Hows your relationship with your mom Cred Forums?
Hows your relationship with your mom Cred Forums?
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I just got a call from her and my father. They'll be coming out to visit over President's Day and we're going out for lunch.
They leave me be, but like to get a call every once in a while.
she is mentally ill and very religious. she is very naive but she still loves me
I love my mommy taytay
Taylor Swift is tranny ffs...
She's re-married to an abusive asshole who I think works in the public sector. She chose a life where she cuts out the people who have truly loved her over decades in favor for financial security and luxury, just like about any other woman would.
I still love her, but I refuse to ever see her in person if she is with her new husband. I call her once a month, but I'm considering stopping altogether. She's too depressing to talk to. I've tried all I can to help her, but she won't break free. As compared to my dad, she is essentially dead to me.
Masturbate to men much?
Pretty redpilled, introduced me to David Icke. Kind of crazy though.
probably true. Jews do it deliberately so goyim are jerking it to men. sick people
It is completely true and a large percentage of famous women are actually men.
probably 2bh
She's a cheating lying whore, she could die today and I wouldn't care.
Thanks for making me think about that slut tho.
My mom wont allow me to leave the house reeeeee
Don't care , would still pound her
My mom is super cool. Red pilled AF.
Nice person too. Love getting to see her. She has boundaries too. Good and normal mom.
She idolizes Jews. An absolute fucking goyette.
I think being a single mom and putting everything into her career broke her.
Growing up, it was like having half a parent. Most of my problems stem from emotionally developing much later than my peers.
You look at statistics and realize you are in the 1% of people who grew up with your circumstances, but that doesn’t make you feel better.
yes, only students from her class bullied her and called her awkward ... (Cred Forums queen)
so if she was tranny you would hear from them already (school photos)
No, say it's not so!
Cred Forums likes to create weird realities
Mine's a raging, abusive, feral, certified psychoticviolent libtard.
I had now ex-mom, ex-dad, child rapist landwhale ex-sister, and retarded brother all committed to the looney bin. And they can stay there.
>be me
>be from the future
>be niglet from africa that mommy tay adopted when she was 43
>tfw no siblings to fight with for mommy tay's love and affection
red pills incoming
Because her best friend in High school was black (female) she has lived her life since then viewing blacks as angels and "we're all the same".
Even after I gave her Black on White crime statistics like pic related. She's really nice though, she is consumed with "catholic guilt" and is constantly anxious and loves pets.
roger roger release the load now
it's a direct hit commander!
holy cow that elbow is disgusting
>Gaystopo flag
If you from the future showed up, you'd rape yourself and enjoy it.
>Tay is even kind to the retarded.
What a beautiful heart she has
ugly andbeautiful
I'd marry a tranny in a heartbeat if she looked like Tay-Tay
I thought this post was about Taylor Swift and was extremely confused.
Then do it tranny loving faggot.
Because male elbow
>Taylor Swift is a Tra...
not as good as my relationship with your mum, if you know what I mean
she passed away 5 years ago, i miss her everyday.
I don't know any Tay-Tay clone trannies tho
Very broad shoulders compared to hips? Male anatomy
Pretty good as it should be, she gave birth to me, fed me and clothed me im not going to be an ass and disrespect her after all shes done.
she cheated on my dad with her old highschool Chad then collect child support from my betabux dad
look at her camel toe, faggot.
But I would agree she might be feminist lefty
You can see camel toe...
>angry manlet
I understand your pain pal
My mom is based. Back when I was still a shitty little libtard she already was firmly against the invasion. Way before shit started hitting the fan. Dad is based as well. He absolutely loathes any foreigner now.
My brother is still a little bitch but I love him regardless.
Gay Swede incapable to see a 10 hen he’s infromt of him.
Stay gay Sweden,stay gay
My like my future is dead.