the more days go by, the more this place becomes infested with shills,leftists,antifags or just retards from reddit and etc, is there anything that could be done to just purge this place ?
Infestation of Cred Forums
be the change you want to see in the world
>pol is my own personal autistic safe space
Kys faggot
There is but we don't like it either
the shills are all people, with facebooks, linkedins, and jobs. lots of public data.
Just make sure and sage the shills
Soyboys looking for a juicy worm.
Ofc. Bringing back you know what. Permanent merger.
who said anything about it being my personal "safe space", nice projection mutt
how is this a slide thread ?
with the amount shit that is floating around ?
>you can only post what I want you to post
quit being a faggot
what the fuck man, i want to shill if those are the wages
please CTR hire me, where do i leave my email or something
man i get paid 150 bucks a month for 200 hours of work
fuck man :(
1. Pursue the truth. They will come around eventually. Even the trolls.
2. Ignore troll threads.
Even as a non bronie this was the first and only thing that came to mind.
No Cred Forums will be ours
Kikes and faggots have always flooded Cred Forums.
I mean the term "cuck" literally came from leftists constantly spamming cuck porn here.
if i send an email they may hire me right?
i want to have that money for me :(
that's what an engineer gets paid here.
fuck me :(
Guess we'll have to wait for the 1st of April.
Yes. And you know what that is. Kill thyself faggot. Do it with dynamite, but strap all your guns to your body first. Get one of your Russian buddies to help you. Seems like they owe you one for being so helpful when they needed it most. Cunt.
Report shit threads and people that insult without contributing.
Ignore stupid/repeat posts that are either uninformative or repetitive.
You can leave :)
No shit, they are trying to stop anyone from not thinking like them so they brigade as much as possible
Needs more gorespam.
Only Russian shills are allowed here, right OP?
you could start by killing yourself
dude this, if I could be paid to shitpost on pol I would have taken the opportunity by now. I could shitpost at work on a phone and make like an extra 10 bucks an hour on top of my normal wage.