just like Yahweh, Allah and Zeus. Catholicism has held back the advancement of Science for far too long. Humanity could have saved many lives and would be so much more medically advanced if Catholicism didn't hold it back. If Catholicism wasn't invented we all could be living much longer lives due to Scientific advancements. Catholicism teaches a false reality stealing the truth of life from its followers. Catholicism teaches humanity that a magical Jew can keep you safe If you pray to this character causing people to do things that they would not normally due to safety concerns. Catholicism takes your money and hoards it instead of completely ending world hunger and fully healing the sick. Catholicism and its 40,000 plus denominations are atrocious. Catholicism will not be allowed in the white ethnostate. It is time for humanity to grow up and put an end to Catholicism and all religions that worship imaginary Gods.
Catholicism Hate Thread
You missed the part where you have to promote white men to breed with black women and accepting immigrants into their countries you filthy kike
Have a bump with a rare Saint-Louis.
Psalm 14:1 King James Version (KJV)
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."
Friendly reminder that even paid shills contribute more quality content to this board than atheists.
"Religion is a defense against the religious experience" - Carl Jung
The point is to understand what Jesus experienced when in the River with John the Baptist, so dont be too quick to judge lest ye be lost to the Eternal Rebirth of Bad Karma
I hate Jews. They started the lie of the Abrahamic religions. They are not the chosen people and owe the World and apology.
You people are idiots. Catholicism invented modern science.
Catholics ruined God's simple grace with religion
Total fiction. You can do better that that christcuck.
>mfw you realize Nero was a better emperor than Constantine the "Great"
>mfw Nero was more peaceful
>Nero was more charitable
>Nero was more beloved
>mfw Nero defended the order, virtues and traditions of the old while Constantine destroyed culture and history of his ancestors
How can christcucks ever recover?
Jesus never existed. This is a fact.
>burning down those virtues and traditions
Great historical revisionism maybe
>every scholar on the planet disagrees with me, but I'm right because look at this comment made by some literal who
ultra fagtard mistakes a system of governance for a religious belief system. Even to this day you the Church still controls us.
Its called the Knight of Malta you fucking pleb.
>all european royals had to be a part of the society or face tyrannicide
>Rome concorded the inferior tyrants with the banking system to make absolute it power
>Banker families all wear emblems of papacy on their crests, including papal court "jews" Rothschild/Rockefeller
Also in terms of belief the faggot soi boys worship scientism, the whore houses of American academia which are an open joke
>burning down those virtues and traditions
When did Nero burn down virtues and traditions? Only the Christians did.
What is it that makes athiests so militant? What about religion is so upsetting to you that you not only don't believe in it but you feel compelled to try and force other people to abandon it to? I'm really curious about this. I'm an athiest, have been for a long time. I remember questioning faith after seeing a documentary about the Bible and how there were entire books of the Bible that were simply "left out" of the official versions because they were so off-the-wall.
I never felt "duped" or angry about losing my faith, I felt like it just made more sense to me not to believe. I cringe every time I see some fedora-wearing punk kid claim to be so enlightened. I don't mind religious people at all, so long as they aren't actively trying to push faith on me.
What you kids need to understand is that the world NEEDS religion as a system of control. What would happen if every nigger in the US suddenly realized religion was a lie? Do you suppose they'd all join us for a golden age of enlightenment, or would all they just rampage across the land? Frankly, if someone is religious and their faith is what keeps them from being a menace to everyone else then what is it really hurting? If you follow trends you can see that more and more people are growing out of religion naturally, which is what has to happen for us to avoid a societal collapse.
Put your fucking fedora away and go get laid.
>Catholicism's main character "Jesus the Christ" is a mythical figure
Every reputable historian disagrees with you but keep on with your fantasy.
>Catholicism has held back the advancement of Science for far too long.
No it hasn't.
>If Catholicism wasn't invented we all could be living much longer lives due to Scientific advancements
Wild speculation which you can't prove
>Catholicism teaches humanity that a magical Jew can keep you safe If you pray to this character causing people to do things that they would not normally due to safety concerns.
What kind of ridiculous bullshit is that? You're just making shit up.
>Catholicism takes your money and hoards it instead of completely ending world hunger
I have been a Catholic since I was a small child and I've never given a penny to the church. I am under no obligation to give money to the church. That aside, why would a white nationalist care about ending starvation in africa?
You are full of shit and I'm convinced that you're a shill.
>Humanity could have saved many lives and would be so much more medically advanced if Catholicism didn't hold it back.
Since you're saying you're a person of science please post verifiable scientific evidence to back up your claim.
>If Catholicism wasn't invented we all could be living much longer lives due to Scientific advancements.
This statement is how I know you're just some millenial edgelord. If you actually new anything about the church's origins you'd see that it was created as a way to get people to follow rules that were made for their betterment. For example, homosexuality was banned to cut down on disease, as was the eating of animals like pigs. Catholicism helped extend lifespans by incorporating known facts about health and disease into it's doctrine.
>Catholicism teaches a false reality stealing the truth of life from its followers.
Huh? Do you even know what that sentence means?
>Catholicism teaches humanity that a magical Jew can keep you safe If you pray to this character causing people to do things that they would not normally due to safety concerns.
I would swear you're shitposting but the vitriol in your posts is palpable. OK, I guess the "Magical Sky Jew" thing is correct on a very basic level, but what is prayer causing people to do that they normally wouldn't because they're unsafe.
>Catholicism takes your money and hoards it instead of completely ending world hunger and fully healing the sick.
So does the government.
>It is time for humanity to grow up and put an end to Catholicism and all religions that worship imaginary Gods
So, you're implying that there are religions that DON'T involve the worship of imaginary gods?
I'm sorry daddy didn't hug you enough or whatever but Christ take some time to read and learn a little about shit before you vomitpost again.
When he burned down Rome
>burned down Rome
>million white people
>magical Jew can keep you safe causing people to do stuff they would not normally do
Like what for example?
>held back advancement in science
So why haven't the Chinese or the middle easterners advanced scientifically way beyond as civilizations?
>we would all be living normal lives
No you wouldn't without Christianity and the christianization of the tribes of Europe it would still be a Bronze Age tribal continent
>steals money and hoards it
What about catholic relief services?
>Catholicism with its 40,000 denominations
Catholicism only is one denomination, Protestant groups are not catholic.
Christkikes worked into a seething ding dong diddily dog gone god dang damn darn shoot
Odin is going to kill jesus and allah.