Democrats are going straight savage in 2018 i love it
Democrats are going straight savage in 2018 i love it
>words words words
>When the media narrative is so fucked that even leftists call you out on your bullshit
I cant wait till we start hanging democrats in 2018 !!
Oh btw, kill yourself you disgusting delusional traitorous faggot. i hope your children watch you dangle and shit yourself, traitor.
They have already gone full retard. It’s long past too late to recover after fucking up by not backing taxes. Next they will fuck up by not protecting DACA.
You are utterly and totally fucked for a generation at least.
No, just the DNC sweetie.
I also regreat the day you two were born. Morans
he's not wrong
70% disapproval
Sounds low tbhh
> they're forced to run a non "fucking white male"
> DNC is broke
> they've lost hundreds of seats in the state level elections
> trump busy deporting their illegals
democrats have been raped by obama and now trump. blue wave will be a wave of shit upon their heads
They've proved Trump right, their all talk.
Tyrants are being openly tyrannical now and it's wonderful!
It's like 73% disapproval, but you're right.
Leftist have seen nothing yet.
So calling him Hitler is NOT going "savage"?
Blue wave coming boys
What if Dems regain the house just because the norms find trump scary?
It's a very real possibility.
Drumpf destroyed
Not to mention they're the only thing available to bring some balance of power back, given the other half of the country deserves representation.
Holy shit they're gonna lose every seat they ever had.
It's looking more like a certainty now desu
Republicans have the blood of millions on their hand
>(((Rebecca Savransky)))
They will realize that Democrats and their media have been wrong about everything and they will not vote. Still a good idea to get people out anyway. Too bad Bannon fucked things up. No Trump-like candidates to show up for right now.
It really is amazing to watch this.
He's literally done nothing to rile up this insane level of outrage and hate.
It's pretty baffling, it has to be some coordinated effort behind the scenes.
After this display of shit the last couple years from the left, I don't see how we can continue having a presidency.
It's pretty much cuttthroat kill or be killed going forward.
I really think that it's not simply explained by saying that the establishment is frightened for it's very survival.
They know they are all about to be revealed for the evil, corrupt pieces of shit they are.
I am completely convinced if this.
Oh, and that Trump is a moral, just man.
He knew this would most likely kill him.
you redd!t fags are gonna be shocked when you lose even harder
we are gonna get 2 terms of trump and a term of pence after that
It looks more like they're going bonkers. Don't worry Dems won't ever be in power again.
Classic doublespeak
>Trump is finished, he's losing control and angry, Mueller wins!
Jews. No one can trust them.
>He's literally done nothing to rile up this insane level of outrage and hate.
Sure he has. He's tearing their Russian collusion narratives to pieces. It's all they had.
>When your shit is so off the rails that nobody can keep up any more
Trump is an implicit avatar of White America, that is why they hate him so much. It isn't just his twitter trolling and cocky attitude. They thought they had beaten Whites into the ground forever and then we elected Trump. Their hatred of Trump is hatred of Whites.
They haven't know real fear.
We will show them horrors beyond comprehension
I'll bet the 2020 debates will include how the Democrats wastes millions of taxpayers' dollars and two years of everyone's time on a witch-hunt.
>Trump is an implicit avatar of White America
Very well put.
>the three “black” women absolutely fuck old communist
They will learn that our patience has limits
Isn't the economy doing well? What are they gonna challenge him with? "We want the economy to do badly, and also take more of your taxes, give you more regulations and poke more holes into your constitutional rights"
Doesn't look like a winning strategy to me.
This guy at work, whom I assumed was a soyboy faggot because of his hair/glasses/clothes, dropped a redpill about kikes the other day.
Their power is dwindling and they know it
Your tldr is precisely why I voted for him. You ever see a monster movie where there's always shadowy, implied shots of the creature for most of the movie and then there's that one scene at the end where you see the leviathan whole and it's like OH FUCK? That's what happened in 2016. It was genuinely disturbing to watch the machine turn against him in such a massively coordinated way, like some kind of Manhattan Project. It was perfectly clear he is an existential threat to them.While I was happy to see him win, the war has just begun.
They're going to say he's divisive, he hurts people's feelings and he doesn't represent America's (((values))).
I can't lie, my jimmie rustled.
Stop masturbating so much
you fucking shills are such liars
Being retarded of course
Faggy LARPer
Wow, are you racist, that’s not how a tolerant liberal should be.
it's starting to feel like some middle eastern politics.
GOP Worships their Golden Sow.
Hitler had an epiphany. You will too.
>greentexting Morans
your mother is a goat you are filthy stable resedue. throws shoe.