>President Trump: Year One
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>VP Pence @America 1st Policies event in TX 2/17/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in-flight presser 2/17/18
>NSA McMaster @Munich Security Conf 2/17/18
>DNI Coates on russian election meddling 2/17/18
>This Week @State 2/16/18
>Tiffany/Barron arrive in WPalmBeach 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Sheriff's Office 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Hospital 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in WPalmBeach Fl 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/Rato after visiting border 2/16/18
>VP Pence @RNC in San Antonio TX 2/16/18
>VP Pence in Hidalgo TX on immigratin 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in TX 2/16/18
>DepAG Rosenstein indicts 13 russians 2/16/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/RoachFM Cavusoglu 2/16/18
>CommSec Ross @Small Biz Summit 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Addresses Nation on FL Shooting 2/15/18
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Meme Divegrass Edition
refresh pastebin:
>Not sure if TrumpOP is up, but there is this from late last night to add to the pastebin:
>Vice President Mike Pence delivers keynote remarks at the GOP's Reagan Day Dinner in Dallas - 2/17/18
today is a good day
What's all this mean and what's going to come of it?
look at this shit
have fun watching this
is it, though?
A special election was held yesterday.
I don't care about some retards mental illness and neither should you
Fucking smug Jew trying to BTFO Rush on Fox News.
Powerslay is the best Moonman song
lol, he mad.
My parents unironically said this to me. Even hard working normies are getting tired of this, my mom was legit furious about pic related, she knew who was (((behind))) it
>that district
That is what I call gerrymandering.
We won, folks
We won so hard, PES Crashed
Please God save me from these retards around me
>Mueller tries Hail Mary by indicting 13 actual Russian hackers
>They turn out to just be shitposters that bought facebook ads
>They turn out to be organizing stuff AGAINST both candidates as well as for them just to cause general mayhem
>News gets buried by a school shooting that liberals try to use to force legislation
As much as I want to see cars drive around in a circle for a few hours, I got something better to watch. I will make this the OP, tho
Capitalism in a nutshell
Countries are producing huge amounts of metal and flooding the international markets, harming domestic American industry. Therefore the solution is to slap tariffs on all of them, and prevent them from sending any more steel to the US above what they sent in 2017 to grow domestic industry. It's a negotiating position.
fug, I just missed it
What was score?
Yep, it's quite clear why Trump nor his team blocks this guy: it's amusing to watch this man spiral into his own personal hell.
Good, poor plebs don't deserve anything
can you edit out the awoo so i can post this to my normie friends?
Higher ups in the USSR used old palaces as homes while the average Ivan suffered.
>it's okay for 16 year olds to use the deaths of their fellow classmates to shill for repealing the 2nd Amendment
>it's NOT okay for the President to call the FBI out for being negligent and allowing the massacre to happen
FBI is one more slip up away from being shut down, and yet these kikes will cry about it while they pin Jr. Senator badges on that school full of yidspawn
How to trigger a leftist fag.
Reposting this pic from the last thread, you guys ever wonder if feminists think men are evil rapists because of the types that are in their "movement?" I mean it seems like every male feminist actually IS a creepy weirdo rapist, if that's the kind of guy they're around all the time it's no wonder they have such a poor opinion of men.
Reminder Trump is for the constitution and big military. Support him or america will get another king next election.
Build that wall!
2-1, against both Cred Forums and Cred Forums
Off to a very good start
That's Venezuela. I used that picture for a presentation on it a while ago.
It's communist good sir.
Based Wilburine.
I have much respect for you and all that you do, but that's some stale pasta
That's actually the socialist nation Venezuela.
no, if they ask who she is, direct them to /jp/ and they will leave you alone
Wonder if trump will actually do it?
I honestly can't argue with that -- it's goin in the bin
Lads, you should watch at least 5 minutes of this thing. Very comfy and hilarious. You guys have the best president
That is right goy, money decides wealth and prosperity.
Duh. Those people have the most to hide
This could work. BlackPanther just came out.
This #MeToo thing has honestly been good for me because now i can actually discuss this shit with people. I know some hardcore feminists and they even admit to the fact that some of their opinions get screwed up due to all the male "allies" that they surround themselves with being creeps
>that jet flyover when the anthem is done
Dog bless America
Get a job, you lazy fuck. I know your kind from leftypol
>Mueller is coming
I need salsa on these lolis pls user.
is the daytona 500 Cred Forums or Cred Forums?
Imagine being this mad
That is true. Everyone needs to show up in the midterms (and in the special elections, but especially the midterms)
No one cares what your slut mother said with nigger semen dripping from her rotten pussy, mutt
This part of the film always fucked with me, what the hell was that supposed to be?
Just finished Salt mining:
Grab a glass of water, this post is high in sodium.
Did I miss anything today?
We /industrialrevolution/ now
thanks...I had been watching for a couple of hours but got on phone, muted it, and missed the whole game
got there just in time to see pes crash
extremely blessed image
These are some of the most retarded posts I've ever seen. If there is so much excess steel capacity and the metal is so cheap, the solution is buy and stockpile the steel China is dumping. Then shutdown US steel production and build things with the cheap steel. You'll need to keep some refineries to minimally process the stockpiled steel and make things with it. If some country is dumping, the solution is not tariffs and increasing the price of steel or aluminum. The solution is to buy buy buy and create jobs that use the steel or aluminum. I can't stand retarded anti-economics!
Who is /ourguy/?
Dont be an idiot. You vote pro freedom candidates which should be pro Trump.
Yup, our President is awesome but you gotta fix yourselves, Tru-duh has got to go or you'll end up with millions of spics. They certainly won't go back to the shithole they came from and they can't stay here ! I love Canada, but this must stop very soon !
Imagine living in so many people's heads, rentfree.
Well, he is a real estate mogul, so I guess that makes sense
>MSM are avoiding talking about this
Eat shit libtards.
There's nothing stopping him.
The not Democrat ones. Beyond that, no idea
Hate to post this, but it seems like projection to me. I was born in poland, an all white country
>Buying shitty chink steel
Nice salt!
(((leo Frank))) as per the Talmud thought he could rape and murder a Gentile child who was just picking up her meager earnings the child slave business he was overseeing. The Knights of Mary Phagan would have none of it and executed this pedophile murder after the organization now known as the (((ADL))) failed to defend this pedo in the court of law. Rest in piss kike. I'm going to personally piss on his and the (((Rosenbergs))) grave when i visit NY on spring break. (((They))) are not victims .
>Venezuelan intellectuals
where can i see this
Heard you guys ban something the other day that got Jews to get angry.
Cred Forums tried to score one more at the last minute, they really did. but our defense was just that much better
moon man rounding up all the niggers on their team and putting them up against the firing wall as we speak
Why is Jill Stein trending on Twitter?
If the morons make this election about gun control, it's in the bag, but no one can sit back and not vote. We need everyone !
Kek I wouldn't want to use the tennis court right up next to niggerville like that, unless they made that wall sturdier, taller, and more barbed wire-y
on, you fucking newfag
I dunno, jews are angry about us all the time. guess how much fucks we give
Isn't relying on China for your steel needs extremely dangerous and foolish?
What if war breaks out with China or some of its allies and we need steel to manufacture? What then?
>ron paul
>Lets talk about another aspect of gun violence. Suicide
They don't have tall buildings where this guy is from?
It was about something called kosher or something like that.
>pro-freedom democrat
>unicorns that vomit honeydew
Oh no!!! Think of the other illegals!
>money decides wealth and prosperity.
It sure does!
I hope a dump truck of peace plows right through their stupid march
Found it, this thing.
thats rio de janeiro in a nutshell, brasil is socialist
"Male ally" is such a cringe phrase, sounds utterly fake and forced which is why I'm not surprise by the #MeToo meltdown, it's quite enjoyable to see all these "right side of history" folks exposure themselves.
No shit. Fucking non-DACA illegals want amnesty, DACA illegals want amnesty for themselves and every other illegal to be shipped out, and Legal immigrants want both to be thrown away
So salty.
>calling the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and our revolution bs.
Die you dogs die.
>that Swede
Die you pig die.
stupid question: how does that game play actually work? Is there one neckbeard somewhere representing the entire board, or are the players controlled individually by several people distributed around?
t. Not New Just Never Looked
>Focus on rats breeds resentment from the cockroaches living here
it was supposed to represent Jack's sexually abusing Danny
see Chapter 16 "Danny's Ordeal" here:
That's literally the point of these tariffs. China is fucking over us in middle-class employment and national security by market dumping, so the tariffs are designed to cut that off.
A (non cucked) German and Polish alliance would conquer the world man.
Yes I know there's bad blood to put it mildly, but pls in the next decades try to make up.
George Soros literally went around Hungary confiscating the property of other Jews and then selling it at the market. This is not speculation, he tells the story as "the most exciting time of my life" and how he learned how the marketplace works.
I know, but we're in the death spiral I think -- Our national anthem has been changed recently to fit (((diversity agendas))) and Castro Jr. is allowing ISIS to settle and live with us. Either something BIG happens to us ala Trump style or we'll be counting on you guys to annex us and quite literally commit day of the rake
You yourself admitted to being a mutt, and using a proxy
AI controlled, managers give instructions to how they want the field to look via chat or skype
So the solution is to turn the car around and drive them back home.
jew concedes defeat.
They lost control of America when Trump was elected to President of the federal union.
Time for jews to slither home to israel and live behind their jewish wall (which I am certain that we paid for).
>Non cucked
No such thing anymore, senpai. Germany has been dead for 70 years
I see you have the lightsaber attachment. You must live in Texas.
Not true, but you seem to be extremely butthurt about something. Call me when I start caring
>I truly believe that Trump has convinced himself that all of the sturm und drang about Russia -- the special counsel investigation as well as the congressional investigations -- are solely driven by a desire among entrenched Washington powers (Democrats and Republicans) to not admit how he was right about the 2016 election and how wrong they were.
>That belief has blinded Trump entirely to the fact that Russia sees what it did in 2016 as a massive success and, according to his own intelligence community, will absolutely be back to try to meddle again in 2018 and 2020. We are talking about a serious threat to the integrity of our elections from a foreign power that the president of the United States is unable to grasp because he is totally obsessed with a wrong-headed idea that someone, somewhere is trying to take what is rightfully his away from him.
>Oh, Russia may well be laughing their asses off. But not for the reason Trump thinks.
There's a reason it's called shitty chink steel. Because it's shit. It barely passes muster for a variety of reasons and regularly doesn't even meet the standards claimed on their own paperwork.
If we were to buy it all up and stockpile it, we'd basically have to melt it down and refine it all to bring it up to standard. It's probably cheaper just to start from scratch at that point.
Shitty chink steel is fine for third world hell-holes, but you don't want it in a skyscraper or anywhere that regularly deals with earthquakes.
>Why is Jill Stein trending on Twitter?
she was trending a couple of days ago cause some leftie pointed out Stein got more votes in WI or MI that Trump margin of Stein got Trump elected
i have no respect for Iraq veterans because most of them have faggoty views like this fat fuck
What game is it? Some iteration of FIFA?
>my country
>my country
A lot of what Poland and Russia say on lolocaust and WWII in General can remove the guilt felt by German normies. And there's more hope for Germany and Germans than say, UK, France, Sweden, Finland, probably US..
They are seething
You know how an animal screeches in pain and terror if it has been shot, as it bleeds out? It's something like that
Glorious butthurt.
They wanted Poland to call the nazis camps polish nazi camps and their government threw a fit over the obvious power play Israel was trying to do so the bill was to outlaw and implicit compliance that Poland was in any way creating death camps. Israel didn't like that.
Are you the same guy from /his/?
Are you sure it's not Brazil ?
This. Poor = Dumb
Yes, pretty much.
The book explains it more clearly, but I think it is actually much creepier without the explanation, which doesn't even add much. Stephen King is (was, until like the 90s) an idea guy, his books are shit but they can be made into good movies by omitting dumb elements and chopping the narrative up. The Shining is a great example because the book is such trash
She took all those fools money to prove Trump won and line her campaign too, allegedly.
Anyone have the "Don't Learn Chinese" screencap? The guys covers shitty chink steel extensively.
All sane germans died in WW2, only degenerates and mentally ill were left to breed. It is quite sad, what is left is only wearing it's skin at best
>All the votes that went to her would have gone to Hillary had Jill not been on the ballot
Is this truly what they're implying?
>my country
She's right
>You know how an animal screeches in pain and terror if it has been shot, as it bleeds out?
Yeah we don't wanna know about your fetishes pal.
Beats me. The winterball is as far as I've ever gone into 4chn periphery events
Hitler is guiding Trump's hand in that picture.
Do you know what Trump is signing?
Pic related
Say it with me boys:
>I M P O O C H M E N T
It's not your country anymore. It's mine again.
>/jp/ can get a qt girl to sing an anthem for them
I thought they were all kissless virgin weebs
Yeah, and without "principle conservatives" voting for Al Leppo that margin would have been higher. I don't get their salt over the fact that Stein got votes from people who supported her policies but not the policies of Hillary Clinton. This would be like if Republicans were still wringing their hands over Perot.
want to make babies with gun mommy
Hims a good pupper.
Look, there's no miracle, my grill is French Canadian, I know your news is more about Trump then Tru-duh, he has to be exposed. The guy is a dirty fuck that no one talks about. Everyone is to busy saying wut a ass Trump is, ppl have to get the word out and it starts at home ! Find things that he's doing and talk to ppl about it. I'm moving up there within the next few, and I don't want to have to red pill the whole country !
I never go there but Germany is indeed lost. Any country that wants out of the EU might indeed be salvageable though.
I don't believe that. And the rise of AfD and fall of Merkel is very encouraging
Option 1:
>Buy fucktons of poor quality steel you don't actually need from economic rival and enrich them further while marginalizing your own production
Option 2:
>Punk economic rival with tariffs that will obliterate their sunk cost into redundant infrastructure and encourage development of domestic production
If China wants to fuck with the global market by flouting environmental and safety regulations to pump out low quality garbage, it's time to fight back
Why should you have your entire local market and industry toppled in favor of a foreign import. You're calling it dumb but you've yet to say why it's intelligent to do so and what you've asked for did happen but what's that? The rust belt is still unemployed haven't recovered by your imagined infrastructure boon? Yeah didn't work.
She is right. See something Say something Do nothing has been the story of all these high profile deals.
It's over, user. Their genepool is poisoned, their minds are poisoned, and they have the same police state britain has. It will just take them a bit longer to get mutted up, but it's inevitable
>I'm an Iraq Veteran and I support gun control!
>t. fobbit who spent 13 months eating Burger King and sitting in an A.C. building on the Saudi border.
Germans over on the western side of the wall have probably suffered more re-education than any nation on the planet.
Password: Password
High School Fleet
its girls und panzer except with battle ships instead of tanks
They think she’s a Russian agent.
They've been under every other world superpower rule since WWII, and I agree that Germany cannot start the rise of nationalism in Europe, but they can partake in it.
Fuck off posting pictures of my country, the left portion of it shouldn't even be there, they are all illegal constructions from people that came from other regions.
Me too fren
This is like a tick bitching at a dog owner for giving his dog a treatment.
How in the bull fucking hell has this guy not even been investigated yet?
It's Brazil.
Dear mudlings since you are nocoiners and soon outta government give to the PURGE.
And rape, don't forget the rape, pic related
I like her with glasses more desu
Would tittyfuck even if they're fake and she's kind of a bitch
Well, you won't have to redpill that many people (depending on where you decide to settle of course). But you're right -- Affirmative action begins with YOU; It just gets so tiresome when the left over here wants to hang you in the streets for agreeing with even basic law and order
Who doesn't think tredeau is a complete fuck?
>"red flags"
I like that. Reminiscent of the false kind. But these were more than mere red flags, the guy was basically confessing multiple times. Much like the first big FBI case, where the Nazi saboteur had to try and turn himself in several times before they accepted his serenader with conditions.
people who voted for him?
Test it. If it doesn't meet standards, put in the contract that you won't pay for it. I doubt it's that bad, just USW propaganda, because Trump Hotel Chicago is made of Chinese steel and aluminum.
Most of the energy is used in refining, so it's much cheaper to make things with imported steel, than refining from scratch iron ore. Do you want people working to create overpriced steel so building things in the USA is more expensive? Or do you want to build things in the USA that are affordable, to put people to work building things that are useful? Also, if China is selling the steel for below what it's worth, buying for that price is taking advantage of the Chinese and it punishes China for dumping.
He's too high up, very protected, related to Medicis. The day he is brought to justice we already have the world. You'd much sooner see Hillary and Obongo go to jail
here is the story from 2nd time they convicted her, sent her to prison 10 months
I really don't understand why people hate the NRA. The NRA are not selling firearms, especially AR-15s to civilians or telling school shooters to kill people. The only ones who are truly and rightfully pissed at the NRA are legitimate gun owners who have been betrayed by the organization when the NRA helped pass gun control bills.
FBI probably would be more credible if it was full of poochers
>The day he is brought to justice we already have the world. You'd much sooner see Hillary and Obongo go to jail
Have you ever met a Jewish Nazi before guys?
The sqeeky wheel gets the oil, ppl can't stay quiet and let things happen, there's a wave of illegals coming in the next few years, Tru-duh has to go !
Can't imagine living there
They need someone to have and NRA is a good target
>implying it's not all from the superbeets and pumping out kids
How did Cred Forums do in divegrass?
Rush explains it well. Everyone's being protected because if someone goes down, everyone goes down.
Germany has never been a world power since they are traditionally too nationalist and land locked without access to oil.
Canada !
Seriously, ppl talk American politics before looking in their own back yard !
2-1 against both Cred Forums and Cred Forums
after Georgia the Democrats shifted strategies and decided that it was better to not talk about special elections at all
it was a lot more successful
You like Nazis right guys?
You don't care about the evil streak in them huh?
I'd SuperBeat up that pussy, if you catch my drift.
Yeah, but that's what we wanted. That's why we elected Trump.
Yeah, I'm sure his sister flipping had nothing to do with the conspiracy to rig the dem primary being unveiled or the ensuing shit show at the DNC.
>They call South American right-wing regimes "Fascist", yet still by definition they should be "Imperialist"
>Chile under Pinochet didn't invaded anyone, neither did Argentina, much less did Brazil
>Doesn't matter, they will still call you a Fascist regime regardless
Baking, Worry Not
Many. But not all. You do realise that the AfD is on track to be the 2nd largest party in the Bundestag in the next 6 months? That 1 in 7 (nearly 1 in 6) Germans support them, despite the propaganda essentially labelling them Nazis and racists by association?
I have faith in Germany to get their act together. Much more than here in the UK.
Can a burger explain why Nascar is so popular? I know they're driving fast, but they're running in circles.
Is the excitement in the inevitable crashing because the track is so tight?
she's very hot
it was clearly a female voice, fuck off with the memes
But nobody ever talks about...
I can't believe they're still running this psy-op
Resting bitch face personified desu.
>Everyone's being protected because if someone goes down, everyone goes down.
Why wouldn't they just throw someone under the bus? Or suicided like the Clintons do so well?
Haha Goyim
>spend all day talking shit about ted cruz on the internet
>turn around
>see this
what do?
Do you have facial blindness?
Tucker mentioned it. He got the numbers wrong. Said it was 12 million when it was 23 million.
Very little downforce too
>socialist country
Fucking idiiot
Self deport
Alright, I'm just going to go ahead and say it: I like fake tits. I think they look great and they feel great.
No I'm serious. Compare the two side by side and you'll see what I mean.
Some people really like cars
I've heard it's more fun live
JewTube what?
>Only 1 in 7 germans don't think having your 9 yr old daughter by a muslim in broad daylight is acceptable
Real inspiring, user
She looks like a massive cunt but I still would 10/10 times.
What do you guys think one of this gun grabbing jews will say if I told them that if each and every one of them had a gun back then, they would have had a better chance of defending themselves against the nazis.
Here's a doozie
>child of illegal immigrant hates Trump
What a shock! Also he's going back.
shiny cars go vroom vroom around in a cricle, that's it
also, yeah, crashes
Take up arms against him and his skelegates.
I wonder what grade he got for his presentation .
It does not get better than the thrilling excitement of watching cars drive in a circle 500 TIMES!!
You think you're hot shit, dontcha you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at the Jock Sturges Institue of Fine Art, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret fundraisers for Haitian orphanages/pizza shops, and I have over 300 confirmed ritual sacrifices.
I am trained in spirit cooking and I’m the top pizza procurer in the entire Democratic party. You are nothing to me but just another hot shit. I will sacrifice you to Baphomet with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Jay-Z will be in attendance.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of pederasts across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your immortal soul. You’re fucking spirit cooked, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can sacrifice you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare cock.
Not only am I extensively trained in ritual sacrifice, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Democratic Party donors list and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little nazi. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fresh breast milk mixed with fresh sperm milk and sprinkle fresh morning urine all over your nightmare dreams and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking spirit cooked, kiddo.
Brazil isn't socialist atm, it's pretty much running on a Fascist economy.
It's the copious amounts of alcohol and burgers consumed at the event
The fast cars are secondary, it's more of something you have to be there for
>and they feel great.
They just want to help you Finny. You Finns need help with your 'tism.
She's an opportunist, she was anti Trump before the left decided it was cool. Her and hubby also got in on the TARP money, ask her and she'll block you immediately, I know.
Why do you say landlocked?
Well sure, she's bitchy when talking about leftists trying to grab her guns, you want to be railing her at home where she's all comfy and happy
You have no understanding of German society.
See All illegal construction on areas they weren't supposed to build, yet still they did it anyway, leaving us to solve "Favela" problems.
>It's the copious amounts of alcohol and burgers consumed at the event
True, tailgating a NASCAR race is actually more fun than the race.
Black Moloch more like
Most of them are opportunists but I'd still tittyfuck. Wouldn't smash though.
have you SEEN the /djt/ threads? you have a bunch of faggots that'll never leave their rooms devoted to pretending to being animu girls on /jp/. you're the dumbest nigga alive if you think the aren't the smelliest, most diseased fucks in all of Cred Forums
I have enough
Western EU is doomed. Not my problem
>Canada !
>Seriously, ppl talk American politics before looking in their own back yard !
That's true, you fucks are always on the international news I swear I can hear the jewish directors oy veying in the background.
I just see a picture. I'm not getting it.
Why are niggers so goddamn violent?
It's stock car racing, meaning the machines are tuned to within 0.001% variation. The course is grueling with 500 laps, but ultimately monotonous. Until suddenly it's not when someone gets complacent and sends 6 cars flying into the stands.
Basically it's as close to pure skill in driving as you can get without random interference from the course like F1. I don't watch it, but I can appreciate what they do.
You realize most here don’t even support drumpf and it’s all ironic, right?
That doesn't change the fact they got a girl to sing an anthem for them. You can pretend to have a girly look, not voice
Germany never really broke out of Europe and was constantly kept down by the British. Germans were too soft to rule i guess as well since Hitler refused to genocide englishmen in WW2.
switch to a crush weapon
I get it. But I enjoy F1 more.
You don't speak for me.
so? Trump would have won Minnesota if Johnson didnt run on the Libertarian ticket so it cancels out.
No impulse control
Jewtube saw your flag and put two and two together
I know it's not a popular opinion but I like them.
He speaks for me
Where my /hilldawgs/ at?
Genetics and low IQs. Subhumans with IQs in the 80s are the most predisposed to impulsive violence. See: Sandniggers.
>You can pretend to have a girly look, not voice
oh you sweet summer child
>Kentucky House of Representatives, District 49 General Election, 2018!
>Residents 43,394. 78% are eligible to vote. Up to 33,874 could vote.
>Republicans in 2016. (50.42%) 9,342 votes
>Democrats in 2016. (49.58%) 9,186 votes
Total votes: 18,528
25.14% of 33,847 would be 8,515 likely voters!
>>State House Representative:(KY)_District 49
(Candidates Name)
>(R) Rebecca Johnson (51.3%)votes_ *4,368*
>(D) Linda Belcher (48.7%) votes_ *4,147*
>Total Votes: **8,515**
(MO) D_60
Non Partisan
>Jim Giles 36.1% 2,590
>Morris Mock Jr 34.9% 2,529
>Bob Morrow 26.3% 1,064
>Fred Shanks 22.9% 1,103
>Cred Forums won against Cred Forums
this is our year
I'd prefer a pair of perky A cups
I don't enjoy F1, I would much rather watch NASCAR, my father likes F1.
>The only one who can score on /jp/ is a jap
I just don't get it. Do you want just want the steel, or do you want Americans to build things with the steel? Do we need more expensive steel, or do we need more things built for the lowest cost? Does the country need more steel to be great, or does it need more building?
I mean I guess they are if you like fucking stiff pillows or cushions.
Bad news, son. Not with a face like that you're not.
They know.
Low IQ. Here's the top 18 IQ points.
You can tell it's a man, the trap argument doesn't work when you just have a voice to work off of
Do you ever get laid?
Cred Forums had some nigger trolling on Cred Forums with a girly voice. i got some guy on Cred Forums to go "jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams..." on soundcloud it's really a thing user
>someone spends years of voice training to perfect the little girl voice to bait for Internet fame.
I'd believe it
Imagine what the USA could have been without niggers and spics and the Irish.
The map covers more Africans.
Ofc it is your problem as well. I have seen many poles and swiss people trying to use the "all of them but not us" mentality to easy themselfes. Let me assure you, they wont stop at your borders, they are already in your media and influence your youth. What happened to germany, the uk, france and sweden will happen to poland. You can already see the changes, Pure ignorance towards those signs will not safe you, it didnt safe western europe either.
jew cries in pain when trump hit them
> fake news
Literally low IQ leads to poor impulse control and lack of thought for consequences
lots of people do it for porn stuff, used to be big on tumblr
They are going to take our guns! However will we defend ourselves!
I'm not saying I don't like big natural titties, because I do. I just also like fake tits. Their both good, albeit different.
Been to the infield a few years in a row, it's a blast, the race is secondary.
They aren't landlocked literally or in regard to maritime trade but there's a reason the the Atlantic nations (Britain, France, Spain) got overseas empires that dwarfed the other colonial powers, except Russia which was able to "manifest destiny" their way to the east. Essentially "muh lebensraum" was an issue for Germany at least as far back as the Teutonic knights.
You did for a while. It's what made America an infant nation to the most prosperous powerhouse on earth in just over a hundred years since it's founding.
>US blacks are 27% white on average
Topkek. A few more generations of bleaching and they might cross the magic 95 IQ threshold for stable democracies.
Hey if it gets yer motor runnin' and it's not degenerate shit then whatever works for you my dude. I prefer all natural.
>I am now made aware that there is an enterprise of men speaking in feminine voices for Internet fame and money
I assume that's why the focus is one returning industry for employment whilst raising the cost of foreign imports to encourage this this return to infrastructure. Hoarding shit is literally China tier and should not be encouraged.