"""white""" americans
"""white""" americans
>posts niggers
>says theyre white
>hides his flag
ah, so you agree with me that amerimutts are never white? good.
I can not recognize the last, what is it?
What kind of political compass is this
Holy shit her camera makes her look a lot whiter.
I can already tell you're an American.
>I can already tell you're an American.
don't insult me you kanker mutt
top left is a polish orc though, right?
would bang lower right.
Please be female and 18+.
White enough to get harassed by nogs.
le (100-44)% face
Change nothing.
African + European = American
>turk diaspora
Please stop.
Top left kind of looks like a younger version of this blonde now
Prove you're not shilling by taking off the meme flag.
*mutt enough to get harassed by other amerimutts.
Who said they were white?
I could take a mutt out of any country and say that ''''''white''''''' X
This is funny though. More of that mutt memes are a required to redpill youth.
Doesnt matter she gets the gas
>Barrio Azteca
>Texas Mexican Mafia
>White male
Also are americans really that short?
Top left kid has a Polish mom from I think either Britain or Germany
Hey dont kill the meme asshole.
We need to show kids the terrible effects of race mixxing
>Also are americans really that short?
Top right looks like Eric Andre
You called, mutt. Is it time to play?
No, it's pretty black and white around here.
Dont worry bro. We will save you, and your people
I just don't understand the mods, I get banned for political threads but they allow this shit?????????
Don't worry about us. Worry about those borders you got.
cry more fagget
>I get banned
are you admitting to ban evasion?
Wow South Dakotan Whites have the least Negro admixture, I would have thought it would be somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. And New York has the most Negro blood in the white populations. I would have thought that that would be in the South.
And South Carolinian blacks are the closest to being pure blooded Kangs descended straight from Egyptian Pharaohs. They'll never thanks us that 15% white DNA giving them a 10-15 point IQ boost compared to full blooded Africans.
No, Louisiana whites have the most nigger blood. New York whites just have the most nonwhite blood (so including niggers, but also including other shitskins)
Oh, I see now. That makes sense
Coal burning is a transgenerational issue. White men can never stop patrolling our whores as long as DeMarcus and TreShawn exist in our societies
>not wanting to plant your Aryan seed deep inside Venti's fertile,mutt womb
What are you guys, fags?
American whites are 99% white
>hidden flag
Nigglet britbong definitely detected
but you have no aryan seed, you have mutt anglo seed.
Top left is Polish.
Well you got me there.
Do have German ancestry, but mostly English/Scottish.
Would still bleach Brittany.
mutt can't bleach mutt
Someone should post mike (((enogs))) pic
It's not killing the meme. It's proving that white Americans have African and NA ancestry. And are not 100% white
Would impregnate
I really like something about native and asian-american traits, and my family isn't barely even mutty. Explain?
Who could be behind this post?
>0% nigger 0% injun
Damn South Dakota nice job on the racial purity
>Raped into existence
Am I white user?
>Unironically aligning with JIDF propaganda
Got a problem Cred Forums: I'm a mix of pretty much every race (Asian, all Europe, Russian, Jewish, central and South African, Middle-Eastern, both Pocahontas and Ghandi indians, Pacific Islander, etc) but the racial pejorative is "soup". That's weak. Can Cred Forums come up with better?
top left is a euromutt
Always wanted to use that picture! Someone explain to me.
Pic related
Top left is a result of this and it's an albino from EU
SImilar story