Ive been trying to educate myself about this shit but I can never find anything. Its almost always pro-climate change even when i type “climate change debunked” to see what happens in the search bar. Does anyone have anything? I remember seeing something about Climate Accords falsifying numbers
Climate Change Redpills
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What level? Do you know what the scientific method is? Or are you looking for a meta argument?
>I can only find one side to the argument
>why can't I educate myself
Retard. You can only find one side because there's only one side. Cred Forums makes fake redpills and reposts shit facebook memes.
>I remember seeing something about Climate Accords falsifying numbers
This may be what you are thinking of, though it does not debunk climate change. It was misunderstood by idiots.
Any level. I know what the scientific method is. Im not retarded.
You’re a communist. Please starve somewhere else
>You’re a communist. Please starve somewhere else
why do you partisan asshole pretend to care about truth?
just admit you are pavlovian reactionaries to the mere word "environment."
you dipshits want our air to be like china because your whole life is about politics.
get fucked retards.
'Climate' is a human invention. Defined as 30 year's worth of weather. Then (((they))) want you to believe this should be constant. And that any change in this constant is your fault. Kek. Enough red pillage? Or want more?
>Commie calling other people idiots
> Getting this triggered by a flag.
Truth is truth
Literally google world temperature history beyond the last 10 years of "record" and it'll help with some perspective.
Remember when in 2004 Al Gore said we would all be flooded in 10 years...
The only climate change going on is done by CIA niggers
and other intelligence agencies around the world.
>Being this unselfaware
Holy shit you're retarded.
Well I'm glad those climate scientists figured out how to live without money in the last 10 years.
*Lacking self awareness
All those doomer forecasts are based on the assumption that our emissions will quadruple by the end of the century. Of course Al Gore never mentioned this part.
Truth is, there isn't enough oil and coal in the world for that to happen, and in fact our emissions have been declining slightly, mostly due to pure economics.
My post was grammatically correct, retard.
Holy shit you're dumb.
>Climate Accords falsifying numbers
search for 'climategate'
also read - Cool It - Bjorn Lomborg for a balanced look at the evidence
carbon credits are a neoliberal con
>the assumption that our emissions will quadruple by the end of the century.
tbf niggers will probably cause this.
I've spend like 40 hours trying to educate myself on subject of global warming, but it's a too technical topic. Normal person is not able to afford the time needed to check if their math is correct, or if the computer models make sense at all. I guess I will give a benefit of the doubt to the scientists in the end.
Might want to look into Phil Valentine's, An Inconsistent Truth.
spend longer.
>a benefit of the doubt to the scientists in the end
witness the cult of mdern science. "evidence based" opinion...
What can you do though? We trust science because we believe that the scientific method is being upheld by the scientists as a whole. They are supposed to double check their collogues findings, peer review their work etc. So far it has generally worked and we see the progress with our very eyes around us. It would be great to check if what I have learned about the atoms in the chemistry book was not a fraud and I'm not being fooled, but for obvious reasons this is not technically possible. This is how this will work until they will break our trust in them.
Because man made climate change is proven! the question is if it has any bad effect in future.