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woah lower than sandniggers
Clearly the answer is more gibs to Africa
It's been fun watching this German ex-soldier go from Boomer conservativism to full 1488 in the span of two years.
It's all so tiresome...
How much free stuff do you have to give them? how many things do they have to destroy out of sheer ignorance before we finally realize they are not like us, never will be like us and are just a giant literal black hole devouring the worlds precious resources, destroying any civilization stupid enough to fool themselves into thinking these are fellow human beings?
it's all so tiresome...
wouldn't those solar panels cost 10's of millions? why would you put them in a dessert full of niggers
But they look like Indians.
the serious question is why there is no security to safeguard it
>Install Solar panels when there is perfectly good oil
Why do we need "renewable energy" how are they supposed to sell free energy??? Do you even think? They are just protecting their land from anti-oil subhumans.
its not africans they are Indian niggers basically butthurt famers who wants free gibs. fuck this poo country im thinking of moving to canada now.
They didn't mention the reason the niggers are destroying the solar panels. what were those panels powering?
they could at least cut the cable and steal the panels
but theyre niggers and just like to smash things because MUH DIK!!!!
Context? What's going on here, exactly?
Poos smashing solar panels that some white cucks spent millions of dollars on to give these shitskins free electricity.
Poor oppressed minorities smash the evil imperialistic white man’s death panels used to generate power to electrocute people of color and run the masturbation machine
no evidence for that, no source, it seems the actual back story is still a mystery
did they give any reason as to why they were destroying these panels?
I don't think this is Africa.
What's with that arm?
> First comment on twitter
"Is that Wakanda?"
sounds hindu or tamil, plus that hammer guy looks indian.
If any of you knew how's it like living as a black person, just walking around on the street in they all look down at you, press their purses, just because they'll fear you robbing them, for nothing but your race, be constantly look down and PUT DOWN, despite never harming someone or wanting to, you would not think like you do. Peace
Thank you mr. spock
Yeah, those reactions to nigs just came about for no good reason amirite?
You have a point. Prejudice comes out of things that were done. But compare the amount of blacks that are criminals with those that aren't. You're considering 95% of innocents as criminals because of the actions of 5% or lower. It's unfair
This is widely known, but you seem to miss that above all there is an agenda that wants to produce exactly this.
>when the repairs cause a demand for more conflict minerals to be mined by 10 year old niggers who will die of the black lung age 20
so brave
Probably a hospital or an orphanage.
>insurance fraud
Sterilize yourself
no i don't, thank god. black people have earned their reputation, one by the way they revel in, and can deal with others reactions.
am i sorry there are about one in ten thousand blacks who are sad that they are considered a felon/future felon? not one bit.
"fair" doesn't exist in the natural world and whitey isn't obligated to uphold some whimsical principle for the sake of babying blacks.
Where did he get that hammer?
>a jew leased it to him
Tell that to the Germans of today.
I'm sure it was either "Ayo white people made this" or possibly "destroy the black magic sun tiles!"
Supposedly the land got eminent domained from them for the solar farm, and now they can’t farm the land and feed their families. Which is bullshit, you can’t grow a goddamn thing on that shitty land
If I went to a country where white people were constantly targeting natives for rape murder and theft, and then they acted afraid of me, I'm not going to be all "woooow how can they racially profile me wtf I'm an individual!" as if everyone on the planet is supposed to somehow know me personally
I'd feel sad but I wouldn't at least understand, it's not like their fear is unwarranted. But perhaps I could help fight the stigma by doing things such as not dressing like a degenerate, not converting myself in tattoos, having a relatively normal hairstyle, etc
If black people weren't more prone to assault/mug people you wouldn't have that problem. You should take that up with your fellow blacks.
Whimsical priciple? Individuality is a cornerstone of the Enlightment, an event whose crowning achievement is American Exceptionalism. I'm not saying bend over backwards, but at least acknowledge individuality. Maybe if that happened, we could finally be honest about race in the mainstream too.
There are intelligent blacks but come on.
You can't take mud people and hold them to the same standards.
How progressive. What a beautiful culture, right liberals?
Wakanda vs Reality.
Is everyone in this thread retarded. See the above. This is India not Africa.
Fuck man I know. It's just we have to find a way to let the decent ones thrive without commuting ridiculous amounts of resources. I think if we could, we could keep our principles, be honest about race as a whole, and not hurt anybody decent. It's societal justice on hard mode. It may just be too much though.
That just makes it worse. At least Indians can into technology, even if it is just to send bobs and vegana.
I meant commiting too many resources. I want to have my cake and eat too. Maybe I'm just being greedy here.
You do know that there are companies that generate electricity by solar and other renewables and they sell their electricity? How are you this uninformed?
That may or may not be possible but it would be hell of a lot easier to just separate. I'd rather not take up the task of trying to create a perfectly fair multi racial society. If some people want live and work in a mixed society then that's on them.
Rifle in one hand, whip in the other. There is literally no other way to bring civilization to the dark continent.
What the fuck pajeet? I thought you guys were smarter than this.
>for nothing but your race,
It's because blacks have a habit of being very evil. It's not because they think blacks are ugly or something trivial like that.