Guilty as charged.
The_Donald Confirmed Implicit in Russian Propoganda
Other urls found in this thread:
What, you asshurt because something you don't want to believe is true, is?
patriots without borders.
The only thing I don't want to believe that is true, is the fact that the world renowned FBI spent over a year wasting time and funding to "discover" that people from other countries post shit on the internet during election cycles.
By their definition of political interference this board should be going through a code black every time an Aussie says something disparaging about Trump.
What? You are a retard you thinks everyone is a Russian? Fucking idiot.
>analysis finds
>studies say
>sources say
You're fucking kidding, right? The difference between shotposting and propaganda is that the Russians conducted a very real, very organized, and implicitly prioiritized project to influence voters. That's different from just some Ivan in the Urals shitposting on a forum board for Chinese cartoons.
Oh and, fucking surprise, another news site without a comments section. Don't want those Russian mind control operatives to influence public opinion with their SOCIAL MEDIA COMMENTS.
You're tragically moronic.
I think whenever an election is happening the internet should be turned off.
Clearly if those people weren't posting on the_donald, hillary would have won.
And apparently you'll believe any shit you're fed.
I don't get why that would surprise you though. Governments wasting huge amounts of money on something that most people on this moroccan basket weaving forum already know.
No one here gives a fuck about Reddit
I unironically agree. There was a lot of misinformation being spread around, though I think Facebook played a bigger part than people would like to believe. Reddit and Cred Forums are really only echo-chambers and don't have audiences beyond people who were already there to begin with.
whats wrong with russians influencing voters from other countries? :) they did nothing wrong if you ask me
>pro-white messageboard is RUSSIA RUSSIA BOO SCARY RUSSIA, says some Jew
The alternative is the echo chambers that are the TV news media and one's immediate circle of friends and family. You're advocating for willful ignorance and directed manipulation of the electorate by the ruling government. Not out of line for a communist, I suppose.
Then shit it all down. Jeez, this isn't that hard. Newspapers are the best source of fragmented news, imo.
If we're talking russians then lets talk Uranium One.
I hope they released the "damaging" things they said during the election.
I don't remember ever believing people from other countries do not shitpost on the internet.
What is the problem with Russians posting memes and starting Facebook groups? Whether it’s “coordinated” or not.
Russia didn’t make Hillary a horrible candidate, or make her corrupt. She did that to herself.
Plus if you read the indictment those Russians were posting pro-Hillary and pro-Bernie shit too, they were on all sides.
I just don’t understand how someone saying “read this news article about how X candidate is bad, comrade,” is that big of a deal, they didn’t force anyone to vote a certain way...
>Guilty as charged.
Is that how russians swayed the election ? They tricked members of The_Donald into voting for Trump ?
Is he raping him?
Shut all the media down, make talking about politics with immediate family punishable by gulag, report your neighbors, comrade! Discussing politics is not good for the state, receive all of your news through our unbiased state media, no need to question, da?
there is literally no difference between shitposting, propagandizing, and commenting in general. all intend to influence.
prove me wrong.
cant do that, the minds of raging liberals will esplode
Yes, we wouldn’t want people listening to illegal information like Wikileaks. Great point. Also I think that approved trollers like CTR and shareblue should be allowed
Fugg, when they ban them they are all going to come here. At least then they will get redpilled on the kikes
So I read that whole bullshit article. It doesn't actually offer any proof - or even assert in any way, outside of the clickbait title - that Russia actually did anything. They just call anything pro-Trump Russian. How has journalism come to this?
American History X
Russian shills need to leave back to t_d
Probably easier to just get rid of all the jews, m8. Then we could have normal elections like rational people.
Read a book
I hope every last faggot who posted on that subreddit gets sent to Gitmo.
Motherfuckers are retarded and believe everything they read online
You're right, reddit has such a small user base.
Yeah absolutely. The internet needs to be shut down during an election year and the only news we can get is from CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, New York Times and late night talk show hosts. That way we could be sure no misinformation is being spread and only the true, unbiased facts are being presented to us.
>according to analysis done by Democrats
>it's now considered "dissent" to opposed the DNC
god I'm glad the dems are tearing themselves apart
>tfw you've been shitposting with russians all along in ptg
I am just glad we still do not have a female president. I hope we never get one.
Did anyone read the fucking thing?
Some genius in Reddit checked if TD linked ten_gop (they did, wow!)
Fuck Reddit and the kike media
And the following were not Democrat controlled and/or focused information sources specifically created to enhance the image of Hillary Clinton and had zero financial support/funding or support from sources outside the United States? Not were articles from any of them shared on FB, Reddit, etc.?
Media Matters
Reddit is 100% propaganda. They mix in enough meme content to keep the average idiot clicking. The upvote system is fake. Theyve been busted on this shit many times, and the CEO's wife looks like a man.
Aussie reporting in.
>activate code black
>Trump should remove the 14 illegal US bases from Syria.,
>very real
>very organized
Yet after over a year of investigating you can't find any evidence of it.
>Tumblr noses
You disgust me, scum.
The mudlings main center in Russia.
trump promised jobs and border security and nearly half of america, and enough in the right places, agreed and he got elected.
What did russia add that would have cost trump the election otherwise? I want trump to be president so I voted for him. I dont care about pussy grabbing. I dont like hillary because she supports things I don't like. At best, russians are guilty of spreading truthful information to me, but without their alleged help I wouldnt have voted differently.
Also this.
Women are worthless in every single regard.
Fake news retard
There are people that really believe this.
Has anyone seen these highly illegal russian memes?
Except they just indicted a whole bunch of people/companies for it.
then go there
>y-yes goy it's not Facebook/Twitter it's r/The_Donald!
I can't wait until this love affair with social media ends, how is the average person so stupid
ITT stop allowing free discussion online
Complete nonissue
>notice how they cherry picked the ads?
Zero Seth Rich, Uranium One, or spirit cooking mentions. You know as well as I do there had to be a few by these so called Russians. Maybe they left it out because its true? KEK!
Am I missing the rampant Mexican collusion, Canadian Collusion, Israeli Collusion, U.N. Collusion etc..
Why are lefties brining McCarthyism back?
>I was not influenced, therefor nobody else was influenced
Drumpftards, everyone.
If you and all your commie butt buddies are so weak in your conviction that literal shit posting changes your ideology then you have bigger problems than the shitposting.
>for being Russian and posting "Jesus wants Trump"
Indicted for speaking the truth. So when is the CIA getting their indictment for tampering in elections across the world?
It's hilarious that the deep state doesn't see where this is leading, and how hard their past crimes are going to come back and haunt them.
No. FB deleted them, precisely so no one can be sure what is being discussed.
Do you realize that your argument is that only your ideological propaganda should be allowed and that others should not? Are you that dense or are you that authoritarian?
>checks flag
Oh you're both of those.
You cant prove him wrong you commie faggot
Or Obama for flying to Britain telling them to vote REMAIN....
You should change your flag. Your're literally arguing in favor of nationalism and protectionism.
Yes, I saw a thread on Reddit that said they were real. It had a ton of upvotes.
Proof? None. Because Facebook has retained the data and is cooperating with investigators. Just like Reddit. Gee ... Cred Forums wouldn’t do that! After all it’s user! Except for the IP logging. And archives. And goggle captcha. And lack of ssl. And...
I got crucified yesterday for suggesting maybe some people in america are just assholes and trolls. NOPE ITS ALL MUH RUSSIA YOU BOT IVAN GETTING PAID!?!?
>the Russians conducted a very real, very organized, and implicitly prioiritized project to influence voters
Right, the Russians and their magic mutant powers to mind control voters with words.
Remember if you support any non-establishment candidate you're a Russian bot because the Russians made some shitposts saying the same things you were saying years before they did.
Just to let all you know, look at how far they are willing to paint us all as Russian shills, arrest trolls in Europe, people oppose the forced multicultural suicide of white nations. Not only is the deep state activated, Jewish orgs like adl SPLC whatever non profit lawyer orgs are trying to subpoena twitter, facebook and with Mueller try to ruin us all.
If we lose I'm fully convinced we all will end up in prison or dead in the future when and if the cult of progressives and Jewish oligarchs gain power again. I'm not trying to be hyperbolic.
Many of us have had to hide we supported trump whether for keks or true believers and that we oppose globalism.
We cannot give up ever.
first of all, congratulations to the deep state for telling half of America that they voted for Trump because they are stupid and were swayed by pitiful attempts at propaganda on Internet sites. this will ensure a Hillary victory in 2020, although maybe it won't.
then: if the voters were gullible idiots when voting for Trump, then they were gullible idiots when voting for Obama, too, because then they were just gullible idiots the whole time. so it's high time for lefties to shut up about 'democratic mandate' and all that jazz - they regard getting democratic license at best as a gamble and at worst as a game to be won via propaganda; they cannot actually believe there's such a thing as the will of the electorate, only more or less successful propaganda campaigns. the lefties who push this 'propaganda = interference' narrative do not realize that they have just given away their utter disdain for the democratic process.
An election...where? US? Uk? Italy?
This blatant russophobia by the mock rats needs to stop
please seek an education so your thoughts are more articulate
If a foreign entity was trying to influence American people to vote your way whatever way that would be from organized influence from a foreign entity of a country that is our ally like Britain or Israel would you still be crying the same tune? Russia is not Americas ally so people can cry wolf. But when it comes to that steel dossier which was uncovered by a foreign entity who was not a US citizen you never questioned if maybe that was used to try and influence people as well?
To add to your stellar post, I think that the internet is a plague on our democracy because to much information is available too quickly. I am bursting with pride in our traditional media for taking up to ten hours to issue corrections on any errors in their reporting. The fact that they took so long and issued s retraction well after their peak traffic has stalled shows us that they are fully committed to conveying the truth and will take as long as is necessary to confirm that they were previously incorrect before correcting the record. The idea that some random nobody from Uzbekistan can call you out on your bullshit within mere seconds of you posting incorrect information is a dangerous thing because who can tell if their information is any more correct than the misinformation that you have posted. Ramp this up to the scale of billions of internet users and you are facing a situation where nobody has all of the right information and mist use their best judgement and critical thinking skills in order to form an opinion. We are simply not at a point in our society where we should allow that to influence our elections.
this is an argument in the circles you are coming from? you are among people now, not at home.
trump is ok i guess
we are reaching levels of delusion never thought possible
Righttttt, actually this guy was that so called Russian shitposter. Sorry your girl lost.
found the Cred Forums poster
I was totally going to go full Hill mode but I saw that someone said that they hope Trump wins so I switched sides then joined a neo nazi group after leaving my feminist studies class.
No the internet isn't the fucking problem. Having instant access to information is essential to being an informed member of society.
The real problem is the cult of ignorance in popular culture, and the fact that it's easily enforced. The idea that "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" is fucking retarded but it's constantly enforced.
>Asshurt liberals actually believe that a handful of drunk Russians shit posting on facebook was able to bring a billion dollar candidate with the power of the current and former President to their knees
Well, according to my calculations OP is a faggot checkem
1 shekel deposited into your account
Sure thing buddy
beep beep
kurwa faggot beep
Saging you aids infested commie shit thread
Is there a way we could kill reddit?
Fairly sure it needs to die.
dipshit poltards shill for Russia and think they are patriotic
>boo hoo drumpf moron imbeech!!
The cock is so far down your threat it's preventing the oxygen from reaching your brain.
Two terms faggot. Swallow it
you are unironically an idiot. unironically is not a word.
Russians busted for sure fraud, not posting shit. Posting online us protected by the first amendment. Manipulating election through commentary is not illegal in the usa.
Russian? Try Israeli.
Goddam autocorrect. Wire fraud is what the were busted for. Fake PayPal accounts.
>russians post on a website
the absolute state of the world
That's what's most frightening.
Explains the state of the world today, though.
It's depressing to see that there is no media opposition to this crap.
Why is no one pointing the facts that you have stated out to a larger audience?
Why doesn't Trump use these things in his talks or at least on Twitter?
I don't get it. Or at least that's what I tell myself.
Can it really be that literally everything is controlled by the same hidden hand and agenda in the shadows? Everything!
It can't. R-right?
>failing to recognize a troll poster
>inb4 reply by the troll poster
Let's see it then.
oh wait, only CNN is allowed to look.
it was like 0.00024% of the posts
What do we have to do to get a little respect around here!?
best advice:
>hide your flag
works for me
The sooner you realize that
>There is no state but the deep state.
the better.
Governments, states, NGOs, letter agencies, msm, alt media (partly), social media.
I don't know how to oppose this.
[suggestions welcome]
By how things are going, they will hang us from the trees in about 20 years along with adult white males. White male children will be sterilized at birth, if not aborted after birth in the name of progressiveness and with a reasoning that it's for the greater good.
It all seems lost.
Please, convince me otherwise or at least comfort me.
>inb4 concern shill
>first of all, congratulations to the deep state for telling half of America that they voted for Trump because they are stupid and were swayed by pitiful attempts at propaganda on Internet sites.
>irredeemable deplorables
^recognize the agenda?
>thinking these things is wrong think
>people that think wrong are not people anymore
>it's okay to treat them differently because they are not normal, not even people
>let the horrors unfold
t. wrong thinker hanging from tree
Jill Stein melted under pressure and confessed to illegally buying Russian interference during the election. It's pretty hilarious if you haven't seen it yet.
Trump is smarter than Stein and won't get caught like that.
brilliant post
>The difference between shotposting and propaganda is that the Russians conducted a very real, very organized, and implicitly prioiritized project to influence voters
What fucking world do you live in that Russia is the only fucking place that this occurs? We have ADL, Shareblue, JIDF..... Trollfarms are everywhere. Nobody really gives a shit about it and never has, you faggots still just want to ignore all the illegal shit that the DNC did so you are progressively looking more and more manic in your fucking delusional pipe dreams.
She even went to Moscow