Genuine question for Catholic anons...doesn't it bother you that the Vatican is known to be chock full of massive numbers of faggots and pedophiles, and also that the Catholic Church has a long and well-documented history of enabling and covering up widespread faggotry and pedophilia?
Former atheist here who is finding his way into Christianity...and whose family is historically Catholic. But I can't get past all the horrible shit the Catholic Church has covered up recently, and the known fact that the Vatican is gay as fuck.
Pius XII was pro-Hitler. After the fall of Nazi Germany the church was left vulnerable to infiltration by masons and all sorts of Satanic horrors ensued.
Zachary Perez
Yup, sure does. I often take the opportunity to shit talk the Vatican with friends and family. I don't see how any Catholic could live with himself not being honestly critical of things that are obviously a problem.
William Thompson
You got it ass backwards, the Church isn't pedo or faggy like one would infer, what happens is pedos and fags seek out environments where they are put in a position of influence around small children. Its also how you see a lot of pedos working in education and as pediatricians, anything to get them close to the kids. Fags seek out places that are mostly 100% male, like a seminary. I think we should allow priests to marry like the Eastern Orthodox church does
Jose Collins
>Implying we aren't as pissed as you are at the pedos and the closet faggot priests.
None of that shit is acceptable. At least this Pope actively works to solve this shit.
Bentley Ramirez
I'll believe it when I see it. As far as I can tell, he's more interested in talking about global warming, importing the caliphate, and promoting global communism.
Chase Price
>At least this Pope actively works to solve this shit HAHA
Bentley Young
The Catholic Church has a long history of corruption. From the days of Constantine all the way up to our current pope. Its so clear and obvious, there is no argument to be had here. The Catholic church is no good.
Hunter Perry
It doesn't matter if the pope rapes little children unless he rapes them ex cathedra.
Elijah Taylor
why did you assume Vatican is Catholic in the first place ... ? >God's Bankers >Pic Related
Caleb Williams
>Pius XII was pro-Hitler Completely false. He was pro-America pro-NWO and even had father Coughlin shut down at the request of his Judeo-American masters. Jews just like make false accusations that he was pro-Hitler because Jews are scumbags who always throw their allies under the bus.
Evan Green
I feel you man. My 2c: 1. So far, no one has been able to show data to the point that pedophilia or acts of sexual abuse are more common in catholic institutions than other institutions. To the opposite, almost all of the data that ive seen indicates the opposite: while there are cases of sexual offenses in catholic institutions, children are statistically safer there than in, say, public US schools. On every parameter, also including sexual offenses from teachers and so on. This suggests to me that there are less sexual abuses in catholic institutions than other institutions. This said, every case of a christian (leader, christ, or layperson) committing crimes like this on innocent children is outrageous. Also, catholics failed to thoroughly deal with it until BXVI.
2. Another question, is the prevalence of homosexuality and whatnot in the clergy. Afaik there is no statistics avaliable. I dont know if catholics have a higher amount of homosexuals in clergy (as compared to other religious denominations, or the population in general). But i am inclined to believe, from my own anecdotal experiences, that it is probably the case. It wouldnt be surprising. For you to give up the possibility of a woman and a family, you cannot be among the really high-testo guys around. These guys would never give up the prospect of being with a woman. So the roman catholic clergy is pre-selected because of celibacy, and i am open to the idea that there are more gays there than in the population in general. Also, research indicates that Christian leaders, like priests, pastors and such, has lower testosterone values than the population in general. Long stories. To be connatural with a lifestyle like that, you need to really enjoy people, to be basically social, caring in a way and directed towards nourishing communities. Testosterone does not facilitate any of this, in fact, it directs towards the opposite sort of activities and ways of being.
The prior pope was too keen on keeping it all mum, not Francis
Carson Clark
>Sure, all the priests and Cardinals and popes are raging homosexuals and pederasts, but that doesn't mean the church is full of faggots This is how dumb you sound
Elijah Ward
Bergoglio worked a long time to cover up pedo priests.
Gavin Jones
He was, the Vatican issued most of the fleeing SS officials fudged diplomatic papers so they could sneak off to South America c/o the ODESSA network. The reason is simple, the Reich fought the Communists
Jackson Anderson
he seems to be the no.1 NWO proponent
Xavier Anderson
That's what I have been saying, people act like only the Catholic church has pedo abuse c/o its clergy, forgetting that pedos concertedly seek out occupations which puts them closest to little children in a position of acclaim, like orphanages, and schools and hospitals, and houses of worship. The Catholic Church IS the biggest Christian denomination in the world so by proportion the CC would have the largest problem with pedo clergy simply by numbers. It takes a simpleton to ignore this statistical reality and go full retarded and say HURR CATHOLICS R ALL PEDO FAGS
Lincoln Brown
1. Your argument is shit because we know they cover it up. Any data would be flawed because of that fact. And the big scandalnis not that they rape kids, it's that there is a systemic conspiracy to cover for the chomos. And the existence of this sort of conspiracy would strongly imply that the others find raping children acceptable, which would strongly imply that they take part themselves as well.
2. Everyone knows Catholics are homos
Adrian Roberts
the pope is a globalist puppet
Chase Fisher
>the Vatican issued most of the fleeing SS officials fudged diplomatic papers so they could sneak off to South America c/o the ODESSA network That was at the behest of America.
Ayden Evans
The CC is the world's largest denomination, fags and pedos aren't a unique phenomenon to the CC, you just hear about the CC ones most often because we are the largest church out there.
Aaron Bailey
And Pius XII supported communism.
Liam Nelson
Right but the church has a reputation to clean up and re-establish. Simply doing less to hide the problem is not sufficient. That should be a top priority and get taken care of in a public fashion.
Justin Wilson
AYFSM? Why would the top clergy of a religion support a political system whose whole systematic model relied on official and enforced Atheism? Next you'll tell me Anne Frank was in the Hitler Youth
Justin Martin
They absolutely do, it angers me as a Catholic all these creepy priests and bishops that make us all look bad by association. Its pretty fucked when you can't mention being Catholic in public without everyone smirking and making wisecracks like we've all been ass-raped by our local pastors
Colton Lee
Yes, and this is the other major flaw that concerns me about the Catholic Church. It has become a tool for the globalists...for their agenda of mass immigration of niggers and sand niggers to the West.
Lots of strikes against the Catholic Church for someone approaching them with a clear mind. Would certainly be different if I grew up in a Catholic household and was brainwashed since Day One...but there are a lot of flaws to ignore/swallow in order be a Catholic these days, no?
Andrew Richardson
No, we hear about them because they have a global systemic conspiracy to cover up their child raping industry. Again, catholicucks like to try to deflect and change the subject to "oh well other people have child molesters too" when that is not the issue. The issue is that the entire clergy finds it acceptable and works together in a global conspiracy to cover it up for decades. Nobody would hold it against them if they actually purged their child molester and had them face justice, but that isn't what they do. Instead they protect them which shows their tacit approval of child molestation.
Adrian Evans
Vatican 2 counter sect is masonic and heretical and jewish. Full of fags and pedos.
Brayden Hill
Shut up asshole, go put on your holy magic underwear and let your bishop skullfuck you at the LDS temple then
Wyatt Cox
Yes it is disgusting. Vatican II totally changed the complexion of Catholicism. Benedict XVI was working on cleaning it up, but Francis I has thus far been no where near as vocal about it.
Jonathan Campbell
Benedict XVI was still a heretic and a freemason.
Lucas Butler
Pius XII supported western communism (UN, America, NWO), as opposed to eastern communism. America funded communism in Russia in the expectation that it would join with them for global communism through the league of nations and later the UN, but Stalin refused (Trotsky on the other hand was America's guy on the inside and accepting of it, which is why the American establishment still promoted Trotskyism). After Stalin refused the NWO, that is when the elite turned against "communism." But it was really only opposed to Soviet-Stalinist communism, not to communism per se. Pius XII supported the western communism
Jeremiah Fisher
how so?
Jonathan Jones
I see that you also approve of child molestation. Very sad.
Matthew Sanchez
I'm from the deep south of the catholic Italy and I can say you:
1. People here are against pedophilia and condemn pedopriests (My mom said "they should cut off their cock") 2. Fanatic catholic and some others too are against faggotry 3. Priest are considered normal people, neither superior nor inferior.
Like all Vatican 2 Popes, he called heathenry holy and denied that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church.
Carson Jenkins
The pope does not have the power you might think he does. Some Pope's knew how bad it was, but could do nothing. The corruption touches even princes of the church, the cardinals. There are even Satanists. We are nearing the end of an age.
Luis Perry
No, we're in the start of the Great Apostasy.
James Kelly
Yes, of course it does. But what else would you expect when the Jews infiltrate and attempt to destroy the Church from within? Vatican II documents on the Church’s relationship with Jews were co-written by Jews or modern-day conversos (Jews who pretended to convert to the Catholic faith, then reverted back to Judaism once the damage was done).
Be a traditional Catholic (a.k.a., Catholic).
Xavier Cruz
Once upon a time Napoleon Bonaparte threatened to crush the Roman Catholic Church. The response he got back is no different now: >"If in 1,800 years we clergy have failed to destroy the Church, do you really think that you'll be able to do it?"—Cardinal Ercole Consalvi The church has many wolves and Judases. Sin abounds. She persists despite us not because of us, and build upon the rock she will never fall. The barque of peter sails on.
Liam Flores
I’m catholic but I recognize that the church is corrupt. The Bible says that unusual behavior in priests is due to gods anger. I practice away from the church bc of all the recent issues w the church.
Ryder Nelson
Our Lady of La Salette and Padre Pio predicted a heretical counter church would come to sit in Rome.
The gates of Hell CAN prevail against an apostate counter church.
Charles Allen
Good. For the "Church" has been led by antipopes ever since the "election" of John XXIII
Blake Garcia
how was Benedict XVI a Heretic, he moved the church back in a moderately more old Latin direction. Much better than Francis
Anthony Watson
>I think we should allow priests to marry like the Eastern Orthodox church does
That wouldn't change a thing. Being celibate doesn't turn you in to a homosexual pedophile.
Landon Collins
Read this.
Hudson Watson
I have no idea how the Church has gotten so full of cucks lately.
They don't let women be priests. They don't let priests marry. They don't want abortions. They don't even like birth control.
What I don't get is why the Church isn't like lvl 5 MGTOW.
Dominic Edwards
It does attract those types however, so their lack of interest in women or a love life won't be noticed. Lets them get close to kids too.
However if you google it, you'll find all the Church sex scandals happened after Vatican II. So it happened in the kike and freemason run, morally bankrupt and heretical counter church.
Henry Morales
Some people believe the recent (since 1963) numerous fuckups of the Church were because of traditions thrown away at Vatican II (1963).
You dont abandon the One True Church because some faggot bishops are trying to hijack it. That's a weak protestant move.
Also, some people choose to believe prophecies related to Revelation, according to which the seven kings mentioned are the seven Popes since the Vatican II council.
Revelation 17:10: "And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space."
Some say Francis is the sixth (current) so one more to come if you dont count Pope Pius XII. I choose to be more optimistic about the state of the Church but who knows. This could actually be the end of times so you chose a great time to convert. Just lead a Christian way of life yourself. Everyone answers for themselves come Judgment Day.
Make sure you find a proper (traditional) parish. This is all that counts. Saint Paul would send letters to good and wicked churches (ie. parishes). Not all local priests and bishops are equal. Clergy goes to hell, too. As long as you are part of the One True Church and you do your part, you'll be fine. God Bless everyone
Aiden Collins
I get your point, but I feel he was a good Pope on net, considering the state of the Church.
Christian Roberts
Orthos dont let priests marry. They let married men become preists
Charles Collins
Choose Orthodoxy.
Cameron Walker
The real Church has to be visible to people. It is the light on a hilltop. Doctrinally she has not changed, and tradition is unharmed even through Vatican I and II when read with a hermeneutic of continuity. I am of the belief that the doctrine is all intact, however we are in a time where few have knowledge of it. The councils are good, but implementation of the councils went off the rails. This has happened before. After every council there is a period where "fake news" misdirects and it takes the Church time to course correct.
If the Holy See can actually fall under satanic control, the outpouring of grace to save the sheep would be so immense, and it might bring about the return of Christ. He is not going to let that happen to His bride.
Jaxson Price
Then what about the rest of their celibate clergy? Are they all raging homosexual pederasts?
Julian Williams
Makes no sense. How are post Vatican 2 "popes" any more kings than ones before?
Makes more sense if you count it as the 7 since the creation of the Vatican sacerdotal MONARCHY by Mussolini. So Benedict was the last king. Explains why Francis refuses to sit on his throne and uses an Argentinian passport.
William Scott
Baptism of desire and Francis teaching that all religions come from God are proof that the counter church is heretical.
Liam Morris
It's called the Great Apostasy for a reason. You're right, Christ is returning soon.
Dylan Collins
A heretic cannot be Pope.
Hunter Diaz
Why not think about religion from a different perspective? In 6000 years the only thing to not evolve is man's understanding of God.
Andrew Sullivan
"extra ecclesiam nulla salus" is still intact. The doctrine understands though that some can be part of the Church without explicitly knowing it. Grace is powerful, and when the Will responds to it God is able to do the rest. The Church has always tried to recognize the tru parts of other religions. God allows those religions to exist to prepare them to receive the Gospel. Lookup the Iroquois religion sometime and you will be astounded at the Christian truths they already knew by the time the Jesuit missionaries reached them.
Isaiah Fisher
>In 6000 years the only thing to not evolve is man's understanding of God.
What are you talking about? In the last 6000 years we went from polytheism to monotheism, how's that for evolving our understanding of the Divine?
Jason Perez
The level of tribulation seems far too low for it to be that time yet. Many of the signs that must precede the General Judgement have yet to come:
Camden Price
Judaism is a co-opted and perverted version of Zoroastrianism, the first monotheistic religion which existed at least 500 years before Judaism. Christianity is a mixture of Zoroastrianism and Judaism; Christianity was originally an attempt to correct Judaism with Aryan virtue. If you aren't a Jew why practice the Jewish version of an Aryan faith?
Chase Brown
Vatican Council II was apparently how the Jesuits fully got control of the Vatical in order to influence it with the 'liberal' freemason ideas
Jacob Ross
Oh. It's just "Kike On A Stick" with some new age conspiracy nonsense sprinkled on top. Disappointing.
Andrew Thompson
Hunter Cook
Camden Ortiz
Yes It does and we have regular (more or less every century) purges to keep the number of degenerates in the Church acceptable. Unfortunatelly you started meddling.
Gavin Rivera
Nice threat, as a young man I have considered studying either in Clergy or going for Philosophy.
My only problem with Christianity at times, is that according to it all alternative religions are instantly deemed heretic. Maybe its how it protects its monotheistic value ?
e.g. there is 'white magic' aka occult christianity of the 'good side'
Jacob Rivera
Yeah and heavy metal is actually the same thing as the blues.
Kevin Kelly
Gen six ministries movie: True legends - The Unholy See
Adam Price
id be more worried about the Pope being a Leftist faggot
Andrew Fisher
please don't call yourself an atheist. you're confusing atheist with edgy godless faggot. real atheists are so smart they know with definitive proof that god doesn't exist and would never regress to the lowly state of being a follower of a religion.
Anthony Gomez
The world's first monotheistic religion was Zoroastrianism...which existed 500 years before Jews co-opted that religion in Babylon. This is historical facts, not New Age woo.
The blues existed 50 years before the Metalheads co-opted that genre in the UK. This is historical facts.
Jonathan Parker
I am Catholic. My faith gives me a sense of morality. Those who exploited their roles within the church will literally, have a special place in hell after judgement is upon us. It is a huge deal, but it is also easy to attack large institions and overblow the actual situation. I am happy the Catholic church was in my life as a child. It kept free from many temptations that other children faced and at the same time gave me a critical viewpoint. I was taught evolution as anyone else, but also taught the bible. Nothing conflicted.
Jacob Carter
You're deflecting from the discussion.
David Thomas
Admit that heavy metal is just a Judaised and perverted version of the blues.
Easton Sanders
>chock Interesting choice of word.
Angel Cook
Oh believe me I am, I'm just not going to abandon my faith because the institution is corrupted If I had my way there would be daily purges while I would tie the guilty to the stake and burn them while making it clear this is the fate for all pedophiles and people who try to take advantage of the church.
Jacob Ortiz
Why are you deflecting to music when we're discussing religion, user? You argue without integrity. Judaism is just a perverted version of Zoroastrianism. The Jews literally stole that religion solely to benefit themselves. This isn't even the case with heavy metal -- the Jew didn't co-opt that music genre to become HIS music genre, whereas the Jew DID co-opt Zoroastrianism and re-name it "Judaism" for his own benefit. Christianity is just Judaism mixed with ancient Aryan spirituality, so if you're not a Jew, why follow the Jewish version of Aryan faith?
Henry Russell
Wow... powerful video of truth.
Juan Peterson
I see you are unwilling to confront the harsh truth. Heavy metal is just a perverted version of the Blues. The metalheads literally stole that genre solely to benefit themselves. They just re-named it "Heavy Metal" for their own benefit. Heavy Metal is just the Blues mixed with long hair and tight leather pants, so if you're not black, why listen to the white version of nigger music?
Samuel Adams
Ok, you're right. Heavy Metal is literally a perverted version of the blues. Now you're forced to admit Christianity is literally a perverted version of Zoroastrianism mixed with Judaism. Go ahead. I'll wait.
Easton Green
>Genuine question > chock full of massive numbers of faggots and pedophiles rabbi, watcha' doin' why asking answers with such loaded, blatantly exaggerated opening? is as if you weren't actually looking for them
Brayden Walker
>Go ahead. I'll wait. Thanks, I promise you won't be disappointed. Just give me a minute.
Dylan Hall
a human is just a mixed version of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and other elements basically the same
Luke Flores
I accept your defeat.
Robert Johnson
Good choice user. Catholics are cucked. The Orthodox Church is the best Church.
Carson Garcia
It seems you wanna read about the occult. Then read this book:
-The plot against the Church by Maurice Pinay.
Tyler Johnson
Did you know that the Kaäba is actually the black cube of Saturn?
Julian Long
Xavier Baker
Thanks, did not know about Zoroastrianism roots before
Jonathan Parker
Now watch this. Turns out Christianity was just occult Saturn worship! I mean, that's logic so tight you actually have to be a Jew to disagree.
Julian Edwards
How come it's the only one that actually opens the cube?
Camden Gutierrez
When we take a cube and unfold it, the six squares actually form a cross. Likewise we can obviously take the cross symbol and fold it back into a cube. This cube of space/time represents a kind of womb in which we experience reality, the 3rd dimension, but there is a way to "think outside the box," that is, to step outside of space and time. The Hebrew letter Tau symbolizes a grounding force and represents Earth as well as Saturn, and interestingly enough the corresponding element of the cube in the Platonic solids is also Earth. Saturn and the cube represent physicality, the physical senses, and natural law; the "unconscious mind of god." Certain philosophies speak of physical life as an "entombment" of spirit in matter, and with the coming of death the spirit is liberated once again and the cycle continues. But, by merely "thinking outside of the box," i.e. using the imagination, one "dies" upon the cross (crucified upon the ELements) and is resurrected into a new reality where physicality is not a prison but a vehicle for the direct experience of god-mind, the life-force, or whatever one wishes to call it.
At least, that's what my nigga Zoroaster told me.
Wyatt Cook
>The doctrine understands though that some can be part of the Church without explicitly knowing it This is the opposite of how it used to be. Only because of modernist Roman Catholic pilpul that perverts semantics do they (((interpret))) it that way.
"Invisible church" was one of the major problems they had with Protestants. Now Catholics promote the same thing themselves. Because Catholicism is internally inconsistent and obvious bullshit.
Joseph Carter
No, does it bother you that your form of government is corrupt? No because you know 70% of the fault is in the politicians you elected and not in the system itself. The roman church is not a bad system, it's the one that elected countless popes that led my country and that marched against teh islamization of the holy land, it just needs a good leader and pope Francis is simply a cuck.
Ryder Harris
Not to diminish what has happened to the victims inside the church but the media has blown it out of proportion. There are pedos everywhere: school teachers, truck drivers, actors, etc. People still go to school, transport things and watch movies though. Everything you see and touch may have had a pedo that's partly responsible for that thing's existence. You can't let a few bad apples sour out the whole bunch. Having said that we can't let our priests/bishops be untouchable. Whenever there's evidence/witness accounts of abuse happening it should be investigated with transparency and speed, but that's where people like (You) and me enter the scene to push it, abandoning the church will only worsen the situation.