why doesnt Switzerland need to ban guns but american does?
Why doesnt Switzerland need to ban guns but american does?
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Because switzerland wasn’t dumb enough to flood itself with niggers
You both do, you savage niggers.
Because no one gives a fuck about the Swiss, except may be Germans.
Because Communists hate America more than they do Switzerland.
>checks source
>counting suicides
>check real crime rate
>switzerland at 1/3rd germany
>almonds active
>switzerland won't ban gu-
now compare it you all murders, you leftist cunt
>will be voted down
>exclusion for military weapons (90% of swiss weapons including OP)
>gun homicides
The Swiss are white.
No niggers. No kikes. No problems.
you're protecting the jews gold.
>germany isn't even on the fucking list
well memed
I'm pro gun but can we stop with the switzerland comparisons? Your country is like the size of a medium US city
Swiss are white. America has niggers.
>another episode of swiss faggots pretending they're not a 3rd most jewish country
USA is the warmachine
Israel is their capital
Jewtzerland is their bunker.
>Not but thx bro
Holy shit, that graph is fucking wrong.
The fact that they are portraying gun related deaths as gun homicide really shows how dishonest anti gunners are.
Here’s a real source:
We had a gun homicide rate of 0.28 per 100k people in 2011.
That shit is false as fuck.
Best thing ive read all day
We have to stop being keyboard warriors. Get out there
>No kikes
What meme is this exactly? Switzerland isn't teeming with (((refugees))) for the same reason Israel isn't.
Where are all the worlds offshore banks?
There's your answer.
>me mes
are you really going to sit there and tell me germans are dishonest piece of subhuman shit that should be wiped off the face of the earth? are you really going to say that to my face. because if you are. i'm going to agree 100%
Hitler made a mistake not invading.
>worlds offshore banks?
Caymans and SAmerica. Secret banking doesnt exist anymore retard.
>mfw not even on the list
you mean he realized we'd BTFO him and he pussied out. Google operation Tenebaum
god damn i would fucking PLUNDER that ass
Whos we? The kikes? They dont fight.
Try again.
>it's the nazi gold i swear
>we da last nazis n shiet
no, you're just there to protect jews.
Why do you think switzerland has that many guns?
Protip: It's not to protect your fellow "kameraden"
lol just off yourself and your disgusting """"commonwealth""""
Just found out that Nikolas Cruz was a jew
Go back with the rest of your scum
big if huge
huge if big
Because Switzerland isn't full of nogs
I like this guy.
No, because gun laws dont apply to jews.
Niggers. We have em, you don't
>counting suicides
>meximutt intellectual
this is the kind of gringo i like
i forgot about this, thanks for reminding me
>implying the stats for the US are just gun homicides and not all gun deaths, including suicides (which make up 80% of those deaths) and accidents
>implying even 29.7 out of one fucking million inhabitant is even remotely relevant when you're statistically more prone to die from lightning than a gun
Hmm, how about go fuck yourself sweetie? Oh wait, Abdul is already taking care of the fucking :)
It’s impossible for my country to have a gun homicide rate that high because it would mean that it would be greater than our OVERALL HOMICIDE rate.
It’s a bullshit graph.
>when guns kill more people per year than you have murder rate per year
Because your culture doesn't have the defect ours does that makes kids with a screw loose shoot up schools. As for homicide rate, you live in a mostly homogenous (racially) society.
if you have that many, why won't you name them, it's more efficient shitposting
>linux or some other utter tier OS
Because mkultra and the orion project are not being abused by the communist left to program school shooters with the goal of disarming the entire swiss population.
What a misleading metric
Unfortunately our leftist media is already spreading that graph as being true.
This. Also we'll it's a push from useful idiots to disarm our population so the US wont resist the new world order and thus, in term, the other nations are less likely to.
i wrote up a simple python script to rename all my images every few days to keep people from archive stalking
>a mutt posting
>thinking anyone cares
not for long. dont forget to vote yes march 4th
Is that a famas?
can you please do my favour and google this:
average north mexican woman
and post results
>not keeping the same names as a fearless Chad
They don't have ammo.
That's the part they never tell.
the problem is your statistics, if you separate niggers from normal people, you will see that there is no problem.
one country is white
>America is multicultural
>Switzerland isn't
You tell me.
no i dont google things ever... heres the new file names 4 u though
>don't have ammo
if you say so leaf
>not multiculti
population 8 million
3 million foreigners
makes you think
>America is multicultural
>Switzerland isn't
Uhm, sweetie...think again.
>3 million foreigners
Are those foreigners other Euros, or Africans/Arabs?
wait till you get enriched up to 44%
Per capita, the us has less mass shootings, and mass shooting deaths than you guys.
mix. about 500k+ are albanian kosovoniggers though
Here’s comes another lie.
The libtards want to disarm the Swiss and us. Both countries have active libtard campaiigns for disarming the sheeples.
The Swiss are 'orderly' and are confident they will prevail in any votes etc, to keep their guns.
We are just going to kill anyone who tries to take our guns.
Everyone in Switzerland has mandatory military service, so everyone has had basic weapon safety instruction. That's why I support a weapon license that requires passing a safety and practice test, like a drivers license.
If you want a minigun, you have to make the range instructor happy first. Don't like, it go cry on tumblr, snowflake.
Graphs are deceptive.