>tfw growing up thought everybody in America was white, blonde hair-blue eyed, and they had only a very small minority of mexicans/blacks that were insignificant >tfw thought the average american looked like the average european for a long time, maybe just a little bit fatter >travel to America as an adult >see nothing but 90% mestizos, mutts >had no idea it was this bad >tfw when Americans talk about white Americans it is the same way Brazilians talk about white Brazilians i.e. basically very rare small Germanic settlements/gated communities in the middle of nowhere >tfw the average American most definitely is racially mixed and would never qualify as a white in Europe
It sucks man. It really does. I feel bad for you guys. Finding a girl like pic related in America is like finding a needle in a haystack.
You need to be banned for starting 10 of these threads in an hour.
Ryder Barnes
How much zloty for gf like this in Poland
Anthony Wood
Shut the fuck up and fuck off back to
Dominic Howard
That's a jewess Hansi
Hudson Torres
the only thing that slow them down is the sabbith
Brody Thompson
>see nothing but 90% mestizos, mutts I never understood what my mom meant by the fact I was truly unique for my skin color until I got out of my hometown bubble and went to college.
White people are definitely in the minority everywhere but frozen, middle American shitholes.
Ayden Baker
I'm just going by what I saw.
I visited Texas, Florida, California and even Colorado. I was told stories about Colorado as a child that it was basically America's Switzerland. I got there and there were genetic monstrosities everywhere. Do you know how rare it was to find a blue eyed person in Denver? It took me at least 3 days of wandering around and seeing the sights. It was more like Bolivia than Switzerland.
And don't get me started on Florida. Oh my god Florida. I don't think there's any white people younger than 65 in that entire state. Even in the rural areas.
Christopher Ortiz
i want to marry her and breed her
Benjamin Russell
anecdotal but in my primary school class in california in the 80s it was around 50% blonde. The same area would probably be 7/10 hispanic, the demographic shift has been severe.
That said, I used to have light red hair and now have jet black hair, and that had nothing to do with mexicans.
Owen Stewart
i moved to CA and cant find anyone actually white to date (theyre there but it's like 5 in 50). the 56% meme is real
Benjamin Martinez
You are absolutely right.
Levi Powell
>i moved to CA
that state is the size of most european countries (real yurp not fake east yurp) so the difference in crescent city which is full of white rednecks and stockton which is a complete and utter mess is without saying.
Just compare south italy to the north, for instance
James Collins
Behold pol’s perfect woman: whiter that white, so white DNAs been scrubbed, fascist, plus a total fantasy. She even has a kid!
Colton Peterson
Yeah we are fucked, and there is no stopping it. There are still a lot of white people in America however, just more distributed.
Evan Wright
whatever chang if you were north chinese you'd have pale skin too
pale skin sucks, i have precancer all over my forearms from growing up in cali, some superiority...
Levi Wright
I'm not even trying to make fun of you. It's not a joke anymore. I feel like a Japanese with Paris syndrome. All my ideals about Americans have been crushed. I understand why Americans want to protect white genes and why they fight so hard for white purity on this board now, because you are trying to hold onto the few diamonds you have left. It is not something to joke about anymore, you guys are in a really bad shape.
Owen Campbell
Chase Butler
>the average American most definitely is racially mixed Actually, interracial couples and mixed race people are incredibly rare in America. The last census has mixed race people at 3% of the population. I'm not counting mestizos because 1) they're not Americans, and 2) they've been mixed for so long that they're basically a race unto themselves - h*spanic or latrino or whatever you want to call them.
56% doesn't mean that every American has that much white DNA; it means that that percentage of the total population are unmixed whites.
Josiah Gomez
Whites are always the minority.
A lot of people who are part white consider themselves white, which skews the census data.
Carter Moore
the actual white guys here are also strange/liberal, unless i want to drive 3 hours inland and for what? i dont think i'd get on with them either.
Pic related to my earlier post. this lad listed his ethnicity as "white" and this isnt an outlier either
Jonathan Hill
white men in california
Mason Lopez
Julian Martin
more of this
Josiah Thompson
last one
Ian Perry
>wanted to go back to my heritage in European countries >Nothing but brown manlet muslims everywhere >they start yelling at me and throwing acid at women for showing their ankles off >indian brits are shitting in the streets
It sucks man. Why did Europeans let this happen?
Juan Lewis
Still whiter than europe.
Josiah Johnson
Well yeah, it was that was 25-65 years ago. Not anymore though, beaners are taking over the country. The media always estimates the number of illegals is at 11 million people. But as someone who has lived in Texas their entire life, I can assure you that it's at least 30 million people. 11 million might be a good estimate for Texas alone.
Dylan Ramirez
Such wit
Gabriel Perez
>I visited Texas, Florida, California and even Colorado. I was told stories about Colorado as a child that it was basically America's Switzerland. I got there and there were genetic monstrosities everywhere. Do you know how rare it was to find a blue eyed person in Denver? It took me at least 3 days of wandering around and seeing the sights. It was more like Bolivia than Switzerland. Lifetime Coloradan, it used to be like this until Californians started flooding here and turning it into Cali 2.0. Even the Mexicans were mostly in the Southern part of the state and weren't significant.
Get out of Denver though, if you want to see "Switzerland" go to the ski resorts as the prices are similar, and if you want to see lots of whites check out towns like Grand Junction on the Western slope. You didn't except degenerate cities to be full of whites, did you?
>That said, I used to have light red hair and now have jet black hair, and that had nothing to do with mexicans. My grandmother had blonde hair as a child and then had brown hair as an adult
Carter Martinez
>tfw no qt white walker gf Why live?
Aiden Lewis
its city to city nigger.if you were in sf you will see faggots,chinks and mexicans.if in scott co,virginia you will see all white.most counties are all white 5% black.go to dc u will hear 15 different languagez in a day.go to daytona beach ,fl u will see spicks,niggers and white. just because you went to detroit doesnt mean its niggers everywhere.
Connor Williams
The truth hurts Ahmed. But the difference is in Europe you are more compact and less land. You are stuck beside all the brown shitskins.
Carter Turner
go to the Northwest, New England, and Midwest. You'll see nothing but white people.
Kevin Fisher
i really wonder what end game is of the amerimutt meme? whats the game jew?
Jaxson Barnes
>>wanted to go back to my heritage in European countries This is why they make fun of us, faggot.
Alexander Rogers
>Californian men defining themselves as curvy
Brayden King
That's terminal Soymouth
Logan Parker
>He doesn't have relatives he stays in contact with What heritage faggot
Austin Ward
The horror. The horror.
Owen Kelly
>pale skin >california nigger were suppose to be in cold areas where pale skin works just fine
Michael Turner
What are mutts?
Austin Wilson
> You didn't except degenerate cities to be full of whites, did you?
This. Cities across the globe, not just USA. Bless the country folk, did you see the last election? I want more lefty city-dweller salt, it’s so fucking delicious.
Easton Hill
Grayson Young
>>tfw the average American most definitely is racially mixed and would never qualify as a white in Europe
You didn’t even come here you lying fucking piece of trash cum guzzling leftist nigger
Kill yourself before we hang you for treason
John Morgan
>Whiter than you, Mohammed
Thomas Richardson
y the gameboy? lmafao
Jace Phillips
They did until ~1990 when the years of brown migration changed that
You fags with your open borders will be like us in 20 years, good luck
Carter Taylor
people who claim to be white but are like 50% white 25% mexican 25% nigger for example
Grayson Perry
It's a double edged meme. Attacks muts and makes them feel bad but also forces them to face the truth tmand have disdain for their non-white genes.
Everyone wants to breed whiter, which probably means the extinction of purebreds but garuntees white genes will live on (albeit in a muddled, mutilated state)
Owen Cook
Not everything is lost. Genetic engineering will someday save the white race, r-right?
Christopher Ramirez
Europeans probably. Don't be an angry mutt, be a happy mutt.
Xavier Turner
Now your just trolling I just went on vacation with people from “Brown” Arizona and they all had blue or grey eyes and blonde/brownish hair
Kayden Miller
fucking hell
Noah Morales
well that can't be right, americans have guns, surely they would rise up and overthrow their government hellbent on replacing them with third worlders right?
Jonathan Morales
Cameron Lopez
Your retarded
Lucas Harris
I will always think of America as a white nation because all of your best accomplishments and international recognition were made by white Americans. Everything the world knows America for, in a positive light, was crafted by true white Americans.
But you are stagnating as a country and it is because your demographics are changing, and you know this. You're not getting any greater. And it is because there are fewer and fewer of your 'diamonds' walking around.
Aiden Allen
the funny thing is the only mongrel is you op go back to mongrelistan also known as israel
Easton Stewart
We've been invaded. But revenge is coming.
Nathan Lopez
>tfw growing up thought everybody in Europe was white, blonde hair-blue eyed, and they had only a very small minority of arabs/blacks that were insignificant >tfw thought the average european looked like the average american for a long time, maybe just with a little more soy >travel to Paris as an adult >see nothing but 90% north africans, mutts. almost get shot at concert... >travel to London >see nothing but 90% paki "asians", mutts. nearly get knifed on the tube... >travel to Berlin >see nothing but 90% syrians, mutts. narrowly dodge truck of peace... >travel to malmo >see nothing but 90% somalians, mutts. barely evade grenade attacks...
Ryder Walker
Do not tell me. All the American exchange students here are brown-black mutts.
Isaiah Torres
Maybe stop false flagging and show your country.
Bentley Torres
OP is a spite filled cunt that's been BTFOed and laughed at so many times they are making up tall stories now about the time zee went to America (never happened). Fefes get hurt when everything you want to be true is proven as bullshit by pol. This lie thread is a pain fuelled attempt to strike back. Boo-Hoo!
Hudson Hughes
I'm afraid when more nonwhites take control of the US government, and the true whites are corralled into the outlying farms and outskirts of the cities, there will be massive changes to the gun laws, and that will be the last breath of America, when they strip the few remaining whites of their right to protect themselves from the shitskins.
Michael Sullivan
kek you are becoming white my friend hehehe the jewish banter is weaker and weaker,are you mixed op?
Easton Young
Shitvia, just east of Eastonia or Germany. Also I suspect it's a cunt.
Jackson Watson
>changes to the gun laws
That isn’t possible you fucking idiot
Ryan Adams
>purity spiral divide and conquer shill thread
Chase Baker
Yeah. It's way worse than official stats would belie because of the way America is geographically organized.
We have these zonings where we basically have commerce zones and municipal/public zones and all of these are vast majority non-white. Whites are segregated into suburban sprawl which is physically separate from both economy and government and conceptually in the American mind this zone of exclusively domiciles is the white American homeland. Whites are ghettoized here and must travel from their homes into a non-white country to engage in any social or civic activities.
This probably isn't an accident.
John Torres
You are lying and you've never been here. Eat shit and go back to Cred Forums where you belong.
Anthony Gonzalez
>go to former Mexican clay >be surprised people look mexican Back to Cred Forums with you.
Nicholas Parker
>EU Flag >being this much of a faggot
Sounds about right.
Dominic Collins
>tfw when Americans talk about white Americans it is the same way Brazilians talk about white Brazilians i.e. basically very rare small Germanic settlements/gated communities in the middle of nowhere
Fuck me. That hit right in the feels. My God. I made fun of Brazilians all the time when they said the southern part of their country is like some sort of Aryan ethnostate. And they posted pictures of their German parades with their white Brazilians in lederhosens. I thought that was a fucking joke, like a sideshow attraction of a 95% monkey circus.
Now I realize Europeans think the same about us. And they are right. Because every American talks about how random rural areas are white ethnostates, too. Fuck, man. I didn't ask for these feels.
Brody Sullivan
Your English and complaining about the US London is filled with nobody but shit skins. Also why are you using the EU flag ?
Gavin Ward
Not only possible, but almost certainly inevitable.
Justin Fisher
The end game is for white America to abandon America. Their game plan has always been to push all whites back to Europe and then throw Europe into another war with itself.
Protip: all of Europe's demographic problems is due to the loss of life from the world wars. These wars are engineered to cull Europe of its people.
Alexander Wilson
>visit some of the least white states >be surprised that you don't see a lot of white people are you autistic or something user?
Christian Ross
True but you shouldn't make fun of the burgers as western Europe will become worse in the 2nd half of this century. Much worse in fact as western Europe is being conquered by Muslims and full blooded blacks as opposed to mostly Mestizos but with large amounts of high IQ east Asians and poos like Americans are.
Lucas Sullivan
Check IDs Tyrone. For what its worth, most D&C posters are krauts or americans.
Robert Thompson
I was in Salt Lake, New York and Austin. 56%? More like 32...
Josiah Green
What are Mestizo women like in terms of dating? or will you not date them because of your political beliefs?
Asher Morgan
You are the HUE now, amerimutt
Keep in mind that Brazil would not be the way it is now without all the american NGO (mostly funded by Soros and Ford Foundation) spreading all kind of commie bullshit around here.
The elite plan for both countries were always the same, the one described in Practical Idealism by Kalergi. Search about it, this guys envisioned this whole shit in the early 20th century.
Joseph Richardson
He's larping user, memeflag and everything
William Turner
You went to states with the largest amounts of non-whites. And Colorado is largely white outside of Denver. All you had to have done is visited a ski resort to see nearly 100% white people. Instead you apparently traveled to ghettos of nasty cities.
Parker Peterson
>soyboy urbanite bugfaggots visit >insert sprawling yanke metropolis they saw in movies from 60 years agoshocked that the jews who made the movies 60 years ago have turned it into babylon
Elijah Cook
Why are they holding soap bars?
Luke Robinson
> Be blue eyed dirty blonde haired Norwegian/German manlet born and raised in Southern California > Can't find job because minorites stick with their own > Become popular with all the nerd minorites when Skyrim comes out, they would literally approach me asking if I was Nordic "like the guys in Skyrim" > Feel extremely deppressed and annoyed all the time, can't figure out why > End up going to North Dakota after highschool to find work and live with grandpa > Literally in complete culture shock at seeing so many people with blue eyes > Become amazingly happy and realize that Cali is a communist shit hole
Christian Gray
I don’t think you get the point man. 50-60 years ago this wasn’t the case. It used to be everything was white, except the south with their rusting farm equipment. Just because the country isn’t entirely lost to us, it doesn’t mean we should brag about the fact our capital cities have all been taken over. We’re in a horribly dire situation and are about to careen off the demographic cliff. I’m in northern Virginia which is truly a cesspit and was walking around Potomac mills mall to take my son to see Santa. I think my family was one of three white families I saw the entire time. Things are really really bad here. West Virginia being white does not contradict the literal invasion we’ve endured
Benjamin Peterson
He has a point about Colorado. Go to a 4th of July celebration in Avon, Co or Colorado Springs.
Jayden Ross
my so cal high school was 80% mexican trash but almost all the whites where blonde hair blue eye surfer types
Hudson Clark
I have a violent urge to breed with her
Gabriel Sanchez
Mins dios...
Camden Bell
I have no issue with this. Blonde men have little dicks.
Carson Lee
She has a boyfriend
Cameron Clark
Indeed, feels like trying to catch a waterfall of sand
William Jackson
She looks good though
Andrew Perry
I moved to Ca too last year, white guy, non soy boy here, from south us, lots of cat lady pussy hat wearers.
Gavin Gonzalez
you are right bro. I’m a Spaniard who goes to college in California and virtually 60% people here are non white and the rest 30% are mutts. Blonde, blue eyed, 190 cm people are like 5% of the college. In my friend group and college discussion class I am known as “the blonde guy”. Don’t even get me started on all the mexicans acting shocked when they find out I’m a native spanish speaker
Parker Thomas
I will say this though I just came back from snowboarding in Colorado and in 7 days on the mountain i only saw one single black person, maybe 5 Mexicans. Less than 1%
Josiah Miller
Hey, Donatello
Kayden Fisher
its been getting worse each year since the 70s nobody sends them home and then they all pop out babies a nation that had their morals used against them
Luis Bailey
Good looking white people dont wonder around tourist attractions with plebs and Europoors and mutts. Wealthy attractive whites in the US do baller shit that you'll never see
Daniel Sanders
even my american gf who is a white mexican considers herself “non-white” and gets triggered when i talk about DACA or illegals
Caleb Moore
Then, our race will survive in the snow. Also, went to Yosemite last week to hike and look around. I saw maybe 5-10% of black people.
Oliver Sanchez
you cant your flag is that of a tranny cuckold no self respecting female would have that
Lucas Moore
No shit, Einstein. It's just white people who ski.
Luke Cox
>grow up with wasps in America >get bullied for not being brown Mexican >get made fun of cause whitey is browner than you
Fu white man
Thomas Cox
>went to Costa Rica on vacation 3 years back >tfw it's fucking whiter than my hometown and probably America in general If we don't do something soon we're totally fucked.
Joshua Robinson
Can confirm. Very few darkies west of the divide.
Lucas Martin
If you only visit cities then yeah it's just mutts and blacks. Rural America is the only hope.
Elijah Ramirez
The point is if you simply leave the liberal stronghold and cesspool of Denver and actually see Colorado you will see 90% whites... Sherlock. It's like driving to the ghetto and asking where the whites are
Henry Clark
For me Americans seem so fing fake, I dont know. You can be white, but you stil seems so dam alien to me
John Young
All the whites in california are tanned as shit
Oliver Scott
Mutts are not that bad though, especially white + asian mix.
Justin Hernandez
We mostly live in our own little hidden enclaves now. I am from Florida and my little town is 97% white and I grew up with all white friends in an all white neighborhood. But yeah if you go to any public space or god forbid a metropolitan area it's going to look like mutt city.
Blake Scott
>tfw 1/4th Jew American and have qt3.14 Scandinavian blonde hair blue eyes Aryan waifu Feels goy man
Lucas Perry
It depends where you are at, the higher the average income of a community, the more white it is. Ive been to some communities that are 90% white and they are beautiful havens of White America. Ghettos need to be carpet bombed off the planet.
Zachary Hall
Is that a fucking man
Samuel Morgan
The 56% white makeup of the US is no longer a joke. It's just sad and depressing.
Jonathan Gray
I saw a blond hair, blue eyed woman at the grocery store yesterday, she had a blond hair and blue eyed daughter. If American culture allowed me to approach a stranger to simply give a compliment, I would have. Then in comes Tyrone, puts an arm around mother's shoulder and they both walk away. Child won't hold the mother's hand and clutches a teddy bear.
Audibly sighed in a public place. Fucking shit. It really is bad here. And the worst part about it is that somewhere out there there is probably a white, non mongrelized father crying himself to sleep next to pictures of his daughter (who is inevitably going to be raised to be exactly like the mother) somewhere. Feelsbadman
Aiden Foster
>1/4th Jew American >have qt3.14 Scandinavian blonde hair blue eyes Aryan waifu
Samuel Robinson
Should have come to the Midwest.
Owen Morales
>>travel to America as an adult >>see nothing but 90% mestizos, mutts Did you try going outside of the cities?
Julian Baker
The End game is the same as any other divide and conquer meme posting. As long as whites are divided we are more easily controlled. It keeps the attention off of who is behind flooding Europe with shitskins, who is trying hard to brown out America, who is trying to sow hatred at Russia. This may not be a coalition per se but it is a concerted effort to drive European peoples, in the Old country and here, apart so that we do not unite and fight the scourge destroying the West. But it never fails to work.
Christian James
True. Mutts will never qualify as 100% white. Epigenetics alone makes sure they have already changed their DNA to some lower life forms
Ian Thomas
Statistically false.
Parker Fisher
>what are french people
Evan Jones
Mutts are superior though. Even two individuals of different race with inferior genes usually makes a higher tier person when they copulate.
Cooper Long
could you pls explain the epigenetics thing
Jacob Rivera
Where the fuck did u go? Miami, Texas, and Southern California? In my town of 90k people there is only 4k mestizos.
Gabriel Cook
Former-Euro here and I agree, unfortunately.
Jonathan Ramirez
It actually was like that until JFdeadtomeKennedy passed the immigration act of 1965. Marxist hippies with their virtue signaling faggotry did this so they could claim that Democrats orchestrated the Civil Rights movement even though MLK and Malcolm X where both woke Republicans that opposed race mixing and immigration.
Connor Reyes
Okay, poo.
Xavier Nguyen
>JFK >Shot in 1963 >Passed 1965 Immigration Act
LBJ captain
Carter Bennett
If it makes you mutts feel any better, America is still largely viewed as white by Europeans. Very few know about the 56% meme. It just shows how fast you have degraded, people are incapable of keeping up.
Jackson Butler
You must have gone to a big city or somewhere in California. The midwest is still 95% European, as are most of our Northern states.
Cooper Lopez
Well yeah you went to some of the worst places. Colorado used to be good, but went to shit very quickly over the last decade.
Hunter Adams
Cities are the only mixed places. And by cities, I mean big cities, over a million in the metro area.
Aaron Perry
woah woah my bad man
Jacob Russell
Pic related
Adam Jackson
What non-white genetics? The number of American whites who have any substantial non-white ancestry is very small.
Sebastian Murphy
Eh, there's a ton of 100% euro genetics americans but obviously mutts don't look the same as purebred euros. Also, you're going off purely anecdotal evidence, fuck off. It's like visiting Malmo and saying oh so these are average Swedes
Michael Adams
You got me there hombre. It was sponsored by Teddy Kennedy and championed by Democucks. My bad. At any rate, fuck JFK, his brother Teddy and their hippy boomer faggotry.
The total amount of white americans is around 200 million will remain around 200 million even by 2050, it just that there's an endless flow of shitskins entering the country
Daniel Smith
Grayson Collins
A mere change in lifestyle will change your genes. Live like a mutt, become a mutt. Now add to that the already present small drops of black/hispanic/indigenous blood already present in the population, and it's irreversible at this point. The country's doomed
Grayson Davis
That's her grandparents you fucking bigot
Christian Edwards
Shut the fuck up. We are all mutts. Everyone is stupid in the flyover. Don't come here California and the coasts are beautiful.
Charles Torres
always trust your hat, he protects your head from meme shitposting
Isaiah Hall
Nathan Flores
>tfw went to Methodist service of at least 200 today and everyone was white It is a meme, but kids are fucked up here. That's for sure.
Northern Euro mutts certainly look like any regular german or anglo. It's when you mix slav and southern euro that people start looking weird
Sebastian Morales
Don't fret, it's literally only because my dick pleases her. In all actuality, I got her because I'm pale as fuck and my traditional values.
So >be pale/white enough >be traditional >have an okay, pleasing Benis >you get the girl
Aaron Wilson
Yes I'm sure countries like Brazil are full of excellent people with their 50k murders a year and collapsing economy
Kevin Adams
5 zloty for Jew, 10 for Pole? Sounds like a deal :D
Chase Sanders
I live in Southern California and I can tell you that apart from the sun sets and mountain views that California is a cesspool of pollution, spics, niggers and drug addicts. The beach is literally a freeway. You can't see 2 inches through the scum water. The air alone takes 10-15 years off your life. I can't wait to get the fuck out of this degenerate shithole.
Jace Martinez
>traditional >mixed race Sorry, but your existence is against all tradition and because of marxism.
Asher Nelson
America is pic related. EVERYTIME I see a car with american plates in leaf land, it’s a non-white or hybrid trash. The meme is real folks
Jacob Morris
Just make the short drive to Estes and you won't see a single black or beaner unless they are working at the gas station. There are so many wonderful places in America where you don't have to deal with that nonsense. Just move out of major metro areas and enjoy.
Brody Martinez
>Texas, Florida, California and even Colorado
I don't doubt you but bruh Those are some of the least white states
Jordan Mitchell
>the prettier they are, the more attention they get, the more likely they are to be brainwashed nog talkin' toasty roasty princesses >the uglier they are, the less attention they get, the more likely they are to be brainwashed pansexual shaved-headed dyke feminists
why haven't you been breeding a sound-minded, slightly above average, white woman yet?
inb4 "white"
Mason Powell
Just go to the flyover states. Only white people in those spots.
Gabriel Watson
>>tfw the average American most definitely is racially mixed and would never qualify as a white in Europe
Ryder Edwards
I went to Texas and there was a incredible amount of bean people. I had fantasys since childhood of going ever since I watched spongebob and that squirrel character sung that Texas song. I believed it would be based white cowboys riding on horses and wrangling niggers whilst eating peacon pie so was a bit disappointing in that sense. Still Whiter than London though tbf
Kayden Gray
>I don't always go to America but when I do I go the shittiest liberal urban wastelands and draw my conclusions about all Americans from that.
Angel Taylor
By "usually" I'm assuming you mean rarely
Anthony Barnes
My city is 95% white, all my neighbors are of northern European descent and we have no crime because everyone has shotguns and rifles, and our city arrests the homeless and doesn't have any shelters so they fuck off elsewhere if they find their way here, that and niggers get real uncomfortable because we all hate them and make them aware of it. However, I'm also in the midwest away from the masses of mongrels and coastal socialist faggots.
Ryder Lewis
William Cooper
Millions of them are illegal, i live in Texas if we enforced immigration laws, built a wall and deported the illegals it would look quite different. That being said I'm planning on moving the Colorado and living in the mountains, at least 90% white there, probably more... never seen so many beautiful blue and green eyes in one place in my life. Also, there are tons of all white town's and farmlands outside of the major cities in Texas, and yes all of those people ride horses so the meme is half true.
Noah Cruz
If you are ever in DFW again check out the Fort Worth Stockyards and downtown area on a Friday or Saturday night, Cowboys, Cowboy boots, hats, and tucked in shirts everywhere. You might even catch a couple cowboys in the traffic, on horseback.
Jayden Rivera
Funny side not on the first most interesting man actor. He’s A Jewish actor playing a Spanish guy, look it up if you don’t believe me. I figured that shit out a few years ago when me and a coworker got into an argument over how “Spanish” he looked! Needless to say I didn’t expect him to be a Jew but I also didn’t think he was Latin in anyway
Jeremiah Martin
It all happened in about 30 years. We were white in the 80’s.
Luis Gray
I thought he supposed to be playing a Mexican.
Dylan Cook
It’s true. Every even yuppie “white” here is usually a halfie Latino. The short dumplings will all fetishize you for being blond/blue and over six feet tall.
Landon Bennett
Hah, this is the average “white” man in Houston. You can picture the female equivalent.
Juan Young
>things that never happened There’s truly no comparison to the Mestizo Blacking (and now pooping, in the middle and upper middle classes) of this particular country.
Caleb Mitchell
South Texas are beaners, Houston is a literal cesspool. That leaves DFW (but the whites are shitheads too) and East Texas. You should visit Big Bend, and Fredericksburg.
Camden Turner
Well, it’s economic. We have to make all forms of social assistance, including public education and hospitals, citizen-only, and legal residents. Then, go after our neighbors who employ them under the table. Now we get a boon to American jobs, an ease upon the social system and a drop in crime. I Billion upon billion dollar wall, money is saved and the problem is solved.
Zachary Young
Jayden Taylor
idk looks kinda dirty shit colored eyes too
Jeremiah Wood
those whores are probably all coalburners.
Daniel Green
>tfw growing up thought
Pretending for a moment that you are legit. Consider how old you may be. Back in the 80's the country was like 80+ white. We have been undergoing serious browning since the 90's.
Jackson Diaz
definitely ftfy
Andrew Garcia
Challenge: Google "American people" and guess the races
Fucking mongrels everywhere. Pic related. WTF is this?
If 3, 4 and 6 are considered white in America, then 56% is indeed just a meme. It must be way less
Jason Hughes
>why isnt this colony white?
Noah Wright
You stopped being white in 1965. Everything else was just illusion
Samuel Campbell
they were never white, usa was built on jewish principles, they had governors appealing to jews / masons since the earlier times. the usa as well as argentina are jewified nations, wretched outcomes created by people who had no ideals and allied with the jews for money this continent is damned and colonization was a mistake
Jeremiah Garcia
legit it wasnt all at once, social degradation was what took hold in the late 60's, were werent brown until the late 80's.
Joseph Harris
the masons weren't always Jews you retarded faggot.
Ryder Price
About Wentworth Miller on that pic His father is of African-American, Jamaican, German, and English ancestry; his mother is of Russian, Swedish, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese ancestry.[6][7]
he is also gay apparently
Camden Jones
>visit California >surprised when you see Hispanics
go visit Montana you stupid nigger
Zachary Richardson
What the fuuuck haha
Gabriel Carter
>la goblinas
Henry Bailey
Underrated. Holy shit the soyim can't keep their mouths closed even at the bottom of the ocean.
Nathan Cook
but they were working for their own interests, that were contrary to the nations, otherwise it wouldnt be a secret organization, it is no wonder the jew infiltrated freemasonry so early on (as soon as early,19th century AT LEAST I presume)
Xavier Flores
looks like the grill from medge1
Wyatt Parker
Based finngolians.
Jacob Hill
>>travel to America as an adult what city?
i live l.a. and all my neighbors are white and asian, spics live in the shit part of town and the nigs have been gentrified out
Hudson Flores
Parker Howard
they are not considered white in america though, maybe on some pozzed government form but nobody thinks of those mutts as actual white people
Jack Hill
Your "white woman" won't exist anymore in one to two generations. There may be some who are still genetically "pure" by some people's standards, but the culture itself is on the brink of extinction.
Joshua Scott
>Finding a girl like pic related in America is like finding a needle in a haystack. The fuck are you on about? There are like 15 chicks who all look exactly like this in one of my college classes.
Landon Scott
That number includes mestizos larping as whites
Alexander Adams
Whiter than you, rajinder chang.
Jeremiah Hernandez
whites work during the day and house party/internet/tv at night shitskins are out 24/7 unless its snowing because they have EBT to spend and vehicles to break into
Carter Thomas
fuck off spic
Dominic Foster
It was very much this way up until the mid 2000's, and its been getting worse ever since then.
The 90's suburbs were just like Leave It To Beaver but with better technology.
Joshua Wood
>german translation
Blake Lopez
Nah there will always be a 100% pure white core because white chads and chadettes are magnetically drawn to each other at the top of the sexual attraction food pyramid. You see this even in goblin countries like Brazil.
So no, goblins will no take over. They will simply breed until they run out of white people to feed and vaccinate them and then slowly drop back to their historical levels as subsistence dirt farmers and scavenging street rats.
Dominic Hughes
>LA >shit part of town
So you mean theyve taken over 90% of the city? Because LA is BY FAR a spic dominated city with their spic barrios occupying most of LA's shitty urban sprawl.
To try and act like OP is going to find hordes of white people by visiting LA is a fucking insult to real white communities nation wide.
Gabriel Brooks
>I went to major American urban centers in blue states, why didn't I see many white people????????
All of our major cities have nonwhite percentages similar to London, Paris, or Berlin.
Lincoln Wilson
It used to be that way.
Ayden Cook
>(((White people))) over 65 I don’t know how to say this...
This is why you insufferable EU faggots squeal so loudly about Trump.
None of you have any clue how bad the demographics have become, yet you squeal and squeal about Trump and how awful gun violence is despite failing to realize that if you removed the blacks and spics crime our crime rate would be like Denmark’s.
Daniel Cruz
Gabriel Clark
What? None of that is true.. Like at all. Did you go to some multiculti shit hole like Chicago or LA or something?