What was the result of that shit?
What is going on with Ukraine nowadays?
What was the result of that shit?
What is going on with Ukraine nowadays?
Other urls found in this thread:
Amerimutt-Israel backed "ukraine" () is now suffering the repercussions of not letting mother Russia control the region. Now it's another fucked gay EU state.
I don't like EU too, but come on, old Vladmir Poot n' in ain't better.
they are currently fighting a war. the eastern parts of ukraine created their of republics loyal to russia because they know how pathetic and weak EU is
the result is not yet known
>What was the result of that shit?
>What is going on with Ukraine nowadays?
answer, pic related
Another katsap shill thread.
ITT: Russians posing as other nationalities spreading shit about Ukraine.
Fun fact: virtually nobody but Russians, and obviously Ukrainians, actually thinks about how Ukraine's doing these days, especially having any emotional investment to say shit about it.
he is right, slasloslav
I'm not a katsap
I just remembered that I watched that doc Winter on Fire.
And I want to know how ukraine is going on.
I have your picture hohol.
>What was the result of that shit?
shithole country become even more shit
here watch this it should explain everything
This is now the Ukraine hate thread
Ukraine is run by literal dual-citizen Israelis who are looting the country, and nearly all the citizenry are oblivious.
I visit that shithole every month. Average payment ~140€/month, food price slowly reaching EU levels, roads are below shit, only good thing is the cheap gasoline (~0,8€/l) and cheap whores.
Yes its very sad to see Russia take land and still be a shithole, perhaps you should take something in a different region, not built by slavs.
>What was the result of that shit?
>What is going on with Ukraine nowadays?
Attempts at a Israel 2.0
Dont listen to these putinbots, Ukriane is getting better, soon their living standards will be above Russias lmao, and the retards in the east will still be living in houses made of cow shit.
>cheap whores
You have my attention. Tell me more.
Ukrainian NatSoc militia are the shabboist of goys.
>go kill other white people for us out in the countryside, goy
>y-yes master coinberg! I'll do this immediately! Hail Israel!
Who cares what you like? If the eastern Ukrainians culturally identify with Russia and want to be Russians that is up to Ukraine and Russia to work out. What right does the EU or America have to interfere?
It would be different if eastern Ukrainians didn't view themselves as Russian and were just being taken over instead, but that's not what seems to be happening since most Eastern Ukrainians already feel more allegiance to Russia than Ukraine.
Ukraine was a mistake and it's existance was never culturally sustainable (America should watch and learn before it reaches a similar "multi-cultural" ruin).
>What right does the EU or America have to interfere?
Their own interest to have influence over Russia?
>What was the result of that shit?
Overthrow Russian Oligarch for a jewish one
>What is going on with Ukraine nowadays?
still corruption, russians, poor, prostitute, AIDS...
+russian propaganda
>What was the result of that shit?
>What is going on with Ukraine nowadays?
if you care to watch, here are couple of very informative documentaries,
True story of Ukraine Civil War (from the people of Donbass)
Documentary: The Dutchman who's been in Donbass all war.
they do not even deserve hate
just shizo colony of brainded
don't forget the bi-monthly massive ammo dump explosions
God damn the EU moves fast bro. Impressive.
How can I rescue a Ukraine woman and make her my wife?
Sidnei Castilho
1 year ago
The Ukraine has become the largest Nazi focus since the Hitlter era, stepan bandera killer fans are all over the country.
Ukraine today is run by a US-led Nazi government, God protect the people of Donbaas, Lugansk and all of Donetsk.
>What was the result of that shit?
Many reforms dismantling the dictatorship as far as I know, but Russia come in and fucked it up for them as usual.
Belarus and Kazakhstan are awaiting the same fate if they rebel against Russia-puppet kleptocratic regimes.
There's only the small matter of a portion of people in Ukraine feeling more like Russians than "Ukrainians."
So the meme doesn't quite work unless you're a brainlet.
>gif related is what Kiev wishes it could do to Donbass and Crimea
Tough luck.
so far you posted most stupid ill informed post in this thread.
you must be the Ukrainian homosexual.
show her 10 dollars
yes, EU will turn Western and Central Ukraine into a faggot heaven.
cheap gay Ukrainian hohols will suck dicks and spread their Ukrainian assholes for wealthy gays from EU countries.
WAY TO GO YOU SHITHOLE. (pic related) lmao
I just LOVE how buttblasted khokhols get when somebody shits on their beloved cuckraine.
has ukraine even got guarantees of eu membership before they turn themselves homosexual nigger porn cuck addicts for sweet germoney gibs?
At first, Ukraine was supposed to be second France. Then it was supposed to be second Poland. Now you are dreaming about living better than ruskies. Fucking pathetic.
I'm not going to argue back, just going to say this is exactly what a Russian spy/shall/bot/ android robot synth being AOL instant messenger bot would say
after 1 minute I stopped watching this disgusting LGBT shit.
death to them all
God will do it soon.
Sodom & Gomorrah 2.0
Half of them is already here and will be polonized in generation or two.
Ukraine will probably cese to exist in another 50 years or so
>has ukraine even got guarantees of eu membership
>sweet germoney gibs
There are no gibs actually. Just some pathetic credits to keep the country afloat. But in the end even those credits will be given back in the form of property and land. Because Ukraine has no money.
I mean what do people even expect when IMF comes for you? They are vultures. They are not going to help, they are going to strip you of everything, because you are weak and stupid.
> has ukraine even got guarantees of eu membership before they turn themselves homosexual nigger porn cuck addicts for sweet germoney gibs?
No way kek. They just fool them. EU would implode after influx of 45 million poor White people. They would glouriously collapse the gibs for nigs system.
The funny thing about all of this is that we never promised Ukraine that they'll join the EU
when's the next maidan
>There are no gibs actually
Well anyone more intelligent than a nigger understands that gibs are not 'free'. Gibs come at the price of enslavement or as a nicer way to put it 'interdependence' with the benevolent gibs provider. In exchange for you domestic industry and productive potential being sold or dismantled and a brain drain with all your youth, you would have access to affordable McDonalds, Nescafe, holidays to prime location in Spain and Greece and affordable disposable clothes and furniture.
I guess you poor fuckers sold off already everything to niggers and chinks the moment you got your Independence and have nothing left.
How's crimea doing?
Ukrainian Whores got even cheaper.
Love it.
You do know UA is a HIV infested hole?
Being revitalised. Bridge to open 2018-2019
McCain and Ukraine theguardian.com
>John McCain tells Ukraine protesters: 'We are here to support your just cause'
>GOP senator in Ukraine to support pro-EU protests
Senator John McCain told thousands of Ukrainian protesters camped on Kiev's main square that Ukraine's destiny lay in Europe and that it would make Europe better.
"Ukraine will make Europe better and Europe will make Ukraine better," he said to crowds protesting....
"We are here to support your just cause, the sovereign right of Ukraine to determine its own destiny freely and independently.
And the destiny you seek lies in Europe," said McCain, a leading Republican voice on US foreign policy.
The presence of McCain at the anti-government rally after a weeks-long stand-off between demonstrators and the authorities further highlighted the geo-political East-West tug-of-war which Ukraine is once again at the centre of.
Politicians from Berlin and Brussels have paid morale-boosting trips to the square, drawing denunciation from the Russian prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, for "crude" meddling in Ukraine's affairs.
Speaking to CNN, McCain said: “...... This is a grassroots revolution here – it's been peaceful except when the government tried to crack down on them....
“I'm praising their ability and their desire to demonstrate peacefully for change that I think they deserve.”
Asked about Russian president Vladimir Putin's role in the crisis, McCain said: “There's no doubt that Ukraine is of vital importance to Putin.
..... Russia, without Ukraine it's an eastern power, with Ukraine it's a western power.
This is the beginning of Russia, right here in Kiev. .....
“These people love the United States of America, they love freedom – and I don't think you could view this as anything other than our traditional support for people who want free and democratic society.”
>when's the next maidan
Would be so nice for Russia to also take Odessa,
to actually cut off Ukraine from the access to both seas.
>So the meme doesn't quite work
It works better than you think brainlet. Quite a few people in Hungary and Czechoslovakia were convinced communists.
"feeling more like Russians" doesn't mean they want to live in a kleptocratic shithole under Moscow's boot. If you ask any Russians in a civilized country if they want to be "annexed" and become an impoverished human rights black hole they universally say "Fuck no!".
>How's crimea doing?
Take a look, LOL
Hotel in Russia's Crimea named best in the world (VIDEO)
Russia’s Mriya Resort & Spa in the Crimea has been named the best holiday hotel and resort by the World Travel Awards.
The hotel won the award in the world’s leading leisure resort category.
Russia’s Aeroflot airline was named the best brand and the city of St. Petersburg best tourist destination.
The Mriya Resort & Spa has won the award for the first time. Its competitors in the category were the Atlantis The Palm in Dubai, Casa de Campo in the Dominican Republic,
the Italian Forte Village Resort and Hyatt Regency Sharm El Sheikh Resort in Egypt.
The World Travel Awards doesn’t specify whether the Mriya hotel is Russian or Ukrainian.
The Crimean hotel was opened in 2014. The resort is 30 kilometers from Yalta, and offers 422 rooms and villas in a property of 270,000 square meters.
Russia’s largest bank Sberbank spent $300 million building the Mriya hotel, and is the sole owner.
Everything is fine with human rights in Russia.
Gays are not legally considered people though, but that's not a problem, they shouldn't be anyway
Shame ruskies took over Crimea.
It was developing quite nicely.
For example in 2013 US Navy had plans to repair school and childrens hospital.
Never knew US Navy did that kind of charity.
>>John McCain
I hope that that piece of shit will live long life suffering severe pains from his brain cancer
wallowing for long hours in his own piss and shit before his wife changes him.
>What was the result of that shit?
Cred Forums went from being an ironic Nazi/Ancap LARPing board to a pro-white one.
The zimmermann trial and that nigger that got shot by a cop. The the ones that opposed the 14 words became a cuck was also important.
Some Cred Forums history:
>Everything is fine with human rights in Russia.
That's a lie. And I meant the newly annexed territories like Transnistria, Abkhazia, Donbass, etc which are truly hellholes.
>Gays are not legally considered people
they are useless humans.
>What is going on with Ukraine nowadays?
It's called CIAland now.
Transistria, Abkhazia and Donbass are not administered by Russia, whatever they do is up to them
Crimea is, and there were some problems there but we're dealing with it
Russia is known to be highly developed country with high standards of living, etc.
They have a nice hotel. I'm sure Haiti have that too but it doesn't show how well its doing.
>Russia is known to be highly developed country
yes it is, also see picture related
and T-I-G-E-R-S
>Would be so nice for Russia to also take Odessa,
>to actually cut off Ukraine from the access to both seas.
In 1794, the city of Odessa was founded by a decree of the Russian Empire's Catherine the Great.
>not administered by Russia
Oh please. Next you'll claim that Chechnya is not administered by Russia.
I guess you're immune to seeing problems in your country. But this is as bad as the Gulag system if not worse.
>For example in 2013 US Navy had plans to repair school and childrens hospital.
The USA had also shilled Cred Forums to support the Ukraine Nazis for a long time. When Cred Forums did the pro-white thing and said no more brother wars, they became the first uncontrolled political actor for a long time. The non-Trumpian side refused to buy that it was organic and blamed the Russians (they still do). Trump OTOH chose to ride the uncontrolled wave into the Presidency.
If could also be that MI/NSA chose to help Trump by signal-boosting the collective they created when they lost control during Maidan, because they predicted that the USA would be unsaveable if Shillary won.
ODESSA belongs to RUSSIA and should be returned to Mother Russia same as CRIMEA was.
The city of Odessa, founded by Catherine the Great, Russian Empress, centers on the site of the Turkish fortress Khadzhibei, which was occupied by Russian Army in 1789.
Kek, ok.
>That's a lie.
Who cares, as long as Whites don't become minorities in their own countries?
Mate, nobody likes ukrainians.
...It's sad to watch how the Slavic brothers are talking shit about each other, including this thread...I feel sorry for Ukrainians, they are having hard times.
Slavs have always been fighting each other, its a natural thing
I don't know what's wrong with you but you need to stop listening to Russian propaganda.
Believe what you will, I'm not here to educate the uneducated
This says it all.
I concur.
Moscow is 3.6% Muslim, try again
>Mate, nobody likes ukrainians.
It seems to be impossible for the ukrainians to understand that their beef with Russia is less important than stopping immigration in the West.
What the FSB and the police are doing to the best Russians on a giant scale is not normal. But if you're a Russian it is?
Why the fuck do Poles believe in NATO and JEWSAbpropaganda so fucking much you are literally a good goy puppet. Crimea was always Russian same and Lviv was always Poland, stop hating each other.
It was stupid shit like this that turned Cred Forums pro-white.
That Russia struggle with the same problems the West does with non-white immigration, is not a good reason for anti-Russian war-mongering.
What should I try with your fake number? No, Putin didn't win 146% of the vote either.
Here you go, shill
according to aljazera its 15
and since i have been there i can confirm
>2010 Census
fuck off slavshill
I've been there too. 3.6% might be outdated indeed, but 15% is just laughable.
>That Russia struggle with the same problems the West does
Except "the West" is not a one-man show, an absolutist regime. This is what you don't get.
And spare me the bullshit about war-mongering when it's Russia that invades every country at the first opportunity.
Source or fuck off.
I just told you to fuck off with your propaganda numbers, butthurt son of a Russian crook.
t. assblasted faggot
You're projecting. The truth is on my side and everybody knows it
>What the FSB and the police are doing to the best Russians on a giant scale is not normal.
The Western regimes have scared everybody from daring to oppose their own genocide by punishing the ones that dare protest it with loss of employment or imprisonment.
Trying to draw attention away from the crimes of the western regimes by pointing to how bad Russia is, is not normal in a sick and sadistic way, that we don't see in Russia.
Dude that was sarcasm because, you know, US Navy is known for going different countries and selflessly fixing schools and hospitals right.
russia is so big, they have everything (a lot of shit and poverty
No fucking way that's real.
>presents false accusations
>gets called out
>can't find any sources to support his bullshit
>"You are lying, you are all propoganda kremlin bots, fuck off!"
Typical shill
Mriya Resort & Spa Transit Hub voted worlds no.1 Krokodil den
>US Navy is known for going different countries and selflessly fixing schools and hospitals right.
like this nigger monkey did
If you're not a very incompetent paid troll then you need to be institutionalized.
One corrupt government replaced the old corrupt government.
The new one is backed by "us" though, so it's all good.
Oh yeah, and of course a meme flag.
tell us you stupid Polak how rich Poland would be without billions of free money you received from EU.
you would be so poor you would be just ahead of Ukraine and Albania.
He's a kike. It's his MO to shift blame on the muslim.
they gonna be superpower by the year 2030 and they well fuck us up good
better ask how rich poland will be without your shitty russian communism
I really don't know anything about Ukraine anymore. It was a big thing in 2014 and 2015, but now who really cares anymore. To me, it's just a former Russian puppet who tried to switch to being a US puppet and is now being fucked.
All that aside, Ukrainian girls are definitely the best if you ask me.
>Except "the West" is not a one-man show, an absolutist regime.
And that is important compared to how Whites in the West are punished if they protest their own genocide.
The US regime use Antifa as a proxy to violently shut up pro-whites as shown by the CVille setup, so not even the Land of the free, live up to the free democratic ideal that the western subjects are sold as a reality.
>can't find any sources to support his bullshit
I posted the source. And a Russian government source too.
You're a very stupid shill. Are you sure what your daddy stole won't have to be returned? Stupidity is hereditary, watch your back.
I bet members of your family were communists benefiting from that system also.
Millions of Polaks were very strong members of Polish Communist Party.
Stop acting like some fucking Saint. Or maybe you like to suck on ass of this fucking pedophile protector Antichrist,
pic related
>You're a very stupid shill.
It's you that act like the shill, because you never say anything pro-white.
>And that is important compared to how Whites in the West are punished if they protest their own genocide.
Whites in Russia get punished much harder, shill. All the Russian right-wing leaders are in prison as you know. Imperialism fundamentally opposes nationalism and Putin as an imperialist is fighting nationalism very brutally.
>a picture with a quote is a source
Are you actually retarded, shill?
kek, fuck him
And my ancestors fucked you good during polish-bolshevik hard beating
You don't see how that don't matter, as long as we in the west don't have free speech to stop becoming minorities in our own countries?
Why don't you post anything pro-white, if you really cared about a future for white children?
He is full of shit when he say Putin is anti-white. From what I see Putin managed to leach the kike and restore power to the white slavs.
Putin might not be anti-white per se, yet its hard not to notice how much power he is giving to the Chechens, for example.
so much power
At first glance I thought this was modor in LOTR
>You don't see how that don't matter
So whites in Russia don't matter and you keep shilling for Putin and claim to care about whites? You're a very bad shill.
Well from what I see Putin avoid sending troops avoiding unnecesssary slavs death. The chechen just want autonomy same as any other republics in Russia.
today you are worthless shit living in your shitty past. LMAO
yes take your fucking swords again and attack German tanks like you did in the WW-II.
pic related
>get conquered by russians invaders
>get death of millions by starvation (holomodor)
>be treated as a slave colony
>get "indepedence"
>try to make out with new friends
>get invaded again
How can someone possibly defend Ukraine being friends with Russia?
You have to know that holodomor happened during ((early USSR)). Read 200 years together faggot.
>So whites in Russia don't matter
Whites are not as oppressed in Russia, as they are in the West.
Why don't you post anything pro-white, if you really care about Whitey?
>How can someone possibly defend Ukraine being friends with Russia?
you don't have to be really a friend,
but if Ukraine is so stupid not to know how to play game with a SuperPower like RUSSIA now they can suck on their own cocks
like their hero does in this monument
yes, he is much much better at this moment.
Ukrainians won't become wealthy becouse of EU. their most capable youth will just run to Poland in return their politicians will bring shitloads of Africans just to get some money under the table, Ukrainians won't do shit about it as they didn't do shit about oligarchs so far. So they will be full Sweden tier shithole but with no money. Western countries will be sending shitloads of humanitarian aid but it won't help anyone becouse everything of it will go straight to warlords just like in africa
Whites are much more oppressed in Russia. The Russian Richard Spencers are not organizing rallies, they are all in prison. Even saying a tiny fraction of that is enough to go to prison for a very long time in Russia.
tell me more about your zerg rushes, how many katsaps died in 1 and 2 world wars hmm? 20, 30 millions? really makes you think
The only difference between (((early)) and (((later))) years in URSS is the body count. Early they killed more, later they killed less.
>if Ukraine is so stupid not to know how to play game
Who is the player? Real Ukrainians or (((Ukrainians)))
Like Michael Jackson yelled once:
They don't care about us.
(EU is no good too)
who the fuck cares about the past.
look where RUSSIA is today you stupid Polak
you better watch how you will be fucked by Germans and the USA and the EU. lol
they will turn Poland into a shithole between two powers, like you always were.
kek this is your country today you katsap idiot
>What is going on with Ukraine nowadays?
It's stuck in limbo. Putler occupied Crimea and because of that Ukraine cannot join EU because of a border dispute. Jews (USA) lost.
btw, its putins dildo on this picture?
American infiltrated agent.
and it will go in your ass very soon
>The Russian Richard Spencers are not organizing rallies, they are all in prison.
No they are not. Tesak? et co went around beating people up and got arrested.
it will be totaly opposite vanya, believe me
>ukro thread
>fucking unreadable
Gotta love how every ukro alive proves why they have the collective lowest IQ in the region.
Please explain in a coherent manner how Imperialism "fundamentally opposes" Nationalism.
We would all want to know.
I believe you are the son of a Chechen, am I wrong?
>got baited by burgers and yurop to chimp out for a second time in ten years
>fat willy wonka and an ex-boxer, as well as a bunch of jews became politicians
>lost a big chunk of its land to internet trolls
>stole massive amounts of gas from putin personally and still refuse to pay
>had a war with its own citizens because they speak the language of election hackers
>became as poor as most african nations
I'm guessing you could fuck women there for a sandwich as payment these days.
That's just silly. Everyone know where Mordor is.
>I'm guessing you could fuck women there
What women there?
Ukros are bailing out en masse. Bulgaria is already crawling with them and we're not even a prime destination. Since ukro women are pretty whore-ish, the good looking ones have already whored themselves for a roof above their heads wherever the collective IQ isn't in a race to the bottom with Somalia, unlike their home.
Nice user.