Post quintessentially British stuff
Quintessentially British
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Acid attacks! :D
Terrorism is quintessentially British
Allah save the queen
They blamed the russians for this image too.
haters gonna hate
>isolated incidents
>a literal epidemic
>in anyway comparable.
That was the Christmas market in Germany right?
I think so. Hard to keep track tbqh
just keep importing more brown and black people and you will catch up to us soon!
>What if we just call these hundreds of recurring epidemic of terror attacks "Isolated Incidents"
>Then there is no epidemic!
>Hahah, we somehow recovered the moral high ground without actually fixing our society while it uncontrollably slides into an orwellian shithole and I have no responsibility to fix anything!
Hope you don't have daughters, at least I can defend myself with a gun.
Those historical LARPERS are not brown enough for the BBC's tastes, DELETE THE IMAGE NOW.
Literally a nanny, police state
>at least i can defend myself with a gun
Yeah, unlike your school children.
Did she win? The peacock cake was pretty dope
Yeah cause yours were defended from those rape and grooming gangs, lmao.
Rise in murder coincides nearly perfectly with rise in non-White population.
It seems that I forgot to greentext.
Meme flag off Paddy
Yeah your right, we should have armed guards in schools like they do in the ghetto, because it unironically works and school shootings don't happen at those schools.
School shootings are a product of nihilism and consumerism, but they arent a fucking society ending problem like literal millions of jihadis raping little white girls to death then dissolving them in acid by the thousands while your political leadership literally buys the porn of it and the breed you into nonexistence and you become a stranger in your own country and you literally cant do shit so you develop a literal psychosis of stockholm syndrome on a national level because its the only way to get through the day so there you go walking down the street smiling as people in burkas and long beards monger fish in the street kidnapping little kids to be raped to death and throwing acid in the face of the feminist who was the only woman you could have married and then you get hit by a bus of peace but its OK because not all muslims.
Yeah but we have less than 3% nigger population.
And the Paki/Indian shitskins are actually less criminal than the Slavs.
>posts an event from germany
I hate you.
The Halal Islands
>dis generation
>rule da nation
More prescient words have never been bixnooded.
Muslims are filling the prisons.
And not just for gang-raping little girls and blowing things up.
>run on sentence with every Cred Forums meme you can think of thrown in
Be honest, do you believe this? Even though the statistics are readily available? Are headlines you see on the front page here more important to you than the actual facts? Why don't you focus on your country for once: majority non-white in a decade, interracial marriage rates far beyond ours, murder rates (mostly by your huge black/hispanic population PER CAPITA far exceeding the rest of the West.
I'll agree with you on the Indians, but don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining with the pakis
>Guy-s the p-pakis aren't that b-bad!
Meat isn't halal enough.
Your right that bus attack didnt happen keep smiling and taking your antidepressants. I'm not arguing we don't have problems. Your arguing you have none. And at least we can make a last stand while you have no choice but to watch your women get acid thrown in their face and kids get raped because arguing against it is a hate crime.
Yeah blacks and Hispanics have massive criminal subcultures, spawned by the same people helping them immigrate, the same people helping them immigrate to your country. Have you stopped to think maybe this isn't some kind of fucked up competition of whose country is more fucked up but that we want you to fucking take a stand, we fucking WANT YOU TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF MATE. WE LIKE YOU AND I LOVED ENGLAND WHEN I LIVED THERE. We don't want to see you devolve into a shariah shithole.
We are focusing on our country. We fucking did our best to help meme a fucking celebrity who was best known for firing people on TV with his kids into the oval office on the sole promise he was gonna dump concrete on the border and deport mexicans.
Best post in this thread.
All of this competing to show who's the most cucked is just a trannypol d&c shill campaign. They're successful because people are retarded enough to fall for it. It's sad.
Ugh, I like, can't believe this kuffar is dying near me
The Russians are the reason our multicultural society is failing...
Thing is, every fucking Muslim names their son Mohammed. When I was at school (1999) there was only a handful of muzzies who were students, and they were all literally called Mohammed. Notice how there isn't a single Muslim name for girls.
the first born son is always named muhammed
>Germany not UK
[Amerimutt level of ignorance intensifies]
>tfw he's catholic
Even the last "Brit" is a CatholicHAHAHAA
Forty-six per cent of Lewisham residents are of black and minority ethnic heritage, but this rises to just over 76% among school children.
Nah I'm named Khaled. But I'm palestinian so were not complete degenerate sisterfucking weirdos and we have a few drops of Phoenician culture and blood. Pakis and Africans always name their kids Mohammad.