The left can't me-
The left can't me-
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so the solution is to ban water?
Saved for the next time a pig fucker runs a truck through a crowd in Europe
kek I 've made a smuggie with same message
This is what they say after every terrorist attack.
"What right to life does a man who is drowning in the Pacific ocean have?"
But they same the same thing after every bomb or truck attack...
They just achieved early 2000's meme standard
>One guy can't fucking swim
>welp, better ban all the water.
You're right, they can't meme.
>Muslims ram a truck threw crowd, do donuts on the corpse of eight-year old white girls
>Hispanic Democrat shoots Jews
>"Fuck your thoughts and prayers!"
He’s not being resentful or mean he just knows he can’t save him with his noodly soyboy arms.
people only say thoughts and prayers bullshit because how else can you respond? Anything else and people will bitch at you for not caring.
Make sure to change your Facebook picture next time there's a terrorist attack
What's so leftist about it?
What's so memetic about it?
Far better job schlomo
The funny part is those thinking and praying are doing so much more, even if its literally nothing, than the people just bitching about it crying to take away everyones guns.
I actually chuckled.
good job, jew.
That or make an amendment saying everyone has a right to swimming lessons.
No, they cant.
They are the ones that spew "thoughts and prayers" at every happening
You know the song by Phil Collins "In the Air Tonight"
About that guy, who coulda saved that other guy from drownin'
But didn't then Phil saw it all then at that show he found him
That's kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from drownin'
No it's too late, I'm on a thousand downers now, I'm drowsy
Ban Assault Water immediately
based on everything else thats happening in society, one might suspect the shootings are also a devious plot to disarm the amerifats
The left always gives thoughts & prayers whenever there's a terrorist attack, then instantly starts warning about the dangers of Islamophobia.
ban racist assault water
Ok instead of saying Thoughts and Prayers we'll point out the "no swim zone" and ask why that didn't work
Gee, I wonder why he couldn't swim...
Gold, but change the color of the hand in the last frame.
Pretty much, yeah.
Is the left trying to say that thoughts and prayers mean nothing because Trump tweeted it? They did that shit for eight years while king nigger was in office. The left cant even attempt to meme without blowing themselves out.
Can anyone do a version of this that says TOP BRAIN pls?
this isn't a leftist meme though
this is a joke on leftism that instead of taking action they just say "thoughts and prayers"
K, now post it here:
That's not a meme. It's an editorial cartoon.
>people who don't believe the only answer to gun violence is "Thoughts and prayers."
I love how the left have their hands over their ears and do not listen to the actual arguments put forth by the other side
>failure to render assistance
that's a felon even in the US I guess right?
Case closed, the left truly can't meme.
the left can meme as good as people can season their food
that's as much as i am gonna say to that
When someone is drowning, and you have the capability to help him, you are obligated to help them.
When someone is being shot at, and you have the capability to help them, you are obligated to help shooting the person with a gun.
Wow, that was easy.
as white people can season their food i meant
The solution is to deport darkies
I fixed for you
Is this loss?
The best thing we can do is absolutely nothing. If we change how we live they win
Funny. I saw that meme circulate Cred Forums during every muslim terrorist attack. Now in this context it is considered a lefty meme.
Really gets those gears a-grinding.
They're projecting through our recycled memes
False equivalence. The people saying 'thoughts and prayers' are potentially thousands of miles and a large amount of time removed from the incident. If this picture showed someone cowering under their desk and hiding while praying the shooter doesn't kill them while the shooter guns down people in the background it would be accurate.
what kind of retard cant swim
>cant swim
>jumps into water anyway
>expect us to help and not let evolution do its job
fuck you
my guns >>>>>>>>>>>> your pathetic existence
That would make sense if they didn't say thoughts and prayers every time a truck of peace comes through.
>terrorist attack happens
>Cred Forums screams ban Muslims
>posts this meme picture about all the thoughts and prayers pots
>Cred Forums laughs and says its an epic meme pic
Black people
t. leftist who says thoughts & prayers whenever theres an islamic terror attack
Guns have value for western society. Islam doesn't.
ok then
how about you ban muslims and we'll ban guns
The resentment is tangible. So many democrat memes are just insulting and backhandedly attacking others.
I dig that painting. Thanks, Christanon.
even scientology has less retarded metaphysics than this
leftists btfo
That meme was made after the attacks in Nice..
>guns have motives, thoughts and a mind of their own must be therefore be banned because they act in a dangerous way
oh wait, a gun is a tool - an inanimate objects which doesn't have any agency,... unlike a fucking muslims who acts according to his ideology
>doesn't understand how memeflow works
>cries about it on Cred Forums
Stay classy, newfriend.
Facebook and Twitter 'likes' would have saved him though.
Fucking rekt
This. Ban water, put signs up to not drown (aka gun free zones that criminals will follow)