TRS fags are believers of “acceleration” theory, that is, their belief is that it is in their interests to allow western civilisation to be ravaged by (((cultural marxism))) and (((globalism))) so as to create the conditions for an armed white uprising. Unfortunately, our friends at TRS have failed to take into consideration that if things become so bad in the first place, most of them would be locked up by a totalitarian leftist govt which they allowed to happen.
Owen Rogers
ye let's just do nothing bro
Charles Price
Oh my god, she really is becoming the mascot.
Austin Ramirez
Mason Torres
Do you have a single fact to dispute this strategy's validity?
Matthew Robinson
Logan Perez
>he hasn't read heidegger in bath of milk whilst listening to tchaikovsky
heh - call yourself right wing
Ayden Edwards
>Aquafags are getting desperate >Aquafags are the liberalists of /ibs/
Christopher Hill
If Europeans are modern PCs then Christianity is Windows 95.
Eli Cruz
We got a date for halsey vs dawson?
Josiah Sanders
Accelerationism isn't even some official strategy or doctrine, its just something that people talk about. Ignore all Moarpheus posts. Hes a kike who worships Laura Loomer and loves black people. Its all in the archives, some other user made a screencap.
Samuel Nelson
The real right wing resistnace we need is one that is intellectual and is able to counter the actual foundation of the leftist marxist ideology. We need to decrease the power of feminism, multiculturalism, and identity politics. What the Alt-Kike and TRS is doing i just sperging about le jew boogeyman and pretending there's some omnipowerful conbiracy.
Connor Lewis
Hey goys did you see my video?
Sebastian Jackson
Samuel Garcia
>faulk explains how just because the USSR previously used military intervention to prevent the warsaw pact states and soviet republics from seceding didn't mean the USSR would also prevent them from leaving a few decades later >"But that just proves my point, Ryan!" *forced chuckling*
Sargoy is such a brainlet. He's a "british cultural imperialist" but not even knowing a damn thing about british history? >No country has ever let territory cede peacefully! >uh lol Ireland doesn't count >neither does South Africa >neither does Canada or Australia or NZ >neither does India >lol all that just supports my argument, not yours Ryan! *scoffs*
Now let me tell you about your country's history and how citizenship revocation of pooinloos didn't count because the 1920s was a while ago, but the civil war in the 1860s means nobody can ever secede ever from the US.
Parker Jenkins
Odin is going to kill jesus and allah
Julian Collins
Amazing Aqua OP, I'd save it!
Cameron Jones
Sure is salt-right in here.
Caleb Gomez
>Shit, Naruto-tier anime >watched only because of this one thot. Eureka/Code Gayass all over again
Owen Lewis
> > Guess I made one just to find out it was already done by someone else and the thread was archived so I couldnt even post it. -_-
Robert Morales
It's come to a point where if we ever decide to partake in the Cred Forumseague Aqua would probably be one of our elite player.
Ryan Thompson
hi vee
Samuel White
aw man, we can use that one next if it stays alive
Adrian Taylor
>Aqua >Calling anyone else a thot She canonically doesn't even wear pantsu
Luke Parker
add metokur's video from yesterday to the list - the comment section is a battlefield of maimed spergon's asthmatically windmilling in the name of their dear leader
Jose Gray
if this one is going fast we can jump to yours
Levi Sullivan
>Tariq Nasheed This guy is world class. His ability to stay in character is legendary.
Cameron Martinez
I was also making one but I saw the link to this one in the old thread before I got to post it.
Old bread btw
Landon Gutierrez
Search /IBS/ on archive for the proper format next time you make a thread.
Gabriel Gonzalez
I should start taking screencaps of all the butthurt. I swear they're all getting their talking points from a central source, because they are all saying the exact same focus-tested shit >N-NO UR THE SALT-MINE! >haha Jim is cringe! >lol this is DUMB! nobody cares! >HOW DARE YOU JIM THESE EVIL ALT-RIGHT NAZIS WANT TO KICK ME AND MY WIFE'S SON OUT OF AMERICA!!! >haha salt right! #triggered ;_; >n-no JF is lying! sargon didn't run away from the debate... ;_;
Henry Parker
You're applying white standards to a negro. It's possible he's running a 24hr op, but it's more likely he's legit. I've known niggers who believe all this shit and espouse it. I know niggers with ankh and other egyptian-themed tattoos and are dead-serious about the WEWUZ and global white supremacy shit.
Gavin Gomez
>ManchildTheGoy is having a fight with /ourguy/ metokur
Zachary Martinez
A love struck Romeo, sings the streets of serenade Laying everybody low with a love song that he made He find a streetlight, steps out of the shade Says something like, "you and me, babe, how about it?"
Juliet says, "hey, it's Romeo, you nearly gave me a heart attack" He's underneath the window, she's singing Hey, la, my boyfriend's back" You shouldn't come around here, singing up at people like that Anyway what you going to do about it?
Juliet, the dice was loaded from the start And I bet and you exploded in my heart And I forget, I forget the movie song When you going to realize, it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet?
Camden White
Why don't liberal-ists just admit they are liberals?
Jeremiah Gray
>should of
Luke Carter
There are wondering in my mind about certain things that cannot be seen.
Blake Walker
>the quartering Why does every irrelevant soyboy liberalist only scream SALT whenever anyone questions them
Joseph Miller
Juliet, when we made love you use to cry I said "I love you like the stars above, I love you till I die" And there's a place for us, you know that movie song When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet
Matthew Rogers
>the comment section is a battlefield of maimed spergon's asthmatically windmilling in the name of their dear leader
Aiden Scott
>if this one is going fast we can jump to yours apply water to burnt area
Blake Ramirez
W-We need to become classical liberal/conservative/libertarians if we're to save western culture, goys.
Jack Ortiz
bruh look at this dude..
oh no wait till you see the… OH NO NO NO OU OU OU OU
Your Deviantart thotty comes from an anime where she gets "piloted" in public by some betabux fuccboi. Everyone forgot about your shit anime except waifu fags.
Jackson Butler
Accelerationism doesn't necessary mean. > to allow western civilisation to be ravaged by (((cultural marxism))) and (((globalism)))
For example if somebody want to pacify the kangs giving them gibs and you oppose to that then you are beign an accelerationist.
Zachary Phillips
>makes a passive aggressive comment on Jim's video about blood sports being a waste of time >people immediately respond to him and say that magic the gathering is faggy manbabby shit >he gets butthurt and deletes the comment >starts fighting with Jim on twitter later
Reminder that this fat retard is an enormous Sargon fanboy, and 100% of Sargon fanboys are deranged cultists who are personally offended when someone insults their Soyfather.
Cameron Stewart
Because they make all their money making fun of the stupid left.
Connor Rodriguez
He is not done >apply water to burnt area Well, Aqua can help him
Hudson Howard
Gabu is the true ibs queen.
Hunter Garcia
projection... ''The liberalist screams butthurt as he applies cream to his anus''
Ethan Brooks
>nu-male glasses >fat >massive beard to hide jawline and double-chin >boxes of manchild toys behind him to show everyone how dedicated he is to his autistic hobby >talks shit on twitter with passive-aggressive comments and then backpedals it all when confronted on streams because he's a beta boi pussy
peak nu-male
Joshua Long
but she's the worst girl in the anime though
David Taylor
this desu the days of her oppressive hold on /ibs/ are numbered
James Sanchez
>Soyboy encourages Andy to get fucked in the ass by Sargon to "avoid conflict" >can't handle bants >completely irrational This guy is into the most soystream hobbies out there, not surprised.
Don't miss Nicks recent bloodsports at the Chicago anti-gun rally. Some pretty good bantz going on there, before he got kicked out from the protest by Chicagos finest.
Christopher Sanchez
>morning kumite >2:30pm
Robert Torres
It's pure projection. They used to do the same thing about anyone calling out libtards. Then they co-opted "triggered", "cuck", and "snowflake" and use them incorrectly because they don't understand imageboard culture
Oliver Lee
all liberalistists seem to be out of shape degenerates... hmmmm its almost as if there is some kind of correlation between degenerate physique and a degenerate outlook on life
Chase Phillips
Well. I don't really hold it against them. Friends help out friends.
That's just a reality of life.
Lucas Butler
Pic related
Matthew Davis
I wonder if Jim is gonna pop in on the Kumite that just started
Evan Cruz
it was my way of identifying you yellow-feverbro :)
Brody Nguyen
It is still be morning on pacific time
Dylan Williams
People don't like KonoSuba because of Aqua.
O2 will be forgotten trash in 3 months, like Hestia. At least Hestia was a good design.
Charles Sullivan
>Aqua comes from a good anime. lmao, it's literally a friend simulator. Pathetic
Aaron Ross
discord gg/zHJNjup Its all happening here
James Myers
My name's george zimmer and I guarantee it
Blake Lee
Xavier Diaz
>lefties are mentally ill and literally can't speak to Fuentes
>no country has ever let territory cede peacefully See my flag
Elijah Johnson
>I DON'T CARE ABOUT STATISTICS >What do you want to do about guns? >I DON'T KNOW I'M NOT A POLITICIAN
Josiah Martin
I'd honestly don't know how will Styx do against Nick, since Nick is more like a bant guy and Styx is more calm Tonka smells the blood and the shekels in the air, we might have soyboy vs metokur
>he doesn't get wasted drinking pure gin whilst crying and reading ernst junger's storm of steel
h-heh bet you think you're right-wing too
Luke Foster
*gives u free 2 hour education*
Ryan Fisher
I like him more as time goes on, used to think he was a lame cunt
Justin Mitchell
>not calmly getting in a row boat and rowing to the center of a lake to blow your brains out I bet you vote green, Sally.
James Reed
Collet is a good chap. An anglo that doesnt want to murder aryans and drink their blood
Cameron Thompson
>Don't worry big guy, we're walking if he keeps up the whole smug act I think the popo might actually end up doing something
Kevin Barnes
Holy shit.
Benjamin Cox
>h-he's never even eaten a fresh beating heart from the chest of a horse whilst worshipping odin
he-heh, cuck
Nolan Flores
tonka saw has a really over-inflated ego. Every stream all he does is bitch and posture. And those edited pictures on his stream playing like lmao get over yourself buddy
Joshua Wood
Jacob Rodriguez
The stepfather at it again.
Charles Parker
Nailed it perfectly
Gavin Peterson
t. tonka
Christian Johnson
Nathan Watson
I like him and he can bantz well, recently he's just had a bad habit of getting into autistic fights on twitter.
Nicholas Perez
Destiny fags need to go back to Cuba.
Austin Rogers
>This poof hasn't even quenched a blade by burying it into the shoulder of a slave boy Whoooo lad. I bet you never strangled your own father. Might as well roll out the welcome mat for the Pakis.
Brayden Gonzalez
How's your vacation in the UK, destiny
Luis Sanders
t. jim
Robert Edwards
In my opinion you guys and Sargon aren't all that too far from each other. Sargon is just a little bit more idealist, and hasn't given up on multikulti. You guys are a bit more pragmatist, and have given up on multikulti. But both of you are against unchecked immigration.
In my country your two political parties are making a government coalition together.
Michael Anderson
Jacob Bell
fuck you carl.
Tyler Foster
what about Raphi? I think shes cute
Carson Nguyen
I want all non-whites, including Sarg'n deported.
Joshua Ramirez
True, but he's only 19. I think he has a lot of potential as he grows up and matures.
Gavin Sullivan
>haha vee..kid...i dont give a fug : DDD i dont care about internet drama : DDD
The next day
The life of tonka
Ian Martin
>Cred Forumsacks >making any compromises see thats the problem
Ryan Jackson
I don't know man. The guy got kicked out of University for some pretty hilarious stuff
Asher Baker
Theoretically if Britain ends up going 1488 and deports all shitskins, it would be hilarious if Sargoy gets deported with them, despite being lily-white, because he insisted that he's a quadroon
Owen Young
>flag Where would the Natives go to tho
Alexander Howard
All dropouts are cute
Kayden Ortiz
That's the opposite of the truth.
Ayden Long
Nick is hilarious. I do not care for his Catholicism though...
Caleb Wood
Leo Miller
>tfw sargon get's deported to the containment city of bradford
Gavin Torres
That's not really relevant.
The both of you are against the coalition of socialist parties. So you're going to have to make a coalition and agree on having the wall and end migration, and never be able to fulfill your dreams. Or else the socialists will just be in power.
Anthony Jones
you should all read john locke to be honest
Zachary Peterson
Logan Brooks
fuck loki
Zachary Ross
There are no "natives." The Mongolians that crossed the land bridge Genocided the Europeans that traveled here before them. They are such a small population today that they don't matter.
Lucas Barnes
> 3 years > still no ethnostate
Carson Russell
>democracy that's your problem now fuck off back to re**it
Luis Smith
He's streaming Spam his chat with this message ''Sarg'n you're wife's son is not as genetically close to you as you think he is''
Austin Ross
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. The enemy of my enemy dies next.
Joshua Wilson
>Listening to the guy who killed odin >Odin is a cuck >Sargon is raising his wifes son What did he mean by this?
James Howard
>RWDS sees he self reports as mixed race and has made anti semitic comments online >they just assume hes an arab and push him into a truck
Hunter Phillips
>t.madman top kek
Well Soygon believes in democracy, I don't at very least we should have restricted voting. I'm against race mixing he's not, he's a bake the cake bigot, I'm not. He just has a more sane view on immigration than most people, but its still shit
Jayden Reed
>mongolians that crossed the landbridge Siberians >genocided the europeans that travelled before them Those don't exist. If anything there might have been some Australoids arriving some time after the first wave by boat to South America, according to genetic tests done to the "Lucy" skull in Brazil, but they got bred out of existence by the ancestors of today's Fuegians.
Joseph Sanchez
Does he think hes impressing anyone with that pile of shit in the background? Its like RLMs nerd crew bit, but unironic.
Gabriel Rivera
I would like to go on record and say that I disprove of these threads as they are cancer.
YouTube pol-celebs are not the answer
Cooper Garcia
>So you're going to have to make a coalition this might have been the case if the civ-nat side of the alt right posed any threat, so to speak that's likely not going to be the case because Sargon and his lackeys are doing a great job at embarrassing themselves and their movement
Wyatt Turner
>couldn't of oooh, he's that kind of cunt
Jackson Robinson
Easton Jackson
Okay, but that would just give all the power to the socialist coalition.
Landon James
>le Benjamin boomer didn't that little shit throw a temper tantrum last week and got BTFO? what a scrawny little dork
Sarg'n has said that if he had to choose to live between in an alt-right country and a SJW multicultural country he would choose the alt-right one. He is just picking low hanging fruits like troll coments and saying "oh look, this is what the alt-right belives" DELET THIS FUCKING FAT PIG
John Adams
Jacob Wright
The only thing the socialist coalition is being given is bullets.
Grayson Bell
Colton Nguyen
>being surrounded by well dressed qts >bad
Connor Martin
>we wuz natives of everywhere you sure you arent black
James Foster
Christian Rodriguez
Ryan Mitchell
>Europeans traveling to NA >natives
Jace Davis
>the enemy of my enemy is not my friend Then you'd end up having no friends and no change of getting any significant position of power. You'd be isolated or in the worst case purged.
Lucas Taylor
Is this the notorious mass murderer Samir Al-Hayed?
Daniel Brooks
go back to r*ddit
Cameron Mitchell
>463 seconds since my last post >still no ethnostate
Austin Nguyen
Don't look at me.
I wish Eris had more meme power because she is the best Goddess. But the others are insisting Aqua is the mascot.
Luke Turner
Christopher Roberts
There is no such things as natives you retard, human beings didn't grow out of the land and have through out most of history moved around
Robert Miller
>160991769 thanks for the you, dipshit!
Easton King
O hey that's my cousin
Jose Barnes
They are only for those capable of controlling their urges to perversly fuck asian cuties
Parker Taylor
i will wait for you in other IBS threads yellow-feverbro. Goodluck with your struggle!
Austin Allen
>160991769 good try
John Rivera
>we wuz natives of everywhere >you sure you arent black At least we have evidence to back up our claims, spic. Research solutrean hypothesis, but to be fair these people were not modern europeans
Xavier Evans
>>he doesn't get wasted drinking pure gin whilst crying and reading ernst junger's storm of steel I read it in my University with turks chimping out next to me. it is also such a great book.
Joshua Hill
Raphi a shit!
Connor Perez
So Andy dodged his responsibilities to JF and the Friday show to go party?
Kayden Hernandez
Good afternoon /ibs/ any streams coming up today?
Chase Scott
Every time someone makes fun of Sargon's Wife's dinosaur I think of those gay erotic e-books with hilarious titles.
Andrew King
Raph is the perfect personality for IBS
Isaiah James
I didnt do it tho man, come on
Jace King
Dominic James
got an unedited version?
Jonathan Martinez
Unironically this, but aquafags will just spam their shit taste
Nathan Smith
Yeah, I know of the Soultrean hypothesis. It's just a little bit more solid than the Mormon theory that the amerindians are a lost tribe of Israel. >An article in the January 2012 issue of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology tends to argue against the Solutrean theory on genetic grounds. Researchers in Italy argued that the distinctively Asian C4c and the disputed X2a had "parallel genetic histories". The abstract of that article also states that "[t]he similarities in ages and geographical distributions for C4c and the previously analyzed X2a lineage provide support to the scenario of a dual origin for Paleo-Indians. Taking into account that C4c is deeply rooted in the Asian portion of the mtDNA phylogeny and is indubitably of Asian origin, the finding that C4c and X2a are characterized by parallel genetic histories definitively dismisses the controversial hypothesis of an Atlantic glacial entry route into North America."
Jackson Brooks
Alexander Bell
Isaac Perez
andy and tonka live rn on kumite
Thomas Phillips
>My Billionaire Triceratops Craves Gay Ass What the fuck
Jace Rivera
This is rude. Please stop.
Justin Harris
Isaac Ramirez
What was his name again? If there's an exploitable title, there could be some meme potential
Aiden Reed
>>Richard Spencer vs. Mike Tokes I don't believe that Tokes is genuine. His "new right" isn't really anything new. Seems like it's an attempt to derail the Alt-right. He repeated his arguments multiple times, not in a way that someone who spends his days thinking about his ideas would. Also, I get a strong impression of duping delight watching him.
Jayden Miller
Jose Moore
>Why does my mother's religion matter?
John Moore
Well you did do it to yourself so... I thought You were going to fuck your girlfriend to satisfy what happened to that?
Kevin Rogers
Chuck Tingle is the author. I keep thinking "Pounded by my Wife's Black Dinosaur"
>"I use to beat my 4 year old Asian gf between sex sessions." Andy Waraski
Christian Cooper
yeah, that too.
James Ward
It actually is Cred Forums related, and you can't argue otherwise.
Christopher Lewis
>eceleb faggots >Cred Forums related
Jeremiah Reed
See? I say you can't make an argument, and you have failed to provide an argument. You're a mental midget, go back to 9gag.
Angel Roberts
My dudes, how do we stop him??
Dominic Cox
Ian Scott
That's actually a nice one, anyone know the font Tingle uses? Also while going through the titles of his books, I can tell that Tingle is an ass-blasted "muh Russia" leftie
Matthew Sanders
Aiden Roberts
I felt pretty good for an hour or so
Kevin Hernandez
Hunter Russell
>anyone know the font Tingle uses? I use this when I shop because I'm font illiterate
Wyatt Mitchell
go back to r*ddit
Eli Torres
That's literally what accelerationists advocate for. It's just a pre-built coping mechanism for losing.
Benjamin Williams
Nolan Long
Landon Turner
Hi andy
Henry Ramirez
Oliver Bell
I have yet to see an argument made.
Brody Nelson
>fedoras in charge of thoughts Alt-right is dead in the water. Literally. Either you're Christian or you're a non-breeding spergy cuck.
Elijah Cox
Stop speaking in memes, soyboy.
Isaac Price
>Mark 'Controlled Opposition' Collett
He may talk some sense but do not trust him.
Jose Jenkins
>Swedebro could be lurking this thread as we speak
Religion is an outdated model of social control from when we lived as monkeys in caves. The last stone of the last church will fall on the head of the last priest, and only then will the age of enlightenment come.
Bentley Perez
Official waifu tier of /IBS/
Leo Gomez
Good goyim.
Julian Hill
Ryan Johnson
Isaiah Cruz
State religion is still religion, you kike.
Daniel Hughes
Grayson Nguyen
>refusing to accept the results of a fair election
Found a good font (D Hanna Soft Free Regular) and a decent book cover to emulate. Since Tingle's source images are so fucking low resolution, I might have to replicate it from scratch. Current thoughts are: "Pounded in the butt by my constantly changing thoughts on the ongoing mystery of Lawrence Fishburne's race"
Carson Sullivan
>satsuki >trash kindly delete this
Isaiah Perry
>literal babby Go back to cripplchan and suck off the mods there, cuck.
Gabriel Diaz
John Taylor
I would love to see a 2018 Collett/Brand documentary
Xavier Evans
You should try taking some Super Male Vitality so you start puberty. Maybe try smoking to change your soyvoice if that doesn't work.
Jaxson Thompson
>everyone i don't like is some person on youtube If we're going to play that game, then you're Smiley.
Gabriel Hernandez
Sebastian Jackson
>soyboy cuck gets shit on by JF >/IBS/ is miraculously raided by a soyboy cuck the next day
Joshua Gonzalez
>jew engineered roastie slut becoming the mascot
The ironing
Owen Long
My wifes dinosaur is playing le based Czech anti-ess jay dubelyew game
>literally doesn't breed at all You are the soyboy, lad.
Eli Rogers
Stop talking in memes, soyboy.
Hudson Adams
Found your girlfriend, lad.
Kevin Garcia
But Ichigo to okay tier to make the 02 fags cry.
Jayden Scott
>But PUT
Hudson Roberts
John Walker
I'm not a member of the "we are one race, the human race" cult.
Luis Harris
>thread detailed by christian vs athiest warring again
Camden Martin
You're the member of the Nonbreeding Left.
Nathaniel Reyes
I'll stop replying to him. This Joy girl looks qt.
Ryan Gray
Zachary Williams
Luis Moore
Joshua Fisher
Nathan Hernandez
Ryder Rogers
Ethan Sullivan
>This amount of cope
Austin Gonzalez
Easton Wright
this. athiest are an invading power
Christopher Lee
Kevin Roberts
Is it true that JF is an edgy atheist? If so I'm going to have to find the .txt with all the copypastas from when we had the autistic threads on religion every day.
Nathan Williams
>This Joy girl looks qt Hope you also like the sound of her voice, cause we're gonna get a lot of it
I thought Jim and that fat soyboy were coming on. I'm pretty sure Andy said they were both down.
Leo Williams
Gavin Torres
She deserves at least some love, she has been through enough suffering already.
Carson Rivera
This is a no lewd thread.
John Peterson
This fucking bitch, I can't stand her voice, Kumite is dead for me today. Sorry user, the norway user just ruined her for me Sure, but just because you create some of the threads user Fake news
Joshua Long
Asher Rogers
*rapes ur future's asshole*
Carson Adams
Ryder Carter
>Heresy But Eris is literally the True and benevolent Goddess of the world they are in.