What are your guy's thoughts on the modern day IRA
What are your guy's thoughts on the modern day IRA
The IRA did nothing wrong
They need to focus less on hating Brits and more on spreading Irish pride. They've been involved with some commies, and muzzies just because they don't like Britain too.
Britain still occupies northern ireland though
>Britain occupies Britain
And to fix this focus on Irish Pride.
>We're not British, we're not Saxon, we're not English. We're Irish and proud we are to be.
Once they start a movement focused on pride rather than hate the English might actually lose that grip on the 5 counties. Instead they're choosing to work with what we could consider people lesser than the dregs of society.
Northern Ireland isn't part of Britain idiot
Well said lad.
I know ex ira fighters who left Ireland and gave up full blown black pilled dudes because of the communists the couldn't take it,
the loved Ireland to much to be involved with what happened and what will happen again and again
The I.R.A started with a legitimate cause, but it's now just "me cousin shamus got kneecapped by ya second cousin Patrick in 1989 so I'm going to shoot your dag so I am".
>What are your guy's thoughts on the modern day IRA
A bunch of cucks crying in the closet too afraid to even look at a gun while a big bulldog fucks his wife and daughters.
being Irish is a burden
The IRA are terrorists with English blood on their hands. I had respect for the average Irish person before you stabbed us in the back for the EU
I prefer the old
All irish republicans are communists
All irish are left-wing scum
They're running on empty
Irish scum not welcome on Cred Forums
>what is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Literally only people who support the IRA are Americans.
>did nothing wrong
Except murder children. Dealing drugs. Being literal marxists. Supporting the ANC. Receiving money and guns from every communist regime in Europe. Robbing banks. Etc
Says the literal birthplace of communism. Wanker.
>Red army soldier
That was Germany.
Bunch of larpers supported by plastic paddies in America because MUH HERITAGE.
In other words, they're fucking nobodies.
the early 1900s pics of fortified police stations covered in dirt to prevent molotovs and covered in cages is nuts.
We're not commies anymore. We learn the hard way. You irish dogs never learn.
>Potato nigger intelligence
Ya living up to your stereotype, Paddy.
I see there are still plenty of filthy rat kikes in Russia then.
>b-but we are right wing now, muh based Israel
Fuck off shlomo
Did meme flag say something?
Irish scum on suicide watch
Uh isn’t Putins largest opposition party the literal Communist Party?
Why? There is nothing wrong with being socialists
You do realized that's the guy who tries food photoshopped onto someone, right?
Reviewbrah, your new video is very interesting. Thank you.
His name is reviewbrah. Show some respect
I see your yet another well educated Cred Forumstard that thinks sinn fein are the government.
Sorry. Blanked on it. At least I recognized him.
They are in the North
How many of us have you killed off through famine and psi op religious feuds. Yeah fuck off and enjoy the caliphate.
Ok Aquafresh. But It's the brits that have always been left wing.
Did we get your mummy and daddy or something. Kek.
Why lie Aquafresh. Everyone knows you've supported every country against freedom and communism since the beginning.
You cannot take truth paddy. Most of Europe hate you with a vengeance. Useless anglos could have exterminated your filthy kind but failed like always. Maybe they take pity for you because you are so pathetic and weak
North isn’t under the Irish flag and the only reason they are a joint power sharing government there is because they were the only opposition to British rule. They could just have easily had been far right.
Modern day? Drug dealers, smugglers, protection racketeers etc. Why give up all those lucrative fundraising ventures just because the fighting stopped?
Choke on a potato ya mick bastard. Ulster will always be British. I'll bash a couple of ye taig bastards.
No surrender.
>that flag
>that post
How are leaf posters not instantly banned yet? I'd even accept replacing them with ad bots.
>North isn’t under the Irish flag
>Brits that are left-wing
Most of Europe hates haha, you dumb Slavic KIKE cunt. Remember that next time your in the local Irish pub faggot.
Northern Ireland literally isn't British and even then 1/3 of Ulster is in the republic of Ireland
I see organized Jewry strikes againSuch huge hardons for such a small irrelevant country such as Ireland...honestly makes ya think.
Who the fuck is this guy why do i keep seeing him everywhere
>just have easily had been far right
Lying potato nigger. Republican movement has been far left since early times
It will be another troubles if the taig bastards think Ulster will ever be part of thr Irish republic.
I'll bash every taig bastard I see.
No surrender.
Fuck the IRA and fuck Ireland.
>Modern day IRA
LARPing pseudo-antifa. Unironically globalist.
started out legit, turned into mobsters and drugdealers who have no legitimacy anymore
Why are you even in this thread bitch lasagna. What the fuck.
I'm not a leaf. I'm still exiled from my real country thanks to you teafaggots. Where's my reparations. Why are you holding on to Ireland anyway you gave everything else back.
Ye can choke on a potato you filthy mick bastards.
They need to go full 1488 because dublin is getting blacked right now. I've got a lot of respect for freedom fighters, I hate the fucking freemasons and the kikes ( City of London) and the IRA has to put a fucking stop to it.
>local Irish pub
What. I have never seen a irish pub. Not in Russia or Finland or Baltic lands. Not even in Germany or Hungary. Is this what irish rat culture is? Drinking and bars? Kek
okay WHAT THE FUCK this is fake right? If not, this is worse than the mexican being flayed alive, absolutely disgusting
You seem to have the typical intelligence of a loyalist
Good. Wipe them out
IRA were nationalists
Fighting imperialist Britain.
The left wing politics came about due to being the underdog in the fight. Incase your not quite as retarded as you appear. ALL left wing paramilitary groups originate from being OPRESSED by a LARGER better armed force. You do not get POOR right wing paramilitaries.
Fuck I hope America glasses you fuckers.
Literally noone Fucking likes you Russia.
Says the most vodka drenched kicked country in history
Moon niggas know it all.
You're so Irish that you should give me some money because the queens oppressing me and Britain occupies Ireland (Ireland is Britain you absolute clowns).
Oh Lordy. Come over and bring money my Irish cousins, we are family so we are (the more you give me the more irisher you are).
But you still lost in the end m8.. The EU got you and now you're going to be blacked via the kalergi-coudenhove plan.
Literally what did he mean by this
>You do not get POOR right wing paramilitaries
What of the right wing paramilitaries of Latin America? Or the UVF? Or the right wing anti communists of Italy? Fucking retard irish dog
>left wing politics came about due to being the underdog in the fight
Of course. Kek.
Pretty much. At least we aware the last cuntreee in Western Europe to fall...
>we may well be the first to rise too
A shadow of their former selves, this isnt saying much really though. Typical half whits whining and throwing a tantrum because they realised they were useless wastes of space that couldn't even farm potatoes.
Nobody likes commies
>What of the right wing paramilitaries of Latin America?
They had plenty of funding from the CIA
>Or the UVF?
Colluded with the British state and Northern Irish police
Better than a communist bog nigger cunt like you.
At least my fellow countrymen had the brains not rely on one crop :^)
Wanna hear a joke? How do you win over an Irish lass' heart? ye bribe her pop with bottle of whiskey!
Dumb 2 digit iq subhuman orange haired retards.
We're not family. Your a anglo. We're celtic. Entirely different races. What about the money you stole from the Irish when you over taxed us and stole land. I mean giving back our six counties could go a long way
UVF were in cahoots with Britain your fucking drunken cunt. The right wing South Americans were funded and armed by the governments too you thick fucking subhuman.
>Stalin succeeded with the human chimp hybrid afterall
Still poor paramilitaries
Nope, literally funded and supported by America and Britain respectively
If they are funded and armed by the state, they are an extension of the state. OK humanzee.
>were in cahoots with Britain
Of course. Then I wonder why brits put so many of them in prisons. Salty bitch irish.
I legitimately hate the Irish and everything about them.
Kinda like how it's just part and parcel when Ahmed takes over and kills your royal family? I guess your just wastes of space that couldn't breed and couldn't fight off Muslim's.
>a few decades of vicious but ineffective terrorism
>turn in to commies
10/10 nationalist movement
You really are thick.
Is is well know Britain’s security services aided the loyalist paramilitaries. It’s been proven and documented enough.
Like IRA was funded and armed by republic of ireland government in early days? Support from Libya and USSR and DDR. Money from americunts. You crying fucking bitch
>t.el goblino nonwhite monster jealous of irishmen
>based Israel
I don’t take the opinions of people with mutilated dicks seriously.
>Those murdered were all victims of the UVF
Police colluded with loyalists behind over a dozen murders in north Belfast, a report by the Police Ombudsman of Northern Ireland has confirmed.
Nuala O'Loan's report said UVF members in the area committed murders and other serious crimes while working as informers for Special Branch.
I know more about this than you Ivan
Of course you are Irish. Only irish pussy takes the commie meme flag. Kys
>Britain aided pro-British groups
I for one, am outraged.
Nigger army.
> when you’re irish
How is Chinada today?
Britain is a geographical group of islands. Ireland is Britain.
Your expertise amuses me.
Because you know so much and your opinions (backed by your obvious boundless knowledge and first hand experience in being totally 1/64th Irish) are an education to us all here.
Hate them too. My birth mom was Irish, born in Galway, she threw me in dumpster after giving birth to me in a stall.
Then I lived in an area where half of the people were from Ireland or were second generation and I find everything about them to be disgusting, cowards and loudmouths, sluts and coalburners pro immigration brainwashed by Democrats and the papacy.
Then the slut the tried killing me at birth tried coming back into my life after 24 years after she seen me eating at a restaurant with friends.
Yes Nigel. This is so terrible. How can this happen. It is almost like British army and Ulster men had a common enemy
The IRA purchased weapons from Germany during WW1
How is Nigeria today?
>implying I think about it
>mum tried to kys me
She didn’t try hard enough mutt,
> Ireland is Britain.
It's not.
> hand experience in being totally 1/64th Irish
I'm Irish
Atleast he doesn't live under an actual dictatorship faggot
Irish red scum
>modern day IRA
here have another
I know she must be a bad Irish women. I know about those mass orphan Graves they find in Ireland were the church just dumped babies into sewers and septic tanks
Left-wing dogs deserve a bullet
Wait.. Theres a vid of a mexican getting flayed?
Pls post said vid.
Don't worry Ivan. I don't think they will ever get their precious 32 county socialist republic
what I.R.A? the provos destroyed all there weapons in 2005 as part of the g.f.a, im unhappy about partition but im glad the troubles are over, im glad that the paramilitaries are mostly gone, Im glad that you're unlikely to get your legs blown off going to buy a loaf of bread. power sharing devolved government is a pain in the arse, especially with the DUP who are complete fuckwits but its better than bombs and bullets. anyone who argues different is a moron
>The absolute state of loyalist murals
Potato nigger genocide when
That is good artwork. Are many paintings like that still in Northern ireland?
This is better Paddy dog?
It unironically is better, yes
And here’s your (You)
Yeah. I really like them.
Say what you like about socialism in Ireland..but I’ve yet to see anything on this scale or retardation.
Ok You Russian clown.
>if the IRA were Russian
The absolute state of loyalists
That one is not so good. It looks really old
You are all red filth irish sheep fucker
the republicans are the ones complaining about how racist the loyalists are.
Literally remove the kebab
Go back to pretending to be an American and shilling for Trump
>sheep fucker
How stupid are you russians that's a brit or welsh thing.
I don’t agree with Irish leftists, but at least they have a political ideology I can logically argue against
>v Russian leftists
We need a "Nartional Republican Army" (NRA).
When can this happen you lazy fucks.
President Andrew Jackson mural in Belfast.
Red fag kys
I have found that kikes who proxy shill never seem to know anything even about their alledgedly own county
>Russian shill didn’t know there were irish meme pubs in Russia
>Andrew Jackson
His parents left this house in Carrickfergus a year before he was born in the US.
what the hell do you mean?
Fuck you refugee lover. Start buying the niqab for your future daughter.
FAP needs to learn some respect
I found one on Wikipedia. It's very good I think
No, Britain refers to Great Britain, which is the island that includes England, Scotland, and Wales. Ireland is an island separate from Great Britain.
Sinn fein is unbearably liberal. The old school ira lads are totally different then this fag generation.
thanks pal
Modern day IRA are crypto commies and drug dealers. They have been since the provos and PIRA/RIRA. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a plastic paddy or drunkard potatonigger.
Get your own house in order cock sucker
the IRA died with Michael Collins.
You know that Russia is a lot bigger compared to your shit hole little country. If are Irish bars in Russia I have never seen them
Whites have twelve thousand years of warfare in their blood.
IRA built guns from scrap car parts which proves gun control wont work.
We have lathes and mills. We can extrude brass and make gun powder from shit.
I am irish but hate the IRA all they are now are good for nothing commies who cant let a grudge go i dont like the way britain is in our country but it dosent effect me so i stay out of it. I would join up with the british in a heart beat to fight the common enemy of all terrorists,commies and anyone who tries to fuck with freedom.
I remember there used to be a whole load of Iron Maiden murals in Belfast. Some still there.
A lot of violent murals are painted over with more cultural artworks now, as part of the peace process.
they werent marxist or sjw in the times of the troubles. nice try anglo-brainwashed slavlet
Irish are red scum
I may not agree with Collins vision, but I can at least respect him unlike the Boston MUH HERITAGE cunts and useless crackheads who supported the "IRA" after him. Thanks, burger.
hahaha rekt by paddy
The loyalist paramilitaries are drug dealing scumbags too, didn’t you know?
I'm not even sure why we're still there. I'd happily hand over the North and save the £12bn a year we piss away subsidising a bunch of drunken bogtrotters to throw petrol bombs at each other.
The Somme murals and memorials around Belfast are some of the best.
I like this one. Intimidating
You are a fucking lier
Irish republicanism proves just how retarded the bog-trotters actually are: fight and die to gain independence just to hand it over to the EU to invest Dublin with niggers.
Yes let's hand over our own people to the Irish because they cost money.
And that excuses the provos for acting like niggers how?
>"stop pretending"
>meme flag
Stop crying because you got rekt by a paddy. kek. that fucking silence after that other irish guy.
>a brit is literally trying to say that the uk didnt hand itself over to the EU and invest every city with niggers
My people are the English, not a bunch of bog brained murphies who even the Scots didn't want.
It’s called subversion lad..
>”once we had an Empire now we’ve got a slum”
>Britain’s most right wing band screwdriver
>20+ years ago
Let that sink in idiot.
We're okay. I wish we could be more useful but right now were just kind of waiting until were needed. We should of helped libya too..
Hold on, so if I point out both sides are scum bag drug dealing gangsters...you only see it is a republican issue?
>cognitive dissonance is supposed to be a woman’s issue.
It's part of the British Isles and a quarter of the United Kingdom
vete a la mierda, criatura
The ir*Ish are dastardly subhumans, they act like negroes and have lived next to the most succesful country on earth for thousands of years yet accomplished nothing
God bless the U.V.F and God Bless Ulster!
You irish are a disease. You shit on everything then you claim victory
British isles is not Britain, no more than the Americas are all USA
God bless Jackie Chan the absolute state of loyalists
Does he sound like a Rusky to you?
>mfw jackie chan literally starred in a movie showing irish are subhuman terrorists
based chink
Shut up and fuck off
Charles Harding Smith and Andy Tyrie aren't leaders of major political parties.
Now is when they should be getting DNA tests and proving that the Ulstermen are their brothers. They should be uniting against the brown-communism coming from the Jewish UK and EU.
Any Irish answer me this?
What was it like if you wanted to just do your own thing, and you didn't give a fuck about Protestants or Catholics or whoever?
Was it possible to just do your own thing, or was 'picking a side' entrenched in literally everything?
Just because our potatoes are better than yours. Plus we never shit all over Russia so explain how Bolshevik kikes took over your entire cuntreee and helped kill millions of your own people.
>Britain ruled Ireland
At least the Brits weren’t our own fucking people.
Die irish filth
Don't be that way friend. They're not real ira, not at all. How could a real non-subverted cell of ira, support marxist ideologies, when the history of our movement is littered with the expulsion of said stooges. Impossible. They simply don't know the history and are being misled somewhere along the line, by a brit or a traitor of some sort.
Pretty much. In the North pretty much all schools were and still are segregated by religion. Add to this that most people grow up in either Catholic or Protestant areas means there isn't a lot of mixing.
A lot of people just grow up seeing the other side as not human basically. Though it's improving slowly
>At least the Brits weren’t our own
I can say the same thing about the jew
Hilariously plastic.
Probably because they are too thick. Face it, most loyalists brains were rotted years ago from all that glue sniffing. And I’m no fan of Adams either but
he clearly has drive and intelligence like it or not.
What's your obsession with Ireland faggot
Sure you can...seeing as “the Jew” was born to generations of Jews in Russia...making them RUSSIAN. So Russian, that they isralies let in non Jewish Russians because they couldn’t tell the difference
Moral compass.
Drive and intelligence doesn't make him less of a piece of human garbage who deserves to be locked in a waste compactor with the rest of the paramilitary fucks.
You're a bitter Mick/Leaf hybrid!
Those two brain cells must be in overdrive!
The Anglo/Celtic gene is intrinsically entangled and that both people in mainland Britain or Ireland are genetically very similar.
Gutted Sheamus?
Nah he was clearly cucked by an Irishman
Bunch of gay teen larpers.
>what is punctuation and the letter "y"
Jesus, lad.
look at what your flag did... how do you identify with your flag with out guilt?
Tuesday, 16 July 1918 passed normally for the former imperial family. At four o'clock in the afternoon, Nicholas and his daughters took their usual walk in the small garden. Early in the evening Yurovsky sent away the fifteen-year-old kitchen boy Leonid Sedinev, saying that his uncle wished to see him. At 7 p.m., Yurovsky summoned all the Cheka men into his room and ordered them to collect all the revolvers from the outside guards. With twelve heavy military revolvers lying before him on the table he said, "Tonight, we shoot the entire family, everybody." Upstairs Nicholas and Alexandra passed the evening playing bezique; at ten thirty, they went to bed
Ireland has fewer sandniggers than Bongistan
I have no obsession. Every one hates the commie irish
Each time you type you type lies. Typical irish monkeys
>what is the end justifying the means
It’s a JIDF thread. All Irish hate threads are. The kikes have a massive hardon for us. There is no logical explanation for the anger directed towards what is pretty much a non country. Then when you look at who the most homogeneous country in Western Europe is..and which is the last countriy in Europe to ban abortion etc etc..it starts to add up.
True..including loyalist paramilitary fucks. Am I right?
Sucking antifa cock again mutt? Disgusting
The english prerty much deserve nothing less than to be wiped off the face of the earth for what they did to the irish and scots you dumb tea drinking queer.
I think the leadership in sinn fien lost sight in their goals along time ago. I believe that the spirit of freedom and sovereignty for Ireland is alive, even if that spirit no longer lives in Ireland. Our old champions over many years became ignorant and short sighted, but many of the would be volunteers are more intelligent and capable than ever. Make Ira great again.
We did nothing to the Scots. They are our brothers.
>What was it like if you wanted to just do your own thing, and you didn't give a fuck about Protestants or Catholics or whoever?
There was plenty of people who just did their own thing, but it was very hard to do that in poor areas. Sectarianism was far too engrained in poor areas from baby to grave.
One of my fave photos from the time.
Building going up on Falls road
Good food reviews though
Nice photo that one.
You're british. Of course you want to label and defame me. Of course you want to use a term that causes a rift between ira and their foreign supporters. And to top it all off, I never said I was irish, just an ira supporter. What do you call me now? A potato flavored Norwegian? Get fucked, every group of people has the right to defend their own country. Are you really going to defend the british empire? The same british empire that was the first empire in the world to outlaw slavery? You fucking cucks.
>every group of people has the right to defend their own country
Yes the Ulstermen have a right to defend themselves.
I didn't know ReviewBrah took part in the Battle of Sevastopol
I knew the Portuguese would back us up. Mick's on his deathbed now.
Jesus, sort out your fucking grammar, lad.
Hey fuck you Nigel I must be invisible.
kek. Have a cool ANGLO picture.
Thats an interesting point you made. In the same way israel has a right to defend themselves too. In an upside down looney toons bbc style subversion way. (which is to say that its not morally dependable without a massive disinformation campaign or openly declaring genocide on Palestinians to the world. The irish have been in ireland since its inception obviously. Its not like they're defending a colony, thats their one and only place. The british has (had) dozens of colonies. How'd you guys fuck that up, charlie?
Sorry mate. Have a pic about how you killed the injuns of Siberia.
defendable, not dependable*
Ain't that the glorious blue shirts? They fought for independence but later fought against the so called ira after the free state and treaty was agreed upon. Or am I wrong. Based blue shirt lads anyway.
You really think you're getting an unbiased or even slightly honest opinion on the ira from a brit or were you already biased yourself? I just want to know so I know so that I can know whether its worth debating with you or not.
Kek. We like genocide
the only thing they did wrong was not killing every single beedy eyed angloid they could
You think you're unbiased, being a plastic and all?
Drug dealing Marxists that are only supported by unusually stupid burgers.
No I'm not plastic. There is no such thing bbc.
And yes of course I'm biased. I never said I wasn't, I was just pointing out that brits are extremely dishonest when it comes to the ira. This is their (your) one and only winning tactic against the ira. Will you show honor and good will by meeting me halfway and agree that you are also biased?
I'm just gonna go ahead and leave this here
>Representative Joseph P. Kennedy 2d, Democrat of Massachusetts, and several other colleagues boycotted the monarch's speech to Congress, "in protest to the British occupation in northern Ireland," Mr. Kennedy said. Across the street from the Capitol, two dozen Irish-Americans opposed to the British occupation of Northern Ireland also protested the Queen's visit.
>Representative Gus Savage, Democrat of Illinois, along with the Rev. Al Sharpton, the civil rights advocate from Brooklyn, urged blacks to stay away because of Britain's decision to lift sanctions against South Africa and because of what they called growing racial tensions in England.
When did I imply I was unbiased? I have a tremendous bias as my people live in Ulster
Young American Nationalists Need to Create The NRA (NATIONAL REPUBLICAN ARMY)
It sounds legit, can't Be called RAYYCISS, and it'd be a combination of militias nationwide. We Need This Asap. Gov is gaining to much control under the guise that it's infighting. This would scare Libs and The Gov. If all militias United under One Nationalist Flag. THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN ARMY.
>dishonest when it comes to the ira.
You are denying that the IRA killed children.? That they are reds with link to the ANC, PLO, FARC, Cuba and others. Stupid mutt
Then get started on those pakis please.
BTW I supported the White army.
sometimes ya gotta do what yah gotta do. BLYAT BLYAT BOOP BEEP.
>Then get started on those pakis please
And you to. If we will glass Grozny will you carpet bomb Ireland?
>>Always someone willing to call the people standing up to their government "Commies".
Was George Washington a "Commie" for dissenting against the NIGGER LIZARD British
# But corporals and privates, while on patrol at night
Say 'Remember Narrowater and the Bloody Armalite' #
All I see here at Cred Forums is every time someone brings up a group that has stood up to a tyrannical ir just plain shitty group of faggots, they get demonized. Every. Fuckin. Time.
You never implied that. Its just that noone ever mentions that. I think people forget to look at the flags in these threads sometimes. It's my opinion that people need to be reminded of that its rare if not impossible to get honestly from a group of people whose victory depends solely on dishonesty like yours does. There are many truths you want to hide and obscure, meanwhile there is alot of history and stories of courage that I want to illuminate.
Did Washington carry red flag to?
Your little Federation is where the Kike "Bloc" commie shit started to begin with. Literally was born there
>There are many truths you want to hide and obscure
I could say the same of you.
Necessary fucking reminder:
Only Scottish, English, Welsh or Ulster Protestants are actually white.
The Catholic Irish are a subhuman mongrel spic-like breed who should be shot dead on sight.
Bobby Sands got buried in a pencil case and Bloody Sunday was funny as fuck.
> Massajewsetts
>two dozen Irish-Americans
>Two dozen
two dozen Americans opposed the Queens visit
I don't know. I feel for the Irish, we did fuck them over when they had the 'tato famine, but I can't tolerate the murder of my countrymen either. And they've got a Paki prime minister haven't they? We should just gas a few then call it even.
Also, all the foreigners go to Ireland and sneak into England, Any Irish living in England can vote in our elections but we can't in theirs. It's really biased and it's infuriating. Like how the Scottish let EU citizens go to Scottish universities for free but make the English pay.....
It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.
The ruski is just salty that the only thing lower than his sub 60 IQ is his average life expectancy
"Blac Bloc" Anarchists back in the day used to have the right idea. But nowadays instead of breaking Starbucks windows, they enjoy the soy lattes. George Washington was Honorable. Maybe he broke away from British Lizard People control for a little while but by WW1 we def got RE-Cucked by the British. America I believe is still controlled by The Bongs
>Literally was born there
Wrong. Try again
So enlighten me as to who started all the "BLOC" shit? The term "Bloc" is used by Putin all the time
Of course I'm not. God bless those children, I'm so sorry. The brits saw that coming though. Not only could of they avoided it a thousand times over before it was too late, they set these actions into play. Read stakeknife, the british secret service had their men in the ira order and sometimes solely carry out those attacks
Cry moar potato man
Go home mick, ya traitor. Go and suck Leprechaun dick if you like the Irish so much. Get out of my country.
>Anarchists back in the day used to have the right idea
Irish confirmed
Putin, "Western Bloc"=North America.
They're literally just drug dealers. They don't give a fuck about Ireland, they just hate the Brits because the police keep arresting their street vendors.
Wtf are you talking about
Kek, K Vlad
I'm talking about your fearless leader using the term "Bloc" and how commie movements out of your country adopted that word/phrase and applied it to there little Anarchist bullshit. "BLAC BLOC" BLYAT BLYAT
You know the bbc still continues a massive disinformation campaign on the ira right? Are you claiming that lets say less than 100,000 ira supporters are more effective at info wars than the bbc? Because if you're not, then chill out, you've still got the upperhand.
>two dozen Americans opposed the Queens visit
you mentioned plastic
I'm surprised at how many brainlets can't see how a lot of these movements were COMPLETELY justified when they were conceived, since then , they've been demonized by media and Governments around the world, to discourage/scare people from ever trying to organize a violent resistance to any government
I'm surprised how many americunts shill for actual fucking communists
Are you denying the Irish kids that were killed in bloody sunday.
Suuuurrre. So William Wallace just slept with your French queen and got killed for nothing. The rape of the scots magically never happened right?
That's not what my 23&me said.
Braveheart isn't real.
nice larp faggot
Goddamn Italians...
Yes they should be firebombed
Michael Collins, Eamon de Valera, Arthur Griffith, and Patrick Pearse all hated communists. Jesus Christ, I see why Russia has higher AIDS rates than the rest of Europe
Irish are terrorist cucks. Mangling white children while getting their girls fucked by niggers. That's what IRA and Irish are all about
What would you do if former ira fighters conquered the globalists and subsequently set the world free? Would you see then that not all ira are marxists? I believe that you keep pushing that point because its an easy way to defame. communism is wrong, sorry if that offends you ivan.
Braveheart wasn't a fucking documentary lol.
*Blocks your Irish Nationalism*
I'm half irish half nigger can I fuck Irish girls and getting paid by sein fenn? If not why not after irishmen struggling to achieve so?
Ireland is the new Wakanda london the new Islamabad
Actually has less commies then the 70ies so I'm more positive.
you dumb paddy that was Germany and Britain
>new Wakanda
>implying there has ever been an old Wakanda
Nigger logic
Thats fucking disgusting. Clearly you made that. I say good job, that was clever.
The image is pretty old but the guy there is real. Yes, Sinn Fein - the alleged Irish Nationalist party - has an African as one of their local councillors. He even made a speech about “New Irish”.
Irish are full blown communist. Fuck those commie fucks
Do you hate the ira? Then this question is for you.
What would you do if former ira fighters conquered the globalists and subsequently set the world free? How would you feel then? Does your hatred for the irish supersede your want to be free from tyranny?
And also, what would you prefer? Would you want that?
and also
There right wing and currently kill most drug dealers after two warnings
Cromwell did nothing wrong
I disagree and youre avoiding my question.
>There right wing
You're embarrassing yourself
I quite like the IRA
Random mural proves point?
Too many marxists who have fallen for the “if it’s not Anglo it’s ok” meme
The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy; no more and no less
If they purge that bullshit then they are alright in my book
Marxist scum
There aren't any marxist loyalist murals.
Best ally as always.
and see
Plastic paddy wanker
Back at you user; now idl you think there is anyway to force America to stop negatively influencing your culture like it has been doing? Because watching Irish lads fall for nigger hip hop and other cancer like that is pretty sad to watch
I was being sarcastic. I'm not Irish.
>If they purge that bullshit then they are alright in my book
they'll still be irish
Be a bit hypocritical for me to shit on the Irish when I am genetically Irish, no?
Irish pubs are shit tier, god I wish their weren't so many. My fave pubs are always old pool bars, British style. Names always seem to have "Royal" in them.
Morbidly obese, meth addicted, 56% white, consumer bots don't do sarcasm
This will go over their Fenian loving heads. Dumb mutts.
my grandmother was irish
most of that side of my family is worthless scum
liars, drunks, thieves, backstabbers, idiots, you name it
the irish are disgusting pieces of filth
being part irish actually is all the more reason to be aware of it
Any other Irish catholic nationalists in NI want to vote for a unionist party because their hatred for EU, niggers and pakis is stronger than for the Brits? Just me? It’s sad that all Irish nationalist parties are left-wing pro-immigration shite.
Yeah my family is half Irish, but they were mostly unionist and proddys like the Scottish side of my family.
Maybe you could be a British nationalist instead.
Kek, reminds me how my great grandmother always ranted about how the Boston Irish were the niggers of the American Irish community