Daily reminder that there is no such thing as white genocide, just have more kids.
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as white genocide, just have more kids
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omg she so fat now
I think you mean THICC
>white women become complete whores who don't want to settle down until they are used up
>most young men are too busy with work
>making and raising children is a huge financial and mental responsibility most people can't handle until older age
>meanwhile shitskins can shit out children without a problem
>lol just have more kids
Fuck off idiot
jesus CHRIST
I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie
It's physically impossible for whites to have more kids because kikes loaded the water and food with hormones. Half of your sperm are DOA so even if you want to have kids unless you avoid all jewed food and water you're only going to have1-3 kids.
Those 1-3 kids will be brainwashed and vaccined into autistic spergs of course.
I would pay 500 dollars for a night.
That's like mid-range escort money. High-end escorts cost $1,000/hr or more. And they're not even famous. She could get at least $100,000-500,000/hr and more realistically there's probably a bunch of people that would pay a million for a night.
>just fill the planet with people, whatever
Daily reminder that OP is a faggot and just stop sucking so much cock
>implying white people having fewer kids just happened in a vacuum and had nothing to do with (((conditioning))) by (((certain people)))
>implying replacing the native population with outsiders, which (((they))) openly advocate for, isn't a form of genocide
The term "white genocide" is used by unattractive Caucasian males who have failed to attracted a mate from their race. If they fail to find a mate they assume it is do to an elaborate scheme perpetuated by some shadowy group, this is done in order to aid in a shattered ego.
Why are non whites able to have kids and you can't? Sounds like you can't adapt to challenging situations, shame since that is what fuels evolution. Sorry you're on the losing side friend.
All pussy is pretty much the same. Even if I were a billionare, I wouldn't flatter her with a million dollars for her cunt. That would be beta as fuck and a totally irresponsible use of money.
Do these chemicals only affect whites? Because it hasn't hindered any of the other races?
Just try to develop some game you bunch of faggots, bitching and whining will not fix the demographic problem.
Wakanda if true
Is this why you jesuits deny that the armenian genocide happened? Because they were white?
>All pussy is pretty much the same
This, in the end it is just a tight wet hole. Real pleasure comes from actually being intimate an in love with your partner. Sex for nothing more than short term carnal desire is nigger tier. A one night stand is just using somebody else's body to masturbate.
COmpare birth rates in the third world to birth rates in the first world. Now realize there are no white third world nations.
>bring in hoards of shit skins
>Outsourcing manufacturing and insource labour (for the ones willing to work)
>The ones who don't work get gibs from the working people, taking money they need to raise family
>Lol just have more kids.
Sorry user... $500 for Tay? Not even close. If she was an escort she is minimum $1,000 material for 30 min and straight normal sex only plus condom.
Irrelevant. Stop complaining on an anime forum and go have sex. Doesn't matter how many children your neighbors are producing if you aren't attempting to even try.
Some third world countries are having a massive decrease of birthrates user, take mexico for example, we use to be 4 births per couple and nowadays you can see that birthrates are barely above minimum population replacement.
Dont take everything Cred Forums tells you for granted, theres a shiton of propaganda even in this place.
As myself and others have pointed out, we can't win the race war just by having kids at this point with Jews doing their best to neuter us and shipping third worlders in by the millions.
illegal immigrants don't seem to have that problem maybe the couples are just having their babies here. at any rate what about south america, do they have any decrease in birth rates?
The original is better you dirty nigger
It's more of a power thing at that point, or for the experience. Even if a billionaire only made 5% each year of investments that's still an additional $50 million in income. As long as they can avoid spending more than a million dollars per week on that budget then they'll still come out ahead. For them spending that much on sex would be like an average person spending their weekly entertainment budget on something frivolous.
You're half right but being that rich is dangerous for that very reason.
I heard a great analogy about it.
Let's say you're a farmer and you've got a huge basket of potatoes in the back of your truck. it's a bumpy road and every mile or so a few potatoes fall out.
But who cares you have so much!
But when you arrive at your destination, you realize how many potatoes fell out and weep.
Meh. With the emergence of crispr all original races will go extinct eventually
that image is shopped
this one, however, is not
>illegal immigrants don't seem to have that problem maybe the couples are just having their babies here. at any rate what about south america, do they have any decrease in birth rates?
About the illegal aliens user, well what can you expect when te goverment literally gives you more welfare when you have more babies, you dont need to be a genious to see how that will make some problems in the long term, and about the birthrate in south america, you’ll be surprised, its being going down from quite a while, some countries are going on a downward trend more faster than others, but the trend is there.
As i said user, be carefull to develop some sort of paranoia because of places like this tell you, let just say that paraboia is never beneficial for the guy that has it, but to others it is.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Anyone want to take the time to make all the letters on her dress be J and Q?
>'Daily reminder'
Was the first clue to the integrity of the OP. The picture of the tranny sets the scene for what type of person is urging our procreation (gif related)
Birthrates mean nothing when millions of savages are being imported every year. That's a burden being placed on the native population due to external factors, the answer isn't to adapt to external factors completely within our control
That's a farmer without a budget. As long as you gain more potatoes than you lose then it doesn't matter how you lose those other potatoes.
No doubt, we're paying illegal immigrants to come here and displace us. We're subsidizing it with welfare and gibs. If I was Mexican I might do the same thing.
We should treat illegal immigrants like foreign invaders and greet them with bullets, not gibs. After giving them 6 months or so to gtfo of course, not their fault Jews wanted them here.
because it is incredibly easy to get subsidies when you are black and a black female but difficult if you are white and male.
Any sources on that? Sounds like the lawsuit of a century? Please provide source or kindly piss off.
If I weren't related to her I would kiss her hand- lOl
>love you sis- keep up the gud jobes.
red pills incoming
More to come...
kek here come the shills and mentally ill crossposters
i love how triggered you get at Tay Tay
This. The welfare state has incentivized dysgenic breeding patterns. The wealth of intelligent, productive individuals is being used to subsidize the breeding of pavement apes. Get rid of welfare, and white birth rates will improve.
>turns 30
obviously she knows how terrible that feels for an unattractive woman and is just making fun of her
Yeah so I read the entire page and nothing states that being black gathers more benifits. They do state below poverty line tho.