Cmon guys i need to collect ugly halfbreeds. I'm already out of stock.
Camden Sullivan
Jayden Butler
>not sure if 8 or 48 years old
Carson White
This cannot be a homo sapien
Aaron James
Christopher Stewart
Thomas Bennett
Landon James
Luke Evans
Carter Moore
Aaron Kelly
Jackson Kelly
Oliver Bailey
>Not posting the original
Liam Russell
Lucas Robinson
John Thompson
Jeremiah Rivera
Lucas Campbell
Cooper Williams
Daniel Price
Kayden Taylor
Dominic Moore
Isaiah Barnes
How come the shills are trying to push this anti american mixed race shit?
The forced amerimutt thing failed so it's this now?
Nolan Smith
Love that memory.
Ryan Russell
Camden White
she's cute
Blake Richardson
Kevin Green
Really makes me think
Chase Long
Levi Garcia
Chase Lopez
Thanks user, that’s me :-)
The biggest problem with race mixing is outbreeding depression caused by the breakdown of coadapted gene complexes that have evolved over time in divergent populations. Hybrid vigor does occur, but only in the F1 generation. Hybrid breakdown or outbreeding depression begins to occur in subsequent generations.
In the following link, you'll read that when two populations of boodies (separated for only 10,000 years) were crossed, scientists feared that the offspring would be affected by the breakdown of coadapted gene complexes:
This 22% ancestry is the cause of multiple negative health effects due to genetic incompatibility. Indeed, consistent with Haldane’s rule, unmixed Blacks from Africa and White Americans do not have the same rate of birth problems that hybrid American Blacks have: “In 2005, the mortality rate for black infants was 4.4 times higher than that of white infants… African women who come to the United States and have babies experience the same low rate of infant deaths as white American mothers.” (
“Indiscriminate interbreeding between distinct forms, whether ‘species’ or markedly different races, is not generally beneficial. The defect may show in a change in the sex-ratio of the offspring, probably caused by the early abortion of members of one sex, generally the male in the case of mammals.”
LTA4H, or “leukotriene A4 hydrolase” is found on chromosome 17. An allele of this gene increases the risk of heart attack (the #1 cause of death in America) in Blacks by more than 250%, but only 16% in Whites. The 30% of Whites with this allele have counteracting genes, while the 6% of Black Americans who obtained it through race mixing do not.
Nathaniel Barnes
Asher Sullivan
my god I just noticed he's playing without the king
Nathan Gutierrez
The average rate of success for mixed race couples is around half that of same race couples, 0.127 compared to 0.213.
One study showed that people tend to find their own face when morphed into the opposite sex most attractive, even when he/she doesn't know it's his own face, strongly suggesting that people typically prefer those who look like themselves, in other words their own racial/ethnic group.
Nope. My grand-kids will kill nigger faggots like you.
Jaxon Lee
Robert Robinson
Although some argue that race mixing "averages out" traits and since average faces are considered more attractive [] then mixed race offspring are more attractive.
However this is fallacious as it assumes we are designed for perfect symmetry, when in fact the magnitude of asymmetry is the correct measurement and this random component fulctuates, also called "fluctuating asymmetry" - so more honestly a lower level of asymmetry correlates with increased attractiveness, not symmetry.
But does increased heterozygosity cause lower asymmetry? A meta analysis of 118 datasets in 14 studies showed a very weak inverse correlation between the two, showing that increased heterozygosity has no beneficial effect on symmetry or asymmetry
One study on the craniofacial morphology in White-Amerindian mixed race individuals found that over half of the 52 shape variables deviated from the mathematical average completely shattering the above argument.
Joseph Cooper
>lost kween and kang early >still playing
Is this white privilege?
Cameron Jenkins
It's like their hair can't decide whether to be white or fucking nigger nappy.
Gabriel Hughes
Kayden Barnes
This thread makes me sick.
But this is what we're dealing with. Muttery must stop. Hope more people get redpilled about these abominations.
Nolan Gray
Are most of these models even mutts or just Spaniards or are they Sargon tier mutt?
Cameron Carter
>soulless black eyes >cute
James Adams
Julian Jones
Gamergirl only claims to be what 1/8 or 1/16 black?
And frankly I'm a little suspicious that she even has a drop of nigger blood. She goes by a fake name and doesn't disclose where she lives. If you believe her real name is actually Brittany Venti then you are a doofus.
Cameron Brooks
He lost the game but not the nigging part he'll be around until the board rots or someone kicks him out
Carson Mitchell
Again, retarded looking hair. Fucking weird eyebrows. Stupid as ear-rings and finger nails. Seriously not attractive, unless you're a nigger.
Asher Hall
Dominic Gomez
So, yeah, this proves that the average mongrel isn’t more attractive than the average person, contrary to what the shills in this thread may think. They just post those with high amounts of white ancestry with good bodies. The only attractive features of these people are their white features. Might as well just breed within your race rather than ruin something perfectly good
Anthony Carter
Same two bitches. Same gross hair and eyebrows.
Adam Cox
Isaac Howard
>when you stop breaking the law for 5 minutes
Lucas Cook
same retarded looking hair.
Ethan Stewart
Mason Walker
Blake Howard
Jonathan Sanchez
Zachary King
Pretty sure he’s playing checkers
Nathan Morales
Joshua Perez
he is one already xd I'm sorry *oon
Dominic James
The black pieces are set up like checkers ffs.
Wyatt Perry
Underrated kek. >but this is what we're dealing with. >flag Oh I bet you are dealing with it, Sven.
Kevin Howard
Leftists are trying to disprove the thesis by posting pictures of the most attractive half-breeds, thinking they are helping their case, but they are actually harming their case. The skin of the half-breeds is still dark, their hair is still nappy, and they still have a trashy look about them. They are obviously of lower IQ than a white, and they are objectively less attractive than if they were white.
Nolan Turner
Dilute your genes goy!
Aaron Richardson
Notice that it's the white features that make them beautiful and it's the black features that make them ugly. Genes wasted.
Hunter Wilson
I dislike nigs as much as the next guy, but he’s playing checkers with chess pieces.
Julian Ortiz
Is that an elf?
Jacob Evans
I find gamergirl to be hot. Even if she actually has nigger blood (which I doubt) I'd like to fuck her.
Gabriel Allen
why do n****s have the eyes so far apart? it is ralated to their wide nose?
Oliver Fisher
Spotted the butthurt nigger posting the 0,00001% of actually decent looking mutts. Mutts are disgusting. Face it you nigger.
Carter Robinson
William Wood
a whole senpai of mixes and im sure you are uglier than beetlejuice egg
Bentley Flores
holy shit dude... your fucking gay/autistic ass fuck
anyone in this thread who wouldnt stick their ding-a-ling in this should prolly get some electro-shock
Aiden Clark
34% East African, according to DNA test results she shared. She's proud Wakandan Qween.
Aiden King
she'd look better if she didnt have such a shit haircut
Xavier Williams
I really don't know, it's broken whatever it us.
Charles Nelson
The only good looking ones have mainly white features and hair they just accidentally prove whites have the features the world considers attractive.
Jaxon Clark
These are twins. Post these imaginary studies you are talking about regarding mixing races. Or you're just a psycho racist.
Luis Johnson
Would come on her forehead anyways.
Alexander Jones
>mutt wants to fuck other mutts
I guess it's natural
Dominic Jackson
half of these aren’t even ugly lol but still look a lil weird
Jeremiah Baker
Post a pic of yourself, inbred retard.
Benjamin Adams
>those hips Holy shit.
Lucas White
Nope. Wasn't particularly pointing towards Sweden. Mudslimes tend not to mutt with whites because of honor culture, so we're pretty good. Meanwhile, in Canacuck.
Levi Cruz
Grayson Collins
Keep telling yourself that bird shit.
Brandon Thomas
those are fraternal twins, so different eggs and sperms Americans really are stupid
Nolan Cooper
Chase Lewis
As stupid as your mom for keeping you.
Mason Campbell
Link to where she made that claim? Are you making that up yourself? She claimed to be an octoroon before, and 34% is a lot more than an octoroon. A US octoroon would actually be more like 10 or 11% nigger, not 12.5%. (Adjusting for the fact that the great-grandparent would only be 80-85% black to begin with.)
And how would an American have East African ancestry anyway? Slaves are from West Africa.
Lucas Price
Checks flag, you're the nigger, Moor.
Jaxson Ross
Come to Sweden and see for yourself, Amerimutt.
Cooper Foster
Nah. Don't want to go to the next 3rd world.
Juan Bell
Yes and she fucks niggers, women like this always seem to for some reason
Logan Scott
FTFY Nice try Jamal
Liam Perez
>pic of woman is shopped wow.......................
Gabriel Watson
You are a literal nigger defending half breeds subhumans. I may be a Moor (i'm not) but it's still better than being a nigger mutt like you.
Ryan Reed
Andrew Miller
> calls Sweden 3rd world > checks to see if he's subhuman or not
Lucas Nguyen
god damn, god cursed that mutherfucker good
Thomas Long
Nah, liberal snowflakes aren't breeding. They are just having consequence free sex. The men are going soy and the women will hit their 40's and realize its too late to have kids.
Conservatives on the other hand are having kids, and apparently the message has gotten through that they need to have more of them. Our Grand Kids will probably kill off what few grand kids the current generation of libtards manage to produce.
You idiots are self selecting yourselves out of the gene pool.
Jordan Sullivan
some turn out alright. porn has been pushing out the mix breed chicks. pretty obvious what their agenda is now
Such a sad existence, memeing or not. You actively spend energy on this. I find that to be truly disgusting.
Jace Harris
you just admitted you're stupid you dumb cunt
Jose Adams
Lmao. Pol trying so hard to hate them. Not even 0.0001% of Cred Forumstards look this good.
Samuel Hill
he actually looks pretty good for having such an ugly mother
Tyler Thompson
That's not how that works but I'm sure you know that. Maybe not.
Jason Martinez
She should keep taking her skin whitening pills and cream
Hunter Gray
even the cream of the crop mutts can't compare to whites, they will always be a step down
Joshua Jones
That's actually false. It's only Muslim women that can't marry non-Muslims. Also, your biggest problem are niggers, not Muslims. Even if they don't marry, they still rape thousands of nordicuck bitches daily.
Connor Hughes
Mulattoes look like arabs/nafris most of the time
Kayden Gray
>leave the lady mutt be! spotted another nigger
Levi Hall
Seriously why it's always AMERICANS that defends those mutts?
Jacob Rogers
The Jew always shows up ITT to promote the debauchery it is genetically inclined to
James Baker
Spotted an ad hom. But good try.
Tyler Ramirez
>my DNA polyermase be like "how da fuck do I resolve this shit"
Ian Wilson
Wyatt Price
halfbreeds = mena
Benjamin Diaz
Parker White
Nasty niggers
Jason Peterson
>he tells me that i have a sad life >i'm the one ad homineming AHAHAHAHAHAHAH NIGGER LOGIC, EVERYONE
Gavin Ortiz
fuck off no one cares about your autistic fallacy bullshit
Tyler Martinez
> That's false
I think I know my country better than you.
James Bell
imagine being non-white
Thomas Peterson
>these are twins >one is white one is black your fucking retarded lol
Tyler Stewart
William Ross
Jayden Jones
>race mixing Not a good idea
Nathan Powell
That fat thing is disgusting
Aaron Anderson
Of course you do, Sven. sw*Den is alright, and sw*Dish "people" aren't going to go extinct in the next 20 years.
Zachary Baker
Jonathan Rogers
If Clint's son was taller, I'd swear he was a clone.
Oliver Gonzalez
Ethan Hernandez
just returned from a work trip to paris. RIP france. Paris is blacked. never seen so many mixed couples too. white women with black and arab men.
hapa males are one of the few groups i genuinely pity
Jacob Perry
I'd have to say you're the one with warped logic. It's sad because you're not here to "solve" anything but to just circlejerk with and similar ilk
Deny it as I know you will but it doesn't change anything. Revaluate your decisions.
Chase Lewis
Luke Wright
Eli Bennett
> cites language site > is unironically his world view.
that's not how it works, sunny.
Christopher Campbell
When I was little, we had a school bus driver who had Vitiligo or whatever this nigger bitch has. One day some kid was getting off the bus and told the bus driver that "she look like she had sucked the bleach monsters dick." I keked in a land before keks were a thing
Adrian Brooks
Eli Butler
I'm pretty sure I see numerous threads disregarding spain as white. So I guess you're referring to yourself?
Nathan Brooks
Hunter Hernandez
>thinks that's my only source, not years of collecting academic research into the demographics of Europe as whole K sven.
Christopher Adams
Thomas Morgan
>unironically putting Britler on there >memeflag Yep, kike confirmed. Yeah, you can see the same deformities in her as in the others, but she got lucky in that said deformities came together in a non-hideous manner. She basically looks like a hot alien with massive milkers. I'd bleach that gray any day, faggot.
Juan Kelly
Another one by the way
Oliver Gray
While I'm against racemixing, I find the idea of ugly fat neckbeards with nothing going for them so focused on this shit a lot more revolting.
Jack Rogers
listen here you little shit. I know it's hard being a mutt, trying to prove stereotypes wrong, but all you're proving is you're a petty, sad cunt trying to poke holes in Cred Forums posts, maybe it's you who should reevaluate your decisions, go outside and ride a bike or some shit
Adrian Nguyen
Jose Flores
Interesting that the only mongrels that turn out fine are those produced from White male and Asian female relationships
Brayden Collins
That's not racemixing, that's just albinism.
Leo Smith
>memeflag Fucking shills will literally never learn. Thank god our enemies are such colossal fucking imbecilic twats.
Ethan Sanders
Is there porn? I read somewhere there was porn
Caleb White
I'm mixed race myself... -Useless Black Dad -Responsible White Mom
I'm actually quite lucky that I came out more decent. Still a nationalist and well aware of what different cultures and races are capable of...
Let me tell you op... I'm more glorious to the world than most of my disgraceful neighbors... > Also Girl top left is to young to be judged on.
Caleb Russell
> English sources > think that competes with Swedish ones
Sounds like what happens when you affirmative action hire people into important positions
Luke Gomez
hapa girls have a good shot, since asian women are actually attractive, the men... not so much
Landon Rodriguez
Bottom left is photoshop, right?
Bentley Hughes
Yet another girl who wants to get rid of her sub-saharan heritage
Luke Green
Brown women > Asian women > White women
Isaiah Hernandez
I need to add, that I still prefer a white women tho...
Jackson Perry
Jace Hill
Jacob Allen
I'd throw a snag on the barbie with ya Jamal, nohmo
Aiden Scott
You are mad.
Don't care about stereotypes in this context. Not trying to poke holes, I just think you are disingenuous intellectually. And now you're embarassing both of us. Why do you do this?
Also I already cleaned my house, went outside, jogged, lifted etc. This is my designated fun time.
Xavier Brooks
The orange color of their skin always reminds me of the color of your shit after you eat 40 mcnuggets at McDonald's.
Austin Hall
Poor nigger.
Benjamin Gray
I know this story He lost so hard it's heartbreaking
Jacob Scott
This. Always bothered me that morons couldn't figure that out.
Julian Roberts
Most of what you are saying is based on emotion disguised as being genuine fuck off mate.
Ethan Brown
Poor you.
Nicholas Collins
not mad, just banter ya wee cunt
Dominic Ramirez
is this what cows have? are all cows have skin like this by default?
Jose Johnson
Not at all.
Cooper Perez
pathetic post written by a pathetic nigger without a single arugment provided.
Andrew Robinson
>Those are twins
Owen Flores
If you want to call it that, fine.
Brayden Miller
You now realize that the word ‘arab’ is Hebrew for ‘mixed. You now realize the phonetic roots of Arabic are from Hebrew and not directly from Aramaic. You now know why Arabs are hyperviolent.
Owen Flores
Your reading comprehension is lacking of that's the case.
Chase Cruz
Mutt and her mutt child.
William Russell
don't expect serious discussion on Cred Forums of all places
David Peterson
only pure europeans and pure asians are allowed to mate. They still make cute human beings.
Caleb Davis
Not even you had a country already Spain was white and had conquered half of the world with Portugal or England
Austin Barnes
Seems like it mutt, hey buddy if you don't like facts go to a different board we are simply laughing at your stupidity and having the inability to make an argument.
Christian Cox
Brody Bennett
Lincoln Walker
You having the inability*
Ethan Miller
why the fuck is she in bed in a bikini with her son
Benjamin Green
Owen Rodriguez
His king is dead and he keeps going on? What a savage! What a Maverick! Be different! Be an Asshole! Be a nigger! Totally mad lad.
Dominic Martinez
It's true. I've always had some desdain to people who take too much pride on their race or bullshit like IQ instead of being actually successful at life. Same with academic progress.
To me, the only thing that matters is what you accomplish with your life. So I find people so invested in things like these (among many others) is really pathetic. Same applies to feminists who take too much pride on being a woman, etc.
Noah Russell
Jackson Martin
I wonder who is behind this post.
Nolan Rogers
What facts? And I already laid out my grievance earlier, please read better.
Camden Reed
>"no u" is now an argument
Gavin Reyes
Who frigging knows? She's just comfortable like that. Pic related is also her.
Charles Young
You didn't give any mutt.
Henry Hill
Look like South-Amerimutt and/or MENA
Justin Diaz
jesus fucking christ
Ryder Bailey
I'm not jewish, and I wonder what exactly of what I said sounds jewish. This is proof you're living in an echo chamber.
Isaiah Taylor
>correcting people's grammar on Cred Forums ..lad..I don't know where to start with you
Jordan Hughes
Ethan Perez
"You are here to masturbate instead of actually solve anything or provide any constructive discourse" was about my summary.
Please don't infantalize it, especially when it's as accurate as your reading comp
Jaxon Nelson
that's a shame, she could've had beautiful kids...waste of good genes
Jayden Roberts
This guy gets it. Fucking butthurt "mutt" should just kill its self.
Dylan Russell
>Ad hom, the mark of mental prowess
But really I just said it again. Your laziness is upsetting.
Joseph Richardson
Semites are mulattoes Quadroons octoroons lancados...
Austin Ramirez
I wouldn't know, I'm not a fat fucking Amerimutt that eats 40 chicken nuggets in one sitting, or even eats McDonald's at all for the matter.
Jason Gray
She is listed as latina if you'll believe it
Ethan Peterson
>Echochamber Oh sure buddy we totally ban you for something you don't like, come on try harder.
Caleb Fisher
>Thinks im lazy Don't worry mutt we all know your depressed.
Juan King
Looks like a Frank Miller character.
Brody Taylor
Hudson Walker
Drug is bad m'kay
Andrew Collins
Well I mean it's either that or incompetence. One might be easier to remedy than the other. I'll let you choose, friend.
Dominic Lee
I second this
Julian Peterson
>You are here to masturbate instead of actually solve anything or provide any constructive discourse The fact that i'm here masturbating DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAN THOSE MUTTS ARE UGLY.
Xavier Adams
My precious...
Mason Scott
prob on a vacation and getting ready to go to the beach
Thomas Fisher
He’s not even posting mutts, he’s just posting latinas lol
Blake Jones
All you can post is anime pictures and shit, listen mutt if you like assuming shit about people just to make your self better be my guest.
Matthew Rivera
Wait a minute.. This sounds shellish...
Ryder Ross
You spam mutts with 75% white genes and caucasoid craniofacial phenotypes, that would undoubtedly look better if fully white. Do you think you can fight nature by shilling? Racemixing is extremely rare among whites despite race realits having zero control over the narrative. What does this tell you? Beauty is objective: the way the human eye interprets facial structures and proportions is pretty much universal. The European type is on top, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Aiden Wright
At least they're being useful, argie cunt. Wouldn't doubt you're a literal kike, your proportion of jews is reason enough to always be suspicious
Kevin Lee
They are. Learn to google. Anyways, they look like shit anyways. I don't see his point.
Joshua Hernandez
That explains it.
Dylan Gonzalez
John Lewis
>Ignores the fact that the majority of white people on the entire planet are ugly.
Wyatt Cox
You fucking Podestas ain't foolin anyone. God will not suffer mockery for long.
Logan Sanders
>race mixing Here you go, Negro x Caucasian. Pic related.
Connor Phillips
Austin Bailey
Can't believe Jennifer Beals is a mulatto She really looks like she's from a gulf arab country
Lincoln Ward
Subjective. And you provide no measurable contribution by your own words. This seems like a bad way to make progress, what a waste.
Also caps are just embarassing, m8y.
Jaxon Williams
I wondet who is behind this post.
Jaxon Hughes
>I still cannot make an argument let me post anime smug just to boost my ego. Wew lad listen shill are you here just to waste our time or are you actually this idoitic of a mutt?
Jason Perry
The baby's half-Mexican. I wonder what he'll look like grown up if he lifts like both his parents.
William Stewart
I seriously hope you're under 25 and you drop the edgyness with the years. Otherwise, you're a fucking loser, and I really, really mean it. Not because of your opinions, but of how brainwashed you are and how you take pride of things that are out of your control instead of actually provide some value to society, or improving yourself.
Useful? Being useful for what exactly? Jesus christ. It's as if everyone in the left and in Cred Forums are braindead. There's simply no salvation. I truly believe that, as a society, we're so much more primitive than even twenty years ago, it's extremely depressing.
Jacob Gutierrez
A nigga with a rocket launcher.
Adam Thompson
This thread makes me want to kill myself.
Why does Gods hate us so that he has afflicted us with this fucking scourge of monkey people?
Thats not subjective. Post me a mutt with big nigger nose, big nigger lips, etc.. that is attractive. You can't becasue those features are inherently ugly. Mutts are only """beautiful""" when they have a lot of white features.
Brayden Ramirez
You ain't fooling anyone schlomo.
Anthony Nguyen
Goddamnit stop posting here. You're the reason they think we're idiots.
Grayson Reyes
Not bad for a woman with 4 nipples
Joshua Hall
Why did God curse us with emo bird shits?
Gavin Nguyen
>pride of things that are out of your control instead of actually provide some value to society, or improving yourself. Your personality, face, body composition, upbringing, family, etc are all out of your control.
Your race is as essential a part of who you are as your personality. They go hand in hand.
Thomas Phillips
Well as by the admission of my assumption was correct.
If it wasn't then I'd be ok with hearing why not. Also I guess feeling better is just a byproduct of discourse here.
But since you asked, have another smug.
Christopher Nguyen
It's mostly Jewish propaganda. Hybrid Vigor only works when both parents are inbred
Matthew Peterson
Jack Hughes
I unironically would fugg brittany venti
Ian Turner
You're*** actually the retarded one here, friend. They ARE biological twins.
Landon Sanders
what race is that?
William Lopez
Venti is a goddess remove her from the picture
Juan Nelson
Are you still butthurt mutt?
Joshua Myers
True. But just for having a good looking face you don't spend your days and investing a lot of time critizing ugly people. You would just be thankful and enjoy the benefits. See the difference? Or that, at least, is what what successful people would do. Doing otherwise would suggest a lack of self-esteem or something.
You're too far gone.
Aiden Howard
Like I already said, I laid out a grievance which was partially based on assumption and it was already proved correct. I'm honestly kinda just hanging around now. If you're wasting your time that's your problem, learn to time manage.
Henry Rodriguez
Lincoln Moore
David Mitchell
It's just mutts defending them my man. Or Jews. Probably both.
Luke Morales
Don't worry schlomo as long as your repeating the same shit someone would likely to believe you.
Cameron Perry
>Brown Women
Austin Sanchez
Still cannot make an argument mutt? Listen we get it already you hate your self.
Blake Hernandez
what the fuck are you even blabbering you nigger nothing you posted was proved correct. you just posted assumptions and cherrypicked mutts.
Connor Ortiz
Kayden Gutierrez
Nicholas Cruz?
Samuel Wright
Matthew Carter
el ogro
Landon Perez
You're either trolling or clinically retarded.
Sebastian Miller
You're just trying to warp reality at this point. It's not helping.
Please reexamine the definition.
Brody Gutierrez
Is that a picture of you in your post? They ARE biological twins, retard...
Nathan Long
>you don't spend your days and investing a lot of time critizing ugly people. No, you criticize them internally and cringe whenever they talk to you.
>You would just be thankful and enjoy the benefits. See the difference? The difference is attractive people are not on the verge of the point of no return in the face of brown hordes.
How would a mixed monkey mutt like you understand though? You're too invested in blandda-up'ing the world to justify your own disgusting existence.
Alexander Gomez
Oliver Thompson
Now I am a troll jesus kike how many more are you gonna pull so I get to beliebe your kike propaganda? Gas your self.
Robert Harris
They're called mudbloods or shitskins and i don't wanna save pictures of ugly kids and their single moms pretending to be happy
Tyler Bennett
>Reeeeeeeeee stop making sense REEEEEEE
David Gray
>saying that white features are more attractive is warping reality holy fuck the absolute state of mutts
Benjamin Sullivan
She’s cute. And got arrested in NC for fucking her dad and having a baby with him. True story
Bentley Barnes
You just ran out of things to say? K.
Joseph Gutierrez
Get rid of those soyboy hair and sterilize yourself
Tyler Cook
Justin Jackson
> ((Schimdt))
Jose Cooper
So I'm either a mutt or a jew because you don't agree with my opinion. You guys are the exactly the same as Vice, Salon or Huffpost, just in the other end of the spectrum. It's just so tiresome and sad.
Joseph Garcia
>The fact that i'm here masturbating DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAN THOSE MUTTS ARE UGLY.
You said that not too long ago, cmon man. You, yourself said you were here to masturbate. I, myself said you were before the fact. I don't know how to be any more direct with you.
Also I didn't post any "cherrypicked" content.
Hudson Kelly
>what I said sounds jewish You sound literally like a retard. And Jews aren't that intelligent either.
>muh too much pride on their race >or bullshit like IQ >instead of being actually successful at life. ???? >Same with academic progress. ???? >To me, the only thing that matters is what you accomplish with your life. ????
So you find people who are proud of their accomplishments in life to be really pathetic, huh?
What the fuck is "actually successful in life" then? Muh monies? Muh fucking? You literally said that even academic progress is not. And your retarded "fat neckbeards" is the cherry on the retard cake. >muh I said fat neckbeards without nothing going on Yeah of course, kike. What the fuck are you doing on this site?
Gavin Johnson
its from brazil LOL some dude said he removed the white king cus only BLACKS WERE KANGZ it is not surprising to see some mestizomierda argentine subhuman saing race doesnt matter. maybe it didnt matter to your ancestors who fucked a subhuman indio, just because your genes are worthless doesnt mean everyone elses are. you know there are some people with valuable genes and thus wish to preserve them. The greatest sin is the sin against your own blood. Obviously a mestizo would never understand. i advise you to not come on this site again , go to voxed or other argentine "nationalist" sites in which everyone suffers from inferiority complex due to their mixed race
John Johnson
>tfw hideous mutt Why did my dad throw away his Aryanism
Henry Cox
There is nothing wrong with spotting a disgusting freak, which I now have no doubt that you are, and calling them out.
All I want is a clean, beautiful Earth that is free of you freaks.
Blake Roberts
Ugly people have ugly kids. Beautiful people have beautiful kids. You destroy your own credibility trying to claim otherwise.
Benjamin Reed
Making sense is skewing the definition of objective?
I didn't say that, strawman is not a good look. I said that you just used a word with a very clear definition incorrectly.
Jaxson Scott
Nathan Gutierrez
Or your opinions are shit schlomo. Also you can be both a mutt and a jew since some jews are race mixed. Listen up pal what more psyops or methods are you gonna pull?
Bentley Robinson
Samuel Taylor
You did not follow up on my question.
Jacob Ross
Reminder that Varg BTFO 56 percenters in his latest vids he even jokes about 56% in the comments KEK
Anthony Diaz
Caleb Miller
>Also I didn't post any "cherrypicked" content. >posting photos of the top 0,11% of (mutt) models (probably photoshopped) is not cherrypicking
>You, yourself said you were here to masturbate. I, myself said you were before the fact Holy shit you are stupid. >You can read. >AHAHHAHAH GUYS ALL MY ASSUMPTIONS ARE CORRECT!!! I'M SMARTER THAN YOU!!! HAHAHAHAH
>I didn't say that, strawman is not a good look. I said that you just used a word with a very clear definition incorrectly. what is that word definition then?
Wyatt Foster
Still got nothing left to say to me? Listen keep trying to justify your own existence mutt you're not gonna change our minds ans that's that maybe we wouldn't hate you so much if you disgusting freaks are willing to take the redpill you'll still be ugly- but at least more tolerant listen the truth hurts buddy you'll die ugly now will you excuse me I got some buisness decisions to do while I shitpost.
Brandon Clark
Mason Mitchell
Oliver Johnson
What question mutt? You just basically ran out of things to say.