>Obvious carpet muncher is pro-gun control
What a surprise!
Obvious carpet muncher is pro-gun control
>Emma gonzalez
She should definitely go back
> I need a rifle cause my weiner is small
>Here's your script
>Practice it
The did a full court press on this shooting, and when it has no affect, I wonder what will be the next "happening" that they bandwagon on?
Nonwhites and homosexuals are not and never will be American.
You "people" are too easy.
So young, but the Jew/Homosexual/Deviant mafia controlling the Media and Public Schools already got in her head.
how much for a bag of coke and a hooker in asuncion?
Awesome. He went down like a shit colored house of cards.
Leftists don't think ahead. Let's ban all guns. Forced confiscation. Buy back program. Do you really think they'd be able to get enough guns to make a difference? Fuck no. There's more guns than people in the US. We wouldn't see benefits from a gun ban for years, if not decades.
>Look at this girl cry. Now give up your guns
How many times will they try this, and fail?
Another Gonzalez trying to change our laws.
>Circles round the girl to draw his gun
That was smooth as fuck.
Liberals believe people shouldn't die because of stolen money or property. They believe things can be replaced while people cannot. Frankly, I'm not interested in preserving a person who will walk up to someone and rob them, so by all means blow them the fuck away like this guy did.
>I need the government to protect me
imagine having a weak mentality
I assume they will go full-cuck with these staged hoax events for the full Trump term (3 or 7 more years) then re-vamp up the gun control legislation under future president Nasheed.
>Those sausage fingers
Nigga that's a man
>Liberals believe people shouldn't die because of stolen money or property.
Liberals don't actually hold any convictions or beliefs. Their life is one long virtue signal.
this is amazing. gonna need sauce
here you go user
The better question is, why in these "shootings" why, in a country with over 50% voting for keeping guns, why are the 'victims' and 'victims families' reliably 100% Libtard, and why are they so handy with sophisticated, crafted anti-gun language?
>This keeps happening!!
>Why don't we finally do something!!
>It's time to do something not just thoughts and prayers!!
As if these retarded transgenders and super-jew families actually give a fuck about rednecks guns one way or the other. Every Latino in florida has more illegal guns than the conservative whites. never hear anybody complain about that.
>Liberals believe people shouldn't die because of stolen money or property. They believe things can be replaced while people cannot.
Not necessarily. Liberals are detached from what it means to be a person in a way that conservatives really cannot comprehend. They are psychopathic in a sense that really only rivals a that of a jew or a woman. In a very real sense, their immediate emotions are the center of the universe and they themselves are the only REAL person within said universe.
To a true believer of the leftist cause, people are commodities to be traded on the dopamine market. They are not sentient beings comparable to themselves, but instead they are more or less NPCs in the video game that is their life.
This is why they can simultaneously agree that straight white men should be exterminated, blacks should be able to get away with murder, and ripping fetuses from their own wombs is morally acceptable. To a true believer, these things are simply tools to achieve a goal, and the social equation that gets to this goal, the very same goal that almost all other people wish to reach, is just so radically different from days past. In fact it is so different that in order to actually propagate it, you must be exposed to a constant onslaught of propaganda at all times otherwise your loyalty to the cause will begin to wane as sanity slowly seeps back into your higher thinking from the wretched depths of your reptilian brain.
Liberals are psychopaths. That's all there is to it.
That’s assuming there’s a United States left after that’s attempted.
I don't think that was the case in Las Vegas.
Yeah, let's take guns away from those who follow the rules. That will solve all gun violence.
1.300.000Gs if good hooker and good coke which is about $234
Putting her up as a mouthpiece was a bad idea. The average American knows just from that haircut that she's a total cunt.
fuck that confused carpet munching cunt.
that's not as good as thought it was going to be but still ok
> lesbo democrat
> trump! only your govt employees should have guns!!
Vegas was a non-traditional staged government event, in that it happened on camera. Very non-typical for this kind of Federal mind-control operation.
Sandy Hoax, and Pulse nightclub (non) shootings the 'victims' families, were 100% rabid Liberals and gun-control activists. This alone should prove the events are crafted theater of the mind.
If we are to believe these events are even real, the 'victims' are 100% rabid screaming Liberals, so we should support the shootings and pray for more.
How fucking pathetic is your nation when traumatized teens are actually considered viable political voices. America you reach new lows every day.
> only hitler's men should have guns!!
> ordinary people shouldn't!!! muh children muh lesbos!!
its pandering by the retarded left.
They had their chance, and blew their wad on their own faces.
>>Emma gonzalez
But the lezbo Hispanic says nothing about the thousands of violent Hispanic illegals crossing our borders killing hundreds of Americans, does she?
>How fucking pathetic is your nation when traumatized teens are actually considered viable political voices.
They are not. We are openly laughing at them, and hoping to see more tears as we go. The whole shit-show is jews and Libtards screaming at each other (because they are the only ones watching CNN)
whats the matter Cred Forums? usually you have no problem pointing out the elephant in the room, whats different this time?
I don't understand this comment, but if you notice our "news" which is all just crafted fake bullshit to dumbify the sheeple, please notice that huge percentages of fucking everyone, on film, is a gay or transgender freak.
>Mass shooting??
We wouldn't be able to defend ourselves from swarms of them, like the Chinese and Mao's Red Guards.
they are all dykes....Hillary, Oprah, Ellen, Michelle O....all dykes
Tbh though I'm a pussy licking enthusiast and I support the American 2A.
Call me edgy, but I think some folks overvalue human life.
Hi edgelord faggot.
People are literally replaced by the second.
I wish these fucking minge munchers would stop pretending like lack of gun control is the reason shootings happen. guess what, gun control is going to stop law abiding citizens from getting guns, but criminals care nothing for your petty laws!
Hello, stranger from an irrelevant country.
i saw it in my country and i live in denmark
They're the ones who haven't met/suffered at the hands of a real monster.
So they continue under the illusion that everyone is innately good, all actions can be rationally explained, and that if we all got together and held hand and corrected the flaws of our society, everything would be peaceful and good.
Shit that playlist is a rabbit hole
Satisfying literally everytime I watch that.
In my experience, every Swedish woman I've fucked complains about Swedish men being effeminate blonde weaklings with small dicks.
>being so grounded in a fabricated reality that you think anything has value over any other thing
Ha get enlightened you materialcucks
I maintain we have no chance of winning a ground war with China. They have enough people that they could give half of them slingshots and we'd still be overrun. war with China will be nuclear, and it will be started and over in under an hour.
I have brown eyes but blond hair. Am I master race?
You're ok if you have a decently-sized penis.
>actually buying into the hoax memes this hard
Go outside for once user
Right looks like a young Trump
I can't I'm at work.
You say I fell for a meme? And you are the one who believes Chuck Schumer and Sheriff Israel? And CNN? Oh Lord pls.
I don't remember a single person calling for gun control in the texas church shooint
But then again, that was because someone with actual balls had a gun of his own and took action with it
watching criminals die to justice makes me feel good.
what the fuck our mestizo Creaturas are doing THERE!
Nobody was shot in the Texas church, but you are right they didn't milk that hoax for anti-gun PR. The big ones they did were Sandy Hoax and Pulse nightclub, notice how 100% of the victims and families were rabid super-liberals and gun-control activists (hey just like this new Florida (non) shooting lol)
Plus think about the Texas church shooting.
>200 White Texans in a group.
Any white church in Texas would be like a small militia, the 'unarmed helpless white christians' that got shot, simply do not exist in Texas, maybe in Connecticut, but never Texas. In Florida they had to target a imaginary victims of all gays, to pretend to find unarmed people in Florida. (there are no unarmed adults in florida IRL lol)
Dumb cunt
>Better take his life lol
Literal Muslim tier
real lesbians like guns
A lie, Lesvbians vote 99.9999% for the gun-grabbing Libtard candidate.
At the very least, people don't place enough importance on themselves more so than they do on other people. Their consideration for others is unhealthy and ultimately a detriment to themselves.
>SJW hair
>fake tears
The only credible bit of the sandy hoax meme is that there are no released pictures of Adam Lanzas dead body as well as the kids from that shooting. Release one of those and I think maybe a lot more people would actually not be able to push this as narrative as hard.
>Active Self Protection Channel
Sometimes I even amaze myself.
Is anyone gonna address why a woman would buzz off all her hair? Remember when Spears did it and everyone called her crazy?
I've watched documentaries about Sandy Hook being a hoax (I highly recommend this one: youtube.com
The best part of this video is the part you all miss. He purposely puts the money on the ground so the moron is totally distracted while he pulls the weapon and aims. Robbers stupid enough to fall for this shit deserve what they get.
I guess I just personally don't want to live in a world of lies. Of course the media is controlled, and mainstream media will never tell the truth about the hoaxes, but if we can redpill the youth, eventually these hoaxes will be laughed at so much that they become a laughingstock of Sam Hyde memes.
I think already the people understand these are fake events, if they were real, would immigrants even bring their children to this land of massacres across our nation?
Go deeper/
Flaunting gold in a shithole country is never wise, he will pay with hearing loss and ear problems for his bravado. (indoor multiple pistol shots, no hearing protection)
I cannot stop watching how he uses the chick as cover. Freaking rad dude.
The bait is so strong
Wow, great find. Subscribed.
which country is this?
>Every Latino in florida has more illegal guns than the conservative whites. never hear anybody complain about that.
This is the same case in Australia with the Lebs and bikies. Gun confiscation is about people who own guns legally having them taken away, but the scum will be able to keep their guns. Don't fall for it.
I should have been clearer. I agree that the public must know what is really going on, but what I meant is why would these events be faked without some sort of political gain? As in, why haven't they tried to grab everyone's guns yet?