Just to remind earlier PM Haper was given a hero's welcome in India. It's Trudeau Vs India and not Canada Vs India.
Kevin Wilson
>Hello, pookind, pleased to meet you
Jose Johnson
Isn't that pretty culturally insensitive, when you think about it?
Mason Phillips
So fucking ridiculous how we're stuck with these khalistani sacks of shit
Jayden Wood
>Reddit spacing
Bentley Williams
so you went to reddit?
Gavin Robinson
Sebastian Martinez
Parker Thomas
That poor soldier. He must hope to be reassigned
Sebastian Rodriguez
Tell me about the plan to take over all the 7/11s.
Brayden Flores
He saluted in such a way as to hide his face
Jack James
Is India redpilled?
Chase King
what did Trudeau do to India?
Samuel Nguyen
Well done India. I wonder if we'll see Turdeau virtue signalling by shitting in the street beside some Indian lads?
David Gonzalez
Absolutely, they’re more racist then you could ever dream of being.
Jaxson Long
Andrew Stewart
Jace Hill
Does it really smell like shit when you get off the plane in India?
Kevin Ross
i wonder why is that
Michael Turner
Asher Jones
Well at least you welcomed mister little potato.
Carter Murphy
based pajeets poo on jewdeau castro
Josiah Morris
He backs Khalistan which is a Extremist separatist group headquartered in Canada and wants separate Nation for Sikhs in India.
Yup. Ivanka had a great welcome here.
Benjamin Gray
I know how racist indians are, I just don't know if they understand the subtleties of global politics enough to have shunned j. castro for the right reasons or simply because he's pro muslim
Grayson Butler
what an idiot.
Jaxson Brown
hmm, maybe he is doing the chinese's bidding. There were ties to them on Trudeau, and like Obama and Clinton his heroes they also were secretly helping China.
Easton Flores
do the right thing and fetch the rake.
Christian Smith
Served that faggot right, good job Adarsh
Dominic Collins
Atleast Canadians aren’t animals shitting in their streets.
Jaxson Sanchez
India is one of the empires that must be split up in order to achieve the worldwide ethnonationalist revolution. Trudeau is right on this one.
Xavier Martin
Lincoln Bailey
Nobody takes Trudeau seriously, what a fucking faggot. I'm ashamed to have him as a PM.
Ryder Allen
As per your agenda he's right by mistake and not as per the ideology same as yours. Canada is soon to be a multicultural "heaven".
Brandon Peterson
I hope some brave Indianon does it.
Alexander White
>meme flag >anti-muslim country must break up hello ari.
>this reply india is fucked
Jaxon Gray
we don't poo on people only in streets
Logan Collins
>American education, thinking and rationalisation You really are subhuman
Oh, I'm fully aware. He's like some bizarre king of broken clock that's only right once ever in its existence.
Isaac Mitchell
Your response makes no sense. Are you mad that I saw through your garbage?
Anyways I don't care. If they are stupid enough to fall for the trick then they deserve what happens next. Good luck.
Kevin Moore
Good job Pajeets. I approve.
Christopher Phillips
>sir the canadien PM just arrived we forgot all about it >who? >the leader of canada sir >where? >its in north america sir >send my driver to meet him i guess hahaha canada is a joke!
Evan Green
Some facts about India >14% of the population is Muslim, 172 million people >There is no such thing as 'an Indian', there's hundreds of ethnicities, languages and cultures >Some of the states in the federation are literally communist
But this is all fine with you, because this post-colonial monstrosity is 'anti-muslim'?
Samuel Watson
will india splinter and see rise to a hindu hitler in our lifetime?
Adrian Martinez
>Some of the states in the federation are literally communist You do know that China is a different country right?
Xavier Gomez
We know. We can't stand him either. At this point, I'm not sure if any country will give him anything resembling respect.
Nathan Howard
>What is Kerala?
Zachary Wright
>reassigned He's Canadian for fuck's sake, that means GENDER reassignment
Xavier Jenkins
Congrats poo
I'm impressed
Our PM deserves this without a doubt, he's a national embarrassment
Thomas Rogers
Or they could drive the muslims out and keep their lands for their own purposes, given that conquest is the game muslims play. India doesn't care about liberal media outcry, and no one will support a war against India for muslim interests.
Juan Lee
You tell me >TheGovernment ofKeralaheadquartered atThiruvananthapuramis a democratically elected body that governs theIndianState ofKerala. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_of_Kerala
Gabriel Price
and which party has been ruling it for a while now?
Jeremiah Morgan
When will you New Worlders understand that ethnicity matters?
Brody Hughes
it really looks like they are making fun of them
Jordan Jenkins
>Some of the states in the federation are literally communist
Good, because they've been the ones that have most addressed and progressed in the sanitation problem.
>In addition to Kerala, the Indian states ofWest BengalandTripurahave had democratically elected multiple Marxist governments, and change takes place in the government by regular multiparty electoral process. >en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism_in_Kerala Just because they have communist in the name doesn't mean they aren't a democratic state. Those parties will be a meme until they win the elections for PM, India will be a democracy till then
Evan Torres
Agreed, there needs to be a separate Aryan and Dravidian state, India just isn't working with all the street shitters in the north sapping all the tax money from the south. If South India had it's own fascist government then it would be as strong as China in a decade or two.
Dylan Sullivan
Fascist Cholan state in the south would be pretty fucking great. It would leave the northern street shitters in the dust.
Samuel Cooper
They would lose too much doing that. That's also why China keep their muslims in the south instead of giving them their own country.
Jackson Bell
Dravidians have always had sanitation in check, it's the "superior" Aryans that shit in the streets everywhere.
Charles Jackson
Wow, took a whole 3 minutes to figure out the reason for the frosty reception. Weekend /pol, worst /pol
Cameron Allen
Please let him get dysentery and die... Please let him get dysentery and die... KEK hear my prayer and please let Justin Trudeau catch dysentery and die...
Henry Gutierrez
Except the Muslims are objectively dumber and poorer than Han Chinese and all they would lose is territory. The Dravidians are bogged down by the street shitters.
Christopher White
Hudson Morales
I fully accept that it matters, just that we shouldn't have to divide our countries for immigrants. They can stay the fuck out if that's what they want, or try conquering.
Nathaniel Bell
im surprised the carpet isnt brown
Cameron Collins
Do it for the meme senpai
Nathan Foster
Go for it India make us proud!
Bentley Peterson
That's been mentioned in the thread already. We're still going to make fun of him because it's fun to watch him get told to fuck off.
Wyatt Reed
>Justin Castro so ineffective as a leader that Canada becomes a Khalistani province and Sikhs establish a pro-gun, traditionalist, right wing & anti-muslim theocracy in North America
god I want it to happen
Gavin Edwards
>What's he doing there? Learning to poo in a designated shitting street.
Thomas Myers
Tha......thats no......not......real is it?
Brody Smith
We can't even know if it's fake anymore...
Ian Gray
Feminists and faggots walk over Trudeau like he's a street. You can make an exception for him.
Tyler Williams
Truly we are the Jeb Bush of the Anglosphere. Good for a laugh, and nothing else.
Aaron Brown
digits confirm, jewdeau is a human designated shitting street, poo in it
Julian Price
Sikh here, Khalistan is the worst thing that can happen to us. I fucking hate Canadian Sikhs that go to India, stir up shit then go back to their homes and businesses in Canada leaving the Punjab populace on worse terms with the police and government. All we truly want is justice for the genocide of the Sikhs not a separate state.
Adrian Perez
had a good laugh on that one leaf. Thx
Nicholas Bell
Our minister of defense, Harjit Sajjan, who is Sikh. Has been having high-level meetings with Sikh separatists. Big no-no. Jagmeet Singh has also been having these meetings as well. So expect Singh to be our next PM. They are currently grooming him to be PM, it’s imminent. Our next election is full of fraud, I assure you. Our government, parliament and election has been heavily infiltrated.
Chase Price
leaf or burger, your paranoid minds work the same
Blake Diaz
Sikhs are anti-Muslim and pro-gun. Maybe they will save your country.
Carson Young
>Sikh here >checked Sikhs are bro-tier
Jaxson Cook
cuz bobs n vegene, duh
Jack Rivera
Because they wanted to see bob and vageen
Luis Lopez
>We Indians are known for our hospitality as we treat Visitor as god but Trudeau in a very very bad way.
i have literally never met an indian with manners.
Tyler Mitchell
I have literally never met an american
Angel Ortiz
Save it from... Islam? Just to change us to be a Punjabi nation? No thanks, I don’t want either. Brampton is a crime-ridden shithole because of Sikhs. Shotgun homocides on a weekly basis. Notice how it’s these newer religions that are the problem in our modern world? Sikhism is only 600 years old and Islam only 1400 years old.
Gabriel Evans
only a fucking leaf could hate sikhs
Zachary Lee
Every off the boat indian hotel owner is an absolute prick. By far the worst to deal with. They make you feel like they're doing YOU a favor by you staying at their hotel.
Jose Kelly
The Canadian coat of arms seems culturally insensitive to all the newfound immigrants to the great nation that is Canada. Someone should suggest that Trudeau have it redesigned.
Levi Rogers
>Notice how it’s these newer religions that are the problem in our modern world? So you're saying we should all convert to Hinduism?
Levi Evans
... This doesnt make it any less embarrassing for him. Or us.
Adrian King
He is literally going to a foreign nation to undermine whatever unity they have in favor of HIS canadian politics. I would hope some indians are patriotic enough to address this crime.
David Watson
>Indians cry about the UK all the time from being evil opressors
>get independence >wonders why sikhs and others don't want to be under the shitty yoke of POO rule >make it illegal to even say "my people deserve their own country" >be THIS angry at fucking TRUDEAU for him backing up the Sikhs
Is there anything that can be salvaged from India at this point?
Brandon Thompson
No, religion in general is what the problem is on a domestic and international terrorist level, on top of too much diversity within the same city (usually larger cities). But all those Hindu terrorists we have... insurmountable, right?
Jace Russell
What if trudeau is into scat porn
Ethan Bell
wouldn't be the least bit surprised
Benjamin Cook
I know that Cred Forums memes all over justin trudeau, but is it just Cred Forums? in Canada, is he liked? how much longer will he be the king of Canada?
If BC and Alberta declare independence from Canada would India be willing to sell us armaments?
Luke Sanders
Politics and our government isn’t a big deal here. Most people just vote what their family and friends vote (whoever the majority in their life is). Prior to the Trudeau government, our 3 parties weren’t too different, they just prioritized things differently. As soon as Trudeau was elected, the liberals threw that all out of the window and went rogue on how the country had always been run. So a lot of people are seeing this. He’s still relatively liked in the larger cities, but despised in the smaller cities, towns and counties. He has a small chance of winning again, but it’s miniscule. The 3rd, usual irrelevant party, we have here - NDP, is going to take so many votes away from the Liberals because the leader is a visible minority (Indian Sikh). And the conservative base is so fucking pissed off with the liberal government, that’s it’s grown quite a bit and will definitely show up to vote.
Camden Hill
Our coat of arms is better than Canadas anyway. Come to think of it our flag and our economy is better than Canada too
Why the hell couldn't America have actually annexed us during the gold rushes before we got roped into joining confederation instead of waving their dick around making empty threats
David Cook
Eastern Canada likes him western Canada hates his fucking guts
Seriously out west he's managed to piss off oil riggers and environmentalists at the same time. Not even his father managed to do that. At this rate we're not even going to need a big campaign for western independence people are just one day going to say "fuck this lets leave"
Mason Baker
Those are gujus; nobody likes them. One would hardly even consider a Patel to be people.
Caleb Evans
>asking for Indian armaments >within a few hours drive of Montana Nigger what?
Tyler James
are you actually serious you short dravidian dark skinned faggot. You’re living in a country that doesn’t belong to you saying this. The north produces most of the money in the country, has the highest gdp per capita in the country, higher HDI, 2nd largest film industry in the world, and the seat of parliament. All you cunts have given us is tropical beaches and going abroad and working in IT making a fool out of all of us with the apu memes. Not to mention cry about making you tamil cunts speak Hindi and because you bleach your skin lol. You’re less Indian than the assamese chinks in the east
Daniel Hernandez
Julian Green
Would America actually be willing to arm the western provinces in a war for independence though considering Canada is in NATO and all?
We'll need ships and planes eventually too but we can get our own shipbuilding industry running and probably would have to turn to Russia to purchase planes
Blake Collins
90% of his diversity schtick is blatant racism
Luke Scott
>Eastern Canada likes him Granted those who like him are mostly down east but even there his approval is far from unanimous
Jaxson Gonzalez
>his country is being overrun by foreign insurgents >he wants to fight a war for independence >he doesn't copy the fucking foreign insurgent's strategy Watch Red Dawn; all you need is 10-12 high schools and rifles. Pretty sure that's why we're still stuck in Afghanistan, because they have an endless supply of high schoolers and ak-47s.
Ayden Gomez
high schoolers*
Adam Davis
speak for your self u hindu larper
Christian Russell
I coughed before reading this. Happening confirmed.
Lincoln Sanders
Well when we out here say "those eastern bastards" we mean Ontario and Quebec. The newfs and all them we refer to as maritimes
Ontario and Quebec call themselves "central" probably because they think the whole world revolves around them but we don't call them that
Adam Brooks
He has to pretend to care about poosintheloos.
Aiden Nguyen
because the sikhs are ethnically punjabi and literally not different than any punjabi Hindu. Them getting their own state would literally mean we might as well as dissolve the union. The orientals in the east would want their own state then and the dravidians in the south theirs. Central India would be a clusterfuck and the country would split up amongst ethnic and religious lines.
Stick to kicking a ball with your feet, Miguel. Geopolitics isn’t your shtick
Jaxon Jackson
I don't get it. Aside from the minor conflict with the Sikhs, all Trudeau wants to do is import as many of India's people as humanly possible, and set them up on the taxpayer dime for years to come. Can't we get past the issue of the Sikhs in the name of population replacement?
John Miller
Yeah except we don't want to be a perpetually war torn shithole like Afghanistan the goal is to kick out the Canada government and have a proper armed forces so they can't come back and take us by force and we can make them recognize us as an independent state
Aaron Adams
Punjab can’t even fix its own problems as a state and you think as a country we would magically do better? A landlocked state whose primary export is agriculture hmmm
Anthony Smith
Thanks for reconfirming it, CIA. We're going to hang all of you.