They dont want to stop, these (((people))) just want to fuck up society as much as possible, they not satisfied they need more
Liberal says after Black Panther should come Sharia Man
Other urls found in this thread:
Shariah Man, the first all male movie?
I'll see it if his mission is to throw faggots off rooftops.
Able to throw faggots of tall buildings in a single toss!
Is it a bird?
is it a plane?
>has "allah" in his name
>wants Sharia
big surprise
>is it a bird?
>is it a plane?
its a plane
>Sharia Man
Of course! If you give a mouse a cookie...
What the hell. I actually feel offended. What right do these guys have to call us minorities.
9/11 wasnt in the name of sharia. Way to fuck up the joke instead of keeping it going though.
Yeah pretty sure Muslims would love to see a jewish production about their religion
Have you ever actually seen a faggot get thrown off a roof in person? Shit is surreal
Soon soon
A DC muslim superhero already exists, just google Nightrunner, an algerian superhero (team batman) who fights against crime in Paris.
Topkek when knowing a big part of crimes are done by algerian men in Paris.
Everything a muslim does it just the will if the devil. Call it shariah or somthing else it’s just part of Satan’s plot.
>Sharia Man
this has so much meme potential holy shit hahahaha
Is there a way to send this in a mass text message to all muslims
Im pretty sure thats haram. Is there some sort of 3d chess shit going on here? Jews constantly pushing for reform in islam while disgusing it as progress? I mean look at this...
>movie produced by jews
>full of cgi made by whites
>based on comic written by other jews
>dumb niggers take credit for it
Wtf, it's true
>alias le protecteur de Paris
is that a joke about Muslims or our military?
Because I shit you not, an Afghani refugee in my class made the same joke.
It’s how they disassembled christianity
checked and kek'd
>Moon Girl walking to school
>Shariah Man appears
>throws acid in her face
>Emma Frost saves the day
>Shariah Man appears
>Stones her for dressing like a whore
>Thanos attacks Earth
>Every hero is down expect Ms. Marvel
>Shariah Man appears
>beats her with a rod for not wearing a hijab
>Iceman steps outside for a smoke
>Shariah Man appears
>throws him off the roof because faggot
>Dr.Doom attempts to kidnap Franklin Richards
>Shariah Man appears
>Fucks Franklin in the ass
they really are stupid, its astonishing
I wonder if this kike would be saying something like this if his audience were Israelis.
I bet he would be decrying such a "superhero" as a terrorist and antisemite. Jews need to go to the gas chambers for real this time.
You forgot to mention the reason he fucks him in the ass is because he's having a "sexual emergency".
>My new CNN article
You have to love the audacity of jews to speak for blacks. It's like their open admission they are too stupid to think for themselves
I don't understand. Black Panther was targeted introspection directly at the African American community. When Blacks claim the ancestry of Africa for no reason other than furthering their political power without showing it the historic respect it deserves, they're following in the footsteps of the movie's villain.
Is that so hard to grasp? Its not about scaring white people, it's about being better black people.
Im calling sharia man a terrorist, your afghani fried was either calling americans terrorists or making fun of his own people for chimping out with bombs.
I like how he has parentheses around his name.
Like they're trying to appropriate the meme expect instead of it being some obscure internet forum thing now it's widespread and well known
Nice flag, infidel