>President Trump: Year One
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>VP Pence @America 1st Policies event in TX 2/17/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in-flight presser 2/17/18
>NSA McMaster @Munich Security Conf 2/17/18
>DNI Coates on russian election meddling 2/17/18
>This Week @State 2/16/18
>Tiffany/Barron arrive in WPalmBeach 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Sheriff's Office 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Hospital 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in WPalmBeach Fl 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/Rato after visiting border 2/16/18
>VP Pence @RNC in San Antonio TX 2/16/18
>VP Pence in Hidalgo TX on immigratin 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in TX 2/16/18
>DepAG Rosenstein indicts 13 russians 2/16/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/RoachFM Cavusoglu 2/16/18
>CommSec Ross @Small Biz Summit 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Addresses Nation on FL Shooting 2/15/18
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Comfy Pizza Sunday With The President Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Wanna piss him off?
this is "WANT WOMAN" Tier shit
Wanna bet?
uma delicia
>you're taking your guns
>we'll be the last mass shooting
That's where you're wrong Jew
Thanks, Obama
that sounds like a threat
we should report them to the fbi
Pizzagate thread
Not with the FBI ignoring any and all tips.
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone
All in all it's just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave those kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave those kids alone
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
"Wrong, do it again!"
"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"
"You! Yes, you behind the bike sheds, stand still laddy!"
"Male feminist" is a subsection underneath "types of rape strategies men use".
Just going to leave this classic here to have a good laugh, there has been too much bad shit going around but remember that everything will be okay!
>Pizzagate thread
Keep me posted.
I'll file it later. Don't worry.
With all the attention drawn to the recent shooting in Florida, will anything really come out of it? Nothing really happened under Obama, Dubya, Bush, Clinton, or really anyone else regarding guns.
High capacity and assault weapons are already heavily regulated and each state has their own individual laws regarding them.
El Abominación de los Judios...
I don't understand leftists
The FBI is going to be restructured. This incident has nothing to do with guns anymore, and everything to do with the FBI being a mess.
So the FBI will stop investigating your crimes if you're nice to them?
Hide that young lady, OP. Slow Joe signaling a 2020 run.
There is a segment of people who want a $15 minimum wage, but also want brown field workers for cheap produce.
We arent going to let you infringe on our personal agency protected by our constitution.
>I respect your rights, but-
You don't follow that shit with a but if you actually do.
Is he agreeing that it's a sound strategy?
This is some next level deceit
>eminem says that poland should be wiped off the face of the earth
So it's a personal vendetta and not professional. Got it. Great points, Adam and Joe!
>Hide that young lady, OP. Slow Joe signaling a 2020 run.
He will be in the primaries for sure I think.
Sure thing amigo
2020 will be 1984 i see
>fascism is a left wing ideology
Not bloody likely
What is he implying? That FBI is biased and not investigating this case purely based on evidences?
This would be easier than Clinton.
no, he wont.
It was their fault. They ignored several red flags including a tip off. They wanted it to happen, because they need an excuse for this gun control debate.
As is standard for the eternal Jew. A Jew telling lies is a Jew speaking his natural tongue.
How old will this fossil be? And with the abuse coming out that the nigger committed I'm not to sure ol pedo here will want to run.
When was the last Trump rally?
Does Pewdiepie actually, genuinely hate niggers?
He said he hates being white.
Don jr is an absolute madman
>that guy from last thread that got triggered by that post isn't from around here
trs pedes are so easy find
all Trump has to do it tweet out "Creepy Uncle Joe" with a picture of him fondling some kid and its over.
That's a lie.
What's the point? Children are constantly used to make a point, refugee crisis anyone?
figures he would that an all white country, then
I dare him to come here and say that in the street, that would be a whole different story
Cred Forums vs. Cred Forums inbound on divegrass
just impeach this fat orange fuck already
what's the score atm?
The fucking news has been playing clips of that bulb headed script reading kid all day
>what's the score atm?
Hasn't started. /toy/ just tied Cred Forums
Seen several articles of this nature but is it normal to announce you interest to run for elections right after an election? I just find it a bit odd to not wait for the year before to do this.
>I dare him to come here and say that in the street, that would be a whole different story
I don't watch weekend news. Who?
>animal print
Never trust a woman that stoops to wearing animal print.
This might be THE Presidency of the United States that proves the existence of objective quality. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that The Trump Presidency is good as a matter of FACT rather than OPINION, and that all criticism leveled against it is reducible to simple misunderstanding. Go ahead and post why you dislike the man. I guarantee that failure to understand some aspect on your part is responsible for the distorted perception you have. Just as 2 + 2 = 4, Donald Trump = good. And in the same way that anyone can be made to see why 2 + 2 = 4 through proper understanding of math, so too can anyone be made to see why President Trump is good through proper understanding of the facts. This is the first example I've encountered of a Presidency that seems to possess intrinsic quality, completely independent of any one person's subjective evaluation.
My sides are busy inventing warp travel as I type this.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Donald J. Trump. The innuendo is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of American Nationalism tropes the motiffs will go over the typical viewers head. There's also Donald Trump's psychotic personality which is deftly woven in to his characterisation- Trump draws heavily from Anno's OC donut steel character Mari Makinami from the Eva rebuilds, for instance. The /ptg/ers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to understand these tropes, to see that they're not just waifubait- they say something deep about Politics. As a consequence, people who dislike Trump truly ARE normies- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the references in President Trump's existential catchphrase "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN", which is itself a cryptic reference to the possessive yandere interaction of Future Adolf's leads. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Youtube's "BUILD THE WALL" comments unfold themselves on their macbook screens. What fools... how I pity them.
what is this all about?
>Seen several articles of this nature but is it normal to announce you interest to run for elections right after an election? I just find it a bit odd to not wait for the year before to do this.
The election cycle here used to work like that, but last decade or so it never ends.
It's not a criminal investigation on President Donald John Trump, it's an investigation on (((Russian))) meddling.
You exist only to make people angry now. Congrats, you're like your cousins in Serbia now.
One of the beta males from Parkland who's anti gun now and who sounded like he was reading a script right afterward.
Cred Forums cup Winter 2018
people around here are feverishly patriotic. he would get the shit beaten out of him by somebody, that's not even a contest. I know, men having actual balls and defending their country, I know burger bros don't see those that often anymore
Maki did not deserve that.
He'll be 79. The dems will run him because they have literally no one else. Also, they think that running a hwhite man will cut into Trump's core demographic.
4chin cup, head on out to smahscast
It was HER TURN!...................... To go to jail.
Well, it is modernist trash desu.
Rin just needs a husband. 26 year old cakes make mistakes.
>mfw tumblr has a propaganda piece on Poland
>calls out piece as slanted and in factual
>hundreds of Jews ascended into my inbox telling me to kill myself and how I'm antisemitic
>literally never met a jew in my life ever but somehow insulted one
White people and their jewish handlers are a delicate ecosystem.
comfy viewing lads
>The left said they are right-wing so they must be
0,1 bitcoins deposited into your TRSdomite account
>jew adopted by Latinos
>gets picked on by other jews
>jew doctor proscribed SSRI med
>jew pharma knows they cause psychosis
>jew proceeds to mow down at least half a dozen other jews
I don't think prayer, guns, or white racism are in play here.
Naggers faggots on the radio.
>I dare him to come here and say that in the street, that would be a whole different story
Wow, this is a dumb as fuck post even for you
Will Cred Forums pretend to be non-racist just to spite us?
Checked. It's the same reason they still report it like they do even though they know it just makes the problem worse. In the 1960's and 70's they tried to focus on street crime to push gun control, and they succeeded in passing Saturday Night Special laws in states like Minnesota, but they stopped when they realized it wasn't making Americans anti-gun but anti-black instead. So they switched tactics and started pushing the mass shooting narrative even though they know it amplifies the problem, just like reporting teen suicides back in the day would lead to suicide clusters.
>he would get the shit beaten out of him by somebody
But not you.
>I know, men having actual balls and defending their country, I know burger bros don't see those that often anymore
Maybe in Europe. Not here.
It shall be so
>durr I am student
>hurr I no receive coaching from anti-gun lobbyists!
>durr do what we say, we're kids
>hurr repeal the 2nd Amendment because a school full of kikes and spics said so
>meanwhile DNC fundraises 24/7 in already corrupt Broward County
no one should fall for this orchestrated shit
they're minors, can't vote, half are probably DACA status, and the police should force all of them back into their classrooms like the little truancyniggers they are
Holy shit cool it man, we know how much of a tough you are, please don’t hurt anyone’s feelings
I wish we had a free market but we dont. America has an economy mixed free market/bank/government controlled clusterfest.
And you admit theres nothing wrong with government controlling the rights of the people? People have the rights endowed upon them on this country by the bill of rights. Gay marriage is Marxist that goes against the bible which the Constitution was written. Religious freedom means i dont have to bake a cake for someone whos against MY beliefs with MY private business. Transgenderism is a mental disorder which the federal government has no right of enforcing acceptance upon the country.
Stunting energy emissions of the EPA to actually hurt the economical prosperity of the south which is immoral and goes against the free market. The shadow government isnt fake, it isnt bullshit. You have the intelligence agencies holding power over the pentagon which is highly illegal. You had president Obama wiretapping the "republican" pentagon computers.
Previous Thread Word Cloud
Ah okay, I just find it to be sour grapes when someone announces it right after a winner appears as if they're would've won if they ran.
Is there any chance the Dem 2020 primaries will be as entertaining as R 2016 now that there's more than one serious candidate?
these fucking kikes
literally every fucking time
>ur gf will never set you up with teen poon
What's your street address? I have a passport and the money to go to Poland and I'll say that shit to your face
>time: 1:03:24
fugg well guess I'm watching Donald Trump Does Commercials' for a while. thanks Muhammad
You DID go to church today, right?
>Trump and Assad fighting side by side
Is it finally time for a truce?
He does that all the time and it's hilarious. You can tell he's some acne ridden lanklet with long greasy hair and is always the one who throws a pebble from behind a crowd. The kind that runs in for one kick while someone is on the ground and then runs away.
>Imagine the media meltdown if he tweeted this out
Creepy uncle joe would have a good appeal to most moderate democrats but I think he would not be able to activate the bernie sanders and leftward of that political base to challenge trump. Plus we would meme him out of existence if given the spotlight.
Just got where I have data.
What's the news today anons?
Lay off the beaners man. This is pure kikery. Every one of the smug little shits is a wealthy jew who is going to launch a political or legal career off this.
i'm anti-social so no.
>eva posting gets more frantic and nonsensical
>post counts rapidly rising by the thread
he’s going to snap again lmfao
Don't doubt anything, he tweeted about Joe, Remember?
>read evil love
>months survived without
>experience niggers
>fort Trump
No, because Trump was the real star of the Primaries. Unless Bernie runs again, he's sometimes pretty funny.
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter,
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome with random precision,
Rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!
>loser leftist
you could always background noise it, it's really interesting to properly watch though
No I had cows to deal with.
These pictures cause him to lose it
Watch it, those are future Clinton dynasty replacements.
Anyone have the pic of companies that raised wages bcs of the tax cuts?
>Joe fag still btfo a year later
They really are the most autistic posters here
2bh, Biden was the only dem who could have really take on Trump
Trump is so tsundere. He'll bomb a mudslime hospital factory next week.
so what am i supposed to do, boys? buy one of the 70mil ar-15s in america, wait for congress to pass a shitty bill, watch how it doesn't really affect my platform at all, see how every decent judge votes that gun laws can't be retroactive?
>Shut up
Trump Status: BTFO forever
Lmao that first reply. these people really do suffer from TDS
Right as the Cred Forums game starts, perfect
>Bad liberals
>turn phone bad liberals
uh-oh! Someone's in trouble.
Daily reminder: McCain is being tortured to death by a tumor so anguish inducing that fentanyl doesn't numb the pain and is frequently administered in doses intended to speed the death of the patient. Have a blessed Sunday.
That was a special day.
I like how he gets bullied every time he holds baking hostage. But it's really his own fault. He really is the worst poster here.
>People have the rights endowed upon them on this country by the bill of rights.
A common misunderstanding. The people's rights are endowed upon them by their creator. They are /protected from government encroachment/ by the bill of rights. I am not interested in weedy theology. The
American system starts with "endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights." It's the documents I am pointing out.
who's brian france?
You'll never cease being anti-social if you hide yourself away all the time.
People don't bite.
This was dubbed one of the most important charts of the year.
Can anyone tell me the differences between the red and the blue goods and services?
Biden was massively suppressed from running in the 2016 election when Hillary was made the defacto candidate. Honestly I'd like to see Biden btfo Clinton in a debate but I'm against sexual abuse.
He was OK posting his shitty mechanime, but he went schizo. He earned it after making "fluffy"
Upcoming Elections:
February 20
>KY State House 49
>MS State House 60
February 27
>AZ CD-8 Primary
>CT State House 120
>KY State House 89
>NH State House Belknap 3
March 6
>(TX) Primaries- Greg Abbot and Ted Cruz /ourguys/
>(OK) State House 51
March 13
>PA-18 Special Election
>TN State Senate 14
TW said it best. Be a positive asset to the President, not a negative one.
>the joeposter boogeyman
What’s next, you’ll start posting nonsequitur screencaps?
I never knew I wanted this
where is the salt being mined today? reddit is a little too quiet after their big indictments of the russian faceberg trolls
lower stuff it tech-shit
upper one is stuff people actually need to live(except college i guess)
(((They))) want people to have more TVs and less hospital services?
the red are more expensive the blue are more affordable
He's just mentally fucked up.
He's gonna disavow you.
Mark Zuckerberg russian collusion investigation when?
>People don't bite.
But they do snicker and laugh at you for attempting to be social
man I miss Cred Forums
Legit get sad thinking about it sometimes
If you're havin' trouble with the high school head
He's givin' you the blues
You wanna graduate but not in his bed
Here's what you gotta do
Pick up the phone
I'm always home
Call me anytime
Just ring three sixty two four three six o
I lead a life of crime
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
If you got a lady and you want her gone
But you ain't got the guts
She keeps on naggin' at you night and day
Enough to drive you nuts
Pick up the phone
And leave her alone
It's time you made a stand
For a fee I'm happy to play
Your night time plan
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Government involvement? Makes me think
Domestic vs imports?
He'll [SOMETHING]pede you
You know remember the time the Eternal Anglo got subjugated by the Aryans.
Or call you a newfag.
one is controlled by jews, the other is ran by chinks.
I am confused. WHo is playing? How do you get on Cred Forumss team?
I appreciate this.
No salt, but there is celebrating.
They think mully got trump red handed
He's losing it he can barely type
Is that a Cred Forums edit?
The comments on this article are hilarious
>not holding hands in prayer as your only human interaction
Disrespectful trash
What is his best song?
I really like the one he did with Ben Garrison.
Does anyone else remember the days where Trump was just a meme that nobody thought had a chance of being elected.
Now some people think that he colluded with a foreign government to sabotage the United States.
Considering the strong economy I think those people might be wrong but that's just my thought on it.
Now I want pizza
>fires thousands of federal bureaucrats
That's the opposite of fascism, since in order to have fascism you need a government apparatus extensive enough to manage all facets of daily life. That's you complaining that people call you a faggot for acting like a faggot. Hopefully you'll kill yourself like the edgy teen you are.
was his checkmark taken away from him, or what?
Likely Cred Forums in origin then leaked onto the normies
Why hasn't President Trump blocked this shithead yet?
yeah, that was the best one
>there’s a fat retard posting with a poland proxy
>he was on track to be a Cred Forums celebrity but it all got ruined by joe scarborough causing him to have a mental breakdown
i don't know if the lawsuit is still ongoing
holy shit
reddit is redpilled
we can only hope that serpent gets whats coming to him for a life of bad karma
Thread Theme:
I'd rather we just RAHOWA
>One side heavily relies on government funding and subsidies
If you can't bomb your bros rebels then are you really international armistice bros?
49 Faggots and 1 Dune Coon is my personal favorite
go back there
You'll get better with practice
just for you anonkun
>The dems will run him because they have literally no one else.
They need the white votes, but they can't lose a single brown vote. Biden can't be the guy, it's got to be another young hip black man that appeals to browns and kids. They need Dwayne Johnson or a democrat approximation. They've painted themselves into a corner (with brown paint) long before the black/hispanic/other demographics overwhelmed the white demographics. They completely misread the election math behind the Obama presidency and are stuck now.
I'm looking at pizza huts delivery menu right now
That's good too
>Archive nord got replaced as GK
>Cred Forums celebrity
why would anyone want this?
The first mentions of "p*zzagate" were actually about pizza. It was months before the pod*sta emails leaked. If you look it up you'll find tags and articles with photos of Donald Trump eating a slice of pie crust first and the controversy it stirred. One has to wonder if he wasn't playing the media, foreshadowing what was to come, toying with his prey. Can you imagine the pants shitting? Brutal.
Baking, Worry Not
Except that the Anglos, Saxons and Jutes came from Denmark. They're literally the vikings before it was cool.
do you think he watches Tucker?
sure but when are you gonna start?
because its hilarious to see TDS on full display on every trump tweet. kind of helps our cause doesn't it?
>tfw our president shitposts as hard as we do
Don Jr. and Eric have to have shown him memes from this place.
uh oh
>Cnut invades
>rules like an englishman
>one son takes over
>north sea empire fragments
>second son takes over
>Edward the Confessor takes over
lmao, the Danes got fucked in the long term every time they tried to maintain England
Time travel theory confirmed.
fuck that's great!
I used to be a fan of UTV until my parents found my manuscript and he left
I wonder if the students are "articulate"...
Top to bottom:
Professorial monopolies
State monopolies
Tort liability
Tax policy
The Fed
The Farm Bill
----------blue from here down
Why block him when the stress will kill him off in a year or two?
How could this happen?
These are just posters with EPDS, Eva Polack Derangement Syndrome. We don't like meta drama here
Thanks fren!
The bill of rights was contrived by the bible. A document interrupting god. I can prove to you homosexuals, transgenders are degenerate demons that go against nature and thus god.
>broke the law
>hoped that not breaking other laws would eventually enable him to get free citizenship
What the fuck is wrong with these people
I agree, but I can't remember the last time (((they))) had students out in front of microphones shilling this hard
they're going to try another "student-led revolution", with all these 16 year-olds """""conveniently""""" becoming voting eligible for the 2020 election :^)
I'm definitely getting this after I finish Yakuza 0
Hey, I remember that...
>attacked everyone
What'd I miss?
What's going on?
Maybe one day
Anything important expected to happen tomorrow?
I want another 'bombshell' story, even if its completely false. Sick of hearing about the shooting and the russia crap.
>I am growing stronger
But why?
Times were simpler when the media freaked about about how someone ate pizza
this is the comfiest video i've ever seen
Trump did a couple of tweets making fun of Schiff and Obama. That's everyone.
Trips of truth checked.
>Cred Forums are becoming the masters of shutting it down
What did they mean by this?
The first time "pizzagate" was mentioned was back in 2011... by Trump
Love this man.
>jew fucks it up
We are the Neo-Jew.
The more you know.
Today is as good as any. I believe in you.
Bake my holohoax cake, kike.
>Won with 88% of the vote
Did the libertarians get like 20% of the vote in Louisiana HD 86???
What are our spider legs?
>Darling what are yo-
>Oh Darling!
>*pant*pant* You-unn! You keep lickiiiii
>you keep licking my horns!
>So sensitive, it feels so good! Darling!
>Don't put them in you mo-ah! ah! oooooh
>[He's sucking on my horns!! Hiro has my horn in his mouth!!!]
>Darling!! I-I-I'm going to get addicted to this!!
Accouterments! Probably one of the best perks of being kang.
>We don't like meta drama here
i downloaded it today, might try it tonight. Seemed like 2018 ES IV set in europe, couldn't resist buying at full price
>barbarian niggers pillage and rape and flood with immigrants
>england almost gone
>alfred takes london, signs peace with danish leader
>danish leader converts to christianity and takes an anglo name
>danish land is conquered back or just bought
Northumbria is almost entirely norse in ethnicitiy now because of them, but still. you can't conquer the english. it doesn't work, you get real fucking close, you can even subjugate them for a while. but in the end the anglo always wins.
Infinite amnesty, just keep granting amnesty there us not such thing as chain migration, Venezuelans are citizens too bigot.
You know what they say, you either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain...
Oy vey
needs to be 10hrs long
the things that run around Cube-Chan
I think Cnut's mother was Polish, daughter of Mieszko iirc
Poland has quite a few juden. Now I know why he left Chicago.
Progressives should really be called regressives. As they are looking to undo what man as accomplished by forcing the degenerate and immorality upon us.
Your shit weather is devastating to the moral of invaders, apparently.
So that's why you're the Eternal Anglo.
Kochamy Was!
>ywn kiss 02 between the horns
How long was dickie spencer on our team?
>the truck of peace doesn't take you to an anime when it hits you
>They wanted it to happen, because they need an excuse for this gun control debate.
Which is itself just a distraction from FISA/Obongogate, because nobody actually believes the kind of gun control they want will pass GOP house, Senate, Trump's veto pen, and the SCOTUS.
Memes aside, were there any female bards?
Twin tail is best girl
OK, interesting. According to comments this is what he's likely referring to.
hes gone nufriend
Yes, really. Gleoblastoma is a horrific way to go. I watched my mother tremor in anguish even as they gave her the nearly lethal doses of the strongest pain medication known to man.
Bro the thing is a sandnigger psyop. Wasserman's district.
>Implying E-celebs are on /our/ team
>beautiful land with God's most successful children
>wahhh it rainy sometimes wahhh
they deserve everything they get. I don't buy your argument, the invaders were coming from tundra wasteland in norway and sweden for warmer weather and better farmland.
>So that's why you're the Eternal Anglo.
>the last time England was invaded (if you don't count what we're going through right now)
>Norse past Frenchies invade
>can only barely beat us because it was 2 v 1 with the norwegians fucking around up north
>have to purge half the country and impose your authority extremely well to even maintain control
>England literally can't put up with their bullshit
>couple kings later and the dynsasty is already speaking native english again
>knowing how to play an instrument
>Be able to travel from town to town alone
>Remember stories accurately
I would doubt it.
kek, new meme for our favorite mutt posting polish friend
Its still a bit odd he would use that phrase and ironically while talking about Anthony Weiner, a pedo
E-celebs are distributors so its best to ignore them.
So what happened to this faggot anyways?
all moonman vids were censored on yt
He's unironically BTFO sargon and the rest of these so called "Skeptics"
the game is legit good
Why would thing whose purpose is to tear down a wall be wearing MAGA hat?
I'm just giving you shit, m8
Married an asian wife and retired off you tube donations.
None of our problems will be solved until we expel the Jew from our homelands. We must keep meticulous records of the Jew so when the day comes we can expel all of (((them))) even the ones masquerading as Goyim
Yeah. It is. It would make me wonder why he didn't run sooner. Perhaps he didn't have enough information yet, or enough ducks in a row.
Good game, Cred Forums boys
>You had president Obama wiretapping the "republican" pentagon computers.
Was King Nigger Obongo the most criminal and corrupt president in US history?
O"Brian is a Jew?
yes his mother is Jewish
Yes hes a product of bush before him and that crown would Hillarys if she won. She would grow the secret government who knows how big.
Irish are Jews' lapdogs. The Hibernian conspiracy connects to the Jewish one. Working together to subvert the anglosaxon natives
These mutants are immune to their own cognitive dissonance. I’m an inland commercial diver so I travel a lot and spend time in bars all around the east coast. I talk to these people all the time. They are essentially a class of human that only functions within an echo chamber. If the logical bubble gets ruptured they immediately resort to /racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, bigot, sexist, etc/
The women aren’t that bad to be honest. After an average to good dicking a women will listen to you for approx 30 min before reverting. The soyboys however are absolute untermensch.
>anglosaxon "natives"
>why he didn't run sooner
-or otherwise try to expose things. Maybe he was working behind the scenes though. Lots of possible reasons. Virtually nobody said anything seemingly.