He's rude, narcissistic, smug, completely full of himself (and claims to be humble), does retarded shit daily, etc. Is this really the guy Cred Forums wanted to be in office?
Is trump the most unpresidential president?
Hey OP. Your thread is fucking gay just like you. Sage.
Every day he's in office I can literally feel the strength of our nation building. My stocks are up 150%, I'm driving a Cadillac, my white wife is 5 months pregnant. Under Obama I was considering suicide after Obamacare was going to bankrupt me.
>waahh my safe space
reddit OUT
Libtards still mad they lost?
jesus fuck can you imagine? how many more people would have died?
That is not unusual for the government, but yes it would have been open season on children all around the world. He's an epic level creep. Still though, by comparison to the others in the Establishment, he is not as bad as others. I think to think that when Trump won, he called JP and said "ohh...You think you're hot shit don'cha!?one1!" and just hung up and got to work to put him in GITMO forever.
Don't like dissenting opinions?
I love how Cred Forums mocks echo chambers when they are one
I'd say Obama was less Presidential. He was black.
>unpresidential president
I don't just mean children. the DNC has killed a LOT of witnesses and whistleblowers. We only know about a handful. People who even threaten to go against the DNC tend to suddenly be stricken with suicidal tendencies. Mostly from multiple rounds to the back of the head.
>this trump!! i say too hot head to sit on "the red button" i say
>grr! he hate gay and love kkk!!!
>trump is an idiot lol! he went bankrupt soooooo much! not even real hair i say!
>am i rite guise? guise??? am i rite ?!
Look behind the Dems. It is not them who are actually in charge of Dem Party. Also, Neocons are not the most friendly people either. See Hastert for an example.
So being a nigger is Presidential?
Then why are the other Presidents white men?
I am not Shareblue and speaking my honest feelings, after his tweetstorm today I think he's gone bonkers from constant witch hunts.
Actually READ the style of his tweets, so many are in the third person or feel like an observer looking at events rather than having agency.
When he said something like 'FBI was looking up boogeymen rather than doing its job... get better!' i was like what the fuck? A president would say 'we are going to have a topdown review of the performance of the FBI, the dead at Florida deserve it'.
I think he is delusional and reverting back to before he won the election, maybe its Alzheimers.
LBJ was the crudest son of a bitch to wear a tie
Also, the left can't meme
You did notice he's riding a woman's bike, yes?
How Presidential!
At least Dubya could throw a pitch.
If jimmy carter, both bushes, clinton and obama were presidential, I'm glad trump isn't.
Better than a man who has secret meetings with a guy who constantly preaches about killing all whites.
sage fuck you TYT
Forgot link
as opposed to your constant shitposting that's a repeat of the same shit you've been saying for 2 years straight right
yes, and yes, he is exactly who the Putin trollfarm that runs pol wanted, so that America becomes weak and no longer a world leader, but instead is a laughingstock to all the world leaders.
>Comes to an anti Trump thread. Calls it an echo chamber.
Logic from a Lefty
did you enjoy a gay black guy as your leader?
The president can't be "unpresidential", what is presidential is defined by how the president behaves. Sorry you like one president's behavior more than others.
OP is a faggot and this thread is cancer
>in all fields
I think Trump behaves and operates in a way that changes peoples perception of what an American president actually is, how much power he has etc.
I think it's fair to say that he is acting unpresidential compared to the guys that went before him.
Donald Trump has finally gone completely off the deep end over Robert Mueller’s grand jury indictments against Russians who conspired to rig the election in Trump’s favor. Trump isn’t merely railing against the investigation or the facts, like he usually does. He’s gone to such a weird place that he’s wildly misquoting one of his own most famous quotes, and he’s inexplicably quoting a Trump impersonator.
Now that the indictments confirm the Russians had an elaborate and years-long plot to rig the election for Trump, it’s put Trump in a difficult corner, because he’s spent the past year insisting that the meddling never happened. This morning he tweeted this: “I never said Russia did not meddle in the election, I said ‘it may be Russia, or China or another country or group, or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer.’ The Russian ‘hoax’ was that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia – it never did!” Wait, that’s not even the quote.
Here’s what Trump actually said during the debate in 2016: “I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK?” That’s the same general gist as what Trump quoted above, but most of the words don’t even match up. There would have been no harm in paraphrasing himself, but why go so far as to pretend that he’s quoting himself when he’s not even close? Then it got weirder.
Trump decided to retweet a juvenile attack on CNN that had been posted by one of his followers, while adding his own quip “The Fake News of big ratings loser CNN.” Okay, so this is just Trump’s usual antics, right? Not really, because the Twitter account he quoted is @RrealDJTrump which is some kind of parody or impersonation At this point Trump is so far gone, he didn’t even realize he was quoting a Trump imposter.
Nice projection.
perhaps you want Trudeau as president
>politically incorrect
>puts other countries before his own
>promotes gay and transgender
We had two choices. I’d vote for a one eyed albino dwarf who was a transvestite sex worker, before I’d vote for Clinton.
So yeah, OP, given the only two choices we had, I’d vote for trump again. If you don’t like it, work hard to get your party to put up someone better than the queen of corruption.
Daily reminder that anti-Trumpers have become so detached they make rambling incoherent stories to justify their delusion
Right. It was me, Putin! I bent the card stock and elected the president. It's all part of my unstoppable master plan to take white people back to space.
yeah, voting for Trump was basically a 'fuck you' vote to America, that is about the level of thought involved
Probably the most honest or sincere president we've had.
>Is this really the guy Cred Forums wanted to be in office?
Of course
Probably the most honest and sincere President.
Since he is the president I'd say anything he does is presidential.
Leftist are so butthurt.
Do you realize how crazy you sound?
bumpf make my hiney go ouchie
I don't care about his optics.
I care about his effectiveness and political track record (which is stellar so far).
Everything and everyone else can just fuck off.
Your thread is shit.
This is the saddest delusional shit I've been witness to in quite some time.
>Presidents have challenged people and opponents to actual duels before. (You) know a duel to Death.
If a tweet gets you this ass blasted then Trump saying all the right things.
Clinton was the first black president, dummy
>Leftist are so butthurt.
They've been sperging out super hard since the Russia crap has fizzled.
They went all in on a complete lie and now they are finally paying for it.
You are so dumb it's hilarious
what alternate fucking reality do you normally suck this kinda communist cockshit in? lol sage kys eat nigger dick
Must have been the first time you voted. From my experience, you’re always given two choices. Both are shit. You just have to pick the least shitty candidate. Clinton has a history of lying to advance her own agenda, that spans decades. She was never going to get my vote. I didn’t vote for trump, as much as I voted for anyone who ran against Clinton.
No, Trump was an oh shit, anyone but that murderous whore Hillary vote.
Spoiler alert: it hasn't fizzled you dumb fuck.
>58 posts for this shit tier bait
this board is dead now. too many reddit newfags responding to obvious troll shit
oops... wrong thread.
By definition whatever he does is presidential
nice pasta. sage
Remember when obummer claimed Trump would never be President?
Yes...he is the most Presidential ever, doing a damn fine job of russelling your Jimmies...which is all I fucking really care about anyway...
When you lefty faggots cry foul, I know something is getting done right...
Trump happened because obummer sucked so bad.
>He's rude, narcissistic, smug, completely full of himself (and claims to be humble), does retarded shit daily, etc. Is this really the guy Cred Forums wanted to be in office?
He's litteraly half of What Obama was in all these things.
that seems like some arbitrary definition you've concocted in your drug-addled brain. there are two qualifications for president: you must be over the age of 35 and you must have been born on US soil.
Let's do a fact-check:
>you must be over 35
Trump is 71, and 71 is older than 35.
>you must have been born on US soil.
Trump was born in Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New York. Despite the confusing name of the Hospital, Queens, New York is indeed on US Soil.
>Is this really the guy Cred Forums wanted to be in office?
They were unanimous about it
When liberals are crying, bitching, and complaining, A LOT of GOOD is being done!
He is politically incorrect. Who gives a fuck. You are posting on a politically incorrect board. Idiot.
>He's rude, narcissistic, smug, completely full of himself (and claims to be humble), does retarded shit daily,
Sounds like the average liberal.
Those describe pic related
Did you know you can critisize Trump without retarded arguments and falling for left-right hoax?
>Is this really the guy Cred Forums wanted to be in office?
You're either new here, or a complete and total bot.
Do people who claim to be arbiters of what it means to be "presidential" know anything about the history of the United States, or any of the first presidents?
Op in a nutshell.
You must be historically illiterate if you think rude, narcissistic, and smug are not presidential qualities.
I love pol, because it is a Trump board!
America voted for an outsider for a reason. THey are tired of same old bullshit. We don't need a presidential president, we need a commander-in-chief who is ready to drop the big bomb, walk away from a shit deal and call out those who fail to do right by the American people.
>Is this really the guy Cred Forums wanted to be in office?
shareblue are't you tired of losing?
pol is a Trump board. Fuck off OP.
kys plebbitniggers
I like His MAGA with iron fist and crush the house of Satan.
>Is trump the most unpresidential president?
You clearly have never read the history of the US. It's like you have never heard of Adams, Jefferson, Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, Johnson, Nixon, ...
Trump is in the good average of pre-1990 presidents for this.
what the hell is your definition of presidential? whats my definition? Who gives a fuck? Function over form dude. You probably buy apple products, listen to modern dogshit hype pop, and buy into hype and bullshit . Aimirite? Think for youself for once man. Look atleast 1 layer under the incredibly superficial and atleast your getting somewhere. ffs
what fucking nigger twitter timeline do you think this is cunt? get out and lynch yourself.
>Is this really the guy Cred Forums wanted to be in office?
I have to admit, I am shocked at how he behaves as president. I thought his behavior in the run up to the election was an act.
You mother fucking shills are ass hurt... welll you kike shills... get ready for more ass hurting!
vs. your condescending crybaby asspains, those moans are sure fun to read.
I want you to know that for every salty tear you make writing those posts, I taste them in here.
I run on your tears.