Why do the banks hate people of colour so much?
The banks are racist
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Statistically they are more likely to not pay what is owed, just use the numbers and the result will be the same. As in take the human element out of it compeletly and let an algoritihim or ai take charge of who gets loans. A computer can't be racist.
Banks are racist because otherwise we wind up with a housing crisis like before.
First the slave trade and now this ?!? someone needs to stop these racist kikes
>A computer can't be racist.
Actually, yes it can
>Niggers steal
Why would you loan money to a people that steal, you know they aren't going to pay it back
Giving niggers loans was what led to the great recession of 2008. I'd rather not repeat that mistake.
Because they typically don't have any verifiable income...and no, 'welfare' doesn't count as income...
>the data reflects our biases, so now ai is biased
Data is just Data, how can a fact be "racist" Unless everything we have been taught has been lies and there are in fact signifigant racial differences.
>jews are the most racist group in existence
>Why do the banks hate people of colour so much?
Because people of color aren't jewish.
>even when controlling for applicants' income, loan amount and neighborhood
>doesn't mention controlling for FICO score/creditworthiness
They controlled for everything except the #1 deciding factor that banks use when approving loans.
>You can't say black "people" all have lower credit goyim, that would be racist
propaganda - information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
I honestly thought AP was better than that though. They were one of the last big media outlets that was just printing facts with no opinion bs mixed in. Apparently that's no longer the case.
>the absolute state of the media
AP is one of the main wire services. Control AP and you control tons of major and minor outlets. So of course AP is going to be compromised hard.
Banks don't care about black or white. They care about green.
buried in the article:
>Lenders and their trade organizations do not dispute the fact that they turn away people of color at rates far greater than whites. But they maintain that the disparity can be explained by two factors the industry has fought to keep hidden: the prospective borrowers’ credit history and overall debt-to-income ratio.
>At the same time, studies have found proprietary credit score algorithms to have a discriminatory impact on borrowers of color.
Of course! How could I forget that credit scores are racist too? It all makes sense now!
This is correct. Is it the loan officer's fault that their black applicants' parents took out credit cards in the kid's name when they were 12 and now their credit history is fucked?
Having good credit and paying debts is for crackers.
Now where muh mortgage niqqa?
Money is racist because black people have less of it
Haven't you heard?
Facts are racist, also data is racist too. We can't let those pesky facts get in the way of PROGRESS.
Greeeeeat, housing crisis 2.0. Clinton and Dems in the 90's had the big push for 'Owning a home is Right!' (not a privilege). Government set new rules for lending to low income people, basically gibbs, and banks had to package these higher risk loans in new MBS'. When the economy started shitting in 2007 these certain packaged MBS' are what set the market up for the extreme drop we had. Markets, as a whole macro view, at a certain point are only as strong as their weakest asset.
yes, logic is a tool of the racist white nazis and the patriarchy. These vile men use data and objectivity to try and fool us into buying there evil views. But my emotion trumps their logic. My feelings are pure.
>Facts are racist, also data is racist too
Don't forget computers
>logic is a tool of the racist white nazis and the patriarchy
Yup, fuck facts