If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it.
>child gets shot
>inb4 muh ebil government
If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it
Other urls found in this thread:
The NRA doesn't define the 2nd amendment.
Wow, that was easy.
How is it that the 1st amendment applies to modern technology, but the 2nd amendment only applies to muskets?
inb4 a mod deletes another shit threa- who am i kidding the mods are faggots
>Libs ban guns
>"See, safer"
*School shooting using illegal gun*
>Um, just outlier!
*Girl gets raped in own home, father lost gun in buy backs, entire family murdered by nog*
>Everybody feels safer!
*Terror attack, guns purchased from cartels*
>No American needs guns!
Fuck off you absolute waste of white semen and eggs.
To stop the government from going tyrannical
An armed populace prevents the ride of tyranny. The more people like you tell me I don't need an ar the more I know I need one. Or several.
Did you know that assault-riffles were banned in the USA between 1994 and 2004? Pic related are the results.
>American education: They don't even know their most recent history.
I don't need a reason, I have a right. If you have a problem with that, amend the Constitution first.
So how many people were able save themselves because they had a gun on them?
Why don't we share those stories to the media. It would be clearly possible to show that having gun on oneself is better than going out unarmed and getting mugged.
Are you ready to die in the next civil war? You will if you continue down this path. I have it on good authority from the IC that you shills are going to be removed very soon, final warning.
So mass shooting death tolls skyrocketed afterwards?
How about you explain why the second amendment exists if it, according to you, isn't supposed to actually do anything.
(You won't because you are fucking stupid.)
Because if you try to take them (which I wish you would) the u.s.a. ends.
To shoot radical, brainwashed Leftists when they try to destroy the Constitution.
Im buying another gun today because of your dumb post
Looks more like a continuation of an already established trend
They seem to fluctuate year by year. There's no correlation between gun ownership and mass shootings, or gun crime in general.
Pic related was also high tech heavy weapons back then.
> So how many people were able save themselves because they had a gun on them?
Not nearly as many as got shot drunk, or by their kid, or by a robber. Stats show that you are 4 times more likely to suffer at gun violence if you have a gun. The odds of you saving the day during a time of need are very fkn slim (most people get hurt or shoot the wrong person)
It's called the Bill of Rights not the Bill of Needs.
>Muh ar15 memegun is more important than living in a safe society
dem flag = homo retard
> There's no correlation between gun ownership and mass shootings, or gun crime in general.
Sure, you tell yourself that.
>defined by the NRA
I believe it is the US CONGRESS who legislates whether or not certain arms are permitted by the public, not the NRA.
And it is the responsibility of the schools to maintain a safe environment for the children they are requiring to attend their government schools, not the NRA.
>Stats show that you are 4 times more likely to suffer at gun violence if you have a gun
We should probably ban guns then.
It would be a safe society without non-whites.
this. Probably caused due racial tensions + poor prospects for teens
You don’t NEED a knife sharper than a butter knife.
You don’t NEED a car that goes faster than 65 mph.
You don’t NEED a beer with more than 1% alcohol content.
All of these kill far more people than guns every year. Fuck off.
> I hate trump
> trump please take my guns!!
Democrat logic.
Guns keep us safe.
The bourgeoisie control the government, cops are basically a crooked, legal, RWDS, guns are the only tool ordinary people have to fight back.
Not even for armed revolution, but better wages and conditions and shit - unions being "thugs" worked, gun control would just let the pinkertons massacre us.
anti-gunners live in a bubble of gay sex and stupidity.
Well, how would we know since they ripped all of the statues down. Checkmate, commies.
Nobody besides the military should own an assault-rifle 15.
I dont need an AR-15, I also dont want an AR-15. In the event of civil war you think I'd stay with the virgin semi automatic rifle? Or would I move to the chad automatic assault rifle after killing a traitor? AK-47 is more aesthetic than the AR-15 anyways
To protect myself, my family, and those I love from government tyranny and political opposition.
Weak bait leaf faggot
I don't think american laws about guns is wrong.
The american culture is the one to be blamed.
The american culture of extreme consumerism and competition is what cause this kind of stuff.
you retards had their chance and fucked it up, shill
Rifles account for less than 10% of gun murders. More people are killed by melee weapons and bare fists in the US each year.
Rifles provide a person with a long-range option of defending themselves, their property, and their loved ones. Right to life = right to self defense.
Explain Switzerland.
>let’s hear it.
History tells us that every single citizen should be armed and armed well. Get reading, it's interesting stuff and lets you work out the future.
because it won't stop with the banning of guns you gullible communist
My gun protects me from marxists who don't believe any kind of success is fair or desirable.
I don't need a reason. Inalienable rights are not subject to the opinion of you, the government, or anyone else.
>If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it.
"need" has literally nothing to do with it
Shoot Feral Hogs in South Texas.
Without arms a citizen becomes a subject.
Get a handgun and put it in your night stand you fag. You're not defending your home with an AR unless you are in Waco
This is from a thread that the liberal mods suppressed:
>Statistically, 6800 people died in the USA on the same day the 17 students were gunned down and died in Florida. There was 11,000 births that same day in the USA.
151,600 people died in the world on the same day the 17 students were killed. There was 360,000 births in the world on that same day.
So basically, why are we supposed to give a fuck about these students? If the government wanted an actual plan to stop kids getting killed at school, it wouldn't have anything to do with gun control. In fact, the exact opposite. Gun-free zones have boosted attacks astronomically. There is an attack on American sovereignty. Once they take the guns, they can take the freedom of speech. Then we turn into Western Europe, which is just like North Korea. Hyper-normalization. Everyone is afraid of their government, so they try to rationalize or normalize their corrupt government agendas. If you live in the USA, buy as much high-powered artilary that you can. Even if you don't like guns, buy it anyway and stash it, lock it up away from your kid's or whatever. The new narrative is "Russian bots", so it's IMPERATIVE that you go out and vote in your local elections this year and vote as many right-wing or pro-gun candidates as you can. DO NOT just sit around doing nothing. Take ONE day out of the year to vote.
Anyway, thanks and Godspeed Anons.
>1 post by this ID
Javelina ain't no joke brah
>safe society
white America has one of the lowest violent crime rates in the world
If you take Americans guns away OP how will they get shot?
>Stats show that you are 4 times more likely to suffer at gun violence if you have a gun.
Stats show you are 4 times more likely to die in a car if you drive a car.
Whos defending themselves with an AR? Its just a gun people buy to shoot for fun. And shoot children for fun
Over 90% of gun murders are committed with pistols, and 50% of all murders are committed by niggers.
It is. The rights of the people are far more important than the lives of anyone, including children.
Also if you really cared about making this country safe you would start by banning niggers and spics AKA the most causative link to violence and criminality that we have in this country.
>Woah woah is that a grenade? Why would you need a grenade?
How about we hear a reason about why we would need you and your ilk to live?
Because I have yet to see any.
Wow nice nihilistic shitpost you worthless faggot
i can tell you have no idea what you are talking about. an AR-15 is brobably the best firearm to use in a home defense scenario. it is much easier to shoot than a pistol, has a higher chance of incapacitating the intruder, and depending on the ammo used, has a much lower chance of over-penetrating and killing a family member or a neighbor
your vag can be used to make rapist so i must confiscate it
>Murders perpetrated by a majority of niggers
>Mass shootings that are always carried out with the same type of weapon against defenseless children
Wow user really made me think
>1 post by this id
Once again all of you fall for a liberal bot post.
Says the Soros bot. This is a boy everyone. It will try to hide the agenda. Who gives a fuck about 17 students dying, when millions of people die each year from unnatural causes.
So owning an AR 15 is a right? Why can't I own a magazine of high explosives? I would feel safer knowing I could injure the government's forces should they attempt to illegally apprehend me
>If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it.
Because you don't want me to have it. My only motivations are reactions to you, mostly anti-correlating.
>Whos defending themselves with an AR?
>Its just a gun people buy to shoot for fun
They also defend themselves
>And shoot children for fun
If someone is trying to "shoot children for fun", they should be shot.
There should be a monument to Cliven Bundy, he stood tall in the face of tyranny just as surely as the Founders did.
Yeah man like why care when people die when, like, everyone dies, man. Jesus Christ you sound like an edgy 15yo who just bought a God is Dead shirt
Shut the fuck up and try totake them already, I want to see blood
>The rights of the people are far more important than the lives of anyone, including children.
Uh oh, cleetus has had a few cases of bud light. Guns are more important than the lives of children apparently lol.
They can't be shot because liberals have gun free zones. Liberals hate children. That's why they're not having kids and also are pro abortion.
Mass shootings at schools, etc., are statistically irrelevant.
When the pension fund and ebt cards stop working.
its true leaf fuck your retarded ugly children in the ass with an ar15
>If someone is trying to shoot children for fun they should be shot
Wow really revolutionary argument here user wow. I suppose I should just get sunburns every day until I develop melanoma and then cut it out as opposed to wearing sunscreen. It's called prevention
There probably is. If guns are difficult to come by then a lot of low level crime will be committed without them, sure the serious stuff will still happen but mere idiots with a grudge or addicts will have to settle for knives or clubs. Which are not close to being as efficient.
A lot of the worst shootings are kids taking a gun to school or religious nutters going on a rampage. If guns where highly restricted these people are less likely to get guns legally and those selling them illegally won't as the attention will be bad for business.
Don't get me wrong, I am for greater gun rights in my own country but looser gun laws do also mean a greater propensity for mischief.
>If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it
I need to protect myself and my family from the overabundance of wackos on SSRIs.
Woah really great argument.
come on. funny as fuck image though, and our culture definitely needs work.
>Why can't I own a magazine of high explosives?
you can
Make sure to buy ammo as well.
Snagged up 3800rds. The morning of the shooting for less than $400.
Because Democratics won't do anything about illegal immigrants / Mexican drug cartels living amongst us.
>Safety is more important than liberty
You're a fucking disgrace to that flag and the men who founded your nation.
>Wow really revolutionary argument here user wow
What can I say? Common sense is radical in this climate.
>Guns are more important than the lives of children apparently lol.
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; unless some kids die lol."
It's not the guns, it's the right of people who own guns to keep them.
Humans are becoming overpopulated anyway, and we'll eventually need forced contraception, eugenics, and sterilization in order to keep humans from destroying the biosphere; so complaining about a miniscule amount of deaths right now doesn't really make sense.
Furthermore, leftists keep forcing white nations to accept millions of violent 3rd-world nigger immigrants. If you expect us to live among those populations with no guns to protect ourselves, you're essentially handing-out death sentences of your own. Murder rates are literally higher in nigger countries where guns are virtually outlawed. See map.
>looser gun laws do also mean a greater propensity for mischief
No they don't.
Your argument is based on emotions, so...
it is actually because there is no argument in favor of banning guns that does not apply tenfold to banning niggers spics jews commies and faggots, by the numbers. ur a walking vagina and i cant wait to fuck you.
>russia has low gun ownership. fake map
i mean, hes right.
please see thispost
This is a Soros bot everyone. They try to twist your words to make it seem like "as a matter of fact".
6800 people died the same day as the 17 students, and most died of UNNATURAL causes. There's NO hysteria about those deaths, only the students. They died because they were in a gun free zone. They also died because the police refused to stop the kid that actually posted 6 months earlier that he was going to kill a specific person and even showed his guns. They ALLOWED this to happen on purpose.
Be sure to vote in your local elections anons, don't sit around.
well the guy on the right is up against militarized cops and the US military. it seems decently proportional to me
In your opinion why aren't americans allowed to own machine guns?
Democracy is a facade of freedom from the illusion of choice. Don't go out and vote. If you think your vote matters, you're part of the problem. If anything "cruz" did us a favor. It's actions like these that create a greater divide between the right and left. Eventually there will be such a catalyst that we'll have blue berets marching down the street disarming our citizens. By then, guns won't be used to protect our freedoms because we'll have lost the freedoms we are still allowed. We'll need the guns to protect our lives and when the shooting starts you'll actually have a chance to make a difference.
*sorry buy machine guns
Muh evil government. Faggot can't inb4.
I am clueless. Is it ok to carry a long gun in public places in every state or just some?
not that fucking hard to understand you pussy
>Except gun control is like going to jail because you are afraid of sunburn and want to prevent cancer.
Why would you shred the constitution to be "safer"? Can we shred the 1st and 4th amendments too?
The 1st amendment allows anti-government forces (Antifa and legit commies) to legally protest in the streets without being destroyed. It allows violent ideologies to spread, including "RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA" and it prevents the media from having any accountability in anything they say at all.
The fourth amendment prevents the police from knocking down doors of known gang bangers to disrupt their drug operations that kill more people than guns every year without going through the long process to get a warrant. This also prevents the police from quickly acting on many tips. IMAGINE HOW MUCH SAFER WE WOULD BE! /wrists.
So do you just dislike guns are are you willing to literally let our government become tyrannical over your cowardice?
you can go read up on nfa 34 tax stamp for the right pieces and you can own a tank or fighter jet
legal gun ownership
you can have cannons of your ship so why shouldn't you have a rifle
we are
Question is why can't you buy a machine gun
Another bot. These are the same bots commenting that Trump had no chance to win.
Look at the bot I'm responding to, look what it said. It's literally saying not to vote. It's the equivalent of "I'm tired anons, aren't you".
>Stats show that you are 4 times more likely to suffer at gun violence if you have a gun
Do those gun stats count cops deaths and suicide as "gun violence"?
>I am clueless
I agree.
>Is it ok to carry a long gun in public places in every state or just some?
In most states, yes.
>inb4 muh ebil government
This is a valid reason faggot
I don't need a reason to exercise a right. Just like you don't a reason to exercise your 1st amendment right to shitpost on Cred Forums. I bought an AR because I WANTED it. Anything else is none of anyone's fucking business.
you can buy a machine gun
Because beaners in the 80s wouldn't stop killing each other over cocaine money
It's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs, you cock-gobbling Communist. The Founding Fathers would have given their left nuts for ARs and Javelin rockets.
In today's world, you are twice as likely to be beaten to death with fists, 20 times as a likely to be murdered with a handgun and 100 times more likely to die in a car accident than being murdered with a long arm of all kinds (AR, AK, Remington 700, Tikka, etc). You are more likely to drown, be beaten to death with a hammer, and something like 2000 times more likely to die this year of heart disease than be shot and killed by a long gun.
Get your priorities straight.
>better health education
>better mental health system
> any reduction in medical mistakes (150-400,000 deaths per year)
>better drivers and better car safety
>lowering your personal salt intake (stroke)
>dealing with the heroin epidemic
These all would have a bigger impact on society than banning one type of long arm.
Two different reasons.
>lived on a ranch in FL
>hogs would strip the bark off my fruit trees
>destroy all other crops, even break barbed wired fences
>AR15 allowed me to rekt them and provide food for my doggos
>now homesteading only 15 miles north of the border in CA
>no cell signal in my area
>pic related
>what can the government do can assure my safety?
>government workers are lazy niggers
of course they do
you can you need the cash, find a transferrable one, get the tax stamp and you can...easier to get an illegal one tho, or make it yourself
An AR-15 Is not an Assault rifle dumbass, and it's not even fully automatic, AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle
When the ebt cards stop working
If you want gun control you can't have open borders and a welfare state
You can buy a machine gun made after 1986?
He said feral hogs, not an animal part of the ecosystem. There is a difference.
>one post by this faggot
if they keep pushing this the second amendment is going to be changed to permit access for militias to have biological and chemical arms.
push this at your peril, you fucking niggers
Obama demonstrated that we do need guns and the government can become a problem...
Obama virtually destroyed the whole gun control argument.
Ban assault hands right now!
Sure. Just make sure you have lots of money and patience.
As much as lefties complain about Le Drumpf being an evil dictator, and threatening to kill him and white nationalists all the time, you'd think they'd want to own guns.
by this logic we should use floppy disks because thats how computers were originally intended
>Not nearly as many as got shot drunk, or by their kid, or by a robber.
Absolute lies. The (((Obama))) Department of Justice estimated around 1.5 million defensive gun uses per year in this country.
Guns are the ultimate tools of equality, that's why liberals hate them
Or you could view what the left is doing like you should, as an attack. Defend your way of life like a man. Use bullets not ballots.
Actually if you go off the FBI definition of mass shooting more are committed with handguns. Not like it matters it's all irrelevant compared to my rights.
Doesn't account for suicide, which is 62% of gun related deaths.
With their seething hatred of GLUMPF, you think they’d be the biggest advocates for the second amendment. Goes to show they’re weak minded niggers being told how to think.
some please post a pic of the bill of needs
Read this you clown, there weren't JUST muskets around when the 2nd amendment was written and our founding fathers were smart enough to realize there will be advances in gun technology.
I want liberals to all be shot now, you fucking suck.
it's the pistol grip, stock, and rail features that make it an "assault weapon" i guess. . .
planned Parenthood has never killed a child AFAIK
>Machine guns are not illegal, but it is illegal to make and register new ones on a form 1 (as you would do for an SBR)
>There is no way around the May 19th, 1986 date. if the machine gun in question was made after that date, you may not own it (unless you are a dealer)
The Soros bots are about to attack you. My post was basically the same, but not as detailed.
Those students were 17 out of 6800 people that died that same day in the USA. Why no outrage for all the other reasons people died, other than natural causes.
If I were going to do a mass shooting, I’d use a handgun because I want the increased mobility in close quarters. However if I was on defense, I’d want an AR.
>>statistics rasis
yes. like the other user said, you just need a lot of money and patience
>old musket was actually rifled, unlike most military smoothbores of that time period, meaning the militias in America had better weapons than the English army.
Meanwhile, the evil scary bad ar is a direct gas impingement semiautomatic rifle, whereas most modern military rifles are indirect impingement and have selective fire rates (can go fully automatic).
So, if anything, we have gone backwards.
South Africa
Both are good rifles. Just a matter of personal preference. 5.56 ammo is cheaper than 7.62. Before I bought my AR I was thinking about getting a Ruger Mini-30, but got the AR instead ; one of the reasons was the ammo price an availability, another was that the AR platform is very configurable with so many aftermarket options. My brother in law has an AK, and it's a great rifle. My middle son swears by his bolt action Mosin-Nagant :-)
>Stats show that you are 4 times more likely to suffer at gun violence if you have a gun.
Do you really want to talk about statistics.....
Gun control relies on blind emotion not facts.
Get in the hole.
paul bfto
>unless you are a dealer
like i said, a lot of money and patience
but its legal
Ad hominem = logical fallacy
Because fuck you that's why.
The current actual record holder is that gook from va tech with a glock and extended mag right? So how does banning ARs solve the issue of violence against one another? Oh yeah it doesnt you ppl are just fucking kikes looking to disarm the populace before further slaughtering our children in the name of (their) agenda.
Don’t own one myself, never will, don’t like pistol grips on my rifles personally. But it sure as hell is not my damned business if my neighbor owns one either.
>>The founding fathers wouldent have used chemical wepons
and this is the main reason the murder rate isnt higher
the other one is hospital tech improving, turning many murder cases into "aggravated assault"
advocating to change the first or second amendment should be a hangable offense
Because you can defend yourself anyway. Why would the bot be so against voting? Yeah, let's not vote and let the country be riddled with the worst form of migrants and gun control, instead of VOTING in your local elections AND STILL being able to defend yourself.
>Being disarmed when they come for you.
Ok, so in any case we have a situation in which the access of ordinary civilians to powerful weapons has been greatly reduced, correct? The idea of the "a lot of money and patience" to get one serves no other purpose than to control the distribution and ensure only the legitimate can own them
If that's the case, then why are you afraid of an assault weapons ban? Just buy the top gun and stop crying.
pic related, not a peep out of the media
I'm no good with photoshop or other tools, but I want to see a meme made for a quick image counter argument when people bring up the second amendment was written in regards to muskets. "The second amendment was written in a time where muskets were the main type of weapon and have no bearing on today's society" kind of reasoning. I want it to mock the first amendment with "Assembling at conference centers was the main type of speech when this law was written and it has no bearing on the internet" or something to that degree.
>But it sure as hell is not my damned business if my neighbor owns one either.
The nature of projectile weapons means it is your business. Those projectiles could hit you or other people.
>child gets shot
>inb4muh ebil government
The largest mass-shooting in American history is still the Wounded Knee massacre in which US government troops murdered hundreds of Lakota men, women and children immediately after they surrendered their guns to the government.
What if someone does a mass shooting with the top gun? Shouldn't we ban that one, too?
Every post you make I will buy 2 80% "Ghost gun" ar15s so I can equip our militia when we inevitably starting resisting.
Holy fuck what is this?
Please respond.
They should be. Those laws ought to be struck down
Why would the devil be so for voting? Most Americans vote based on information they've obtained from the big 6.
That wouldn’t work. The military would destroy your neighborhood militia. Don’t be stupid.
the mp7a1 is pure art
You dont even know what society is you fuckface. It means everything and nothing.
South African nigs jamming cell service while preparing to murder white South African farmers.
lol just call the police bro
Because it sets a poor legal precedent that would inevitably be abused for further restrictions.
Think, you fucking leaf.
Colombine. two bombs planted in the school cafeteria. at the time of the attack, when they supposed to blow up, there where 415 students there. imagine the massacre if they did. what if those kids, did not had access to small weapons? what if they had did their research on those bombs better? what if there where 6 bombs, instead of two? will the death tool be still 13?
Sure, why not.
Yes they jumped up after the ban was over
>Sure, why not
I hope you get eaten by a bear
Depends on state laws. My state is open carry for all firearms.
I always thought the "Assault weapon" classification had to do with magazine size and ROF. But apparantly not.
2A is for shooting at the government
/your life
Guns are not the problem. Shitholers are.
>tfw no one ever even tries to refute this.
Shotguns outperform ar15 in all those caregories, and they're cheaper. Just sayin.
>100% of the military would listen to the government if they went full retard and started a civil war
I hope this is bait
That’s retarded logic.
Have you binned your knives yet?
>Tunnel-ports behind you
guns REDUCE killing spree victims by turning them from bomb usage
good luck stopping bombers
>Ok, so in any case we have a situation in which the access of ordinary civilians to powerful weapons has been greatly reduced, correct?
> The idea of the "a lot of money and patience" to get one serves no other purpose than to control the distribution and ensure only the legitimate can own them
something like that.
although its worth pointing out that the only reason machine guns, short barreled rifles, and short barreled shotguns are "illegal" [they arent] is because politicians passed knee-jerk legislation in response to the crime wave THEY initiated with Prohebition
in 1925 a 16 year old could mail-order a Thompson sub-machine gun to his doorstep, no questions asked. but there were no school shootings. why do you think that is?
U are right, we need stronger then.
>AR-15 assault rifle
>assault rifle
Pick one and only one
>Your inalienable rights
>you inalienable rights without the second ammendment
pick both, or niether
I don't think you realize or appreciate how uncomfortable G.I. Joe is with shooting up his own neighborhood.
>why not
They account for such a small amount of gun deaths.
British merchant detected
Fix the formatting and this could work.
i dun fucked that up
>What is civil war
Protip: It's more common than you think.
>AR-15 assault rifle
Gets me every time.
because politicians who propose "common sense gun legislation" have the endgame of completely disarming law abiding Americans.
it starts with "assault rifles," then all semi-auto rifles, then "military grade sniper rifles" [literally every hunting rifle with a scope], they will never be satisfied
Probably bait but hey it gets the "discussion" going
I need muh guns to kill Jews.
Also, the NRA is controlled opposition. Fuck those faggots.
I'm always amazed at this misconception. Militias wouldn't fight against the military - they would fight against the enemy within.
If it can even save the life of one child, it's worth doing.
file name
>OP uses meme flag
>to have a meme debate
Of course it's bait lol
>Implying the military would fire on US citizens.
The entire country isn’t fucking Kent State U in 196shit and the average citizen isn’t some faggot putting flowers in gun barrels.
I want one. That's a good enough reason. People can chop their dicks off because they want to but I can't own a fun gun?
>home made ANFO EFP goes off under your Humvee
Fucking 1,000,000% this.
they hafta sleep and eat like anyone else and if you are fighting them when they are on the job you are doing it wrong, you kill them off duty at walmart silly in singles just like they were dems/commies
niggers kill far more people, faggots with their promiscuity and std's also kill a whole bunch..
why dont libs want to ban niggers and fags instead? also why arent the feminists offering an annual offer of feminists to be ceremonially slaughtered at a workplace, to match the male workplace death %?
any liberal shitters around to answer?
kek. like HK did their rendition of a mac11
five seven for me.
Not to mention the average U.S military servicemen wouldn't just kill normal people.
It says “right to bear arms”. It makes no mention WHATSOEVER about what type of arms. Your presumption that “arms” means every conceivable weapon imaginable is just that. A presumption. With no basis of support, considering it is already a word or phrase rather that has limitations to it. If you think those existing limitations are unconstitutional then are you saying you think it is ok for John Q Public to arm himself with a few ballistic missiles?
Why does this have 200 posts and hasn't been deleted yet? Saged btw
>muh "russia collusion" was more important than all the warnings the FBI received about Cruz.
never change Cred Forums
Only because it’s an assault on the eyes, that tacticool shit on an otherwise good looking gun.
We didn't outlaw planes when 9/11 happened.
Probably should have outlaws Jews, though.
Not an argument
Need a good gun for the Race War and a AR-15 works great/ also i live near a lot of niggers.
should we ban cars, swimming pools, and doctors as well?
did you know that medical malpractice kills more kids every year than rifles?
>That’s retarded logic.
Unless your house and car is a bunker which is made of ballistic resistant materials the logic is fairly clear. Your neighbour has a deadly weapon and he could kill you and your family in seconds.
Exactly. It's about gun control. The government is already way too powerful, but they want to take our freedom of speech and then our other freedoms. Western Europe is a canary in the coal mine. Just look how they're being thrown in jail for so called "hate speech", yet when a Muslim rapes a kid, it's "oh, he didn't know any better". And I'm not even anti-Muslim, it's the governments' fault. And actually OUR fault for allowing it to happen. This is why I say VOTE. No matter what the bots say, VOTE anyway. If we lose, and have to take it to the streets, then so be it. But VOTE.
1. I was in the US Army. I've not met 1 Soldier that would follow orders to fight/disarm US civilians. (against all enemies foreign and domestic and what not)
2. Because the US military has such a great track record against armed civilians
wrong, has been tested in an old and painless manner kys
Okay Free Speech no longer applies to modern news then. In their day Free Speech had a natural limit, how fast a word can spread. Now there is no natural limit on free speech, thus we should get rid of it.
>inb4 muh ebil government
Yeah nice try.
It is because of the actually evil and tyrannical money-grubbing legacy government.
And? In both cases you own weapons comparable to those in the military who are the greatest potential threat to your freedom and livelihood.
If an AR-15 can save one life, they are worth keeping.
Yes the founding fathers definetly meant for americans to use muskets for ever. The nra need to stop selling guns. They want teachers to have guns but then they will shoot schools. Good thing we the enlightened intellectuals on Cred Forums have the answers.
It’s called democracy believe it or not you don’t need an armed revolution to take over a country
cheaper, yes. one shot stop, yes
but every other category favors the AR. the AR is lighter, fires faster, has significantly less recoil, carries more ammunition, and is much harder to make malfunction.
you would be surprised how easy it is to make a pump shotgun malfunction by "short-shucking", or not pulling the pump all the way to the rear.
Voting is for slaves. It's already way past time to bring the war to their doorsteps.
All you libtard idiots believe the guy in charge of our government is an evil tyrant and now you're demanding law abiding citizens give up their guns to the government?
The lack of mental awareness is fucking priceless.
I'm building an ICBM in my backyard as we speak with metal drums and a PS2 for a flight controller.
>If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it.
We don't have to justify ourselves to you, fucktard.
I want one, and I have the right to purchase one.
So fuck off.
A Yugo that thinks banning guns saves lives, you are obviously too young to remember.
The problem is the guns they want to ban are the guns that would be useful in stopping an authoritarian regime abusing its citizens but also the guns used in the least amount of homicides. Rifles of all types are used in about 300 homicides a year while handguns are used in over 6,000. The left isn't being whipped into hysteria over handguns though. I wonder why.
Interesting factoid: In the 20th century democide (murder by government) accounted for about 6% of all human deaths or 6 in 100. Murder by a private citizen? About .0007% or 7 in 100,000. Governments are literally 1000x more dangerous than your fellow citizen.
Btw, here's a neat little chart comparing countries murder rates with their gun ownership rates.
>giving money to big guns
tell me again how the jews are trying to take guns away
>It makes no mention WHATSOEVER about what type of arms.
exactly. at the time of the ratification of the Constitution, private citizens owned fully armed warships capable of turning Boston to rubble, semi-auto rifles with a 21 round capacity, and crank action anti material cannons
Have you not read the constitution? You have the right to cannons, heavy artillery, military hardware. If you are an American citizen, you are the militia.
Your pic says exactly why Americans have the right to those firearms. The second amendment. Leave if you don't like being an American.
We wouldn't ever go up against actual armed military unless our numbers were overwhelming. We would guerrilla the fuck out of all known government employees until the government collapsed. Literally nothing they could do about that because our uniform would be civilian clothes while theirs would be uniforms.
The founding fathers also founded america as an ethostate where only white males of good moral character could immigrate and become citizens.
I'm ok with muskets only if we can also deport all the darkies, since they are responsible for most violent crime, I wouldn't really even need to own a gun anymore.
Holy Scheisse, when will this SHILLING for second amendment stop?
A peoples milita can never be defeated, for example Afghanistan.
Americans second amendment are a big and a main obstacle for their (((prison planet))) world tyranny agenda.
Yeah Gun ban really works, Sweden having the strictest Gun Ban in the west, we have skyrocketed murder, robbery and World capital of rapes!
600,000 dies every year in the US from heart disease due to clogged arteries, gotta Ban those french fries!
300,000 dies every year from secondary infections in hospital due to bad cleaning.
30,000 drown every year in their own pool.
So if you wanna save lives, ban those Assault French Fries!!
>doesn't malfunction
Pick one
If my weapon malfunctions, I don't want to need pliers to fix it. Also learn how to use a fucking shotgun
Anti 2A thread#55
Slaves don't vote. You have it backwards. The reason the USA is getting destroyed is because niggers are voting and edgy 2018 version of goths are saying "I'm too cool to vote, I know more than everyone".
Sometimes children need to drown in swimming pools so i can cool myself down in the summer.
>yet when a Muslim rapes a kid, it's "oh, he didn't know any better"
when has this ever happened?
They banned handguns in the nation's Capitol. The ban stood for decades until overturned by the supreme Court in a 5-4 decision.
It should have been a slam dunk 9-0, but it serves as a chilling reminder that we are just one dumb vote from having the 2nd amendment interpreted away from us.
They have no clue what that is though. If they did they’d be screeching about it. They think guns can only be made/assembled in a factory. Same for ammo.
It's a picture taken in South Africa.
Gun laws don’t stop mass killings. Exhibit A: China
how's gunnit these days?
You do realize murica has a lot of choking points right? Lets also not forget if the military wins they be weak af and will get conquered by another country you fucking dumbass.
You proved the memes point. . .
>muh shotgun
>muh shitty bad mags and lack of training and real world experience
i never claimed ARs never malfunction, and its dishonest of you to claim that i did.
i did claim that it is harder to make an AR malfunction, and that is a fact. your picture is of a rifle that somebody used a shitty magazine in. its the responsibility of a gun owner to make sure his equipment is "well regulated". that means buying quality magazines
The United States government is the most powerful entity on the planet; they don’t just have guns, but also tanks, jets, satellites, and nuclear weapons. The sheer monopoly of military force held by the government is an insurmountable obstacle to any attempt by individuals to “pursue 2nd Amendment remedies” to tyranny. Any attempt by fringe individuals to utilize their guns to beat back the federal government will fail and will only result in the deaths of those who try to rebel. Do you think guns will save you? How profoundly retarded are you?
>It should have been a slam dunk 9-0, but it serves as a chilling reminder that we are just one dumb vote from having the 2nd amendment interpreted away from us.
It's things like this that makes me believe that God himself made Hillary lose
“A salt” weapon is just a meme made up by democrats to spread fear. It’s basically a gun with aesthetic features they personally disline.
autistic bump limit
Need is a shitty argument.
You don't need a television.
You don't need a computer.
So why the fuck are you posting here?
That's why it took over 10 years to "kinda" defeat the Taliban, right?
Also, a civil war in the US itself would cripple the infrastructure that the Feds need to function. For instance, Jimbob can literally just drive around in his truck shooting powerline transformers, and disabling the entire electric grid for a major city.
The only mags I used were the ones I was issued. I've never had to drop to the ground because my 870 went "click" when it should've gone "bang"
>second amendment defines how a statue is supposed to look like
nice constitution fags
>They banned handguns in the nation's Capitol.
while i think banning firearms is despicable, at least they did their research that time. it is a fact that the overwhelming majority of murders involving guns are done with pistols.
but you will never take the guns away from inner city criminals
Inb4 muh ebil government, what? Having the capacity to resist a future government by armed force is our ultimate reason for owning guns. Your side has no answer to it. You can pretend it is silly or not legitimate, but you don't have a real argument.
Even if it weren't our reason, having rights means we don't have to explain ourselves. It is not up to us to prove we have a "need." It is up to you to prove that owning guns is not a Constitutional or moral right, and you cannot do so. It is in the Second Amendment, and the Supreme Court has ruled on the question. End of story legally. Morally, who are you to declare that white people can't be allowed to own guns because shitskins can't handle freedom? You need to leave the country. You don't belong here.
We are indeed blessed.
Remember this when they say that it only applies to big or dangerous weapons. We have an American example of banning even the smallest firearms.
Infantry vet user here. Let me tell you why I own an AR-15:
>I am familiar with the platform as it is virtually identical to the M4 battle rifle
>It is very simple and ergonomic to use, even for left-handed shooters like me
>It has virtually no recoil
>It's chambered for a very common round (.223)
>It's versatile, capable of effectively engaging multiple targets at anywhere from 500 meters to indoor, close-combat fighting
>Most home invasions involve multiple armed attackers. Handgun MIGHT do the job, but an AR-15 will give me the best opportunity to stop the threat and protect me and mine.
>Living on a small farm, I use it to shoot nuisance animals (wild dogs, foxes, etc.) to protect livestock
>In the event of a hostile force invading or some other (rather unlikely) situation, an AR-15 provides an adequate means of resistance.
>picatteny rails make it really versatile with attachments
>accuracy allows me to feel confident in putting shots on target without worrying about hitting an unintended person at ranges more than 10 meters, which a handgun is not able to do reliably in the hands of an average shooter
>looks cool as shit
>makes soyboy liberals cry because they have an irrational fear of firearms and can't critically think past the "guns are bad, m'kay" slogans
Now let me tell you why you shouldn't give a shit about ANY of what I just listed
>Second Amendment
Yeah because the US government will destroy the country so they can govern over the rubble. Is this really the average intelligence of the American left? Cause you're fucking retarded pal.
And answer why dont modern advancements work against any other right, mainly free speech.
>Free Speech no longer applies to modern news then.
What are libel laws? There are plenty of laws restricting speech. Every constitutional amendment has been ironed out in the courts except maybe the 3rd amendment.
Why should the second amendment get special preference above the 1st?
>I need one.
>Or several.
>Oh, and ammo
Unhide flag
>Google puckle gun
Suck my asshole and jiggle the fattest saggy flesh of my rump.
Bonus points if you can do all 3 kike
>Having the capacity to resist a future government by armed force
Small arms will not do that. The American population is not capable of supporting even a small insurgency.
>moral right
There is no right to people of bad character or mental defect to possess deadly weapons. The proliferation of firearms in the US is so extreme that the prosperity and validity of the state is under threat.
By voting you literally give your consent to be ruled by pedophiles and psychopaths. Fuck off.
You are correct. People used to have to justify laws before they passed.
>implying the military doesn't swing so far to the right it would remain functional
>implying combat arms isn't nearly exclusively right wing
>implying the Taliban hasn't held off said military for 17 years
>implying the side with no guns has the balls to pick up guns and fight
>implying we won't massacre every left wing individual after its all over
>implying it won't be healthy for this country to rid itself of the leftist threat
I'm ready for my blood to water the tree of liberty should it be needed because I know it will shortly be joined by rivers of yours and your kind, you cowardly faggot.
>Cred Forumstards care about being entertained than living
You realize this is the argument you’re making?
You do know that "well regulated" refers to the militia not the arms right? This has to be bait
Do you have Downs Syndrome?
>South African nigs jamming cell service while preparing to murder white South African farmers.
>lol just call the police bro
>tanks, jets, and nuclear weapons
basically useless in a civilian insurgency situation
>Any attempt by fringe individuals to utilize their guns to beat back the federal government will fail and will only result in the deaths of those who try to rebel. Do you think guns will save you? How profoundly retarded are you?
if only 1% of American gun owners decided to rebel against the government, that force would be larger than every other standing military on earth
>guns are already heavily regulated
Imagine being this retarded
freedom of press as defined by the founding fathers:
"The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please."
>irrational fear of firearms
A firearm is a deadly weapon. In the US there is no telling who might have one.
>Infantry vet
The largest occupational group in prison in the US is former soldiers. This is not reassuring.
You act like there are literally 0 gun laws.
Punishment =/= restriction. and the 2nd is essential for the continuation of america.
do you know what "well regulated" means? it means to be in proper working order.
Because it makes no mention of what TYPE of arms it means that it includes all arms.
Oh no! Facts are not an argument!
Wtf are you saying mate lol maybe cut back on the day drinking