This has been my experience with conservatives
I’d say it’s true
Cry us a river, donkey faggot.
> murdering babies is ok if x
Kill yourself
I became more liberal when I went to college and got educated.
Then I actually learned beyond surface level stuff on my own free time and became more conservative than I was growing up. Real conservative, pro individual bastions of humanity, workers rights, personal freedom, contributors and defenders of your community.
The left paints you a pretty picture. If we just stop being so traditionalist for traditions sake the world will get better!
Bullshit. Tradition exists for a reason, and discovering for myself why it exists pushed me further right than my bible toting parents ever could have.
if they're retarded or minorities (same difference)
I’d say you’re just a stupid bigot that didn’t understand what you learned in the first place
>present liberals with facts, including government studies, peer reviewed journals and statistic
>get called a racist, get told to fuck off with those "alternative facts"
>literally impossible to debate a liberal without them either blocking you or calling you names
stop projecting so hard
jesus christ
I was a Shitlib when I was 14. I realized all you idiots could do was identity a problem, but not it's causes nor give a viable solution
This is what Cred Forums has become; a place where shills troll Redditors. How in the fuck did it get this bad bros?
>people who spend years in left wing brainwashing factories are more left wing
The absolute state of Reddit.
When people become more hardworking and capable they become more conservative. When people refuse to work and are wondering why they consistently fail they become more liberal.
>How in the fuck did it get this bad bros?
We attracted a lot of attention.
>you become more (((liberal))) the more indoctrination you get.
Amazing how that works.
I mean, going off the original definitions of conservative/liberal, conservatives opposing change and liberals vice versa, then sure.
But this whole "Everyone on the left is on the exact same page" and "Everyone to the right of me is literally provably wrong" is silly
Conservative: Learning about how Jesus Christ walked on watered and multiplied fish is historical truth and anyone that doesn’t believe it is evil
Also conservative: Learning about Reason, Logic, facts, data, and scientific truth is brainwashing
(saw that on twitter)
God fucking damn do I hate normalfaggots
you only lean liberalif you become """"educated"""" in humanities
people in hard sciences tend to lean conservative
t. doesn’t believe in gender
i can't even begin to imagine the sheer humiliation you put yourself through just to larp on a japanese anime imageboard.
christ, you are really working for those small paychecks. here's your (you)
Why aren't you in /leftypol/, SAGE
>you become more liberal about poverty the more educated you are
>"lol just gib poor people money"
> ((((educated)))))
I will say that one of the principal factos to becoming more conservative is to start to accept responsability and duties.
> Duty to your ancestors
> Duty to your family
> Duty to your community
Most liberal/commies don't give a fuck about anything and just go for "muhhh social justice" as a way to gain peace of mind and/or status.
Virtual signaling it's a way to gain a metaphorical heaven feeling good and at the same time gain societal status.
People who have kids to feed and ensure their future are not buying that shit.
there's a reason the enlightenment in europe lead to the greatest advances in civilization and science and it's not because people dug their heels into religious dogma and feudal traditions. liberal people are smarter than conservative people because liberals are open to evidence and empathy while conservatives are, by definition, unchanging and xenophobic.
thank god the boomers are dying and the only conservatives left are fringe alt right NEETs hell bent on taking down society with them ala nikolas cruz, dylan roof, elliot roger, i could go on all day
It's the opposite. I was very liberal when I was young, and now I'm a white nationalist. You can only remain liberal if you deny that there are differences between races, or that some people are a lost cause and will just take advantage of you in ways that are not sustainable.
"The kid that cried bigot"
>Richest and most educated people live in cities
>Cities are overwhelmingly liberal
Can anyone explain this phenomenon?
>Most liberal/commies don't give a fuck about anything and just go for "muhhh social justice" as a way to gain peace of mind and/or status.
They just need them social media points to feel relevant.
>experience with conservatives
I would wager YOUR experience with conservatives has been from starbucks sipping your latte while gazing out in the parking lot hoping some day one of them will fuck your soyboi ass.
>hurr conservatives are dumb and deny science
>meanwhile, liberals are anti-GMO, anti-vax, deny race and the differences between them, etc
Always makes me laugh. Let's not pretend both sides aren't brainwashed. People tend to to be closed-minded and ignore any facts that don't align with their worldview.
>Bullshit. Tradition exists for a reason,
name 1 tradition, i dare you. some founding principles in the constitution could be characterized as timeless, but nobody with more than two brain cells would claim they're absolute in any way. they're limited as controversies come up in the future see: shouting fire in a crowded theater or mass shootings by deranged, alt right white bois
>>Richest and most educated people live in cities
That was true a century ago.
Now, anyone who has some money lives in a quiet suburb or countryside place with little neighbors.
Only the massively wealthy and the massively needy live in city centers anymore.
>All filthy poor human waste is attracted by wealth.
What else is new?
Comfort can take you away from cruel reality. Sheltered white neighborhood dwellers aren't exposed to feral niggers roaming the streets, just TV fantastic depictions of them.
>This has been my experience with what Stephen Colbert told me of conservatives.
As much as being blue-pilled and low-iq sucks intellectually, it has the advantage of being blissfully simple.
A lot of what the left does doesn't make sense. Universities are typically a liberal bastion, but few liberals are willing to consult statistics when facing problems. Instead, they rely on the most uneducated methods of consulting their emotions. When they're confronted with reality that doesn't conform to their views, they're quick to find a scapegoat to blame. Which means the problem never gets fixed and things just get worse.
>The more educated you become the more leftist you become
This is true. But only because the education system feeds you with liberal bs.
Most people just believe anything you tell them. That is why if you feed them the liberal agenda, instead of asking hard questions about why we want something and what consequences in the long term something will have, and why a problem actually exists in the first place, instead of how it feels on the surface.
If you actually think for yourself you become a conservative.
Liberals want you complacent and comfortable
Republicans want you to work
The liberal agenda is common sense
The conservative agenda is questioning common sense/ethics
They both want you to wake up.
>they're limited as controversies come up
I hope you're memeing. We have had gun rights for 200 years, but ever since we started abandoning our traditions of strong families and communities, our society is shit and our children are now wanting to murder each other. So essentially what you're saying is that because our society no longer can handle the rights given to us, we should strip ourselves of our rights and let some authoritarian government rule over us and decide whats best for us. Fuck off.
Classic liberal projection.
Hilarious, considering there are only two types of liberals left. Traitors and idiots.
I actually became a liberal as soon as I went to college. I went to the science lab and sniffed all of the chemicals, I've always been one of those guys who enjoys the smell of gasoline and glue.
Then I grew a tumour in my brain, from all the chemicals I suppose, and that's around the time I decided to join antifa.
Months later I finally got to go to the surgeon who had to extract part of the brain the tumour was attached to. That's when I finally gathered the courage to register on Reddit.
you're a bigot against Christians then?
you deny a person's biology because they "feel" a certain way?
these don't make you a hypocrite at all, i promise.
Ill just give my own experience debating with conservatives, I can’t speak for that Redditor.
1. Conservatives have lower IQ than liberals
2. The more bigoted they are, the more likely they are to be losers IRL.
3. They typically haven’t read very much, if ever
Liberals are the ones who deny data and statistics. You look at the crime statistics and see that minorities make up a disproportionate chunk, and instead of holding them accountable for their actions, you say it's the fault of another group because of systematic oppression, etc.
You believe in soft science and theories which cannot be proven and are debatable, yet think you are enlightened for believing what feels good. This is not logic, it's emotion driven.
I am educated and I'm neither liberal nor conservative. They are two sides of a coin, and the same fundemental paradigm. The key difference is that conservatives want a slowed down rate of progress to not rock the boat. To me they are both filthy whigs with whig historical views and should unironically be put in camps.
the growing inequality, dude, there hasn't been a middle class since the 50s. karl marx was right, civilization is at the mercy of the people exploiting the proletarian by determining who is willing to work for the least amount of peanuts. wealth never trickles down, it concentrates to the top
Cities literally drain the rest of the country of it's resources. All of the wealth flows through them at the rest of a countries expense. It's why small towns are dying. When life is easy, it's easy to be a liberal, but when you start having to work, you become conservative.
Do you have any idea of the damage putting a walmart in small town does to that town?
>saw that on Twitter
That's it boys it's over for us.
I actually followed the opposite path, the more I learn the more conservative I become. That image is just a meme because most people don’t think or read beyond what they told them to in their liberal arts degree. They think they are free thinkers wheb in reality they just accept whatever their professors + the media teach them.
> What is confirmation bias?
> What is selection bias?
> What is an anecdotal evidence?
The "enlightenment" unironically slowed down progress. Faggots who were wrong about the nature of being had nothing to do with the industrial revolution. Its funny you bunch elliot rodger in there, as he is the end result of liberal bullshit.
Punishing people that steal your shit and murder each other for no reason.
Except for the fact that people, as they get older, tend to be more conservative. That would suggest they become wiser to the world and what matters.
Being educated is != being smart. Educated means you were indoctrinated in something. I’d take the words of an elder far more than the words of a scholar.
Out of curiosity what are your opinions of Bill Nye and his "Bill Nye Saves the World" show?
Goes to show how much some carefully curated information can affect someone's worldview
>ever since we started abandoning our traditions of strong families and communities, our society is shit and our children are now wanting to murder each other.
wow kid, lay off the fox news once in a while, but by what measure have familial bonds broken up and why would they cause mass shootings? you're just a boomer cuck who was brainwashed into believing the leave it to beaver trope. dysfunctional families are the norm, not the exception, you retard. alt right lunatics going on spree shootings with readily available weapons of mass destruction is something controllable and will be soon enough
>'more educated'
>learn to parrot shit word for word that some private sector failure told them
I get along swimmingly with classical liberals, but progressives can go get fucked.
Prime example of a conservative that can’t read. Of course it’s anecdotal bud, I literally said it was my experience and that I can’t speak for others.
So are liberals the new conservatives?
>this evidence for racial differences is more concrete than the evidence for the significance of personal vehicles' effect on climate change
>think about if, you allow these bloodlines to continue, or dare mix your own with them, you are creating generation after generation of people who are dumb and impulsive, and either suffer in a decent society or live in squalor in filth
>have you no brain, no empathy, no consideration for the future? if we will not segregate ourselves from lesser races and leave them to rot, we should employ eugenics and hopefully uplift them to our genetic level.
>Learning about Reason, Logic, facts, data, and scientific truth
>implying any of that is taught in school
This. I turned into full 1488 few months after moving to a place filled with filthy negroes.
K but we're trying to talk in a general sense. I could post the same thing as you did, but replaced with liberals. Discussion goes nowhere. You're just flinging shit at each other at that point.
>Punishing people that steal your shit and murder each other for no reason.
wow, is that it? the concept of the social contract? you know, the idea that people implicitly agree to give up certain rights in exchange for the safety of everyone? you sound like a liberal commie jew to advocate for that shit
I'm sorry it sounds like we are describing liberals here....
No one cares about your experience. Both sides claim the other side is ignorant to the issues, science, and facts. Both sides quote said science, issues, and facts and both sides ignore those actions of the opposing side. The truth of the matter is this:
KYS slide thread poster right-left paradigm is for brainlets.
>when I went to college and got educated
you weren't educated though, you were indoctrinated. were you taking economics and hard science classes? no, probably not.
>I’d say you’re just a stupid bigot that didn’t understand what you learned in the first place
That's just because you're a braindead commie troll, but that's okay, your days are numbered...
People saying conservatives are all rednecks is like saying liberals are all niggers or college freshman.
This bread.
>liberals are all niggers
well they are all niggers
I'm sorry for assuming you were implying that most arguments between liberals and conservatives go this way. I'm glad to hear you think that your anecdotes are not exemplary of this.
You still must understand that you are prone to confirmation bias and selection bias, right? Perhaps you are seeing in conservatives what you want to see, and only arguing with ones who share their opinions.
Educated vs. experienced.
One is ideal the other is real.
I'd sooner take a pragmatic experienced individual far quicker than an idealistic educated twit.
>Amazing how that works.
Conservatives and liberals are both disgusting bugmen who practice different versions of slave morality. Both are basically retarded.
>thinking people don’t abandon liberalism as they get older
This is why you’re fucking retarded,as is your shit-tier juvenile ideology.
(I say this, because people who are prone to opine on topics are usually not the most educated on that topic, Dunning-Krueger effect and all that jazz.)
>im using anecdotal evidence to cover the fact I can't meme
It was opposite for me. The more educated I became the further I went to the right wing.
So no, you're subjective experience doesn't count for shit, neither does mine.
What needs context is "education", to me that's learning something at it's fundamental level. What the left usually mean is a bunch of emotional manipulation.
We all have implicit biases. I have mine, you have yours, but you deny that whites have implicit racial biases.
You have to remember their idea of education is how saturated their minds are with their lefitst propaganda and hyperbolic claims.
You're pretty retarded for conflating a semetic religion with political rationale. Sometimes they overlap, mostly they do not as they are two different types of philosophy.
As people get older they become more conservative. Leftists like to relegate "education" as simple schooling. The reality is that education is a lifelong endeavor which includes personal experiences. So, contrary to what leftists believe, education actually leads to more conservative values whereas schooling leads to more liberal values. Ironically the reason for this is that schools cherry pick information to spoon feed to students.
Liberals tend to completely deny conservative opinions because they are judgemental and prejudiced. In their mind conservative opinions are inferior to their own. So they tend to not listen to opposing ideas. The "denial" that liberals claim conservatives are guilty of is exactly why they cling to their liberal beliefs.
I think you're putting words in my mouth. I do not deny that.
People with high levels of cognitive dissonance are more likely to be liberal minded. Liberals in general have a hard time accepting simple truths and live in a constant stuggle to achieve their impossible idealistic utopia.
It doesn't matter if you're an intelligent person if you live in the land of make believe.
every race has implicit racial biases. white people are just better at repressing it
>rely on a certain level of denial of facts and science, or just ignorance of it.
Someone give this guy studies on racial IQ averages, Middle Eastern statistics on opinions regarding shit like stoning homosexuals and killing apostates, the psychology and biology behind inherent difference between men and women which lead to personal choice in employment and pursuit, and information about the impact of single motherhood and fatherlessness on child development and see who denies facts and science.
Liberals block conservative whites from education including professional schools, of course “educated” people are or become liberal for economic gain
people replace their common sense with "education" and then say it's wrong to not want people form the middle east blowing up your country. Suck my nuts.
In my opinion, liberals and hardcore leftists mostly repeat what Marxist Philosophers have preached. In my university it was mostly Adorno. They had some followers who would listen to them but overall they were definitely in the minority and all around not really well-liked.
I would agree that on average, liberals are more aware of inequalities in society, since that is what they chose to spend their life with, whereas many conservatives actually spend some time being productive in society.
Don’t be stuck in American left vs right
As if politics are binary
Marriage, patriarchy, military
The opposide happened for me. I was a normie who bought into some of the SJW stuff before I became educated by Alternative Hypothesis/American Renaissance/The International Jew/The Mises Institute/etc.
either projecting really hard or actually retarded.
>educated on the circumstances
wow, so you can pilpul too, goy.
The circumstances of black crime rates is "blame white people", not the fact that it's niggers shooting other niggers 90% of the time.
The circumstances of fag suicide rates and butt aids is "blame white people", not the fact that bullying of homosexual peers occurs in most species in which "homosexuality" occurs (most likely bisexuality since other animals are not retarded as humans and so they don't ignore their evolutionary instincts to propagate the herd).
The circumstances of climate change is "blame white people", not the fact that third world shitholes are responsible for 90% of the plastic in our oceans.
Seeing a pattern here?
If your argument for a belief is along the lines "Only smart people believe X" or "The more educated you get, the more X appears to be true", you are retarded, cannot argue your own beliefs, and are a perfect example of everything wrong with 21st century education
I updated my political views from Progressive to anti-democratic right after starting grad school in physics
>(saw that on twitter)
Libshits, everyone
The dude is just reposting what he saw on Twitter, what the fuck level of reading comprehension do you have?
I live in Burlington, VT and I can tell you that what your average "liberal" reads is pop sci-fi and fiction that could have been written by a tenth grader. If I'm supposed to be impressed by someone, I'm going to be more impressed by the average redneck in this state who can do their own mechanical and carpentry work, usually plus another practical hobby or three, than the fucking Bachelor of Limp-wristed Arts holder who thinks they're better than my extended family because they read Kite Runner once and have a collection of fucking Stephanie Brown novels and a subscription to Dicksuck Magazine.
and then they get jobs and become conservative again. Funny thing is, the only people who like socialism are the people with nothing to lose
What an ignorant assumption, although not surprising.
The more educated I have become the more conservative ...
I am also way more humble now than when I was younger. That's something I noticed looking back. It felt really good thinking that I was just more enlightened than those conservative patriots, who were much older than me.
>brazilian mudblood
>valid opinion
pick one
It's just too easy to fuck with the newer T_D people, I can't resist, forgive me.
Denial of science? Like pretending that niggers are human?
Your mum is gay making you a syphilitic retard.
(Saw that on twitter)
This. Education is a false God. The fact these idiots refuse to question anything they were taught tells me everything I need to know about them.
I do it too but it encourages them to post more. This is the death of Cred Forums
Awesome Reddit post friendo! I'm giving you an upvote! Make another good comment and I might just give you Reddit gold! xD
funny how to libtard doesn't respond to this one, since he knows you're right
So, this is the power of the leftist brain. You sure showed me.
underrated post
Agreed. I only met a handful of students who were truly intelligent. Professors could convince kids of anything.
You're the one in defence of the leftist who made this thread.
Do you not get how posting virtue signalling crap and attributing it to another source in a thread you've made asking for debate is at least +29 chromosome tier?
Then when people pick it apart you white knight hard then do some mental gymnastics to flip it ? What even are you?
Being a Progressive/Leftist: learning about how biological sex doesn't exist and being taught that women and all non-whites have so little agency and capability that they can't be help to the same standards as white men.
Also liberal: Logic is a patriarchal construct, and objective, empirical studies that conflict with our narrative are all wrong and their proponents are bigot morons who need to be no-platformed. Mandatory trigger warnings and hug-ins on university campuses.
15 updicks
Powerful kid
Fuck off limpdick
Yo drongo, I'll admit I made a mistake here. I saw that
>(saw this on twitter)
In the guy's post and my assumption was that he was posting it to highlight the idiocy of the statement. I did NOT see that it was the OP making the statement unironically, I didn't look at the poster ID until just now and am responding to you admitting my error.
Wow kid, lay off the Young Turks and CNN for a while, dumb leftie retard. Antifa and all the rest will be taken down.
Look at my posts (I've looked at all yours) and it's clear we're on the same side of this thread. Sorry.
>Shouting fire in a theatre
It's amazing you leftists still misconstrue this. That isn't a free speech issue, you are not allowed to do that because you are infringing on the property rights of the owner
>me intellectual
>me watch rick and morty
>me use big words
me smart u dum lol :)
I've found the more masculine you are the more likely you are to be conservative.
true. ignorance is the reason why people are conservative. conservatives lie and say that if you work hard and study hard you can be rich and that's why i was always a con even when i was in college. then when you graduate you realize everything they say is a fucking lie.
the entire purpose of the republican party is to give free shit to corporations at the expense of the american worker and the only reason why poor hicks vote for them is because of racism.
You argue like a young teenager as you do not even disguise the fact that all you are doing is conflating unrelated issues to create absurd strawmen that you then mightily cut down as if it is supposed to be impressive in some way.
Here is the Republican version of you -- Which means I will actually use logic as opposed to insults and emotion based verbal diarrhea...
- Liberals: Party of Science! Men and Women are IDENTICAL!
-Also Liberals: Men are sexual deviants whose libidos CANNOT be trusted!
-Also Shitlibs: Gender is fluid and you are a bigot if you are not okay with xirs who have adult penises and whose entire identity is based on how/who they fuck using the same restroom that 12yo girls use!
Libs: Drumphf is literally HITLER and LEOs are racist psychopaths!
-Also Libs: Give all your guns to Hitler so that only the racist psychopaths have guns!
Libs: Drumphf does NOTHING but golf, watch Gorillas on TV, and eat McDonalds!
Also Libs: Drumphf is destroying the Country and all that is good! If he isn't impeeched immediately all these horrible things he is doing will destroy the world!
Libs: Respect Muslims and their religious beliefs, bigots!
Also Libs: Christians are so backwards in their religious beliefs!
Libs: Respect the LGBTQ agenda!
Also Libs: It's Islamophobic to tweet video of Muslims throwing fags off the roof of buildings!
I could seriously continue with AT LEAST a dozen more very blatant examples of hypocritical libshit "logic" w/o having to google a damn thing!
If it were not for double standards liberals would have NONE! Also, don't even get me started on gay wedding cakes and liberals supporting grown men who rape/sodomize prepubescent children!!
Seriously, if every liberal necked themselves right this second the world would have never been in better shape post-Eden. =)]
Outside of "Progressives" and Child rapists every other demo in the world at least has redeemable qualities to some degree.
i never understood this about cons. can you explain to me why you care so much about a fucking sack of cells but when they come out you don't give a fuck anymore? it's funny how cons hate blacks and minorities because they're leeches but that's literally what fetuses are...
Also, I'll say this responding to that image: ignorance does, in fact, play a large part in the world views of conservatives. But it also does for liberals. It does for everyone in the West, because the vast majority are content to just swallow down from whatever echo chamber they want and don't have a concept of a greater responsible to ascertain what is "true". But, in my experience, the stripes of ignorance in the left/right are motivated from different angles.
Most people I know who tend to lean right have a kind of "traditional" ignorance: what they believe has been passed down to them by their family and community. They regard their views as being "right" because trusted individuals in their lives also believe(d) them.
Liberal or left-leaning people I know have a more frenetic kind of ignorance, a willful ignorance because what they believe has, even if passed to them by parents/family/community, been hammered into them more by authority figures; educators, politicians, media, etc. They don't want to inspect or scrutinize their beliefs because a part of them (and the size of this part varies) believes they are superior to the uninitiated/unenlightened because of their knowledge.
>people become less conservative as they become more (((educated)))
Gee, it's almost like universities are controlled by leftists or something.
your president is a literal rapist who supports pedophiles and adultery.
tl;dr - Because of there kind of ignorance, an ignorant liberal will be more likely to get upset and judge you harshly because of a disagreement in opinion because it challenges their perceived self-superiority.
Yes, BTW, the reddit spacing was on purpose for easier grouping spacing. Blow me.
those are all bad
OP is a faggot
Everyone has a right to live, but how anyone will live their lives depends on them. Personal responsibility and protection of basic rights.
Whatever else you may criticize the man for, Trump is bringing a hammer down on child sex trafficking and pedophiles. That's a god damn lie.
Replace "education" and "educated" with brainwashing and maybe you're onto something.
You wish, son. Your unproven allegations go right in the trash.
In my experience, people start out liberal because it's the side spouting platitudes that sound good like "we're all equal"
Then, as people grow older, they become wiser and hence more conservative.
You know automatically this is a shill thread when they believe Cred Forums is "conservative"
oh look another shitty lefty bait thread
Not true. If you are in STEM you will find the divide is pretty much 50/50. Its only in humanities, arts and social sciences that there are an overwhelmingly amount of liberals
The Roman empire was partially built on these principles. The culture that created the US mimicked these principles. Progressivism is a fad, a small blip in time that won't work in the long run. Disregarding the culture that came about through evolutionary mechanisms of trial and error will lead to failure in the long term. It's human nature.
The biggest difference between liberals and conservatives is the belief (or acceptance really) that virtues are real, objective, and should be actively sought.
Reality sucks, doesn't it libshit?
I went to college and began becoming more Conservative from day 1 just because they were SO stupidly liberal and insane that it became cringeworthy and drove me away.
I had a class about Mexican American Culture, we had a unit that lasted an entire week about how the US used Zyklon B on the border to check for lice, and that they hosed down immigrants with gasoline to cleanse the bugs off them, the Professor repeatedly interspersed the class with images of Nazis with the clear implication that Americans were Nazis for doing this.
All it really made me do is doubt whether or not the Holocaust really happened.
Read Conflict of Visions
Why is he insulting Muslims? He should be in prison for this.
>denial of facts
What is black crime, Alex?
>and science
IQ, anyone? Gender "spectrum?" Perhaps you should look up the concept of psychological projection.
here lets see how open minded you are shitlib commie scum fagfaced cocksucking worthless niggershit meatsleeve cumdumpster ass eating homo subhuman fuckin retard
Learning to care about the preservation of your heritage and not needlessly destroying or removing shit you don't like for petty reasons.
Frothing at the mouth for the moral validation of being a heroic protester, but nothing in the country is that fucked up so they come up with inane bullshit to get up in arms about and pretend their self-flagellating bullshit is "logic".
I was definitely a liberal in College when I got by B.S.. Even voted for Obama in 2008. Once I left school, got married and had a child, I "woke up" in a sense. Having to be responsible for someone other than myself, and not having to rely on anyone but myself, taught me how the proper way to live is to be a conservative and how cancerous the American Left is. I will raise my child to think for themselves, and I fully anticipate indoctrination by Left in school. It will reverse itself though when it needs to, I'm sure of it.
>understanding property
Nice digits though.
The new MAGA civic-nat conservatives, have no problem with homosexuals and you can have a discussion on abortion as long it's a justified abortion.
You're conflating conservatives with religious Christians .
IMHO the most ant-science crowd is the left dismissing Race & IQ with religious zeal.
pic related on "educated" leftists
I was at the store earlier today and I walked passed a well-dressed black man who sounded intelligent shopping with his two kids. I had a positive impression of him, and seeing him made me realize right then and there that he was the example of the liberal stereotype.
They think all black people are just regular, good people who are horrifically burdened by the hatred of evil racists, and that sometimes the hatred of evil racists can break their spirit and make them thugs. Meanwhile, we see them as just filthy subhumans in general.
My perspective is that AS A GROUP they are undeniable pretty much subhuman, but I'm willing to leave that shit at the door when meeting someone as an individual; the definition of prejudice is judging someone based on prior knowledge of stereotypes, something I personally don't do if I have enough time to evaluate them for even a second.
Meanwhile, the liberal perspective is that being prejudiced is GOOD because they think ""positive"" shit about black people. Bullshit, they think black people are toddlers with no agency or self control.
The best way to look at race is to accept that the GROUP stereotype of them being filthy niggers is true, but be willing to let go of those notions when it becomes apparent it's not valid. Liberals want you to have the preconceived notion that they dindu nuffin, and they want you to never let it go regardless of circumstance.
I got an education and became more liberal.
Unfortunately, over time, you understand the value of tradition after seeing the effects that 'progress' has had on western civilization.
r/IamVerySmart material right here, Christ that is so cringeworthy.
>As people become more educated, would it be a stretch to say they become less conservative?
Yes, it would. There's a reason people become more conservative as they get older. It's because they can't ignore how the left is fucking them anymore.
>Conservative values and beliefs tend to rely on a certain level of denial of facts and science
I don't think you know what conservative beliefs are.
>When people become educated on
Trust me, whomever said that is NOT educated on anything.
>I do tend to think ignorance plays a large part in conservative views.
That's your own ignorance speaking.
Exactly. Conservatism != radical Christianity. There's a difference.
>wow kid
Argument lost out of hand. Way to throw it.
>Learning about how Jesus Christ walked on watered and multiplied fish is historical truth and anyone that doesn’t believe it is evil
This isn't 2002. No one gives a shit about the historical accuracy about Jesus here.
>Learning about Reason, Logic, facts, data, and scientific truth is brainwashing
The evidence for the existence of race is overwhelming, but liberals deny it.
you're aware you fucking idiots ignore race statistics and realism, throw logic out the window when it doesn't suit your narrative, how many genders are there dumbfuck?
As for ignorance, you shitlibs aren't full of it? is pisslam a peaceful religion? do you think democracy actually works? do you think poor people should vote? Don't bother answering you'll answer with whatever bullshit you've been indoctrinated with, you and your meaningless chicano studies degree are of no use to anyone. KYS faggot
A fetus is not a human
Good post. Modern conservatism is moving away from the Fox News, Bible-thumper, etc. caricature that leftist have painted in their heads. I am actually seeing more pro-science views on the right than on the left these days.
yes, it is
>Conservatives have lower IQ then liberals
Blacks vote 99% democrat but have a lower average iq then whites, what does that say?
>Race isn't real
>Invasions aren't bad
>Legalize pot
>Abortion doesn't stop a beating heart
>Climate change models can't be replicated but the science is settled
>If you don't agree with politicians in terms of science then you don't believe in science
Kys op
>How a conservative thinks liberals act
You aren't doing anyone favors by creating this straw man
First off, there needs to be a distinction made between education and schooling.
Schooling, especially higher levels, focuses on specialization. Specialization is emphasis on details of a certain subject matter. Professors don't bother to point out that the way you think about specialized knowledge cannot be applied the same way to broad concepts. This causes you to think trivial things are of bigger importance than they really are when it comes to human behaviour. A machine has to be built to specific dimensions because it cannot alter itself. Humans can work around imperfections, and since emotions are fleeting, nebulous, and immaterial, thus ultimately your emotions don't matter when making a decision.
tl;dr compassion is a fool's gold and can't replace results
>Unironically mentioning a reddit sub
It's fucking obvious you're an invader shill, but from which sub do you hail?
Blacks have socially conservative views bud, they are actually conservative at heart, it’s just that the Republican Party is so racist and off putting blacks and other people of color will never vote for them.
You're just soooooo open minded!! The left:
>pro mass immigration of muslims and mexicans
Who cause way more crime than "school shootings"
Kills MILLIONS of kids and cries when 17 die.
>run detroit,camden,atlanta,chicago for 50+ years
>turned them into shitholes to control the broken people
There were 11 shot in Chicago this weekend and not a goddamn PEEP from the left.
You leftist faggots are a virtue-signalling joke.
if conservatives deny facts and reason and science why are libs incapable of seeing the obvious cognitive, intellectual and physical differences in capacity between the sexes and the races?
I’d argue you become more educated on what matters as you grow older, which is why as most grow older they become more conservative
conservatives don't advocate for blacks and minorities to be sparagmatised with forceps though
Funny how "Republicans hate blacks" yet black unemployment is at the lowest under a white republican and was high under the half black president. Hmmmm. Funny how that white president is giving billions to underprivileged black communites yet the half black president didnt do shit.
Funny how they're getting a tax break but the half black president raised taxes on them. Funny how all the mayors of black shithole cities are Democrats yet nothing changes.
Funy how reality actually is vs how the left says it is. The left are modern slave masters.
absolutely this
Lefties never disappoint with their feeling of intellectual superiority. It's like you go to college to elevate yourselves over others while claiming to care about the ones you step over. It's funny, because you say capitalists are evil for doing the exact same thing.
>blacks and other people of color will never vote for them.
That's that low IQ talking
>the liberal perspective is that being prejudiced is GOOD because they think ""positive"" shit about black people. Bullshit, they think black people are toddlers with no agency or self control.
right on m8. they're fucking creeps desu
> the Republican Party is so racist and off putting
Is that why Dems destroy black cities whilst Reps actually make them better?
>Blacks have socially conservative views bud
lol. talking about american blacks - this might have been true 60 years ago. not after hip-hop, crack cocaine and gang culture. black american culture is degenerate and reprobabte
being shitty and condescending to people doesnt help your cause. shit like that is what got Trump elected
Stopped reading there. Go back, faggot.
you apply the same logic to any political party you dipshit , fucking brainlets
Its literally just this
funny you should say that seeing as his post contained an emotional depth and level of insight that your contributions have given no hint whatsoever that you possess in any comparable measure.
you sound like a common or garden 10 book a year conceited libshit.
Older people are more conservative, older people have more life experience. All the studies that 'sample' democrat vs republican intelligence conveniently like including uneducated rednecks, but like excluding uneducated blacks. When they do state-by-state analysis and say the south is dumber than the north and are red states they forget that the iq loss is because those states are full of democrat voting niggers.
Most mass shooters are products of broken homes. Women's liberation manifesting in the form of single motherhood is a toxic cancer on society.
> One common and largely unremarked thread tying together most of the school shooters that have struck the nation in the last year is that they came from homes marked by divorce or an absent father. From shootings at MIT (i.e., the Tsarnaev brothers) to the University of Central Florida to the Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Decatur, Ga., nearly every shooting over the last year in Wikipedia’s “list of U.S. school attacks” involved a young man whose parents divorced or never married in the first place.
> A survey of U.S. schoolteachers in 1940 revealed that the top problems in America’s public school system were talking out of turn, chewing bubble gum, running in the hallways, cutting in line, and littering. By 1990, the top problems included drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, suicide, rape, robbery and assault. These problems have only worsened during the 27 years since.
> Something is seriously wrong with American society. Broken families across the nation are producing killers and criminals at a record rate. The per capita rate of violent crime has doubled since 1960. A murder, rape, robbery or aggravated assault is committed every 26 seconds in America today.
Feminism in action. But you're not interested in evidence or facts, so you'll continue believing a the problem is you have too many rights.
>dysfunctional families are the norm, not the exception
Imagine unironically thinking this.
Nothing about blacks is conservative. You can't even make the 'they hate fags' argument because they have higher rates of homosexuality than whites.
>God fucking damn do I hate normalfaggots
Same but only because I'm too autistic to be one
I don't mind them until they come to Cred Forums and turn it into Twitter-lite
Hating fags isn't conservative, it's religious. Atheists don't care about them
>that pic
I've been thinking this for a few weeks. With data we now have on things like female promiscuity, single-parent households, multiracialism, biracial children, etc and their destructive outcomes, it seems like much of the "backward" human instinct was actually unwittingly well-guided.
Lower IQ people will follow many of these instincts to their natural end, as they always have. It's important that they aren't disturbed in this because they make up the majority of all humans ever born and will ever be born.
High IQ people, acting in good faith, have the sense to not blind themselves to the truth, and probably place more value in long-term investment than instant gratification for themselves at the cost of society at large.
But the middling intellects will bow to neither instinct nor reality. They believe themselves enlightened in throwing out "old, bigoted, and archaic" traditions which have maintained society, but are also too stupid to consider why those traditions existed to begin with. They just want to get rid of them for its own sake and rationalize it later.