>pic def related
ITT: Politicians who have never let you down
Not a politician but he always rise up to the occasion.
>tfw Ron Paul once said that we should militarize the American-Mexican border over fighting wars in the Middle East
Goddamn right we should. I mean this unironically. He said this during the '08 election cycle during a debate in AZ, where I live. You don't understand how true those words are to me.
Ron Paul memes will outlast Trump on this board by a long shot. We should have listened.
Fuck you. I don't care that Rand wasn't his father. He was the right choice, not Trump. Whether you want to admit it or not, there was a serious shill campaign to push Trump in the Paul crowd, and it was magnified by the fact that Trump often said outlandish things during the campaign.
Don't get me wrong, he was better than Jeb, Clinton, Cruz, Rubio, Sanders and Kasich. But I have a hard time believing that the "Paulbots" went to Trump and just completely ignored Rand.
rand dropped out pretty early in the primaries due to the kentucky law prohibiting running for multiple offices. paul preserved his senate seat when he saw he wasnt going to get there. most of us only had a choice between cruz and trump and that was for a limited timeframe as well.
The hero we needed but didn't deserve
On that note, how the fuck can you post both GWB and Ron Paul?
i dont think we would have had trump without paul, tea party movement laying alot of the groundwork in the previous decade, you can't discount how many people broke the conditioning from rons campaigns
Paul was the last attempt for white people to find some sort of peaceful solution with non-whites. But they turned him down or simply didn't care.
Non-whites are not interested in a meritocratic state.
the gw was just a joke
Barry Goldwater. RIP.
My online murican friends told me they never had heard of the guy during the election. Low coverage I think, not using the internet to full potential. Another time, another place.