Memri thread.
Drop them, please.
Memri thread.
Drop them, please.
these are my favorite threads
Please tell me someone has the SpongeBob one.
This one always gets me.
Alright that was actually pretty funny.
Holy shit sponge bob is secretly a jihadist recruitment psyop
That's one of my favorites.
Does this mean Muslims didn't go to the Twin Towers, the Twin Towers came to them?
They are absolutely correct here. I'm not a muslim. PBUH
I challenge anyone to seriously consider this, and try and explain why it isn't the case.. the earth is flat guys people are awakening and theres not long left til we're free from NASA (deception)
wow a "brit" agrees with the Arab
Those guys are based
All of them are funny except this one. This one hurts.
all time favourite, the truth pill burns your tongue
high level redpill
This is what happens when you OD on red pills.
I mean, he isn't wrong
Don't. You're going to get into an hour long argument about how gravity is just a theory etc.
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahah that was a good one
these subtitles are so fucking terribly faked
I think top right and bottom right should be switched
Tell me you have a video
I think it's from this parody video:
He's not wrong
Islam will dominate. This is a good thing for us all.
Didn't scroll thread so sorry if some repeat.
idiots on tv
what's hilarious is how I agree completely
Now a question everyone should ask
>Arabs aren't white-
A classic
nips and weebs btfo
Kill the Jews and leave the non-believers alone. If you animals act up though, we'll have to put you in your place.
Europe will be Muslim sometime in the next century. This will mostly be a peaceful transition. Mostly. Looking at you, Poland. You are asking for it.
Now a truthful one comming through.
>literally mem in the name
You are right about the north and west. But very wrong about east and south. You guys will cause the race war early in Europe. I don't hear you saying anything about taking out the jews though :(
he's completely right
t. student in the last year of a French bilingual gymnasium
>east and south
Southern Europe is being Islamified just as much as the rest. Eastern Europe, we will get to later. Russia is a very Muslim country.
You can try, too bad we banned your religion from ever being recognised as more than a dangerous cult
i love that there's a 2nd, who needs a 2nd after a nuclear holocaust lel
Then we will do what Muslims do best and conquer you.
Is the goal to just have everyone practice Islam? Sounds like you're going to enslave everyone.
Hollow threats as always
why do they hate Albanians so much?
They want everyone to submit to Allah, and yes being a slave of Allah is basically the goal
Almost every Muslim country was once Christian. Islam spread from a tiny corner of Arabia to all across the Middle East, all across Africa, parts of Europe and the Indian subcontinent, all by conquest. Egypt was Christian once, so was Syria and Morocco.
Islam will set you free. When the native British convert to Islam, they will not be enslaved by the Pakistanis, but will be equals.
Aren’t those the same thing?
I'm superior, though. Are we going to have to nuke you guys?
that's the joke
literally a subtle your mom is a whore joke
You won't.
I see white Chechnya and Albania and I see the future Brits, French and Germans, then Poles and Slovaks a century later.
Wrong. Try and take are beer n bacon see wot appens
>all Muslims countries were once Christian
You were only lucky that Sassanids and Byzantines constantly fought each other, the first Muslim skirmish ended with almost all mohamed's companions being slaughtered, while Byzantines suffered next to no losses, and afterwards Byzantinea noted it down as a run-off-the-mill bandit raid
You won't do anything. You don't do anything. Can't even confront sharia patrols.
How aren't I superior? Why won't we nuke you?
I want to watch the haram in hd.
Damage control.
The Sassanids AND the Byzantines were conquered by Islam eventually.
This is your Byzantium.
How are you superior?
I'm not going to explain why no country will ever nuke another, especially yours.
They will still kill you and rape your daughter for days on end. Don't forget that.
Smarter, stronger, more aesthetic-looking, higher IQ, belong to the most advanced civilization and culture, talented, etc.
I think you're underestimating the white man's love of genocide
>This is your Byzantium.
Oh boohoo, am I supposed to tremble in fear now ? Eastern Roman Empire fell not because of Ottomans, but because Venetians got greedy, Ottomans only put it out of its misery, you take way too much credit for something you never did, nor your religion
*nor your religion ever did
Nothing they said was wrong tho
Pretty much this video. And they portray boys as dumb too. Like Patrick. Where as the girl is always smart.
And yet you're being outbred.
>the white man's love of genocide
This has nothing to do with race. Race is unimportant. Just as well for you, since you're going to be wiped out by birth rates alone soon enough.
Enjoy the Jizya tax. Nothing personal, kuffar.
>Enjoy the Jizya tax. Nothing personal, kuffar
Only in Britain where they only let you stay because of their neo-marxism bullshit, enjoy living in a dying country
I know, it was like the first reasonable thing I've ever seen on Arab TV.
Only one I have for now
well he's not wrong
If you are referring to MAD, so if by chance the US nuked Mecca, you somehow think the UK, France, Russia, India, Pakistan, and China would somehow risk getting nuked themselves over that shithole.
I highly doubt it.
That doesn't really mean much. There's more Asians than you. Your fertility rates just coincide with your civilizational issues. White people will never die out, you should stop reading propoganda. Whites will be around for millions of years to come.
>who is behind the alcohol trade?
Agricultural society, something the rags haven't developed yet.
When Britain dies, it will be reborn as something better.
I'd like to see you try to make something out of ashes
Don't count on it.
>that dude on the right
There is something peculiar about Islam.
It is clearly an inferior in many ways to Western societies but it is unapologetically persistent.
There are no post-Islamic countries.
Tell me, Pakibong, what would be the ideal state of Europe in your mind?
Now Turkey is moving closer and closer to Sharia law.
I can picture white Brits with big yellow and red beards conquering French infidels. This is the future.
You're less than 10% of UK, even indians make more babies, stop dreaming
White, more prosperous Saudi Arabia.
Allah willing.
Birth rates.
Which is only prosperous because Oil, they have zero export besides oil, they simply don't make anything
Which birth rate ? The birth rate of north africans in 2,4 ans they are poor so they are making more babies than people who are in France since 3 or 4 generations
Has someone posted the 6 year old girl jihadi Palestinian poet?
Saudi Arabia will fail in less than 30 years, even muslims know it, they don't have any tourists, or industry, this is why the future new king want to open the country, which mean less islam is society
Thank God you guys are brown, there's no real threat. It's like being outnumbered by a bunch of retards but you still control whether or not they live.
Sometimes you have to pee on the ashes of your nuclear-ashed enemies.
You've never seen Europe.
You live here, sure. But if you think you're ever going to be able to take & hold Britain and france means you've yet to have a proper taste.
Push for war. I fucking beg you.
You'll see the real Europe soon enough.
Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Constantinople, soon Rome. 4 down, 1 to go.
I came for Memri memes but someone of course has to LARP and shitpost as a M*slim.
i knew muslims where good with bombs, but this truth bombs are something else.
Don't fucking taint Tolkien's work with your shitty identity politics. Goddamn this picture makes me mad. The poem is whatever but just use a different picture.
Last one, surprised I didn't see this classic yet.
He is 100% correct.
> tfw islam is the ultimate redpill
Albania is full of Muslim shits, they probably hate them for not being the right kind.
Arabs are woke. Only Jews try to stigmatize arabs.
those monsters!!
What do normal Arabs and Muslims think of these people?
fucking kek, i love this pics
Pick one.
Actually the poem was the Briton not the Saxon. And it referred to the Germans not Muslims.
Well, they are more redpilled than any western country...
Look, to be fair, isn't that in the context of a fatwa against suicide bombers? Suicide is a mortal sin, so if terrorists commit suicide instead of martyrdom, that puts them in a right pickle, theologically speaking.
Its still all bullshit, ofc.
that is essentially how ICBMs work!
oh god, this is now my favorite thing
Poles would rather die than convert to your shit religion. And we'd rather kill you then die ourselves, so there's that.
Fuck you.
No, quite a lot of Brits convert to Islam.
Yes, the feeble minded
Memri was made by israel as a way to make arabs look bad, but that sure backfired on them, didn't it?
No, professors and all.
Ok so the indoctrinated feeble minded, I'm not speaking of intelligence rather those who are easily coerced, like the ones who believe Black Mirror is something the world should strive for
Egypt specifically hates Albanians because the ruling class of Egypt under Ottoman rule was of Albanian descent; the last Egyptian king before the nationalist overthrow of the monarchy was the descendant of Muhammad Ali Pasha, an Ottoman Albanian.
We're very different from Brits, and even those are getting fed the fuck up with your medieval bullshit. Poles, as a whole, will never be muslim. Never. Sure, you might get some converts, but they will be mercilessly shunned by the rest of our society, and when the time for war between us comes, they will be the first to go. Always kill a traitor before an enemy and all that.
I cannot put into words how much I hate your vile, backwards ideology. And the idea that a converted Europe would remain White? Laughable, Arabs raped the original Persians and North Africans out of existence, and so would pakis do to the Brits, given the chance. I still hold out hope for the Saxon to awaken, so that together we can reconquista your asses back to Mecca, and then burn it down around you, but even if Britain falls, it will serve as a wake up call to the rest of Europe. I guess time will tell. One is for certain- the moment you succeed in provoking Europeans into open warfare, you're done. You couldn't compete with us openly since the days of the Ottomans, and the gap between us is likely to grow even further, as every country that becomes Muslim also becomes a third world shithole, with the only technology imported from us, and with a backwards army hobbled by medieval honour codes and practices.
Stop living in the past. The West has been wrecking your shit every single time we bothered to fight you ever since the first Reconquista ended.
Egyptian state propagandists swaying whichever direction they think the despots mood is going that day. they'll say the sky is green then blame the jews for turning it purple then claim terrorists made it yellow in the span of 4 minutes.
They're talking heads that spew aggravating nonsense 24/7 put there to keep people stressed, burned out and hopeless.
the other memri clips are usually either wahabi or shia scholars which are used for similar purpose by the two competing theocracies.
is this dude still alive?
See , the man has some very good points
Muslim Pat Robertson here.
i fuggin love memri threads
i need to halal her punjab hole
Here is some spinoffs
Try again schlomo
>tfw when Arabs and Muslims were pro-nazi
>tfw when Arabs and Muslims have been against Jews for centuries
Cred Forums has lied to me this entire time. Islam is the final redpill wtf
but not just any arabs. Only the Assadist ones.
The continued success of the Syrian republic is proof that the axis of evil can be defeated
>: Kadyrov.jpg
Most Communists inherited wealth. They don't understand the value of work and have never had to bother themselves with basic economics. That's been the case since Marx and Engels.
Sir Ian Mckellen?
You idiots can't even conquer a tiny little nation of jews. You literally all tried at the same time and you couldn't do it.
If the hegemony allows you to take a nation then you may have it. Otherwise, you stand no chance against the west.
This is what Islamic terrorism is, where it comes from, because you can not conquer, you can't even fight in open combat. So you are reduced to attacking civilians and you are so shitty at even THAT so you have to resort to suicide attacks.
Islam is the religion of conquest. It was formed by conquest. Muhammad was a conqueror.
Israel had and has infinite support from America.
thought the same
Mohammed was a pedophile psychopath who claimed a flying donkey took him to heaven
WTF I'M STARTING TO LIKE ARABS!. If they only blew up Israel and left us in the west alone we could be best buds.