>murders 300 Russians in Syria for trying to fight ISIS
>murders 71 Russian civilians in a plane crash
>murders 66 Iranian civilians in a plane crash
Explain to me why we support this neocon again?
>murders 300 Russians in Syria for trying to fight ISIS
>murders 71 Russian civilians in a plane crash
>murders 66 Iranian civilians in a plane crash
Explain to me why we support this neocon again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Death for a mercenary is an occupational hazard. If you are an armed non-civilian in a conflict area you are a valid target unless you are a protected person like a medic.
Russians arent people user.
Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has called on the media not to be guided by “distorted data” in connection with reports on many Russians allegedly killed in Syria.
“We urge [everyone] not to be guided by erroneous information, intentional or unintentional, and be careful about the description of such potentially important incidents in order not to be enthralled by distorted data,” the Kremlin spokesman said in comments on reports on a great number of Russians allegedly killed in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province on February 7.
Due to the lack of specific data on the issue, Peskov said he did not understand a question from a reporter who asked whether or not it was possible to declare mourning over a great number of Russians allegedly killed in Syria on February 7. He noted that the Kremlin had no specific information, which would make it possible to draw conclusions as to the number of Russians in Syria. “One cannot rule out that Russian citizens can be on Syria’s soil. They are not Russian military servicemen, that’s all we can say, but, anyway, our citizens remain Russian citizens, whatever happens,” he concluded.
A source in the Russian Foreign Ministry earlier told TASS that reports on dozens and hundreds of Russian citizens allegedly killed in Syria were misinformation.
>deliberately kills 300 Russians in Syria for trying to fight ISIS
>murders 71 Russian civilians in a plane crash
>murders 66 Iranian civilians in a plane crash
Explain to me why we support this neocon again?
Because he gives two shits about Russian and cares more about American people and western allies.
Trump doesn't control the Deep State. They still have power. He's fighting against the Deep State.
How is what Trump is doing in Syria good for the American people?
my stocks are up 150% and I don't have to pay $600 a month for terrible insurance. also he is decriminalizing our government and country. nobody wants to talk about the 13,000 sealed indictments. the left are losing their soldiers and voters by the thousands every day.
>deliberately kills 300 Russians in Syria
They took the shilling. A mercenary cannot complain when they get killed in combat.
>Russian and Iranian aviation failure
There is no conspiracy there. Russian and Iranian aviation at all levels is a terrible mess.
op it shows you that all the promises he made campaigning, were just pandering. He said he was going to appoint a special counsel to "look into her situation" he has done nothing.
He said he was going to patch up our relationship with Russia, he is bombing them instead and sanctioning Russia out of the Olympics etc.
The only promises he is keeping, 100% of his promises to Israel. All will be kept, only the precious jews matter.
says Perúvian
>crashing those planes?
>how many survived?
>a Russian plane crash and an Iranian plane crash
>in the same week
>at the same time that (((Bibi))) is on the ropes politically and (((Trump))) escalating HARD an Syria
Yeah, I'm sure it's just a coincidence. *Yawn*
Anyone else feeling sleepy?
The fucker memed us hard
What's disappointing though is that Cred Forums is still furiously licking his ass
I see nothing wrong with dead russians. The more we kill now, the less we will have to kill later.
It's still better than Hillary, because Drumph will let us keep our guns, and he does have the economy raging, which means jobs for all, including us hated whites.
But yeah he promised so much more.....He basically ran on an alt-right platform, and once in office he gave us another cuck Israel serving Bush nothing more.
Shut up you fucking jew go back where you cam from and never use the word "we" here, unless you are talking about you and your Kibbutz pals.
Because fuck russia, I guess.
This. MAGA in the making people. It's only been a little over a year.
Russian detected.
Hey Ivan, do you recognized this zinky?
You are my enemy, not Russians. I will stand with my Christian pals against you yids in any battle.
I agree on the guns, thankfully he's not being swayed by the media pressure.
And he is also standing up against this "all whites are evil" psyop.
But the economy is still shit. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
muh stock market is not an argument, it's gonna come crashing down. Trump is an idiot for owning it.
He's not going after anyone big.
And he's doubling down in Syria and angling for new war with North Korea and Iran.
Honestly I think he's only being mild towards Russia because of the stupid fake >muh Russia scandal at home. If that wasn't tied around his neck, I have a feeling he'd be as hostile to them as Obama was.
You're obviously stupid lol
>muh russians
>muh iranians
Toppest of keks my simple minded friend. I am no kike. White land owner infact. And every red blooded American hates both russians and kikes. Grow up.
>Explain to me why we support this neocon again?
Solely because the libtards hate him
So it's about personality, not substance?
The same way liberals supported Obama no matter what he actually did?
Got it.
>Solely because the libtards pretend to hate him
Convincing us there was any difference between the Libtards and Trump was their greatest scam.
He ran on all that pro-Russian platform, and POW soon as he got into office, he transformed into a 100% anti-Russian shill just like all the rest of Jew's pawns.
He ran on keeping Muslims out, got in office and from day one he lets' them all in, flooding in like all the rest of the Jews pawns in office.
Tell me where you are I'll make sure Putin sends the first couple nukes to you.
>for trying to fight ISIS
I didn't realize "fighting ISIS" meant skulking into SDF territory to seize an oilfield
How is what Russia is doing in Syria good for the Russian people? How is what Iran is doing in Syria good for the Iranian people?
Oh no!
Not the poor beautiful Slavic and Persian babies!
Anything but that!
>Russian people?
No such thing.
ive seen this shill post one three different occassions in the past 15 minutes. fucking trumpshills are the worst
He started the Great Chicago Fire, too.
OP is a gigantic faggot
>How is what Russia is doing in Syria good for the Russian people?
Russia can either fight in Syria now, or fight on their home soil later, with one key friend gone (Syria). If a thief is going through your home room to room killing your children one by one, do you wait until he gets to your room before you act?
How is what Iran is doing in Syria good for the Iranian people? Same thing. Iran can fight now, before their enemy (Israel/ISIS/Saud/USA) gets to their borders, or wait until their last friend Syria is gone, and fight alone.
Russia and Iran would have to be stupid and self-destructive not to fight in Syria now. Especially Russia's wimpness to allow Israel and us to bomb Syria is really disappointing.
You are now a murderer little Donnie, a murderer!
There's lots of killers out there, do you think we are so innocent?
I'm sure he would try, like his mercenaries tried. Putin just kicked off WWIII and got his special forces bitch slapped by glorious American artillery. Shredded to pieces is how their next of kin is describing them. Putins so embarrassed he won't even admit they're his. It's beautiful.
Literally 5 mercs died a dozen got injured
You really are pathetic.
hi ridf you can keep trying but your shilling attempts and meme flags are weak
90% chance at canadian though
Send the retaliatory nukes to wherever ((((this guy)))) is
If (((we))) did hit any Russians, I would hate to think Putin would just take it and do nothing? WTF?
why did he murder the russians? i thought he was colluding with them to overthrow the Clinton regime.
This guy sucks at war.
Why do you care about shit hole countries over your own, are you not a patriot? Or is the only freedoms you care about are guns and drugs?
Hold up, special forces? Mercs are a dime a dozen, and they had no air support which is the main reason why so many allegedly died.
First they got flattened by mortar strikes, not even real arty, then the Apaches came in and cleaned them up. At least try to be semi-informed when flattening these ruble grabbing shills.
>kills Russians
>people think he is a Russian puppet
is dis dah fouree dee chezz?
that guy removed isis (US/Israel allies). drumpfy just shitposts on twitter
>Liberal fake news
Drumpf is a Racist Rapist Russian!
>Rightwing retard fake news
le God Emperor MAGAMAN is a patriot playing 4D chess to take out da criminals in da deep state! *claps*
Both narratives are designed to distract you from the truth
Trump is an Israeli agent facilitating the Greater Israel plan, and using American blood and taxpayer money to do it, even if it starts WW3
If you think for one second they just takes guys off the street for contracting jobs then your either a shill or a retard. Blackwater is exclusively made up of special forces. I can't imagine putin giving the go ahead to morons. These guys were pros and didn't expect USMC artillery. Think about it for a minute, he's been having his pilots buzz US ships to test the waters. This was no different, untill it was. You won't be seeing anymore of thay shit, no doubt.
>Trump is an Israeli agent facilitating the Greater Israel plan, and using American blood and taxpayer money to do it, even if it starts WW3