>Thousands of young girls are being recruited to sell their virginity for up to £20,000 ($40,000)
>A 17-year-old from Krasnoyarsk using the nickname Shatuniha was reported to have sold her virginity in an online auction for around £20,000.
>Those selling their virginity are expected to show a medical certificate confirming they have not had sex.
>But many women ‘go through surgery to restore their hymens’ to cash in on the lucrative market, according to the report.
>Sergey Chumakov, general director of Lancet Surgery Centre, said: ‘Many have this surgery done several times. I know there were cases when girl had this surgery done 15 times.’
>Elena, 22, from Moscow told Bumaga that she sold her ‘virginity’ 6 times and is not planning to stop.
>"This is my job now" she said.
A night with a roastie for only $40,000
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Somebody has to stop these roasties
Teaching men not to value Virginity is apparently the solution
Look at all the passivity contained in this one sentence. Exhibit A for the death of the West, folks.
what is supply and demand
Based roasties
>be a big Saudi rich guy
>I’ll fuck the Muslim into these Russian virgins
>here’s 20k remember to look into that Quran shit we talked about ok
>find out that whore had been fucked by 15 other rich saudis already
>fucking westerners got me again
>Russians whoring themselves out again to shitskins
It's like a national pride for them
Is that picture Monroe?
>Is that picture Monroe?
According to the report, most clients are rich russians.
Oh shit
Not unless she got a boob job
I thought the same thing. Looks like her post tit job and with a tan.
>making cash on an evolutionary switch in the male mind
i'm actually impressed... this is one hell of a scheme for a roast-
oh, wait... men hire them to do it... nevermind
To be fair, the Muslims don't just dick them. They also piss and shit on them.
Goes by Katerina something, lynx maybe? Just google teen Monroe Russia you’ll find her
I’ve got some news for you...
Katerina Rys. And that actually really really looks like her old lady face. Sad if she got fake boobs
and yet trump has to pay 130k what a great dealmaker lmao
Proof yet again that women can only make money with their vaginas.
Can't build shit, can't create shit, and when they do it's still shit.
how exactly are they a roastie if they are a virgin?
I just need more pictures of monroe
It's definitely Monroe.
Fun fact: she got arrested a few years ago in the USA with cocaine/heroine or some other drugs.
Damn, the age 30 drop is gonna hit her hard
If I knew this girl I would kill her.
jealous roastie that cant cash in
It's the only thing that didn't hit her.
It's really hard for Arabs to enter Russia even for vacation, but even if a Saudi did that he isn't a Muslim anyway if he visits prostitutes.
Around here we get to fuck prostitutes of her looks-tier for 50 euros, not virgins of course.
Personally I don't understand the appeal of the virgin meme. I would rather have a degenrate girl that knows how to fuck well.
I'll keep that money and she can go fuck herself.
Or get men to stop paying for "virgins"
Cred Forums needs to start a fund to start buying up all these virginities and make sure there is a legally binding contract that says if the girl loses her virginity or has sex with anybody she owes the money back.
Then never have sex with said virgin and let her die a spinster, alone.
>shit skins looking for slav pussy.
when in reality its lonely Cred Forums losers who travel to these countries to find their aryan wife.
cool where can I apply , my poor aryan sperm will give her a new ceo
>Personally I don't understand the appeal of the virgin meme.
People with too much money and too little sense. Just look at all the sheiks "sponsoring" instagram whores to take constant trips to Dubai.
What do you think they pay with?
And what the point is? Well, when you can buy anyone the novelty wears off. Buying famous women or "rare" women (virgins) starts becoming the appeal. This is also why the pedo spectre lies over all these rich cunts.
Hahahahhaha remember her
What a whore, won’t do hardcore but sells her pussy anyways
>15 times
rooskibro was right to call them feral whores
>Yeah isn't a real Muslim because he wasn't supposed to do that.
I guess there aren't very many Muslims then huh?
Lol fuck off sand spic.
I mean honestly, who really gives a fuck? You think non-cucked westerners give a shit about what a true Muslim does or whether or not they did something forbidden? "Muslim" essentially means a middle easterner. No one cares about your retarded religion.
If women were into this shit I would have sold my virginity for that price
Fuck why not
>old lady face
Dude she looks about 15
What I was thinking. Way less hot without blonde hair.
God she is so oblivios holy shit
>paying $40k for pussy
>''Muslim" essentially means a middle easterner
American education strikes again
underrated. Good bants yank
Apart from the nigger Muslims flooding your shithole, of course.
I know, you were dying to use that meme, but unfortunately for you I clearly explained that I know Islam is a religion. Enjoy paying for your niggers though.
Found her thank you
I didn't get it